ተጋጊኻ ዶክተር ኣቢይ
07/11/2018 ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ) ተጋጊኻ ዶክተር ትህወኽ ኣለኻ ሓቂ መሲሉካ እምብዛ ጎይኻ ኩሉ በጺሕካዮ የማኑ ጸጋሙ መሓዙት ጌርካዮም ህዝቢ ዝጠለሙ ድሮ ንኢሳያስ ሓለቓ ጌርካዮ ናይ ልቡ ሰሚዑ ኪር-ኪር ኣቢልካዮ መንገዲ ረኺቡ ወዮ መታለሊ ካልእ ሕልሚ ’ይብሉን ንሳ’ዩ ዝደሊ ተጋጊኻ! ንጒሆ ብዓንተቦ መለስ

ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ)
ተጋጊኻ ዶክተር ትህወኽ ኣለኻ
ሓቂ መሲሉካ እምብዛ ጎይኻ
ኩሉ በጺሕካዮ የማኑ ጸጋሙ
መሓዙት ጌርካዮም ህዝቢ ዝጠለሙ
ድሮ ንኢሳያስ ሓለቓ ጌርካዮ
ናይ ልቡ ሰሚዑ ኪር-ኪር ኣቢልካዮ
መንገዲ ረኺቡ ወዮ መታለሊ
ካልእ ሕልሚ ’ይብሉን ንሳ’ዩ ዝደሊ
ንጒሆ ብዓንተቦ መለስ ከሊኡዎ
‘ተደሌኻ ድሕረይ ሃሰስ በላ ’ልዎ
እንታይ ገዲሱዎ ደም ዝኸፈልናሉ
ኰርዩ ዝነበረ ሰይጣን ፍሽኽ ኢሉ
እዚ ኹሉ ጒያ እዚ ኹሉ ቅድድም
ኣግህድ ኣቢሉዋ ሚስጢራዊት ፊልም
እዚኣ’ያ ነይራ ተቐቢራ ’ብ ከብዱ
ሆሊ-ዉድ ኢሳያስ ዕዳጋ ወሪዱ
ተጋጊኻ! እምበር ጌጋ!
ኣንታ ዶክተር ኣቢይ ትኽእል ሰንኪትካ
ክሽነ ኢሳያስ ግርም ሰሊጡካ
ንስሳ ዓመታት ኣእዳዉ ነዲዱ
ኣርሲኑ ሂቡካ መጎጎ ኣጒዱ
ግብዣ ተቐሪብካ ብላዕሊ ብታሕቲ
ጽሩይ መሲሉካ ናይ ህግደፍ ብያቲ
ህጻናት ኣጥሚዩ ብላዕ ’ተበለካ
ክንደይከ ትጭክን ስቕ ኢልካ ኮሊስካ
ተጋጊኻ! ጸላኢና ’ጋገ
ንህዝቢ ጠሊምካ ንህግደፍ ክትፈቱ
ፍቕሪ ናይ ዕቡዳት ህውከት ንምሸቱ
ወዮ ዲሞክራሲያ ’ታ ዝጀመርካያ
ፓሳጆ ምስ ከድካ ድሮ ረሲዕካያ
ህግደፍ መሲሉካ ፍቕሪ ሰብ ዝዓጅቦ
መጽሓፍ ናይ ወያኔ ተመሊስካ ’ምብቦ
የዕሩዂቱ ’ዮም ነይሮም ኩሎም ተጋደልቲ
ገይም ኦቨር ኢሉ ገይሩዎም ጸላእቲ
ተጋጊኻ! ጌጋ ተበሉኹምከ
ፍቕሪ ናይ ኢሳያስ ክንደይ ዘየድከመ
እንታይ ድዩ ትርጒሙ ውግእ ናይ ባድመ
ህግደፍ ጠፊኡካ ግርምቢጥ ሓዳሩ
እከይ ግብሪ ’ኮዩ ምስሑ ድራሩ
ንስኻ፡ ወዮ ዶብ ይተዐቀን ትብል
ንሱ ክአ ’ስመራ ጸዊዑካ ጽምብል
ኣወል ቀሪቡልካ ምስናይ በረካ
ጽባሕ ድሕሪ ጽባሕ የስትየካ ዳካ
ተጋጊኻ ደክተር!
ቀሊል መሲሉካ ናይ ኤርትራ ቃልሲ
ሓዋዊስካዮ’ኮ ጒዕዞ ደሞክራሲ
ኣውሎ ናይ ኢሳያስ ሓቂ ከይመስለካ
እታ ዝጀመርካያ ምፍጻም ’ሕሸካ
ክትቅደደካ’ያ ስረ እንተጽቢብካያ
ክትዕንቅፈካ’ያ ዝነውሐት ጀለብያ
መልኣኽ ይሕሸካ ንሰይጣን ኣይትእመን
ምስ ኢሳያስ ፍቕሪ ምድቃስ ምስ ተመን
ተጋጊኻ ዶክተር!
ሞት’ኮ ኣይተርፍን’ዩ ጽባሕ ድሕሪ ጽባሕ
ታሪኽ ኣይትጸይቕ ዘይከውን ኣይትስራሕ
ምስ ህዝቢ ’ሕሸካ ዋናታት ኤርትራ
ሽዑ ተርክበሉ መሶብ ናይ ’ስመራ
ድሙቕ መሲሉካ ናይ ኢሳያስ ሕብሪ
ክብለለካ’ዩ ከይሰጎምካ ስድሪ
ፍሕት ከይጀመርካ ምስ ህግደፍ ትስለፍ
ተጋጊኻ ’ለኻ ግደፍ ድኣ ግደፍ
ተጋጊኻ ’ምበር ኣየናይ ጌጋ’ሞ!
ኣብ ስዓት ምእካሉ ጽሓይ ዕራርቦ
ክስልበጠካ’ዩ ትንፋስ ኣይትሃቦ
ዓቕሉ ጸቢቡዎ ተሃብሂቡ ልቡ
ነቶም ዝኣሰሮም ከርክቦም ቀሪቡ
ጓጒድ ማይ ወድአ ዝሃረፈ ጸባ
ሕማምዶ ’ሕሸካ ሕማም ናይ ቍሩምባ
ዓሻ ሰሪሑካ ’ዚ እከይ መጋብር
ንጒሆ-ንጒሆ ’ኮዩ አዕሩዂቲ ዝቕይር
ተጋጊኻ ዶክተር!
ኣብ እዋኑ ንጒሆ ግርም ተመርዒኻ
ዓርኪ ርእሲ ’ንደሞ ምሸት ተጋጊኻ
በቃ ረሲዕካዮ ታሪኽ ናይ ኤርትራ
ሆየ ናይ ጀጋኑ ሃልሃልታ ናይ ሰውራ
እንታይ ይዓብሰልካ ምስ ህግደፍ ዘረባ
ዕቋር ማይ ዘይብሉ ንማለቱ ሩባ
የብልካን ዲዩ ወረ ናይ በጊዕ ምስላ
እንታይ ከም ዝዀነ ዕርክነት ምስ ተዂላ
ዶክተር ኣይተላግስ ኣይትርሓቕ ካብ ሕጊ
“ክንደይ ዓቐብ ’ሞ ዘይጠረጠት ኣድጊ”
ኩሉ እንዳደረፈ ጸደፈ-ጸደፈ
ጋቢ ተወንዚፍካስ ገረብ ቆንጠጠፈ
ምስ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰላም ተሓሲምካ
ምዕጒርቲ ሰይጣን ንምንታይ ሃሪፍካ
ዘይወርድ ክትቅንጥብ ናይ ኢድካ ትድርቢ
ሕማም ከይለግበካ ደቒቕ ዘየጸቢ
ተጋጊኻ! ሕማቕ መዓልቲ
ምስ እግሪ ዘይብሉ ወዳቒ ጒልሻ
ጻሕልኻ ክትሰብር ዶክተር ኣንታ ዓሻ
ወዮ ምጹጽላይ ጻቕጣይ ሓኽሊ ድሙ
ንመጀመርትኡ ንዓኻ ስዒሙ
ዶክተር መሲሉካ ቀሲንካ ተዕርፍ
ሎሚ ኩዳ ስብራ ጽባሕ ክኣ ወንጭፍ
ኣይሰማዕካን ዲኻ ናይ ህግደፍ ሕልፎት
ሰማዒት እዝኒ’ያ መሰታ ቀዳሞት
ተጋጊኻ! ኣይንዓሎ ኢዩ ዘብል
እዚኣ ’ንተኾይና ናትካ ደሞክራሲ
ከሳሲ ዘይብላ ዋላ ተኸሳሲ
ንሳ ከይትኸውን ትብሃል ዴስነት
ቀደም ዘይነበረት ሎሚ ዝተጻሕፈት
ዶክተር ተጋጊኻ ቁሩብ ሕሰበሉ
ህግደፍ ጻድቕ ኢልካ እኮ መስኪርካሉ
ወድ-ሰብ ዘይፈልጦ ገለ ’ለካ ብልሓት
ናትካ’ያ ’መስለኒ መንግስተ ሰማያት
ተጋጊኻ ዋእ!
ምስ’ዚ ጽሉል ህግደፍ ጒያ ደሊኹማ
ቀደም ረፋዕ ኢሉ ዝነፈሰ ጎማ
ናይ ብሓቂ ዲኹም ምስ ህግደፍ ክትዓዩ
በሉ እምኒ ’ንዲድኩም ጓህሪ ተጸበዩ
ዘይነበረ ቀደም ቡን ሰቲኻ ’ይትስከር
ትኽስ ኢልካ ’ለኻ ዶክተር ተበራበር
ታሪኽ ከይመስለካ ሬሳ ተቐባሪ
ዘይነቐጸ ደምና ዘልኣለም ነባሪ
ተጠጂኡ ነይሩ ናይ ኣንድነት ገንኢ
እንጉይ-እንጉይ ኰይኑ ተዓዲሙ ዝብኢ
ብላዕ ስተ ኰይኑ ኣብ ናይ ምድማር ዳስ
ሃዋርያ ንስኻ ክርስቶስ ኢሳያስ
ንሌባ ዝፈትሑ ንቕኑዕ ዝኣስሩ
ጸግኑ ዘይፈልጡ ብዘይካ ስበሩ
ክንዲ ፊደል ሀ-ሁ ዝምህሩ ምትኳስ
መርድእ ዝብርሆም ኣብ ክንዲ ምድባስ
ዶክተር ኣቢይ…
ፖለቲካ ዓለም ዕቁብ ከይመስለካ
ዕጭ ውድቕ ትጽበ ኣዋጽእ ኣቢልካ
ጥዑም-ጥዑም ትብል ፍንጃል ተዓዲልካ
ቍጸር ሓደ ክልተ ደምር ዝመጸካ!!!!
ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ)
Deglel July 13, 2018
WE have an old saying in tigrigna:- “SaErin libin endaHadere yiAbi”.
Unfortunately, for this lousy writer his libi/heart endaHadere zimishmish.
What a waste of time to write this garbage poem posing as a concerned Eritrean.
You bloody harvest what you sow is true – planted your evil gedli and ELF Islam poison and just swallow your garbage.
Gezae July 13, 2018
ረድኢ ክፍለ (ባሻይ)
You are worthless spending your whole life behind the screen for nothing. Even though you have been tried several times to be crackerjack, you are simply unavailing person. We were all ELF members. We have bad and good feeling any way we are not hate mongered Eritreans like you are, I know you are writing a lot of abominable.poems here; however, if you think those odious poems make passionate citizen, you are really a daffy man. Comprehend we Eritrean are longing peace and reconciliation than ever or any time NOW and NOW..
Sol July 13, 2018
Gezae, if you live for 1000 years you will not be equal to the shoes of Radee.
Gezae July 13, 2018
Let it be if live for 2000 years I will not be equal to the shoes of Radee. But Radee and you your self if you live 1000000 years wiii be the shoes of PIA too. HADEMTI
Danilo July 13, 2018
ኩቡር ሓው ገዛኢ፡ካብ ከዳሚ ሃዳሚ ይሓይሽ ምበልኩኻ ።ካብ ምልከ ውልቂ ምስጋና ወይ ጉንዖ ህዝባዊ ሽም ምመረጽኩልካ፡ግን ሽምካ ከም ሺምካ ሕማቅ ስም ተመሪጹልካ።ኣደኻ ወይ ኣቦኻ ርገም።ጸላኢና ይግዛእ መን ክዋረዶ፡ተደመር ጥራይ!!!…..እንተ ደሊኻ ያ’መቀፈል ።
Yitbarekh July 13, 2018
Danilo evil Islamico Dracula, the clueless and the unstable savage desert snake, you bloody seem to be dazed as usual, are you missing your nomad goats??
meretse July 13, 2018
ሙሴ ገይርዎ ኢልካ ትምኒት ኣሎኒ
ሃሰስ እንተበልካስ መሓዛካ ግኒ
ፈርዖን ደኣ ካብ መኣስ የሳግር
ፍቅሪ እናበልካ ሰብ ኣይተደናግር
Yitbarekh July 13, 2018
Keshi Kushet meretse/fesewe crap,
Have you heard about, “SiraH ziseane sarto/sefay kidan like yourself, kidanu fetiHu yisefiy!!!!
You remind me of him – the useless garbage sarto/sefay kidan – kidanu fetiHu/kedidu zisefiy!!
Bloody the evil awate.islam taliban terrorists were right to dump you mercilessly.
Mesfin July 14, 2018
Haw Yitbarekh,
I have also heard in Amharic saying: “Sira yaTa Menkosiye KiTun yimezinal”,
roughly translated in English: “Unemployed monk weighs up his manhood”. Well, something like that, out of boredom playing or messing with his main parts.
But, I like more your tigrigna old saying but I believe it was meant for the Moslems.
Yitbarekh July 14, 2018
Thank you brother Mesfin,
I love your Amharic one too, it beautifully fits with Keshi Kushet meretse. But what you don’t understand about our meretse/fesewe crap (Weyzero Meretset Asmelash) is that he doesn’t have any real main parts or balls.
You see brother Mesfin, this criminal barbaric and evil Islamic ELF/Jebha mendef Fedayin lost all his main part/balls in an Afghan taliban/jihadi wars a long time ago (may be he was not born with one either)!!!! But, he’ll definitely be awarded a larger one when he meets up in a diKala Islamic HELL with his old lavita/criminal partner Halima for his evil
and loyal services to his evil allah.
Gezae July 13, 2018
General Douglas MacArthur said, “The Soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.” It’s probably true that soldiers pray for peace more intensely than any one else. Sure personally know it they suffer more when a soldier’s body is ripped to pieces and each suffers horrific trauma, in different ways.
But, I don’t think that is always true. The deepest wounds and scars of war are borne by the families and loved ones of soldiers who sacrifice their lives. From parents to spouses to fatherless and motherless children; they are the ones who suffer the most. Men lose sons, brothers, fathers. In addition to my mother losing a son, my sister losing a brother, I lost a brother and my father lost a son. So we don’t count?
Brothers and sisters I believe we all pray for peace and reconciliation if not equally proportional because at some extend we all suffered by the wars and no war and no peace. So we should not to wait for peace and reconciliation.
My Prayer for Peace, Reconciliation and Justice
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
We come before you, Lord,
crying out in a violent land,
crying for peace and reconcillation.
Conflict, war is tearing our people apart.
Our brothers and sisters suffer around the world.
We share their pain.
As refugees search for a home in foreign lands, guide them.
As our leaders try to dialogue peacefully, give them wisdom.
As strangers knock on our doors, help us to welcome them.
You are the Almighty, the Prince of Peace, Reconcillation and Justice!
Give us hope for today and tomorrow.
May your peace flow like a river through a dry lands.
Yitbarekh July 14, 2018
Thank you brother Gezae for your beautiful and timely prayer of peace.
Indeed, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen to all your prayers.
However, how do we translate it to your former barbaric evil Islamic ELF/Jebha mendef savage criminal beasts??? They don’t bloody understand/comprehend about peace, friendship, love and reconciliation, they are soaked with blood and are still bloodsucking beasts who were trained to be savages for life by their barbarian Arab and fascist Italian slave masters.
k.tewolde July 13, 2018
Amazing Bashai,you can’t condense and package the current situation in a poem better than this.It is a masterpiece.I want to add something though,Dr.Ahmed knows what he is doing,he is not oblivious who he is dealing with and his track record,remember somebody put up billions into this ‘big show’ the dynamic duo are under pressure to perform their best,one approaches it with the intent to bring peace among brotherly nations,the other dodging the bullet,showing his survival skills one more time,the poor people are simply spectators watching the actors with shock and awe,awaiting anticipating how this drama will unfold.Thanks Bashai for gracing this medium with your stupendous work.
Yitbarekh July 13, 2018
Another bojbaj HADAMI pussycat.
You are not impressing or fooling us with your borrowed big/fake English words!!!
Our biggest regret/sadness and disappointment is that the courageous/brave EPLF/TPLF forces didn’t chop you into small mince meat but may be they saw you too filthy and worthless shit.
k.tewolde July 14, 2018
I am not here to impress or fool anyone,just expressing my view like everybody,you can agree or disagree with me civilly,that is what an open and democratic society looks like,however people like you don’t come from that kind of school, the sludge which oozes from you mouth proves it.Can you imagine a society full of characters like you? guess who will preside?you read my mind.
Yitbarekh July 14, 2018
Wedi Komarit – Wedi Hirkam asshole, barbaric evil Islamic ELF/Jebha mendef whore mouth, I admire your ambition. But, seeing your incoherence, I suggest you bloody start by going to night school with your crippled evil ELF beggar’s wheelchair or alternatively ask your savage evil muslim terrorist (mainly your savage Rashaidas & Bedowuins wishimatatika) to give you private tuition. But I am worried, if you choose the latter option, you might turn into a full blown clone. Your savage evil muslim Rashidas and Bedowuins as your partners in trafficking and other crimes should be really suppling you with proper anesthetics. Rot in your diKala Islam HELL where you bloody belong, wedi Am,ate Komarit.
Yitbarekh July 14, 2018
correction: please read as Wedi Amate Komarit.
Godaif July 14, 2018
ካብ ሰላም ዝዓቢ የለን። ንህዝቢ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ድማ እንኳዕ ሓጎሰካ እብል። እዚ ናይ መራሕቲ ሰላም ጥራይ ኣይኮነን፣ እንታይ ደኣ ሰላም ናይ ክልተ ሃገራትን ህዝቢ። ካብ ኢትዮጵያ ንኤርትራ ትቐርባ ሃገር የላን ፣ንኢትዮጵያ ካብ ኤርትራ ትቐርባ ሃገር የላን። ኣብ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ፤ ብሄራት ዓፈር ሳሆ ኩናማ ቢለን ትግርኛን ካለኦትን ኣለዉ። ኢትዮጵያ ዋና ሃይማኖታታ ኣስላምን ክርስትያንን እዮም ፣ ልክዕ ከም ኤርትራ። ከምዚ ርክብ ኣብ የመን ሱዳን ጅቡቲ ስዑድያ ፈጺሙ የለን። ስለዚ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ሓደ ቤተሰብ ውን እዩ።
ከምዚ ዓይነት ሕውነታዊ መግለጺ ኣብ ታሪኽ ኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን ተራእዩ ተሰሚዑን ኣይፈልጥን እዩ (እሞ ቪድዮ ረኣዩ ክትኣምኑ) ፤ ይበል የቐጽል።
ንዶር ተስፋጽዮን መዳህነ፣ በረከት ሃብተስላሴ ፣ ነዚ ቅድሚ ሰብ ስለዝተተምብይዎ ዝለዓለ ምስጋና ይብጽሓዮም።
ካብ ኩሉ ንላዕሊ ግና ንመሪሕነት ህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ ምስጋና ይግበኦ።
ሰላምን ፍቕርን ንኤርትራን ኢትዮጵያን።
ኣብዚ ኢትዮጵያ ብዙሕ ተወንጭፋ ስለዘላ ዮሃና ንህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያ።
Awayat July 18, 2018
Yes brother
The writer is reminding us the decorated beautiful camel we saw on ETV was belonged to the writer
Anonymous July 16, 2018
Every is intaitled to hid opinion. You might or against but calling names isn’t an Eritrean culture. You are true enemies of this nation that came through bloodshed.