ተመስገን ፌጋቶ
ተመስገን ፌጋቶ ያኢ ጽላል ክትኮኖ ተጎዝጒዙ ኣባኻ መታን ክገላገል ካብ ናይ ጭንቀት ካባ ናባኻ እንተሃደመ ናባኻ ኣብ ጥርሙስ ሕነ ሓፋሽ ፈዲኻ ኣቢልካዮ ሕምስ ርምስ ኣባኻ ተሓብኡ መሲልካዮ ዋልታ ደም ጀጋኑ ረሲዕዎ ከምዘሎዎ ዒሕታ ፍርቂ ዘመን ኮይኑ ድቃስ ካብ ዝስእን ደም ንጹሃት ኣሕዋት ከሊእዎ

ተመስገን ፌጋቶ
ያኢ ጽላል ክትኮኖ ተጎዝጒዙ ኣባኻ
መታን ክገላገል ካብ ናይ ጭንቀት ካባ
ናባኻ እንተሃደመ ናባኻ ኣብ ጥርሙስ
ሕነ ሓፋሽ ፈዲኻ ኣቢልካዮ ሕምስ ርምስ
ኣባኻ ተሓብኡ መሲልካዮ ዋልታ
ደም ጀጋኑ ረሲዕዎ ከምዘሎዎ ዒሕታ
ፍርቂ ዘመን ኮይኑ ድቃስ ካብ ዝስእን
ደም ንጹሃት ኣሕዋት ከሊእዎ ምቅሳን
ኣንታ መስተ
ሰለይ እንዳበልካ ፈጢርካሉ ረጽሚ
ዘራይ ሓፋሽ ዄንካ ክዒኻሉ ስሚ
ካብ ሓይሊ ሰብ ግን ሓይልኻ በርትዑ
ንብዱል ህዝቢ ርኢዩስ ንጋኒን ቐጺዑ
ነዚ እኩይ ፍጥረት ጋኒን ናይዛ ምድሪ
ብብድዔ ልሳኑ ጥራሕ ኣይሃብካዮን ዕምሪ
ዕምሩ ኣሕጺርካዮ ደፊእካሉ ዉዑይ
ደገፍቱ ሓሪሮም ኣቢልካዮም ኡይኡይ
ሓዊ ዘሪእካላ ነታ ጸላም ልቡ
ሓሞቱ ኣፍሲስካያ ኣንዲድካያ ከብዱ
ኣድኒቐካ ኣልኮል ሰራሒ ፌጋቶ
ጸሊም ተመን ቀቲልካ ዉፉር ደሓን እቶ
ሂወት ዘይብልካ ክነስኻ
ሂወት ኣፍዑት ተቃጽል ብስቓይ
ሓሞቱ ኣፍሲስካያ ኣቢልካዮ ዋይዋይ።
ሰላምይንገስ (ወዲደባስ)
Berhane November 11, 2015
Elelelelelelelelel!!! Teum Semeina!! Teum yesemekum!!! Anta Elilil bela Adetat hafash hezbi dekom be Essayas zetehadekin. Natun meseltun emo ab America ena en Europan yemaheru alewu deki eziom adi temelisom nay abotatum menber ke worsu.!!! Elel nebel mot naay zi dictator haki entekoynu!!! Yigberlelki Eritrea!!! Yigberlelki Eritrea!!! Yigberlelki Eritrea!!!
Temesgen Fegato…………Sala beal Wodi Gerewoynan Hagos Kishan entay sieunu zisete segab eza Kebdu teferes!!!!
kibrom November 11, 2015
ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ነቶም ምስ ሽፍታ ኢሳያስ ወጊኖም ክቐትልዎን ክጭፍጭዎን ዝጽንሑ ህግደፉውያን ብስርዓት ክጸባጸቦም ይግባእ።
Negusse. November 11, 2015
ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ጊዜ አይትብላዕ ተጠርነፍ፣ተወደብ፤ተቐረብ፤
አምላኽ ይክለኹም ኢሉና እዩ።
hailino November 11, 2015
Around 2001, while I was in the army(national service); I was discussing this issue of drinks. I asked a fighter I respect and trust how the so many fighters, especially with higher ranks could afford their every day consumption of whisky and similar expensive drinks.
His reply was, do not worry about that, instead we have to collectively buy them more so that they can go to hell early.
This well said poem reminds me that conversation.
Thanks Temesgen!!!
Amare REsom November 11, 2015
Breaking News. Isayas Afewerki has been ‘Welcomed in Hell and Embraced by Satan.’ He has presented his progress report to his mentors; Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Machiavelli
selamawit2 November 12, 2015
“hailino” aka “Amare REsom”, you did not reach the big aim (confusing people) but at least the small one:
You managed to wait more than 10 minutes between 1. trey and the 2. try. all in all 11 long minutes. WOW! lol
(But this ill dictator will vanish soon anyway.)
Genet-orginal November 11, 2015
What a great poem. This is how you tell a story.
Well done.
aus 17 November 13, 2015
It’s not fun, you took my time, my youth, my hope, my Dream, you kill all of it. I cry for the lost of age, digging ditches, guaring illusionary enemy self created yo keep me checked, my heart burn to remember my aging fATHER, MOTHER, HOPING SISTER AND OUR COMMON FUTURE.i CRY AND CRY AND CRY….. YET TO SEE THE LIGHT….LEFT ALONE IN AGONY.
aus 17 November 13, 2015
A ghost on his own right, what would Naizghi Kiflu suggest, did they meet?
ዩራኔም-235 November 14, 2015
I can’t believe that an individual who happened to be a college expelled, leads and can bring a whole country to ground. For those of you who can read English (not necessarily understand it), what in the bloody world is wrong with you?
aus 17 November 14, 2015
failed in univisity frersh year, failed to lead the party, and failed to lead the nation, definitely will fail to please his Gud, how would he motivate all the killings, and imprisonments? Just by one theory:because of the mogogo and left free all my ambitions of killing and destrying any thing from the ground. Good enough because almost all the EPLF believed in that philosofy: I hope we all learned some thing out of this fallacy!!!!!