ቦኽሪ ርክብ መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ኣብ ከተማ ፍራንክፈርት
22.10.2016 መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ኣብ ሃገር ጀርመን ዝነብሩ ብኣካል ተራኺቦም ነንሕድሕዶም ክፋለጡን ኢሂን ምሂን ተበሃሂሎም ከኣ ክመያየጡን ንዘኽእሎም ኲነታትን ሃዋህውን ንምፍጣር ድሕሪ ናይ ሓያሎ እዋን ውረድ ደይብ ሓሳባት እነሆ ከልብን መዓልትን ከይጸዋዕካዮም ይመጹ ተባሂሉ ብኣበው ኣቦታትና

መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ኣብ ሃገር ጀርመን ዝነብሩ ብኣካል ተራኺቦም ነንሕድሕዶም ክፋለጡን ኢሂን ምሂን ተበሃሂሎም ከኣ ክመያየጡን ንዘኽእሎም ኲነታትን ሃዋህውን ንምፍጣር ድሕሪ ናይ ሓያሎ እዋን ውረድ ደይብ ሓሳባት እነሆ ከልብን መዓልትን ከይጸዋዕካዮም ይመጹ ተባሂሉ ብኣበው ኣቦታትና ከምዝተመሰለ ኣብ ከተማ ፍራንክፈርት ብዕለት 22.10.2016 ብዘደንቕ ኣገባብ ብቡዙሓት ደቂ ተባዕትዮን ደቂ ኣንስትዮን መተዓብይቲ ዝተረኽቡዎ ተሳተፍነት ብዓጀባ ደሚቑን ከቢሩን ውዒሉ።
እቲ ኣኼባ ብዝኽርን ጸሎትን ሰማዕታት ተኸፊቱ ቀጺሉ ተሳተፍቲ ናብ በተን ወዓሮ መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ኣብ ፍራንክፈርት ዝነብራ ዘዳለውኦ ኢድ ዘቆርጥም ሺሻይ መግቢ ካብቲ ቡፌ ቃሕ ዝበሎ መሪጹ ብምውሳድ ከብዲ ምላሽ ተመገበን ተዓንገለን።ዝስተ`ውን እንተኾነ ካብ ስዋ ዓድና ጀሚርካ ወይኒ ደቀምሓረ ከይተረፈ ኲሉ ዝጎደለ የለን።ኣብቲ ኣኼባ ብዙሓት ምሁራትን ሰብ ቅያ ተጋደልቲ ከም በዓል ታረቀ በራኺ ብምንባሮም ዝያዳ ሚዛንን መዓርግን ሂቡዎ።ንሱ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ እቶም ወናማት ደረፍትን ተጻወትን ሙዚቃ ብወደባት ደቀምሓረ ነጋሽ መሓመድ ብርሃን ዝእለዩ ክሳዕ ወጋሕ ትበል ለይቲ ነቲ ህዝቢ ብምዝንጋዖም ዓቢ ድምቀትን ግርማን ኣልቢሶምዎ እዮም።እቲ ዳስ ብዝተፈላለዩ ስእልታት ደቀምሓረ ተሰሊሙን ተወቂጡን ኢዩ።ሓደ ካብቶም ተሳተፍቲ መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ብወንን ብርቱዕ ዝኽርን ተደሪኹ ዝሞተ እንተሞተ እቶም ዘለና ንዛተ ክብል ምስቶም ሙዚቀኛታት ተወኃሂዱ“ እንታይሞ `ታይሞ እዛ ዓለምዚኣሞ“ እንዳበለ ብፍላይ ነቶም ሰማዓታት መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ብምዝካር ንኹሎም ተሳተፍቲ ልቦም መሲጡን ተንኪፉን።ቀጺሉ ከኣ ተሳተፍቲ ኣኼባ ካብ መንጎኦም ንባህልን ልምድን ኣቦታትና ተኸቲሎም ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ከተማታት ናይ ጀርመን ዝቕመጡ መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ነዚ ሓድሽ ምጥርናፍ ኣማእኺሎም ክመርሕዎን ከካይድዎን ዝኽእሉ ሰባት መሪጹ ቆጽሊ ኣውዲቑሎም።
ነዚ ቦኽሪ በዓል ርክብ መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ኣብ ፍራንክፈርት ጀርመን ንምትብባዕን ንዝያዳ ዕብየቱን ዝተመነዩ ብዙሓት ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ክፍለ ዓለማትን ሃገራትን ብስልኪ ደዊሎም ከምኡ`ውን ብስካይ ተጠቒሞም ኣብቲ ኣደራሽ ሰናይ ትምኒቶምን ሓጎሶምን ገሊጾም።
ናይ ሰነድ ጽሑፍ ኣቕራቢ
ኣንገሦም ገ/ዮውሓንስ
Andom G/Hiwet October 24, 2016
ayenay SeneK nay deqemehae iKum tzareblu zelekum, deqemehare Akele-Guzay weys deqemehare Hamsien? Y´Thanx
ዮሃንስ October 25, 2016
ደቀምሓረ እንጋናኣ ንኡስ ዞባ። ኣከለጉዛይ እዩ ይመስለኒ።
ኣርዓዶም October 24, 2016
እዚ ብኣውራጃ ንፈትን ክብሃል ዝቀነየ ምትእኽኻባት ድዩ ! ጽቡቕ ፈትኑ፡ ብ ኣውራጃ ምትእኽኻብ ክብሃል ቐንዩ ነይሩ፣ ደቒ ኣከለጉዛይ ኣብ ጀርመን ደቒ ሰራይ ኣብ ስዊዝ ምትእኽኻባት ገይሮም። ስለምንታይ እንተበልካ፡ ዝያዳ ብደቒ ዓዲን ከባብን ንፋለጥ ስለዝኮነ ሽግር ምፍንጫል ኣይፈጥረልናን ኢዩ፡ ዝብሉ ምኽንያታት ኢዩ። እቲ ኩነታት ከይዱ ከይዱ ናበይ ከም ዘምርሕ ንዝንግዖ ኣይመስለንን፡ ማለት ወይ ጽቡቕ ወይ ክፉእ ክፈሪ ኢዩ። ጽቡቕ የፍርዮ፡
እቲ ካል ኣይ ስግኣታት ድማ፡ እዚ ምትእኽኻባት እዚ ናይ ጽልእን እንክሒራን ከይከውንን እቲ ዝመጽእ ወለዶ ሃገራዊ ሓሳብ ብ ኣውራጃዊ ሓሳብ ከይትክ ኦ ዘስግእ ኩነታት ኢዩ። ስለዝኮነ ምትእኽኻባት በቢ ኣውራጃ ኣይጽላእን ኢዩ ግን ኣብ`ቲ ንሓርነት ኣብ ዝግበር ተቓውሞታት፡ እንታይ ይፈጥር ቐስ ኢልካ ዝርአ ኩነታት ብምዅኑ ሕጂ ክንፈርድ ኣይንኽእልን።
ጽልእን ካልእ ዘየድልዩ ነገራት ኣብ ሞንጎ ኣውራጃታት ከየኸትል ግን ዓቢ ጥንቓቐ ክግበረሉ ጽቡቕ ነገር ኢዩ፡ በዚ መሰረት፡ ብሓደ ናይ ሃገር ጉዳይ ተጠርኒፍካ ኣንጻር ዓማጺ ክትቓለስ ከብዘይክኣልካ፡ እዚ ዘይተፈተነ ኣውራጃዊ ምትእኽኻባት ገርካ ምትርናፍ`ውን ሓደ ጽቡቕ ነገር ኢዩ።
k.tewolde October 24, 2016
Yes ,if it is a benign get together to enjoy the company of old buddies,we need more of them,I don’t mind throwing a party for my H.I.M Haile Sellasie sec. school class mates from Asmara if there is anyone left around.Damn! this a…hole ,he scattered us all over the world.
Habte October 25, 2016
ክቡር ሐው ዝሰደድካለይ መልእክቲ ተቀቢለያ የመስግነካ። ከምቲ ዝበልካዮ ኩነታትና ብርግጽ ዝተሐላለከ’ዩ ምክንያቱ፦
ኤርትራዊ ብሐፈሻ ብፍላይ ድማ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ እዚ ቃልሲ ናይ ሰብ ሕልና አብ ብድሌት ዝተሞርኾሰ’ዩ። እንተኾነ ጃህራን ሐሶትን ከም ዝቀትል ዘይፈልጡ ብርግጽ አተዓባብያ ዝበደሎም ከም ሃመማ አብ ዝጨኑ ቀልቀል ዝዓይነቱ ጥራሕ ዝዓስሉ ተንኾለኛታት ሕጂ ተጸምቢሮሙና አለዉ። ሎሚ ንኩሉና አብ ቃልሲ ዘለና ከመይ ናበይ ዓቢ ሕቶ’ዩ። አይንገረም ተቃላሳይ ህዝብና ሞራሉ እንተወደቀ መሬት’ውን ከምዓይኒ መርፍእ እንተጸበበ ክስገር ከቢድ ዋጋ ምክፋል’ዩ። እዋኑ እዋን ዝተሐብኡ ጸየቅቲ ዝወጽሉ፤ ዝተበደሉ ብጠቅላላ ዝከሐስሉ፤ ገበን ዝፈጸሙ ዝፍረድሉ ጊዜ ብቃልስና ብቃልሲ ውጹዓት ክመጽእ ብጽንዓት ምቅላስ እዩ። ብዓል ፓይሎት ይኩኑ ብዓል ፎሮ12 ካብ ተቃለስቲ እናተከወሉ አብ ድሕሪ ኾምፒተር ተሐቢኦም ክፍክሩ ዓበይቲ ጉዳያት እናልዓሉ ክምህሩና ወይ ክመርሑና ብድፍረት ዓገብ ሃየንታ’ዩ ክንብል አለና። ፈራሕ ሰብ ንርእሱ ዘይደፈረ ንካልኦት ንክቃለሱ ከድፍር አይክአልን። አብ ዓዲ ዲሞክራሲ እናተቀመጡ ሎሚ ዝሕብኡ ወይ ዝፈርሁ ናይቲ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ልኡኻት ወይ አገልገልቲ ጥራሕ እዮም ክንብል ብዓውታ እዋኑ’ዩ። አብ ሐቅን ቃልስን ተመርኹሽና ካብ ፍርሒ ንውጻእ። ብአካል ንትፈልጦ ሰብ ዘየእመንካ ወይ ዘይአመንካ ንዘይትፈልጦ ሰብ ክትአምን ወይ ከተእምን ዝክአል አይኾነን። ብተስፋ ዝቆረጹ ሕቡአት ምስ ገለ ገበነኛታት ተአካኪቦም ንህላውነትና ከም ህዝብን ሃገርን ዝፈታተኑ ተርእዮታት ይቀላቀሉ አለዉ። አጆኩም አጆና እጃምና ጥራሕ ንግበር ዘይወግሕ ለይቲ የልቦን። ክንዲ ዝወሰደ’ውን ይውሰድ ጸገማትና ክፍታሕ መሬት ክወግሕ ናይ ግድን’ዩ።
እዛ ጽሕፍቲ ሚዛንካ ሃበላ፤ መበገሲት ንክትዕ ክትከውን ንጀማዓት ሸር… እንተበልካያ’ውን ጽቡቅ እመስለኒ!!
GindaE October 25, 2016
You are what they call back home “tsemam hade derfu” or insane Habte loser.
How about our churches? Are we to have a Seraye Church, a Hamasien Church and Akele Church in order to identify enemies like Pilot & Foro 12?
Deki Mohammed and deki Halima negisat never have any problem of having different mosques or different regional gatherings in order to identify their enemies.
They say respect or reward is earned on hard work. Similarly, trust is earned on hard work and
unfortunately what is really missing on Eritrean politics is trust and honesty.
Once you get rid of the main cancer within Eritrea and Eritrean politics then everything else would be normal and rosy in Eritrea and also in our East African region.
We need to remove sooner than later the cancerous evil savage rootless lowland moslems who are fighting for a Jihadi evil moslem flag and Jihadi evil Islamic Eritrea with their few opportunist sold out useful idiot highlanders.
So try to get rid the main cause from its roots rather than worrying too much about the side effects that are coming from the wrong medications that you’d been taking and prescribed.
k.tewolde October 25, 2016
GindaE,you must have finished watching the video clip plastered allover meskerem.net.It is a timely video disseminated with the sole purpose to disrupt,and discredit the upcoming rally in New York.With that in mind,is there any jihadi with suicide belt marching and blowing up himself/herself in the streets of Asmara?or shooting innocent citizens point blank in broad daylight? Who is blowing this religious trumpet and for what purpose? and who is the audience consuming it? Be-careful what you wish for? The ‘mujahid’ who is maiming,killing,murdering,terrorizing,bulldozing,racketeering,selling,robbing humiliating…………..the Eritrean people is basking in adi halo and he has been putting out this religious propaganda for decades now to deflect the attention away from him,the sad thing is there is still an audience like GindaE gulping it after all this years.What does it take to get through the dura-matter of the Eritrean cranium?
k.tewolde October 25, 2016
cotinuation- a jackhammer? The tyrant broke apart the basic core unit of our society-the family that encapsulate our tradition,customs,beliefs,norms,morale……the children ended up scattered all over,in places they cannot even pronounce the name,what religion are you protecting,you can’t even protect the nest.The chicks are being snatched before they hatch.This little nation desperately needs a bald eagle to hover over her to protect the vulnerable.
AHMED SALEH !!! October 29, 2016
This sick person is hiding under the rug with multiple pen-names . No need to
give attention for known idiot .
Bereket T. October 25, 2016
Regionalism among the highland population in particular the Diaspora is becoming contagious illness to the extent of confusing the ruling regime’s atrocious acts as committed by a group hailing from one region (I’ve my Simonino G. friend in mind here!!). By the same token the cabal in power is charged as a protector and benefactor of one region and one alone. Certainly it is ludicrous assertion that can’t stand close scrutiny.
But the fact is regional;ism as a means of promoting ones narrow interest has been used in many occasions beginning in mid 1950 that is since the formation of the Federal State. The EPLF habitually used it for its own good. In the early 1970s it neutralized potential threat from more articulate individuals known as menkaA using precisely the ploy of regionalism.
We should be clear here, the EPLF then and now is composed of all ethnic groups, all major religious and denominations. Thus, it becomes of no concern to person or persons once organically attached to it to look beyond his immediate interest no matter how slanderous it is to his ‘tribe’ or ‘religious beliefs’.
Simonino G., I am writing this without touching or sniffing those special green plants of your Akeleguzay!!!!
Simon G. October 25, 2016
ደቂ ገዛ ባንዳ ወይ ማይ ተመናይ ተኣኪቦም ከዕልሉ ከም ሕማቕ ነገር ተዘይ ትቖጺሩ: ንምንታይ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ክእከቡ ከም ጸገም ዝቑጸር? ናይ ደቂ ዓድተከለዛን ክትእከብ ዝኽልክለካ ሰብ የለን በረኸት።
እቲ ወገንነት ትብሎ ድማ: ናታትኩም ናይ ህግደፍ ዩ። ን ፎሮ12 ጽን ኢልካ ስምዓዮ። ብዙሕ ክትመሃር ኢኻ። ቤላቤለው ገዲፍካ ክትሰምዕ: ከተንብብ ጀምር። እዚ ሕጋዊ ናይ ኮሎራዶ ቆጽሊ ሰጢልካ ምጽሓፍ ገደፍ በረኸት ነብሲ!
k.tewolde October 26, 2016
Bereket and Simon,two intelligent commentators live in rocky mountain high and golden state I believe,I have been following their back and forth posts in this medium,with all due respect,it is disheartening to the cause we are fighting for to get down and dirty to the bare minimum spat of akeleguzay vs hamasien,isn’t this the very tool which the tyrant has been using to divide us for years by painting this virtual picture of us vs them by appointing one from one region and shelving another,by smearing one’s name and promoting another,isn’t this old,rusty tactic of the tyrant which kept our ‘liberators’ paranoid against each other,to see it play out in one of the vanguard opposition medium among frequent decent guests is disappointing,it flatly feeds HGDEF’s appetite.We are better than that folks,lets gather and unite our people and show and lead them where their abusers are hiding.Victory to tomorrow’s people’s rally in the big apple.We shall overcome!
Awet October 26, 2016
kembeal Ginda E Zameselu resah hangol zelewo kalsi kemey gieru nkdmit kkeyd.Ertrawi bahryat keman yeblkan .ertrawi tekebabiru zkeyd ena nfelt .hangolka machelot kedka htsebo
Isack berhe October 26, 2016
ጽቡቅ ኣለካ ዝኮነ ናይ ኣከለ ጉዛይ ራአሶም ኢዩ ዘሕምሞም
ኣንገሦም ገ/ዮውሓንስ October 26, 2016
ኣንቱም ኣሕዋት እዚ እትብልዎን እትጽሕፉዎን ዘለኹም ብሓቂ ዘሕዝን ኢዩ።ኣብ ነንሕድሕድኩም ዘሎ ጽልእን ምጽራፍን ክበልየልኩም እግዚኣብሔር ብማይጮሎቱ ይምሓርኩም። ኩሉኹም ሓደ ካብ ሓደ ከይፈለኻ ብኣጻሓሕፋኹም ተልመደን ኮይኑ ዓናትር ኢንተርነት ትመስሉ።ካብዚ ኲሉ ህወተታ ክትድሕኑ ትርጉም ናይ ዓሌት፡ዓዲ ወረዳ፡ኣውራጃ ኣነጺርኩም እንተትፈልጡዎ ክንደይ ጽቡቕ ነይሩ።ንርእስኹም ተማሂርኩም ካብ ሕማም ዓጀውጀው ምተፈወስኩም።ኣብ ከተማ ደቀምሓረ ከምተን ኲለን ከተማታት ኤርትራ ብትውልዶም ሓማስየን፡ሰራዬ፡ከረን ተሰነይ መታሕት ከምኡ`ውን ሰምሃርን ደንከልን ትግራይን ኢዮም ብፍቕርን ሕውነትን ብሰላም ሓቢሮም ዝነብሩ ዝነበሩ።እቶም ዝፈረዩዎም ውላድ እምበኣር መተዓብይቲ ደቂ ደቀምሓረ ስለ ዝኾኑ ክራኸቡን ክመያየጡን መሰሎምን ሓላፍነቶምን ኢዩ።ስለዚ ኣውራጃውያንባ ወገናውያንባ እንዳበልኩም እነተዘይትመራኸሱን ጊዜኹም እንተዘይተጥፍኡን ይሓይሽ።
Teklay October 26, 2016
Did they also have a dekemher or akeleguzay band singing about ugly dirty akele guzay?
Brother Bereket you making good points and good sense but you are wasting your good time with animals
and dormats people of rusty akele guzay. Let them gather and talk about their rusty akele guzay & illnesses..