ብዋጋ ደም ሶርያውያን
ብ ኣወልኼር ዓ/ሓፊዝ ዓለም ሕቆኡ ሂቡና ፤ ኣብ 20 ክፍለ-ዘመን ክረኤ ብዘይትጽበዮ ናይ ምዕራብን ምብራቅን ምሽራው ብ MIGን F15ን ንድብደብ ኣብ ዝነበርናሉ ተካል እዋን፤ ካብቶም ኣብ ጎንና ደው ዝበሉን ንስውራ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘዔንገሉን ውሑዳት ሓደ ህዝቢ

ብ ኣወልኼር ዓ/ሓፊዝ
ዓለም ሕቆኡ ሂቡና ፤ ኣብ 20 ክፍለ-ዘመን ክረኤ ብዘይትጽበዮ ናይ ምዕራብን ምብራቅን ምሽራው ብ MIGን F15ን ንድብደብ ኣብ ዝነበርናሉ ተካል እዋን፤ ካብቶም ኣብ ጎንና ደው ዝበሉን ንስውራ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘዔንገሉን ውሑዳት ሓደ ህዝቢ ሶርያ`ዩ።
ኣብ 2011 ከምቲ ብዙሓት መናእሰይ ዓረብ ንለውጢ ሓፍ ዝበሉ፤ መንእሰይ ሶርያ`ውን ብጊደኡ ብጽፉፍ ሰላማዊ ምንቅስቃስ ንለውጢ ምስ ተላዕለ፤ እቲ ንዳርጋ ፍርቂ ክፍለ-ዘመን ንብጸላኢኡ ዝተዘምተ መሬቱ ንምምላስ ወስ ኢሉ ዘይፈልጥ፤ ንምውርራስ ስልጣን ዝተጓየ ስድራ-ቤት ኣሰድ፤ ነቲ ከም “ቅድመ-ግምባር” ተቆጺሩ ዝሸሞቶን ዝተሸመተሉን ኣጽዋር ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቡ ኣዝነቦ !
ብሰንኪ`ቲ ንጠለባት ህዝቡ ብጎነጽ ምግጣም ዝመረጸ ስርዓት እንዳ ኣስድ፤ ብረት ክጸውር ዝተገደደ ህዝቢ ሶርያ ኸኣ ንስርዓት ኣሰድ ኣብ ሓጺር እዋን ኣብ ዝተወሰነ ቦታታት ክድረት ገበረ`ሞ ስርዓት ኣሰድ ከኣ ኣብ ሃዋሁ ኮንካ መርዝን ተፈናጫሊ ፊስቶን ምዝራው ስርሔይ`ሉ ተተሓሓዞ።
ብመርዚ ወይ ብብረት ዘይሞተ ብሕማም ወይ ብጥምየት ክመውት ወይ ኣብ መንገዲ ስደት ንሞትን ሕየትን ከማዕዱ እንተዘይ ኮይኑ ካልእ ምርጫ ዘይብሉ ኮነ።ኣብ ቀዳማይ ደረጃ ብዝሒ ስደተኛታት ዓለም ተሰሪዑ ኸኣ ካልእ ፍልይ ዝበለ ዓይነት ስቃይ ከሕልፍ ጀመረ። እዚ ኹሉ ጸበባ ህዝቢ ሶርያ፤ እቲ ኹሉ ኣውያት ኣዕቆብቲ ስደተኛ፤ ብ ናይ ነፈርቲ እገዳ ዞና ወይ ንተቃወምቲ ጸሬ ነፈርቲ ኣዕጢቅካ ከብቅዕ ዝኽእል ክነሱ ምዕራብ ነዚ ምግባር ኣይደለየን !!
ናይ ምዕራብ ጸወታ ከምዚ`ሉ እንኮሎ፤ ሩስያ ሆየ ብዘለዋ ሓይሊ ንሶርያ ኣትያ ንህዝቢ ሶርያ ትህንኩቶ`ላ። ንገበና ዘንጠልጠለትሉ ታካባኖ ኸኣ ከም ሰባ “ደውላ እስላሚያ” ዝብል ኮይኑ እቲ ዝጭፍጨፍ ዘሎ ግና ህዝቢ ሶርያ ብምሉኡ`ዩ።
ንሩስያ ዘገድሳ ዘሎ ቀንዲ ጉዳይ፤ ብዋጋ ደም ሶርያውያን ኣብ ማእከላይ ምብራቅ ነቲ ቀደም ዝኸሰረቶ፤ ኣብ ዘመን ዙሑል ውግእ ዝነበራ ተራን ሰዓብትን ዝመስል ኩነት ኣጥሪኻ ምውጻእ`ዩ።
ዝኾነ ኾይኑ ዓበይቶም ነኣሽቶም፤ ክራኸቡ`ዮም ኢልካ ዘይትግምቶም ሸነኻት፤ ኣብ ደምን ሓመድን ሶርያ ጨፈቅፈቅ ይብሉ ኣለዉ። ካብቶም ዝኣተዉ ተዓዊቱ ዝወጽእ ሸነኽ የለን። ዓወት ዝበሃል ወይ ዝዕወት ክህሉ እንተኾይኑ፤ ሓንቲ ተዓዋቲት እታ ኣብ መድረኽ ብቀጥታ ዘይትረኤ ዘላ እስራኤል`ያ ዝብል ግምት ኣሎ። ጽባሕ ሶርያ ኩሉ ብግምት ዝረኤ`ዩ። ምኽንያቱ እቲ ዝፈስስ ዘሎ ደም ጽባሕ ዘብቅሎ (ዝፈጥሮ) ፍሉጥ ስለ ዘይኮነ።
ብዝተረፈ ዝተፈላለዩ ሸነኻት”ሓያላት” ንሰውራ ህዝቢ ሶርያ ዘዝጥዕሞም ኣቅጣጫን መልክዕን ንምትሓዙ ብዝገበርዎ ምትንዃል፡ ደሙ ክውሕዝ፤ ማሕበራዊ መትንታቱ ክበታተኽ ሃገራዊ ጥርናፌኡን ስምዒታቱን ክዝረግ፤ ጥንታዊ ስልጣኔኡን ታሪኹን ክመሖ እንኮሎ፤ ዋላ ከም ሰብ ጽቡቅና ረሲዕናዮም እንተኾይና ከም ሰብ ሓዘና ክንገልጸሎም ግቡእ`ዩ ። AAHafiz(193)30/10/2015
abrham November 1, 2015
you are right but how can we help until we don’t have nationality.We are eritreans who they don’t know right except duty to defend higdef
hefash November 1, 2015
nska hede trorisim eika entay amxow bzaba sorya kabzom issi dika
sami November 1, 2015
AHMED SALEH November 1, 2015
We must learn about foreign interference in internal politics from experiences of other nations . It brings more harm than it’s good.
Some people might misinterpret when said ” Eritrean question for
Eritreans ” but it only meant to avoid unnecessary mixed-up outcome.
Iraq , Surya , Libya and Yemen became victims of violence with help
of foreign forces to leave them in ruins .
towedeberhan weldedawit November 1, 2015
You are right Abdulhafiz. Leaving aside political and historical relations we should sympathize with the peoples of Syria and wish them success in establishing a peaceful, stable, Democratic and secular Syria. As human beings in general and as the suffering people of Eritrea in particular we can’t avoid feeling their pains and sufferings. But most important we should learn from their exoeriences that there is no religious solution for political problems and that direct interference by foreign power is just adding fuel to the fire.
gansheraanbetha November 2, 2015
ካብቶም ኣብ ጎንና ደው ዝበሉን ንስውራ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘዔንገሉን ውሑዳት ሓደ ህዝቢ ሶርያ`ዩ።
አረአ ዓጀብ!!!!!!!!!!
ልክዕ ኣለካ እንተኮነ ግን ን ሃይማኖት ምርኩስ ገሩ ኢዩ።ስለዚ ኣይደገፉናን ምምባል ይቀልል።
AHMED SALEH November 2, 2015
Ziggeberelka wey ghiberelu we negherelu yibl msla abotat.
Syrians were at our side in dark days of Eritrean revolution
and honorable people don’t bite the hands that extended to
lift them up from deadly danger .
And for those who preach religious or racial rhetoric , you
better recognize who is behind forces which bleed Eritrean
people in our entire life until this day . We can come with
excuses to cover-up the identity of EVILS WITH HUMAN SKIN .
Bereket November 2, 2015
I am very sad for Syria’s men and women beheaded, humans burned alive, churches destroyed, christian manuscripts and icons burned, heritage sites destroyed, ancient languages and religious texts in Assyrian and Aramaic Burned!
… and I am crying for Yemen, Somalia, Darfur, Libya …
May the merciful God protect us and Eritrea from rabid animals with delusional ISIS and al Qaeda minds.
yohannes November 4, 2015
I am sorry for Syrian people their problem and suffering . I am sure this will end as soon as possible, but I don’t think these honest people of Syria have helped the actual regime of Eritrea and the people of Eritrea are suffering with out war but only due to the Eritrean regime ignorance and its supporters.
the Syrians Have never helped a regime like this who conduct his people in mess and trouble.
If the Syria people had a role to help such regime in Eritrea it means it is their sin and they are paying for it but I don’t think so. the regime of Syria was in that time was of the same nature like the Eritrean regime and these people are out of these mess, and they are running from a regime similar to the Eritrean regime.
please identify the problem of the people out of the regime . the Eritrean regime help is not the Eritrean people’s help . I will never agree
Gothe November 6, 2015
Hafez is crying for Syria and accusing only the US and Russia but he is afraid to talk about the savage Islamic State terrorists, backward Saudis and the opportunist Muslim Gulf states who are pouring petrol on Syria.