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ባርያ እንተ ትህሉ!

እቲ ቅድሚ 16 ዓመት፡ ማለት ኣብ ዕለት 05/11/1997 ብሃንደበት ብሞት ዝተፈለየና ኮኾብ ድምጻዊ ነፍስሄር የማነ ገ/ሚካኤል (ባርያ) ህላወ ህዝቢ፡ ሃገር ከም ዝፈጥር እምበር ህላወ ሃገር ህዝቢ ክፈጥር ከምዘይክእል ብምእማን’ዩ “ቅድሚ ኹሉ፡ ሃገር ትሃሉ!” ብምባል፡ ብጉልባብ

እቲ ቅድሚ 16 ዓመት፡ ማለት ኣብ ዕለት 05/11/1997 ብሃንደበት ብሞት ዝተፈለየና ኮኾብ ድምጻዊ ነፍስሄር የማነ ገ/ሚካኤል (ባርያ) ህላወ ህዝቢ፡ ሃገር ከም ዝፈጥር እምበር ህላወ ሃገር ህዝቢ ክፈጥር ከምዘይክእል ብምእማን’ዩ “ቅድሚ ኹሉ፡ ሃገር ትሃሉ!” ብምባል፡ ብጉልባብ ሃገር፡ ህዝቢ ክደሃኽ፣ ህዝቢ ክስደድ፡ ህዝቢ ክሃልቕ ከይመኸረ ዝሓለፈ። ዕድለኛ ስለ ዝኾነ ኸኣ ነዚ ሕጂ ህዝቡ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘሕልፎ ዘሎ መዳርግቲ ኣልቦ ሓሳረ መከራ ከይረኣዮ ሓሊፉ። ኣብ ዓይንን ልብን ባርያ ኩሉ ግዜ ህዝቢ’ዩ ኔሩ። እዚ ስለ ዝፈልጥ ድማ’ዩ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ታሪኹ ርእዩዎን ጌሩዎን ዘይፈልጥ፡ ኣዝዩ ልዑል ክብርን ፍቕርን ኣርእዩ ናብ ዓዲ ኩልና ዘፋነዎ። በዚ ኸኣ የማነ ባርያ፡ ኣብ ቅድሚ ሓርበኛ ኣቦና ነፍስሄር ወልደኣብ ወልደማርያም ብምስራዕ፡ እቲ ዝለዓለ ክብሪ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዝረኸበ ዜጋ ኮይኑ ዝቕጽል ዘሎ።
ህዝብና ክጥሓን መዲድ ምስ ከበዶ
ህይወቱ ንምድሓን ዘሊሉ ካብ *እዶ     *ከንፈር መጥሓን
ከም በጊዕ ብኻራ በደው እናሓረዶ
ነዚ ጠላም ስርዓት ብሓዊ ከንድዶ
ተባዕ ተሳኢኑ *ንስልንስል ዝምዕዶ!       *ንነግፈረግ በሃሊ
ንስኻ ግን ባርያ ዕጠቕ ምበልካዮ
ህዝብኻ ክሳቐ ዓይንኻ ክርእዮ
ብግጥሚን ብዜማን እናሰናኻዮ
በጃ ምሓለፍካ ሕሰሙ ጼርካዮ!
እዚ ለዋህ ህዝቢ ብሰላም ክነብር
መኣዛ ናጽነት ላዛ ከስተማቕር
ንጉጅለ ሕሰም ኣዕሚዩቑ ክቐብር
ሓድነቱ ኣትሪሩ ንፍትሒ ክሰምር
*ፋህም ይደሊ ኣሎ ብዜማ ዝመክር!   *ለባም መስተውዓሊ
ህዝቢ ናብ መግዛእቲ ዳግም ተመሊሱ
ሽግሩ ክፈትሕ ሎሚውን ብቓልሱ
ባርያ ዜማታትካ ኩሉ ተሓዲሱ
ጽንዓት የስንቖ’ሎ ላዛኡ ነስኒሱ!
ዓሰረተው ሽዱሽተ፡ ዓመታት ሓሊፉ
ዘርእኻ ኣይሓረረን ዕባባኡ ኣርጊፉ
ህዝብኻ ካብ ሕሰም ክነብር ኣዕሪፉ
ህያው ዜማታትካ ንልቡ ተንኪፉ
ጽንዓት ይህቦ’ሎ ካብ ሞት ኣናጊፉ!
እቲ ለዋህ ህዝብኻ ብምልኪ ኣማሪሩ
ጸላኢ ክምክት ሓድነቱ ኣትሪሩ
ህዝቢ ናፊቑካ ናይ ጽንዓት መምህሩ
እኖሆ የስተንትን ንኣኻ ዘኪሩ!
ነዞም መጣቓዕቲ ብዜማ ክትመክር
ኣንታ መምህር ህዝቢ ሎሚ እንተ ትነብር
ብምሕደራ ምልኪ ህዝብኻ ከማርር
እኖሆ ኣብ መከራ ንኣኻ ይዝክር!
መንእሰይ ከም ጫቚት እናመንጠሎ ሽላ
ኣደ ተኾርምያ ኣብ ሓዘን እንከላ
ድምጻውያን ከድምቑ ናይ መላኺ ጓይላ
ኣብ ቦስተንን ሳዋን ሓዲሮም ኣብ ዝላ
ባርያ እንተ ትህሉ ሃገር መእወኻላ!
ዘልኣለማዊ ዝኽርን ክብርን ነቲ ድሕሪ ሕልፈቱውን እንተኾነ
ንህዝቢ ዝምህርን ዘጸናንዕን ዘሎ ኮኾብ ድምጻዊ ነፍስሄር የማነ ገ/ሚካኤል!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 05-11-2013

Review overview
  • ramee November 10, 2013

    great poem. yah forever he is on heart of all Eritreans

  • eritrean November 10, 2013

    History is repeating itself. Eritreans learn from history. What agame did to raiisi woldemichael will not happen to our generation. That’s why our fathers wrote in caves “libi Tigray twi twai”. Do not trust any agame. Bezey Hager yelen kibret!!!

  • eritrean November 10, 2013

    They can bring the biggest satellites, the biggest microphones, no one will respond. Twenty years everything tried and failed to sabotage eritreans and steal our land. A lie, is a lie, is a lie!

  • rti November 10, 2013

    Sadly, there are many Eritreans who want to believe that Isayas Afeworki is full blooded Eritrean, not because they don’t know it,but,because of regional pride.
    Daniel Tesfai’s article of November 9,2013 said it best.

  • Yonas November 10, 2013

    What did I tell you people? On a different thread I said that, the hyped up news about a supposed gathering of people to pay their respect to the dead in defiance to PFDJ was a hoax at best. But when I said that, a number of you jumped on me as if I was in a crusade to discourage any subversive activity. But as you can see today is Sunday November 10 and there is nothing what so ever gathering of people in Asmara to pay their respect to the dead. Again, it is a crime to give a false hope to people particularly to the news-hungry Diaspora. Nothing unusual what so ever is happening or going on in Asmara. PFDJ is still in power. Isaias is still enjoying his life. The people are still leaving the country. And the opposition are chasing a wind either in London or in Washington. That is the fact and we have to deal with it. A fact that we are doomed to see Isaias dying of an old age still in power in his 90s.

    • Tekle November 10, 2013

      To air anger through posting on different websites doesn’t bring any tangible fruit. We can write years long, but we can not expect any result without action. ACTION is what we miss now. I doubt whether this will happen at all! By the way Mugabe rules his country in thee same dictatorial way and it happens just nothing other than the barking opposition dogs. This is exactly the case in our country. Words alone/only has brought nothing yet!


  • sara gual eritra November 10, 2013

    dhri hzbi dhri eritra
    ngual ansteyti eritra btuum gtmi
    iyu zemogusa neyru
    ( yemane we miss you)

  • muse November 10, 2013

    Is not about where is isyaes is from, yes he born in Eritrea, he is Eritrean, but how is his adminstration, he took the power of the people’s, to him self, he destroys any organization who represent the people’s, he is not only a dictator but Nazi. How we gone get the power of the people’s? First let United for justice for all Eritrean, regarding religion, tribe’s, they have to right, and dignity, once we believe that , the dictator no speace or place to divide as , for these reson we become United, the dictator no space to dictate us, finally we win.

  • WediHzbiEri November 10, 2013

    Excellent poem again, i think your Tigrigna skills are really great.

  • Hagerawi November 10, 2013

    The writer of this article is hypocrite…do not use Yemane Bariya for your hidden Agenda…in respect of Yemane if he was alife today he would have done are not in Yemane bariya place or what he could have done..its hypepetical analysis…eritreas misery did not start now…pre his deathsi many attrocities was commited by Pfdj…what did yemane did?????mayhabar disable fighters incident…so many people jailed pre pls dont try to speak for Yemane…leave him rest in peace…who other big singers stood for demicracy now???? None…so yemane cant be exceptional…all did amazing contribution to eritrea…so dont try dicredit them now.


  • ahmed saleh November 10, 2013

    Yemane Barya was gifted nationalist entertainer since
    his young age . Nobody can deny how he led his life with
    dignity except some idiot haters who enjoy degrading
    others reputation . His good deeds in Sudan for Eritreans
    in need speaks the volume to show how a good hearted
    human he was towards his fellow country men/women.
    May God bless his soul.