ቅድሚ 30 ዓመት
ብ ኣወልኼር ዓ/ሓፊዝ እታ ኣቅጣጫይ ኣነጺረን ኣሚተን ዝተሰቀልኩዋ ጃልባ፤ ብኽቆጻጸሮ ዘይካኣልኩ ኩነታት ንንፋስን ማዕበልን ተማእዚዛ ካብ ደንደስ ቃልሲ ናብ ደንደስ ስደት ገጻ ምስ ኣቅረበትኒ እቲ ሕሰም ቁልጭ`ሉ ተራእየኒ ። ንባህገይ ቃልሲ`ምበር ስደት ከረጋግጾ ዘይክእል ብምንባሩ ዝጽወር ኣይነበረን፤

ብ ኣወልኼር ዓ/ሓፊዝ
እታ ኣቅጣጫይ ኣነጺረን ኣሚተን ዝተሰቀልኩዋ ጃልባ፤ ብኽቆጻጸሮ ዘይካኣልኩ ኩነታት ንንፋስን ማዕበልን ተማእዚዛ ካብ ደንደስ ቃልሲ ናብ ደንደስ ስደት ገጻ ምስ ኣቅረበትኒ እቲ ሕሰም ቁልጭ`ሉ ተራእየኒ ።
ንባህገይ ቃልሲ`ምበር ስደት ከረጋግጾ ዘይክእል ብምንባሩ ዝጽወር ኣይነበረን፤ እዚ ስደት ከስዕበልና ዝኽእል ሃስያታት ክሽትት ጀመርኩ፤ ስደት ናብ ውርደት ገጹ ክመርሓና ምዃኑ ተሰማዓኒ ” የቆጡን ኣውርድ ብላ የብብትዋን ጣለች “ ( ኣብ ላዕሊ ዘሎ ክትመጣጠር ኣብ ትሽትሻ ዘሎ ኣውዲቃ)ዝብል ምስላ ነእሙረይ ተዳሃዮ ፤
ምስ ስደት ብምዝማድ ንኣብ ትሕቲ መግዛእቲ ዝነበረ ሂወተይ ክናፍቆ ጀመርኩ፤ ካልእ ይትረፍ ናይ`ቲ ዝረግጾ መሬት ዋንነት ይስማዓኒ ነይሩ፤ ዓለም-በቃ መግዛእቲ ኸኣ የለን።
ኣብ`ቲ ደስ ዘይበለኒ ስደት፤ ደስ ዘይብለኒ ነገራት ምርኣይን ምስማዕን መሊሱ ከቃጽለኒ ጀመረ። ሓደ ካብኡ ፡-
ክልተ በቦ ኣሕዋት፤ ኣብ በበይኑ ቦታ ዝዓበዩ ወድን ጓልን ስደት ኣራኺብዎም ተፋትዮም ኣብ ውላድ ምስ በጽሑ ኣሕዋት ምዃኖም ፈሊጦም ዝብል ወረ`ዩ !ዘሕዝን`ዩ።ዝገብሮ ኣይነበረንን፤በጀካ ቀለመይ ኣልዒለ ምጽሓፍ፤ ካብ ኸርሲ`ቲ ኣሕዛኒ ወረ ነቂለ “ ዘመን`ዩ በዲሉ ” ዝብል ልቢ ወለድ ዛንታ ጻሓፍኩ።
ንነፍሰይን ንኣንበብትን ከጸናንዕ ስለ ዝደለኹ ኸኣ ኣብታ ልቢ ወለድ ዛንታ ኣብ ሕማቅ ከይወደቁ ብወዝቢ ኣሕዋት ምዃኖም ከም ዝፈልጡ ጌይረ`የ ዓጽየያ። ነዚ ተረጋግጽ ኣብ ዳሕራዋይ ገበር ናይ`ቲ መጽሓፍ እዚ ዝስዕብ ጥቅሲ`ሎ
“ ከምቲ ዝበሃጋ እንተትብህጎ እታ ሓወቦኣ ክሰዱላ ዝሓሰቡ ስእሊ ኣብ ክንዲ ናይ ሓዋ ጥራሕ ናይ ሓዋን ሰብኣያን ምኾነት ኣይረድ !ትብል`ያ።
ዝኾነ ኾይኑ ኣብ`ቲ እዋን`ቲ ብዙሓት ናይ ምዕራብ ሃገራት ንስደተኛታት ኤርትራ ካብ ሱዳን ናይ ዑቅባ ዕድል ዝህባሉ ዝነበራ እዋን`ዩ ። ምስ`ዚ ኹሉ ግና ስደት ውዒሉ ሓዲሩ ከሸግረና ምዃኑ ብምእማን ምስ`ታ ልቢ ወለድ ኣጎዝጉዝ ኣቢለ እዛ ትስዕብ መልእኽተይ ኣመሓላሊፈ ነይረ።
ሎሚ ምስ ምቅልቃል ፋሽሽቲ ኣብ ምዕራብ፤ ምስ ምጽባብ ናብራ ማእከላይ ምብራቅ፤ ነታ ኣልዕለያ ዘይፈልጥ ልቢ-ወለድ መጽሓፍን ነታ መልእኽትን ከም ብሓድሽ ድሕሪ 30 ዓመት ከም ደራሲኣ ዘይኮንኩስ ከም ኣንባቢ ከንብባ ኾለኹ ሓድሽ ጸገም ኮይኑ ተሰማዓኒ። እታ መጽሓፍ ትጽናሓልና፤ እታ መልእኽቲ ግና እነሃለት። ኣብ ቦታኣ`ዶ ነይራ ?! ካብ መግዛእትን ስደትን ናብ ነጻነትን ስደትን!ዝሓሰመ።
AAHafiz (225) 29/01/2018
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Degoli January 30, 2018
እወ “እንዳ ጎርቤትካ ገዛኻ ኣይኮነን”።
ገለ ኣለዉ ሓሰውቲ፤
ናታቶም ቋንቋታት ትግረ ትግርኛ ፈንፊኖም፤
ብሓዊ ዘንደዱ፤
ዓረብ እንተዘይኴና ኢሎም፤
ብናይ እንዳማቶም ዘውደኽድኹ።
Seifu January 30, 2018
Brother Degoli,
You have said it all so correctly so beautifully and so brilliantly, nothing to add.
Would these offenders/thieves ever apologise to the poor people that they stole their properties like cattle, burn their villages, languages/text books, in the evil name of their criminal monster Islamic ELF murderous shot? Let’s hope their barbarian Arab slave masters after using them as condoms for too long eventually burn them alive or alternatively chop them into pieces and feed them to their dogs.
Almaz January 31, 2018
Seifu and Degoli the famous condom user Eritrean is Wedi Medhin Berad so take for not to find yourself one day in “Ila “Iro priosn.
Almaz January 31, 2018
Seifu and Degoli the famous condom user Eritrean is Wedi Medhin Berad so take care for not to find yourself one day in “Ila “Iro prison.
Lula February 1, 2018
al Almaz,
who is treated as a door mat by the savage Arabs as he burns his own Tigre and Tigrinya languages to become a volunteer Arab Abeed? Did Seifu or Degoli burn their own proud languages and history to become fake Arabs? Who did? The Jebha leaders!
Almaz February 1, 2018
Tekhlay if you are not a hired agent of the mafia regime, why you are so nervous when regime is exposed and shamefully trying to get him credit by insulting Jebha, arabs and Muslims. Now we are in a new area where a single socially sick dictator is burning Eritrea and conspiring with Egypt and UAE against our Ethiopia. For you as long as the one who is prostituting with Arabs and burning Eritrea is DIA it acceptable.
Almaz February 1, 2018
read as now we are in a new era ….
k.tewolde January 31, 2018
AAHafiz love your script and creativity, I hope you continue to contribute frequently to this medium at a time when voices of reason,hope and sanity are desperately needed,
Danilo January 31, 2018
Degoli and seifu are telling us ASSENNA page is ours. ኣብ ዘይ ገዛኻ ገዛይ ምባልን ብዘይ ንብረቶም ( ምሃሪ-ጽሑፍ ) ብምስራቅ trying hard to still our minds too. therfore, amaniel as the owner protect your house. And, Awelkhier ዓገብ ንምባል ምርጽቲ ዓንቀጽ ፈንወልና ሓደራኻ።