ቀደምሲ ንህዝብኻ ንሃገርካ ሎሚኸ ምእንተ መን ኢኻ?
ተስፋማርያም ወ/ጊዮርሂስ 19/02/2012 Norway ህግደፍ ይፍሕር ኣሎ ኲናት ክውልዕ ሓላው ወሰን ሎሚኸ ንመኒኻ ክትስዋእ ነዞም ሕማም ዝሓዞም ንህዝቦም ዘጽልእ ንብዓል የማነ ማንኪ ንኾንቱ ክትብጃእ ንዘይ ረብሑ ክትብል ዘርእኻ ክጠፍእ ኣስተውዕል ጅግና ዝብለካ የለን ደጊም ነብሰ ቅትለት ከይመስል ጸሊም መርገም እናፈለጥካ ኣይትጽደፍ ተኣለ ካብ ህጉም ንህዝቦም

ተስፋማርያም ወ/ጊዮርሂስ
19/02/2012 Norway
ህግደፍ ይፍሕር ኣሎ ኲናት ክውልዕ
ሓላው ወሰን ሎሚኸ ንመኒኻ ክትስዋእ
ነዞም ሕማም ዝሓዞም ንህዝቦም ዘጽልእ
ንብዓል የማነ ማንኪ ንኾንቱ ክትብጃእ
ንዘይ ረብሑ ክትብል ዘርእኻ ክጠፍእ
ኣስተውዕል ጅግና ዝብለካ የለን ደጊም
ነብሰ ቅትለት ከይመስል ጸሊም መርገም
እናፈለጥካ ኣይትጽደፍ ተኣለ ካብ ህጉም
ንህዝቦም ዝተሰዉኡ ኣብቂዖም ቅድም
ጀጋኑና ንዘላአለም ኣይርሳዕን ታሪኾም
ህግደፍ ዝኣጎዶ ውግእ የብሉን ትርጉም
ሃገር ኣረኪቦም ጀጋናኑ ኣያታትካ
ሰላም ዘይፈቱ ነግራም መራሒኻ
ሓድሽ ኲናት ከፊቱ ከጽንት ንዓኻ
ምውዳእ ኣቢኻዮ ኣብደገ ኣብበረኻ
ይምህዘልካዩ ዘሎ ተንኮል ማሕለኻ
ድፋዑ ክትከውን ንህይወቱ ክትሕሉ
መዝሓል ጥይት ክትኮኖ ክትስዋኣሉ
ኣይፋልካን ድኣ በሎ ይስ.ሓና ባዕሉ
ምረት ኲናት ክጥዕማ ልቐቕ ግለለሉ
ስረ ተሎ ኸኣ ዕጠቑ ይበሎም ንዘጣቕዕሉ
ዘጽሙሙና ንሕና ምስ መንግስትና እናሉ
ሕጊ እንዳማቶም ጥሒሶም ዝስዕስዕሉ
ብማዕዶ ተዋጋኢ ኣብ መልሓሱ ሓይሉ
ብእተበርክቶ ዓወትካ ተገቲሮም ዝሳአሉ
ነዞም ደፋራት ነደታት ነቦታት ዝዝንጥሉ
ጸውዓዮም ክንሰምዖም ታይከምዝብሉ
ስማዕ ዋርሳይ እካኣሎ ዳግማይ ከይትጋገ
ንህግደፍ ዝሓልዩ.ለዉ ኣብ ወጻኢ ኣብ ደገ
ኣብርየኒ በሎ ንህግደፋዊ ኣብ ስደት ዝኣረገ
እዋይ ተዝጽውዕዎስ ሕማም ልቢ ምዓደገ
ኣብዚ መኸተ መኸተ ተበለ የብሉን ፋይዳ
ናዓ ኣብዚ ኮንካ መክት በሎ እፈትና ታሜዳ
ከስተማቕሮ ኣብ ኲናት ዘሎ መርዛም ዕዳ
በዚያ ተማርር ወላዲት ኮንቱ ዝዓረበ ወዳ
ክንዲ ትምስገን ትኾርዕ ብህግደፍ ተዋሪዳ
መኸተ እናልካ ብቀይሕ ጨርቂ ምምንዛር
እናፈከርካ ኣብ ወጻኢ ተሓቢእካ ምንባር
ዘየሎን ዘይተሰርሐን ኣማዕቢልካ ምቅንጃር
ኲናት ንህግደፍ.ምበር ኣየርብሕንዩ ንሃገር
ዋርሳይ እካኣሎ ዓይኒ ፍታሕ ልቢ ግበር
ይኣክል ምግልጋል ንብዓል ዓሊ ዓብዱ ፈገር
ንግርማስሞሮም ሓሳዊ ናይ ፖለቲካ ዓንዛር
ንበዓል ሓጎስ ክሻ ናይ ኢሰያስ ኩርኩር
ነዚ ጻሕጻሒ ፈሽኳል ቦጅባጅ ዘየጋብር
ንማንኪ ዕሸላት መንእሰይ ሓስዩ ዘስክር
ወጅሂ ዘይብሉ ብትርኢቱ ሰብ ዘዕውር
ዓርኪ ዲያብሎስ እዝስ ሃገር ከመሓድር
ሓደራ ዋርሳይ እካኣሎ ነብስኹም ሓልዉ
ስድራኹም ከይተጒሁ ዳግማይ ከይቅንዘዉ
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ደቆም ዘዎፈዩ ታይመስሉለዉ
ዝወለዱ ተሳቕዮም ተመለሱ ገዛኹም እተዉ
ንስድራኹም ሕሰቡ ጌና ብሂይወቶም ከለዉ
ዋርሳይ እካኣሎ ሕሰብ ከይትደናገር
ነገር ከይተባርዐ ተበገስ ዶብ ተሳገር
ምእንቲ መጣቓዕቲ ኣካላትካ ኣይትስበር
ክሳብ ዝወግሐልና ኣብ ዓዲ ሰላም ንበር
እቶም ተጣቕዑ ትሰግዱሉ ትኣምንዎ
እንሆ ሜዳ እንሆ ፈረስ ኪዱድሕንዎ
ኤረና ኩሑሎ ሎም ዘመን ሓዲኡሎ
tegadalay February 21, 2012
THE NAME TESFAMARIAM WELDE GERGIS looks AGAMES name so what do you expect from weyane so they know what WARSAY YKALO did to them so they have to beg to eritrean military
ahmed saleh February 21, 2012
Thank you, for your wonderfull poem. What you said about the whole episode to our youth’s fate at the hands of the government is obvious. It is sad and hurts too
to read or hear such ideas but at the same time it is true. And truth always hurt,
either we like it or not Eritrea’s future development depends to it’s people particularly
the youth. But unfortunately for a reason nobody can understand HGDF doesn’t show
any step on promoting any agendas on safeguarding, educating or training our youth to prepare themselves on building their country. For a reason of the harsh treatment as volunter slaves we are loosing the main man power of the society. A government which doesn’t work hard to guarantee the safety of it’s own people is a failed government. Anyway I understand the pain and frustration of Tesfamariam and I
share with your feelings, Thanks.
Facts-whose-facts February 21, 2012
TO Ahmed Sahelo
What you about a country called Eritrea Tell us please.? I am sure you were fatting Your Ass all those times on the west while the True Eritrean fight liberating Eritrea. Again and Again Leave Eritrea for us for those who died and bleed for it not for those Pussy Cat like you always crying behind their mami Bed.
Abdi February 21, 2012
Sounds more like personal attack,do you know Mr ahmed?he is the most disciplined man from the opposition side,so pls behave like an adult and respect people.
ahmed saleh February 22, 2012
Berhane Weldegebriel stated in his comment :
” Do not argue with a fool as the audience may confuse the two’. I stand with that advice.
Gebre February 22, 2012
Bad English.
What (do) you (know) about a country called Eritrea? Tell us please? I am sure you were fatting (fattening) your ass all those times (years) on (in) the west (West) while the True Eritrean fight (fighters) (were) liberating Eritrea. Again and Again Leave Eritrea for (to) us for those who (had) died and bleed (bled) for it not for those Pussy Cat like you (who are) always crying behind their mami (did you mean to say mommy’s?) bed.
Please have mercy on the English language.
ahmed saleh February 23, 2012
Next time ignore him, do not fall to his agenda.
Just SAY : CIAO anta asha eide, mushmush derbay.
That is what he is asking for.
Berhane Woldegabriel February 21, 2012
Bravo Amanuel Eyasu! Keep on the sterling job you have been undertaking so gallantly.
I must say commenting here tend to be inherently unfair because, I presume those who use their real names will comment honestly and we can learn from them, while those who either know that they are doing wrong or are irredeemably lost who hide behind pen names.
How can one discuss meaningfully to a person who doesn’t own his statements and or echo the words of his bully? This situation is similar to the unfortunate dialogue: “daHando WeEilkum?” “Ewwe Seighem nezerie allena” (“Yes, we are sawing barley” would be the response to “How are you?”). The levels of their traditional and ethical values and norms are incommensurable, to say the least.
Finally let me site a Cameroonian saying which goes: “Don’t argue with a fool as the audience may confuse the two”. So, my faceless friends or shall I say brothers and sisters, it is time to be responsible and adult enough to own what you write and put your real names to them. Stop hiding because you harm your self-esteems. I’m sure you have conscience which will haunt you eventually. Try to be at peace with yourselves. Best wishes, Berhane
Simerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr February 22, 2012
Ahmed Saleh,
That is the best ..you got it..leave this Tritt who beleives and gets his oppinion from TV Ere.Serving the garbage to the garbage
HGDF February 22, 2012
How many rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr do you need for your simerr to mean “unite” instead of “smear”?
truly, Truly i say to you February 22, 2012
In one side i fully agree with what the text writer has said it, but in other side i didn´t see any hope or sign of peace from the Ethiopian regime side too,for instance see how the way they handling the socalled final border issue. Moreover their dream to have Port Asab as their own, and the most Ethiopian the will they have to reverse the Eritrean sovereign independency is also not simply to ignore or to deny only because we hate the Eritrean evil regime. Realy for we Eritreans all is a question, to choose from two evils which one could be better for us. As for me in consideration part truth most baseless terrorism accusation which i have heard by the Ethiopian regime against Eritrea , like bombing the African Union, Or killing the German and other foreigners on regaring and so on, i can say all is not a sign of symbol for peace .Because of these and others baseless accusation if the war begins it will be a big test to each one of us with whom side to stand. As for me it seems to me reasonable to be sided with known devil rather than with unknown engel.
Abnet Tesfai February 22, 2012
Oops!!!!!!!!!! all gang members there is awake up news in meskerem.net to you. please readjust your mind before your turn comes that you will be used and thrown like a condom.
ስድራ-ቤት ነፍሰ-ሄር ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ፡ መልሲ ካብ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ይጽበዩ ኣለዉ።
You are so brilliant ,you remind me of me .Keep it up . Excellent message ,excellent poem.