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  • Mehari Worede March 29, 2012

    Is the body of the late Naizghi Kflu prohibited from being burried in Eritrea or the Government of Eritrea refused to bury him in the cemetry reserved for the freedom fighters and those who have lost their lives serving the country? And what was the reason for not allowing him from geting a heroism and dignified burial? I am confused, plz help me.

    • mikael tekle March 29, 2012

      Do u exist in this world????????????????????

    • X TEGADALAYE March 29, 2012

      I thik Mehari you smoke to mach slow down its joke ajoka hawena ( chat kahamelu ).

    • Weldit March 29, 2012

      Have you been on vacation on Mars? Sorry, but you sounded like you found out this just today.

      • Mehari Worede March 30, 2012

        You need to be realistic and support your comments by facts and proofs. Can you give us two examples who have been prohebited from being burried in Eritrea? Let’s be matured and civilized in our discussions without offending to each other.

  • ghezai March 29, 2012


    • Mehari Worede March 30, 2012

      Is the body of the late Naizghi Kflu prohibited from being burried in Eritrea or the Government of Eritrea refused to bury him in the cemetry reserved for the freedom fighters and those who have lost their lives serving the country? And what was the reason for not allowing him from geting a heroism and dignified burial? I am confused, plz help me.

      The question is straight forward, don’t cort around. Just answer the question and bring proof instead of blowing from here to there.

  • ahmed saleh March 29, 2012

    His daughter went to Asmera to beg the government to let her father bury inside the
    country. It looks she failed from her mission and came back to London. And now they
    are asking for finnancial assistance to keep the body in freezer. I am lost in here!

    • X TEGADALAYE March 29, 2012

      Wale she is a hero she did no one did it befor and what her father did it is not here responsibility.We should stnd up with her and show to HIGDEF what we can do and to the others Minsters and Generals we back you up we Eritreans never forgat what they did to bring freedom. So brothers and sisters it is our responsiblitiy antill ( hamed debe segab zikewen hawena eiyu and mewet ayeksesn eiyu amlak zefetwo seraha enegber ).

    • Mehari Worede March 30, 2012

      Dear Ahmed Saleh!!!!!!!

      Is the body of the late Naizghi Kflu prohibited from being burried in Eritrea or the Government of Eritrea refused to bury him in the cemetry reserved for the freedom fighters and those who have lost their lives serving the country? And what was the reason for not allowing him from geting a heroism and dignified burial? I am confused, plz help me.
      One thing sure is that:
      A quick fix soutions are not the right solutions. They are solutions for the symptoms rather than the root causes of the problems. Let’s find the truth instead of whispering and funing roamers

      • ahmed saleh March 30, 2012

        It is almost close to two months since he died. We are not trying to
        defend him as Naizghi because he destroyed a lot of Eritreans lives. But regardless of his past for the principle of morality, traditional and religious values, we are forced to disapprove the handling of the
        government officials on this issue. At this moment any solution is
        concerning his familly’s sad situation but the solution of the symptom
        should be to eliminate the system in Eritrea for good and create a
        democratic government which represent the desire of it’s people.
        NB: For your information a lot Eritreans didn’t have a chance to get
        buried in their homeland so do not surprise.

        • Mehari Worede March 30, 2012

          You need to be realistic and support your comments by facts and proofs. Can you give us two examples who have been prohebited from being burried in Eritrea? Let’s be matured and civilized in our discussions without offending to each other.

          • ahmed saleh March 30, 2012

            Now you sound more than HGDF to get offended on this scenario. Forget about Naizghi
            and other opponents who died outside the country. What about our political prisoners
            inside Eritrea who disappeared with no trace, do you think they get proper burial. If you
            are searching for facts take Naizghi issue as initial project for your research to find the
            whole truth by yourself. You may find the answer only if you are not in a state of denial.

  • Wedi-Hhilo March 29, 2012

    why any money should waste for a dead boy who was criminal and put our country and people at limbo. So the families of Nazgi kiflu should think careful that, they should apology on behave of him, and ask help then.
    They know how criminal he was and how they are jumping for help now, its better for them to send a press like the above an apology then, ask the oppostion to bury him at the eritraen land that are controled by the oppostion. After HGDF they can re-locate him.
    may be people might contribute money for a moment but they can not for a while to stuying in that postion. so for this reason they should think to buring him than awaiting again. Its not wisedom they are doing in general.

  • Sara March 29, 2012

    If it is true that Issyas is not allowing Naizghi to be burie in Eritrea, it will bring shame to Issayas’s leadership. No one should be refused to be buried in thier beloved home land, every Eritrean is responsible to say Ageb to embasis and to the governments representatives at PFDJ meetings. I realy do hope that this has nothing to do with Issayas.
    Finally I wish Naizghi’s find strength during this difficult time, and may his soul rest in peace AMEN.

    • Mehari Worede March 30, 2012

      Is the body of the late Naizghi Kflu prohibited from being burried in Eritrea or the Government of Eritrea refused to bury him in the cemetry reserved for the freedom fighters and those who have lost their lives serving the country? And what was the reason for not allowing him from geting a heroism and dignified burial? I am confused, plz help me.
      One thing sure is that:
      A quick fix soutions are not the right solutions. They are solutions for the symptoms rather than the root causes of the problems. Let’s find the truth instead of whispering and funing roamers

  • John March 29, 2012

    I think the family should bury him in England for now and rebury him in Eritrea when the right time comes. I think this will be more practical in the long run.

  • Merhawit March 29, 2012

    I think it is time you bury him where ever possible. For how long do you want to keep him in the freezer?.

  • Weldit March 29, 2012

    I think someone should alert BBC Africa program about this case. I am sure BBC will find it interesting because no other government has done this bofore – i.e. refusing to let the dead body of one of its top officials.
    Besides, the PFDJ responds positively to force and Western media coverages.

    • Berhe Jidda March 30, 2012

      BBC has refused to talk about dead body unless he/she is killed in criminal activity. They said they are up for human rights not for the dead rights. It is our duty either to advocate for charities or pay ourselves for any expenses it may incur. As a matter of fact no body cares about paying to freeze a dead for more than a week. Let the family decide soon.

  • oromay March 29, 2012

    This is confirmation for Isias worshippers who had doubt about the refusal. If you think assenna made the document, check at

    • Mehari Worede March 30, 2012

      Is the body of the late Naizghi Kflu prohibited from being burried in Eritrea or the Government of Eritrea refused to bury him in the cemetry reserved for the freedom fighters and those who have lost their lives serving the country? And what was the reason for not allowing him from geting a heroism and dignified burial? I am confused, plz help me.
      One thing for sure is that:
      A quick fix soutions are not the right solutions. They are solutions for the symptoms rather than the root causes of the problems. Let’s find the truth instead of whispering and funing roamers.

  • SHINTI GHEMEL March 30, 2012

    Is there a law ,that would allow ,for the corpse of naizghi to seek asylum , so that the corpse would be a refugee, so the british government would shoulder the expenses ?Or could we send a big freezer from north america ?

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