ስደተኛታት ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘካየድዎ ናይ ሰላም ተበግሶ ተኾኒኑ: ዓገብ – ብጴጥሮስ ተስፋጊዮርጊስ
ስደተኛታት ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘካየድዎ ናይ ሰላም ተበግሶ ተኾኒኑ: ዓገብ ብጴጥሮስ ተስፋጊዮርጊስ ኣብ መስከረም. ኮም ክሰርቀኒ ዝረኣኹዎ ክመልሰለይ ነይኣምኖ! ወያነ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰላምን ምዕባሌን ኣገዲሱዎም ኣይፈልጥን’ዩ! ዘርእስቱ ክቡር ቀለታ ኪዳነ- ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘለዉ ኤሪትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብቲ ጽላል/ጸግዒ
ስደተኛታት ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘካየድዎ ናይ ሰላም ተበግሶ ተኾኒኑ: ዓገብ
ብጴጥሮስ ተስፋጊዮርጊስ
ኣብ መስከረም. ኮም ክሰርቀኒ ዝረኣኹዎ ክመልሰለይ ነይኣምኖ! ወያነ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሰላምን ምዕባሌን ኣገዲሱዎም ኣይፈልጥን’ዩ!
ዘርእስቱ ክቡር ቀለታ ኪዳነ- ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘለዉ ኤሪትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብቲ ጽላል/ጸግዒ ረኺቦምሉ ዘለዉ ሃገረ ኢትዮጵያ ምስ ኢትዮጵያውያን ሰላም ምጽውዖም ኮኒንዎ። ንገሊኦም ንጡፋት ከደዓት ዝብል ስም ኣጠሚቁዎም። ኢሪትራውያን ሰላም ምጽውዖም ናይ መንግስቲ ኤትዮጵያ ኣጀንዳ – ከም ዘማልኡ ገይሩ ወሲድዎ። ንሰላም ምጽዋዕ ንረብሐ ክልቲኡ ህዝብታት ምኻኑ ተሪፉ ንረብሐ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ጥራሕ ገይሩ ወሲድዎ። ሰላም ምጽዋዕ እንታይ እያ እታ ሕብእቲ ኣጀንዳ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ እስኪ ብሲሚዒት ዘይኮነስ ብመርትዖ ኣብርሃያ፥ ክቡር ቀለታ?
ህግደፍ ኣንጻር መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ጥራሕ ኣይኮነን ኩናት ዘካየድ ዘሎ እቲ ዝኸፋኤ ዝሑል ኩናት ኣንጻር ህዝቢ ኤሪትራ እዩ። ብዕለት 18/09/2001 ኢሳያስ ናይ ህዝባዊ ግንባር መራሕቲ ዝነበሩ ከም ጀግና ጀነራል ዑቅበ ኣብረሃ ኣብ ሰመናዊ ሳሕል ዓስኪሩ ዝነበረ ወተሃደራዊ ገዚፍ ሐይሊ ውቃው እዝ ምደምሳስ ዝመርሔ ፥ ጴጥሮስ ሰሎሞን – ሐላፊ ናይ ሚሊታሪ ኢንተሊጀንስ – ናይ ስለያ 72 ዝነበረ፥ ማሕሙድ ሸሪፉ ሐላፊ ዞባዊ ምምሕዳርን ምክትል ፕረሲደንት ዝነበረ 8 ካልኦት ሰበስልጣን ሐዊስካ ምስ ኣሰረ – ስልጣን ሙሉእ ብምሉኡ ቢሒቱዎ። እዚ ዕልዋ ኣብ ትካል ህግ- ኤሪትራ ኣብ መንግስቲ ገና ከይተሰጋገረት ከላ እዩ – ክሳብ ሕጂ እውን ኣይተሰጋገርን – ሽዑ ኢሳያስ ኣበርዒንዎ ። ቀጺሉ ምስቲ ኣብ ኣኼባ ህግደፍ ዝተሰማምዕሉ ጉዳያት ዝደናገጽ ተጋዳላይ እናተሀድነ ተኣሲሩ። እተን ብቓጻ ዘእሰረኦም መንግስቲ ከቁማ ዝነበረን ታሪኻዊ ዛዕባታት/ጠለባት- ኣብ ኣኬባ ማእከላይ ሽማግለ ህግደፍ ዝጸደቃ እየን ነይረን። እሰን ከኣ ኣብ መጀመርያ 2001 ናይ ህግደፍ ወድባዊ ኣኼባ ክካየድ – ኣብ ኤሪትራ ብዝሒ ፖለቲካዎ ወድባት ክቖማ ንዓታተን ዝገዝእ ሕጊ ክንደፍ። ንዓኣ ዝመርሕ ኣቦ ወንበር – ኣብቲ ኣኼባ ማሕሙድ ሸሪፎ ተመሪጹ – ብ ሕግታት ቑዋም ተገዚኡ ኩሉ መሳላጥያታት ምስ ተማልኤ ኣብ መጨረሻ 2001 ናይ ሀገር ምሉእ ምርጫ ክካየድ እሞ ብወግዒ መንግስቲ ኤሪትራ ክቐውም። እዚ ከይከውን እዩ ኢሳያስ ነዞም መራሕቲ ህግ ዝነበሩ ኣባላት ፖሊቲካ ቢሮን፣ ማእከላይ ሽማግለ ዝኣሰረ። እዚ ሐቒ ምኽንያት ግን ካብ ህዝቢ ከም ዝሕባእ እዩ ተገይሩ።
ነዚ ሐቂ መታን ከየቓልሑ ከኣ እዩ ነቶም ካብ ህዝቢ ኣድናቆት ረኺቦም ዝነበሩ ናይ ብሕቲ ጋዜጠኛታት ብቑልጡፍ ኣብ ቀይዲ ዘእተውዎም ። ምስ ምእሳሮም ናጽነት ሐሳብካ ምግላጽ ኣብ ኤርትራ ተከልኪሉ። በዚ ህግደፍ ብዓለም ደረኛ ኩንንቲ እያ። እቶም ኣብ ወጻኢ ዘለው ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ጋዜጠኛታት ጥራሕ ኢዮም ብነጻ ክጽሕፉ ዝኽእሉ። ተኣሲሮም ዘለዉ ብጾትና ጋዜጠኛታት ይፍፈትሑ ግን ኣይበሉን ክሳዕ ሕጂ – መንጠሊና በለጽ ስለዝለበሱ።
ብድሕሪኡ በቲ ኢሳያስን ደቂ መዛምርቱን ዝተባሕተ መራኸቢ ብዙሐን ኤሪ-ቲቪን ጋዜጣ ሐዳስ ኣሪትራን ገይሮም ነቶም ሰበስልጣናት ብሐሶት ብትሕቲ ሀገራውነት ኣናኸሰሱ ህዝቢ ከም ዝደናገር ገይሮሞ። ቁሩብ ኣዋርሕ ጸኒሖም ዝኾነ ይኹን ተጻብኦ ካብ ህዝቢ ከይመጾም ብምፍራሕ ንህዝቢ፣ ብሕልፊ ንመንእሰይ፣ ኣብ ትሕቲ ምቁጽጻሮም ከእትውዎ ናይ ግድን ኮይኑ። እዚ ክገብሩ ግን መሰል ህዝቢ ምግፋፍ ተተሐሒዞሞ።
እቶም ናይ ብሐቂ ናይ ገድሊ ህግ መራሕቲ ኣብ ጸልማት ቤትማእሰርቲ ኣትዮም ምስሐቀቁ ናይ መሪሕነት ተራ ዘይነበሮም ከም የማነ ገብረኣብ / ሐጎስ ክሻ/ ዓብደላ ጃበር – የማነ ገብረመስቀል በትረ መንግስቲ ወሪሶም- ንህዝቢ የሳቕዩ ኣለው። ኢሳያስ ኣብ ምግሃስ መሰል ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ቀንዲ መሳርሕቱን ተሐባበርቱን ገይሩዎም። ንየማን ገብረኣብ/ማንኪ ኣብ ሮማ ኢጣልያ ዝወረደ መጥቕዕቲ ትም ኢሉ ዝመጸ ኣይኮነን፡ ናይ ህዝቢ ሐያል ጽልኢን ተቛውሞን መስትያት እዩ፡፡ እቶም ሕጂ ንህዝቢ ዝሳቅዩ ዘለው እዚ ተርእዮ እዚ ከም ዘተሓሳስቦ ጥርጥር የልቦን።
ኢሳያስ ኣይለበመን እምበር – ህዝቢ ንዓመታት ናይ መራሕ መንግስቲ ቦታ ክህቦ ብዙሕ ዕድለ ነይሩ። ንቡዙሓት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ትሕቲ እዝጊሄር ኢሳያስ እዩ ነይሩ፥ ነቲ ሽግ ናጽነት መሪሑ ስለዝአተዎ። ህዝባዊ ግንባር ኣብ ዓዲን ኣብ ወጻኢን ህቡብ ስለ ዝነብረት። ከም ናይ ደቡብ ኣፍሪቃ መራሒ ማንደላ ምኾነ፥ ሐወልቲ ምተሰርሐሉ። ከምዚ ሕጂ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሐፍ ዘይበል መርገም ንሰማይ ኣይመዕረገሉን።
ሐው ቀለታ፥ እዞም ልዕሊ 160,000 ዝኾነ ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ መዕቖቢኦም ምኽንያት ኣብ ሀገሮም ብሰላም ከነብሩ ብዘይምኽኣሎም ዶ ከይኮነን? ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ኩናት ዝኸፍእ ሰላሕታ ኩናት ይካየድ ምህላዉ ጠፊኢዎ ዶ ይኸውን? እሞ ስለምንታይ ደኣ ብዙሓት ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ዑቅባ ሐቲቶም ካብ ሀገር ተሰዲዶም ኣብ ወጻኢ ዝነብሩ ዘለው። ኤሪትራ ብዙሕ ጉልበት ሰራሕተኛ ታት ንስደት ተረክብ ኣላ ስለምንታይ ዓዲ ከይዶም ዘይትክእዎም ።
ኣብ ኤሪትራ ዝኸይድ ዘሎ ጭቖና ህዝቢ ዓለም ፈሊጥዎስ ምስ ስደተኛታት ካብ ዝደናገጽ ብዙሕ ዓመታት ሐሊፉ። ኣብተን መሰል ወዲ ሰብ ዘኽብራ ምዕራባውያን ሀገራት – ዑቕባ ረኺቡ ። ካባኡ ሐሊፉ – ኣብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ሐደ ኣቦ በዓልቲ ቤቱን ደቁን ኣብ ሱዳን ወይ ኣብ ካልእ ሀገር እንተሊዮም- ቀይሕ መሰቀል ናይ ነፋሪት ቲከት ከፉላ ተምጻኣሉ። ዝተበታተነ ስድራ ቤታት ስድተኛታት መታን ክተኣኻኸብ ብሕጊ – መንግስቲ እንግሊዝ ቪዛ ትህብ ኢያ። በዚ መገዲ ብዙሐት ስድራ ቤታት ኢሪትራውያን ተሰቲረን እየን።እዚ ተመኩረይ ናይ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ እዩ እምብር ካላኦት ምዕራባውያን ሀገራት ከምኡ ከይገበራ ኣይተርፋን እየን።
እወ ኣብ ኤሪትራ ህዝቢ ብነጻ ሂወቱ ክመርሕ ኣይከኣለን፥ ግዝኣተ ሕጊ የለን ናይ ጸጥታ ሰባት ንዝኾነ ሰብ – ኣንጠልጢሎም- ክኣስሩ መንኢኻ ዝብሎም የለን፥ ኣሲሮም ከብቁዑ – ኣብ ቤት ፍርዲ ኣይቀርቡዎምን። ኣሸሐት ሰባት ኣብ ልዕሊ 360 ቤት ማእሰርቲታት የበልዩ ኣለዉ። ናይ ቑጠባ ምዕባለ የለን። እቲ ኣዋፋርን ሰብ ሞያ ኤርትራዊ – ናይ ምንባር ውሕስነት ስለ ዘይብሉ – ኣብ ደብብ ሱዳን- ኡጋንድ ወዘተ- ገንዘቡ የዋፈር – ይሰርሕን ኣሎ። እቲ ዝኸፍኢ ምኽናያት ዋሕዚ መንእሰያት ንስደት ኮይኑ ዘሎ ግን መንእሰይ ብሐይሊ ብስም ቑጠባዊ ምዕባላ ሃገር ኣብ ህንጻን – ጽርግያታትን ብኮረነላት ዝውነን ሕረሻታትን ኣብ ብነፍሱንን ካላኦት ናይ ኣህጉራውያን ኩባንያታት ማዕደን ከም ወርቒ፥ ነሓስን ፖታሽን ንዘይተወሰነ ዓመታት ከም ከዘገልግሉ ስለ ዝተገብረ እዩ። መጻኢ ዕደሎም ዘርሞ ዘርሞ ኮይኑ ተሪፉ። ሃጽ ኢሎም ብሰላም ክሰርሕሉ ዝኽሉ ሃገራት ክኸዱ መሪጾም። ብሐይሊ ንሰብ ኣብ ስራሕ ምቑራን ባረነት እዩ። እዚ ግህሰት ሰብኣዊ መሰል ህዝቢ ኤሪትራ ምዝርዛር ኣየድልየንን እዩ፡ ዓለም ምሉእ ዝፈልጦ ስለ ዝኾነ። ኤርትራ ገበን ኣብ ልዕሊ ወዲ ኣዳም ዝፈጸመት ሀገር -ኮይና ጸሊም ታሪኽ ኣብ ዓለም ዘመዝገበት እያ። እዚ ከኣ መለለይኣ እዩ ። ህግደፍን ሰዓብቱን ንባህሪያዊ ሃብታ ክምዝሙዙ ዝመጹ ኣዕሩኽቶምን፥ ናይ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ዑሱባትን ሰፊሕ ፕሮፖግፖጋንዳ እንተገበሩ ነዚ ሐቂ ክልውጥዎ ከቶ ኣይኩእሉን እዮም።
ምርጫ ስደተኛታት ናብ ሃብታማት ሃገራት ኢሮጳን፣ ኣመሪካን፣ ካናዳን- ኣውስትራልያን ምኻድ እዩ። ስደተኛታት ኤሪትራውያን ናይ ግድን ብጎረበት ሀገራት፥ ብኢትዮጵያን ብሱዳንን ክሐልፉ ኣለዎም። ኽሳዕ ዝሰልጦም ግን ኣብ መዓስከር ስደተኛታ ይጸንሑ። ብዙሐት ኣይሰልጦምን እዩ፡ ብሕልፊ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዘመድ ዘይብሎም ሰባት። ኣብዚ ግዜ እዚ እዘን ምዕራባውያን ሀገራት ንሰደተኛታተ ማዕጾኤን እናዓጸዋ ይኸዳ ኣለዋ። ስለዚ ሂወት ኣብ መገዲ ዘለዉ ኣሸሐት ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ሐደጋ ይርከብ። ሎሚ መሰል ስደተኛታት ይተሐሎ ኢልካ ብሐይሊ ኣቤት ዝበሃለሉ ዘመን እዩ። ኣብ ኤሮጳ እቶም መሰል ስደተኛታት ዝቓለሱ ኤሪትርውያን – ንድሕነት ኤሪትራውያን ሐያል ስራሕን ጎስጋስን ዘካይድሉ ህሞት ኮይኑ ኣሎ።
ኤሮጳዊ ሕብረት ደጊም ስደተኛታት በዚሖሙና ዋሕዚ ጠጠው ክብል ኣለዎ ኢሎም -ኣብ ኤርትራ ዝካያድ ምግሃስ መሰል ሸልል ኢሎሞ ኣለዉ። መንግስቲ ጣልያን ነቲ ሐያል ሐጋዚ ስደታኛታት፥ ናይ ዓለም ናይ ሰላም ክብረ ወሰን ሽልማት ሕጹይ ዝነበረ (candidate of noble peace price) ፥ ኣባ ሙሴ ዘርኣይ ተሐባበራይ ናይቶም ዘሳጋግሩ ኢኻ ኢሎም ኣብ ቤት ፍርዲ ምኽሳሶም ካብ ዓቅሊ ጽበት እዩ። ኣባ ሙሴ ነቶም ካብ ሊብያ ናብ ዓዲ ጣልያን ብመርከብ ዝጎዓዙ ኤሪትረውያን ናይ ምጥሐል ሐደጋ ምስ ዘጋነፎም ነተን ኣብ ባሕሪ መዲተራንያን ተዋዲደን ዘለዋ ናይ ኣድሕን መራኽብ – እናደወለ ክንቃሳቀሱ እናዛኻኸረ ክንደይ ሂወት ኤሪትርውያንን ካላኦት ኣፍሪቃውያንን ኣድሒኑ እዩ ። መንግስቲ ጣልያን ግን እዚ ስራሕ ኣይደለይዎን። ኣባ ሙሴ ሂወቶም ወፍዮም ንዝተጭቖነ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክጣበቁሉን ካብ ክንደይ ጸበባ ከድሕንዎን ምኽኣሎም ሂያው ኣብነታዊ ጅግና እዮም።
ኣብ ዝሐለፈ ጊዜ ከምቲ ዓመት ዓመት ናይ ስደተኛታት መዓልቲ ዝበዓለሉ ዓሚ ብዙሓት ገበርቲ ሰናይ ማሕበራት- ኣብ ፓርሊያመንት ስኮያር (Parliament square – in front of the Parliament)- ናይ ሐሙሽተ ሚእቲ ካብ ምጥሐል ዘድሕን ጃከት – ጸጢሖም – ስደተኛታት- ከይጥሕሉ ንኣባላት ፓርላማ ክግደስሉ ኣለዎም ዝብል ሙሉእ መዓልቲ ጎስጋስ ኣካይዶም። ኣብታ መዓልቲ ኣሽሐት ህዝቢ ሪኢዎ። ኣነ እውን ንመዘከርታ ንበይነይን ምስተን ምስ ማሕበርና ዝተሐባበራ 3 ኣባላት ማሕበር ሚይግራንት ቮይስ Migrant Voice ተጣበቅቲ መሰል ስደተኛታት ዝተሰኣልኩሉ ጊዜ እዩ። ስእሊ ተመልከት
እዚ ጊዜ እዚ ኩሉ ኣብ ዲያስፖራ መሰሉ ተሐሊዩሉ ሰሪሑ ዝነበር ኤራትራዊ ንስደተኛታት ኣሕዋቱ ዝሕግዘሉ ህሞት ክኸውን ምተገብኤ። ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ብዝያዳ ይምልከቶም እዩ። ንሶም ንህግደፍ – ሀገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ኣብ 18 ወርሒ ይኹን ክብሉ ካብ ኤሮጳውያን ንላዕሊ ብዝያዳ ምተሰምዑ ፡፡ ከምኡ ዘይምባሎም ግን ኣይግድን። መብዝሕትኦም ደገፍቲ ካብ ራዕዲን ፍርሕን ከም ዝተበገሰ ጋዜጠኛታትን ተመራመርትን ይገልጹዎ እዮም።
ሎሚ ስደተኛታት ዝጽልኣሉ ጊዜ ሂወቶም ኣብ ሐደጋ ኮይኑ ኣሰቃቒ ጊዜ ኢና ዘለና፡፡
ኣብ ሱዳን ኤሪትራውያን ብዘይ ፍቃድ ኣትዮም ተባሂሉ ይእሰሩን ናብ ኤርትራ ይጥረዙ ን ኣለዉ።
እስራኤል ነቶም ሰሪሖም ዘበልዑ ስደተኛታት – ናብ ሩዋንዳን ፡ ኡጋንዳን – ትጥርዞም ፡፡
ሕብረት ኤሮጳ – ንሊብያ ገንዘብ ሂቦም – ስደተኛታት – ኣብ ፍሉይ ቦታታት – ብዘስካሕክሕ ኣተሐሕዛ – ሒዞሞም ኣለዉ። ኣብኡ ምቅጥቃጥን – ምዕማጽን የጟንፎም ኣሎ። ብዙሐት ኣህጉራዊ ማሕበራት ከም ቀይሕ መስቀል- ተጣበቅት መሰል ህጻናት – ተቓውመኤን ይገልጻ ኣለዋ፡ ከማኡ እውን ብኤሪትራውያን ዝቖማ ማሕበራት።
ኣብ የመን ዝረከቡ ኤሪትራውያን ኣብቲ ናይ ሱዑዲያ ነፈርቲ ካብ ወደብ ዓሰብ ነቂለን ንየመን ዝደብድባ ዘለዋ – ግዳይ ኮይኖም- ካብ የመን ካላኦት ሀገራት ዜጋታተን ከውጽኣ ከለዋ – ኤሪትረውያን ግን ዝግደሰሎም መንስግስቲ ሲኢኖም ኣብ ምዕራብ ዘለው ኤሪትራውያን ሐጉዙና፣ ካብ የመን ኣውጽኡና ይብሉ ኣለው። ሎሚ ብምኽንያት ኩናት ኣብ የመን ካስብ 7 ሚልዮን ህዝቢ ኣብ ጥምየት ይረከብ- ብጥምየት መዓልቲ መዓልቲ ብዙሐት ሕጻውንቲ ይመቱ። ኣብዚ ኩናት ህግደፍ ኢድ ስለ ዘለው ዕዳ ንህዝቢ ኤሪትራ ተምጽኣሉ ኣላ።
ኣብዚ ንሰደተኛታት ኤሪትራውያን ዝኸፋኤ ጊዜ ኣብ ክንዲ ንምሕጋዞም ምብርባር – ናይ ሰላም ድምጾም እንተስምዑ ምኹናን እንታይ ይበሃል፡፡ ንቡዙሐት ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ – ዝጠፍእ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ከም ቁጽሪ እምበር – ቤተሰብ ኤርትራውያን ምኻኖም ኣይተረድኦምን። ነጊሱ ዘሎ ዘረባ – እንታይ ገደሰካ- ኣይትቐደም- ስድራኻ ካብ ኤሪትራ ኣውጺእካ ኣብ ወጻኢ ዘይትነብር እንታይ ዝኸውን ፖለትካ እዩ።
ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ግብጺ ፣ ሊብያ ክእሰሩ ከለዎ ፡ካብ እስራኤል ክስጎጉ ከለዉ፡ ኤሮጳውያን ማዕጾኦም ክዓጽዉዎ ከለዉ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ግን ከምዚ ዓይነት ግፍዕታት ኣይተራእየን፡ ኣብ ዩኒቨርሲታቶም ስኮላርሽብ ንብዙሐት ይህቡ። እዚኣ እያ እታ መራር ሐቂ ንበዓል መስከረም ተሓባበርቶምን ክትዋሐጠሎም ዘይትኽእል። እዞም ኣብ ዩኒቨርሲታት ኢትዮጵያ ዝመሃሩ ዘለዉ ስደተኛታት – ኣብ ዲሚክራስያዊት ኤርትራ- ኣብ ምምዕባል ሃገር ዓቢ ተራ ክህልዎም እዩ። ንሰላም እንተዓየዩ ዝድገፍ እዩ። ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ብምህላዎም ዓቢ ብልጭ ኣለዎ ፥ ምኽንያቱ ናይ ሰላም ድልድል ኣብ መንጎ ህዝቢ ኤሪትራን ኢትዮጵያን ክኾነ ስለዝኽእሉ። እዚ ቁዱስ ተበግሶ እዚ ነቶም ኣብ ወጻኢ ንነበር ዘለና ኤሪትራውያን ኣብነትን ብድሆን እዩ።
ርግጽ እዩ ኢትጵያን ኤርትራ ኣብ ዘየድሊ ኩናት ኣትየን እየን- ሰላም ግን ምስ መባእስትኻ ኢዩ ዝግበር። ኤሪትራውያን ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዘለው ኣብ ኤሪትራ መሰል ህዝቢ ዝሕሉ መንግስቲ ጸሊኦም እዮም፡ ከምቲ ኩሉ ወዲ ኣድም ኣንጻር ግፍዔ ዝተንስኤ ንህግደፍ – ከነልግስ ብረት ኣቀቡሉና ክብሉ ምኸኣሉ ነይሮም። ልክዕ ከምቶም ኣብ ኤርትራ ዝመደበሮም ናይ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያውያን ተቃወምቲ ብህግደፍ ምሉእ ናይ ገንዘብ ናይ መሳለጢ ናይ መነባብሮ – ናይ ወታሃደራዊ ስለጥና ሐገዝ — ኣናረኸቡ- ሰሊኾም ኣትዮም ቡምባ ክገብሩ ምኸኣሉ ነይሮም። ግን ኣይበሉን። ናይ ሰላም መገዲ መሪጾም።
ንሰላም ምኹናን ኣብ መስከረም.ኮም ኣይገርመንን እዩ። ኣብ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብህግደፍ ወሪዱ ዘሎ ኩቱር ግፍዕን -ምብታታን ህዝብን ምቅላዕ ከም ኣሳሔታ ስለዘፍርሖም ኣብ ጽሑፎም ኣይገልጽዎን እዮም። እታ መህደሚት ዝጥቀሙላ ሜላ ኣብ መንጎ ተቕዋውምቲ ውድባት ኢሪትራውያን ዘሎ ዘይምርድዳእ መዝሚዝካ ምርባሕን ምንሻውን እያ። ካልኣይ ኩሉ ብመንግስቲ ኤሪትራ ኣብ ህዝቢ ዝወርድ ዘሎ ኩሉ ዓይነት ጭቖናን ነቲ ወያነ- ኢሎም ከም ዲያብሎም ዝውስድውዎ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ሐላፍነት ምስካም እዩ። ብኣታቶም ህግደፍ ገበነኛ ኣይኮነን እቲ ድያብሎስ/ወያነ እዩ። ናይ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ገበን ክሽፍኑ ወግሔ ጸብሒ ኣንጸር መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ ምስቶም ተቋወምቶም ኮይኖም ፕሮፖጋዳ ከካይዱ ኣለዎም። እሱ ከኣ ኣንጻር ድልየት ህዝቢ ኤሪትራን ኢትዮጵያን እዩ – ኣብ ስደት ንዕዘቦ ዘለና ጉዳይ ስለዝኾነ። ኣብ መስከረም.ነት ስሕት ስሕት ኢለ ይኣቱ እየ ። ብዙሕ ጊዜ ናይታ ብህግደፍ ትምወል ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘላ ናይ ግንቦት 7 ፥ ኢሳት ትበሃል ቲቪ ናይ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ቲቪ የእንግዱ። እዚኦም ልዑላውነት ኤሪትራ ዘይፍልጡ ተቓወምቲ መንግስቲ ኢትዮጵያ እዮም። እቶም ናይ ትግራይ ናይ ኦሮሞ ተቛወምቲ እኳ ካብ ኤሪትራ ዘየዋጽኦም ፈሊጦም ጠንጢኖሞም ወጺኦም እዮም።
ስለዚ ሰላም ምጽዋዕ ምስዚ ናይ መስከራም ሜላ ስለ ዘይከይድ ክኹነን ኣለዎ። ኣነ ኤሪትራውያን ስደታኛታት ምስ ኢትዮጵያውያን ኮይኖም ሰላም ኣብ መንጎ ክልቲኡ ህዝብታት ክሕቱ ከለዎ የገናዕ እብሎም። እዚ ከኣ ዝኣምነሉን ዕላማን ናይ ማሕበረይ – ዜጋታት ን ሰላም ኣብ ኢሪትራ- ስልዝነበረ ። – ትዝታ እውን ፍጢሩለይ የሕጊሱኒ – ሙሉእ ብሙሉእ ደጋፉኡ እዩ። ብዛዕባዚ ሃብታም ተመክሮ ኣለኒ፥ ብሕልፊ ክጋነፍ ዝኽእል ዕንቅፋታት። ዊዕሉ ሐዲሩ ንህዝቢ ኤርትራን፣ ኢትዮጵያን፣ ጅቡትን፥ሶማልን ዝተረፋ ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቓ ሃገራትን -ካብ ድኽነትን ድንቁርናን ኩወጻ እንተኾይነን ንሰላም ክቃለሳ ኣለወን። ነዚ ኣውራ ክደፍኣሉ ዘለወን ሲቪካዊ ማሕበረ ሰባት እየን ኣምበር ፖለቲከኛታት ኣይኮኑን። ኩናት እንተወሊዕካ – ብረት ብለቕሓ ዝህባኻ ብዙሐት ዓበይቲ ሃገራት ኣለዋ። ገንዘብ ካብ ኣፍ ድኻ ህዝብኻ መንጢልካ ኣብ ሸመታ ብረት ይውዕል። ህዝብካ ከኣ ይመውትን ይደክን እቶም ነጋዶ ብረት ከኣ ዘይተኣደነ መኽሰብ ይገብሩ። ዕድል ህዝቢ ኣፍሪቃ ክንደይ ይኸፍእ። ነንሕድሕዶም ይዳመዩ – ሃብቲ ሀገሮም ከኣ ብሐያላት ናይ ማዕደን ኣህጉርውያን ኩባንያታት ይምዝመዝ። ኣብነት ኮንጎ እያ ። ኮንጎ እታ ብማዕድን ዝሃብተመት ሀገር እያ – ኣብ ሀገራ ኩሉ ጊዜ ውግእ ሕድ ሕድ ኣሎ ፡ ሃብታ ግን ብወጻእተኛታት ይምዝመዝ ህዝባ ከኣ ውትሩ ጥሙይ። ኤሪትራ ኣብኡ ገጻ ተምርሕ ኣላ። ኢሪትራዊ ኣንጻር መግዛእተን ጭቆናን ቃልሲ ተመክሮን ባህልን ዘለዎ ህዝቢ ስለዝኾነ ክምክቶ ጀሚሩ ኣሎ – ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኤሪትራውያን እና ዓንበቡ ይኸዱ ኣለው።
እቲ ንዓይ ትዝታ ዘሕደረለትለይ ግን ልክዕ ኣብ 1998 ኢትዮ-ኤርትራ ኩናት ኣብ ውሽጢ ሰለስተ ወርሒ ልዕሊ 70,000 ኤሪትራውያን መብዝሕታኦም ጽቡቅ መነባብሮ ዝነበሮም፥ ካብ ኢትዮጵያ ምስ ተሰጉ ዜጋታት ንሰላም- ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ናይ ስደተኛታት ሐገዝ ክግበረሎም – ከማኡ ኣውን ኣብ መንጎ ህዝቢ ኤሪትራን ኢትዮጵያን ንሰላም ከተበጋግስ እዩ ነይሩ። እዚ ናይ ቀለታ ጽሑፍ ምስ ኣንበብኩ ንዜጋታት ንሰላም ኣብ ኤሪትራ ዝተጋነፍና ተጻብኦታት ኣዘኻኺሩኒ። ተወሳኺ መብርሂ ኣብ ዝቅጽል። ካብ ኢትዮጵያ ዝተሰጉ ኤሪትራውይን ገዛ ስለዝይብሎም ኣብ ናይ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ተንዳታት ከሰፍሩ ነይርዎም። ኣብ መንደፍፈራ – ኩነታቶም ክንፈልጥ ኣብ ዝበጻሕናሉ ጊዜ – ሐንቲ ኣደ 3 ሕጻውንቲ ሒዛ ዝሐደርሉ ተንዳታት ንድሕሪት ገዲፋ ክትናፈስ ከላ ክትራኢ ከብድኻ ይበልዓካ። ፎቶግራፋ ተመልከት::
ኣድላይነት ሰላም ናይ ህዝቢ ኤሪትራ ካብ ዝተፈላለየ ወግናት ይቃላሕ ኣሎ። ሰላም ይምጸኣልና – ዝብል ቃል – ኣብ ካሉ ናይ ኤሪትራውይን ዝተ ኣኻከብሉ ኣጋጣሚታት ከም ኣብ ሐዘን ፥ ከምኡ እውን ኣብ መዓልታዊ ጸሎት ይቃላሕ እዩ።
ኣብ ማንቸስተር ዝነብሩ ቀሺ ዮሃነስ ገብረሂወት ፣ ቤተክርስትያን ጽግዒ ውጹዓትን እሱራትን ድኻታት እዮም ዝበል ዓቢ መል እኽቲ ኣመሐላሊፎም እዮም።
ኣብ ጊዜ ሐድሽ ዓመት ጻውዒት ናይ ካህን ተክለ-ማርያም ምርካጽዮን ፥ ሃገረ-ስብከት ኤውሮጳ ፥ኣብ በዓል ሐዲሽ ዓመት ብኸፊል እንሆ።
“ ዝተባረኸን ዝተቐደሰን በዓል ሓዲሽ-ዓመት ድማ ይግበረልና ኣሜን-
ስለዚ ቅድሚ ዝኾነ ይኹን ካልእ፥ ንዓና ከም ሕዝቢ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ዘድልየና ዘሎ፥ ሰላምን ፍትሕን’ዩ። እዚ ኩሉ’ዚ ግና ብትምኒት ጥራይ ክመጽእ ይኽእል’ዩ ዝበሃል ኣይኮነን። ከመይሲ ተመጺዊትካ ዝርከብ መሰል የልቦን። ንሕና ግና ከም ደቂ-ሃገርን፥ ከም ደቂ’ታ ዓባይ ኦርቶዶክሳዊት ተዋሕዶ ቤተ-ክርስቲያንን መጠን፥ እዚ ኩሉ ናይ ሕጊ ግህሰት እናተፈጸመ ከሎ፥ ተሰማሚዑና ኣሎ ብዘስምዕ ዓይነት፥ ከነጣቕዕ ደኣ ኢና ዝጸናሕና እምበር፥ ዓገብ-!! ክንብል ዘኽእለና ትብዓት ኣርኢና ኢና ክንብል ኣይንኽእልን።
ስለዚ’ውን እቲ ክሳብ ሕጂ ምሳና ዝጸንሐ ፍርህን ሕመቕን፥ ቀንጢጥና ብምድርባይ “-ይኣክል-!! ክንብል እንተደኣ ዘይኪኢልና፥ ብምኽንያት’ዚ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት “-ዮሓንሰየኣቶ ኣብሪሁዋ ንባይቶ–” ስለ-ዝበልና ጥራይ፥ እቲ ተጻዒኑና ዘሎ ኣርዑት ካብ ዝባንና ክወርድ ይኽእል’ዩ ዝብል ሰንኮፍ ኣተሕሳስባ ክህልወና ኣይግባእን።ብዝተረፈ በዓል ቅዱስ-ዮሓንስ፥ ከም ናይ ሓዲሽ-ዓመት መጀመርታ-ዕለት መጠን፥ ጽቡቕ ምምናይና ኣይተርፍን እዩ። ሠናይ ዘመን ይኹነልና ኢልካ ምምናይ’ውን ጌጋ ኣይኮነን። ይኹን እምበር ብጥዑስ-ልቢ ብንስሓ ኣቢልና፥ ናብ ኣምላኽ ክንምለስ ከይከኣልና፥ ብትምኒት ጥራይ ክርከብ ዝኽእል ሰማያዊ ረድኤት የልቦን። ስለዚ’ውን እቲ ንሕና ከም ሕዝቢ፥ ምስ ከበሮን ጓይላን ክንገብሮ ንርአ ዘለና ዕብዳን፥ መወዳእታ ክንገብረሉ እንተደኣ ዘይኪኢልና፥ እቲ መከራን ጸበባን ክውዳእ ከም-ዘይክእል ምርድኡ ከድልየና እዩ”
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Nahom Solomon September 14, 2017
The horn of Africa is the most conflict ridden region in the world. The people and the land are devastated by endless wars. The de facto no war no peace policy that has persisted between Ethiopia and Eritrea for the last 16 – 17 yrs affects the lives of millions in both countries and the stability of the whole region. Bringing this conflict to a peaceful resolution is of a paramount importance to Eritreans and Ethiopians.
The devastating 1998 – 2000 war between Eritrea and Ethiopia cost billions of dollars in infrastructure damage, misse investment opportunities and lost aid, claimed about 100,000 lives, and dislocated millions of people. Instead of the end of the war bringing peace for the last 16 – 17 yrs the policy of both countries has been “no war no peace”. As bad as open war is, an endless no war no peace situation is insufferable.
Under the no war no peace policy, direct military confrontation is replaced by proxy wars. Both the Ethiopian and the Eritrean regimes are flagrant in their use of proxy wars Both states openly provide financial and material support to dissident ethnic and multi-ethnic organizations in each other’s country. They both let their territories be used as training and launching grounds for subversive activities.
Both peoples of Eritrea and Ethiopia are strongly motivated to see this conflict end and fraternal relations flourish again. They have no interest in being cannon fodder in any futile wars. No peace no war is an unwelcome imposition on their lives. As the democratic rights of the people are suppressed in both countries, it is hard to gauge public opinion, however, if Eritreans and Ethiopians were given a choice between a no war no peace situation or peaceful coexistence and cooperation, they wound both choose the latter overwhelmingly.
Essayas Haile September 14, 2017
Keleta Kidane has been knocking the doors of PFDJ. Unfortunately, the Eritrean crisis happened to be a joyous pastime for some bankrupt and unprepared retirees.
Nahon September 14, 2017
Peace cannot come by refusing to implement border demarcation according to international court ruling. If the Ethiopians are really interested in peace they must agree to the court decision without any precondition.
Unfortunately, Higdef and Iseyas have no interest in solving problems with neighboring countries because they want people to remain hostage of these unnecessary conflicts and delay transition to democracy.
Any peace initiative by people of both countries is welcome but it should respect international law and international court decisions. Else it will be part of political maneuvers by Ethiopian government to avoid implementing border demarcation. No Eritrean who loves his country and people will allow that to happen.
Beraki T. September 14, 2017
Your jihadists are still slitting throats and also beheading innocents in their brutal territories and you are here to give the impression of a concerned or a nationalist Eritrean, what a muslim jerk!
Are you still the spokesperson of your terrorist jihadist organizations?
None of Eritrea’s problems are due to the lack of implementation border demarcation as your DIA keeps using it, the use of the border as a pretext is the actual problem.
Nikid Tray……..Never go full retard…..Nahon the Egyptian nomad.shepherd.
Nahom Solomon September 14, 2017
Beraki T.,
Nahon as a child without his big dad must be really lost!
You see, his genius, brilliant preacher, philosopher, analyzer, “medical doctor” “K.T”
has suddenly and mysteriously done his disappearance act on him!!
Lets help poor “Nahon” in finding his “medical Dr K.T” sooner than later!
Otherwise, poor Nahon would change to amanuel, andom, Sol, Kalighe, Kidane , etc..
Yitbarekh September 14, 2017
Indeed, Nahon is someone dubious and suspicious/untrustworthy person who doesn’t want the unity, peace, reconciliation and the coexistence of the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia.
As a nasty moslem man, he probably doesn’t want the Kebessa highlanders of Eritrea and Tigray, the Kunamas of Eritrea and Ethiopia, the Afars of Eritrea and Ethiopia united and reunified.
It must be scaring him and also giving him sleepless nights as he fears that once all are united and back together he would be an outcast and his Arabic identity and language would also be scrapped all together.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 14, 2017
Did Nahon expressed his point of view to observe these
suspicious elements got frustrated ?
Isn’t it true some WEYANE extremists keep barking for
military confrontation with Eritrea ?
Do these people care its consequences on innocent
civilians at both sides border regions ?
Isn’t it true that EPLF – TPLF leadership share two faces
of same coin ?
How do we expect peaceful coexistence while we hide
the dirt behind our house ?
Again does personal attacks and insults can resolve our
differences ?
I hope you guys set positive example to influence others
on forgiveness and tolerance of each other to bring stable
atmosphere in neighboring countries .
Beraki T. September 15, 2017
Poor and sad jihadist sentenced to life murmuring about his bloody suspicious elements bullshits, could he actually be the suspicious mercenary weirdo of the barbarian Arab world?
You were burdened by your ugly circumstances/past and your outlook in life is shaped by it (I.e. by ghost like jihadi Islamic outlook), but, nevertheless, you are expected to act humanly.
Backward jihadi Egyptian kurkur Areb, swallow the reality on the ground else get your Egyptian Jihadist to slit your shit throat or behead you as a piece of shit devil.
Yitbarekh September 15, 2017
Dear brother Beraki T, this useless muslim dude is quite clear whose interest he is trying to keep here; it isn’t Eritrea’s or Eritreans interest but his life long evil blood related brutal muslim Arabs. His nonsense cheap talk and act never stops, he is always a fake muslim asshole preacher and fake dreamer/fantazier.
What else do you get or expect from an illiterate Arab servant?? Except full of Islam’s poisoning shits.
The last time this asshole muslim was asked about hid dubious Eritrean nuslim history and as expected the fake muslim never responded! That tells you all you need to know about these fake unknown mercenaries, he should just be dumped.
Beraki T. September 14, 2017
Mr Petros, bravo my man for your clear and peaceful messages and article.
This man called Keleta must be a warmongering miserable old sick individual stuck in the past.
I would not also be very surprised if he is actually an old Jebha loser still licking his old wounds and losses!
I can’t wait to read your second part of your excellent article. Please continue your great contribution and inputs.
Sol September 15, 2017
Nefahito Mr. countless names,
Ato Keleta is a desperate supporter of Wedi Medhin Berad like you his mission is to prolong the rule of Wedi Medheinthrough creating hate against Brotherly people of Tigray as your mission here in assenna is the same as Keleta’s mission by through attacking Eritrean Muslims and in thid blog you also appeared using regional attack. There are many desperate Wedi Medhen suppoters like you and Keleta that are pretending to be justicxe seekers to spread mesage of hate. Nefaaahito this tactiks had worked in the past with Wedi medhin in 70s but now he is exposed to the core.
Lingo September 15, 2017
Abdurobo the pathetic muslim comedian (more like the old Iraqi defense minister “Ali”), what exactly are you trying to say or state here?? Please kindly translate this into your moslem Arab slave masters/sponsors of evil Islam and Sharia’s Arabic!. It is very rich but also very ignorant/arrogant coming this “hatefmetefs” from the shameless old muslim criminal rootless and slave Arab dog. How would you also call the shameless nomad Saho amanuel, Sol, andom, Kalighe, Nahon, Aba thimmer, Kidane in your slave masters “Arabic”? Mr Keleta is more of a human than you savage evil muslim Arab dog, When did the people of Tigray become your “brothers” then????? We thought you hated them since they dumped you on Eritrea!
Yohannes September 14, 2017
Peter nezi tokan keleta credit aytehao. Tokenu eyu. Don’t waste your time with agregi betra. He just want same attention like a little kid.
Kalighe September 14, 2017
“So lets not have lame excuses of avoiding implementation crap!! With or without border demarcation, as long as Isaias is in power there won’t be any peace or normalization between Eritrea and Ethiopia.”
As along as we have people like those insulting everyone on this forum, Iseyas or someone with his system will be always there. Dictators are created from the culture of the people. He or she personifies their ego and mindset.
I am sorry for the ordinary innocent Eritreans who are paying heavy price for the mistakes and arrogance of irresponsible elements among them.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 14, 2017
Well for Eritreans , border conflicts has been an excuse to put the whole nation hostage .
And perfectly it worked for Issaias government existence longevity and for some extent to WEYANE political agenda on winning Ethiopian people support .
Until now high rank influential members in WEYANE ruling party try to promote military
action against Eritrea .
The only way to bring lasting solution in both countries lies to bring down these two
antagonists . Eritreans and Ethiopians are tired from their governance style because
we witnessed the mayhem created in front our eyes .
I know WEYANE hardline followers might get offended and likewise HGDF blind supporters
will do the same . But life experience taught me how stupid politics divide people including
family members .
Lilo September 15, 2017
What else has your imaginary corrupted life experience taught you then? You never fail to amuse or entertain us with your ignorant jumbo-mumbo nonsense. My only curious question to you would be did you inherit your ignorance from your family?? That is if you ever had a normal family or did you just acquire it from your murderer terrorist Muslim killers institutions?? Please give us straight answers!!!!
Now, in short, Eritrea and Ethiopia were both traumatized. Nevertheless, keeping the wounds open will not help whatsoever. As usual all your logic is flawed. You have to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff but do not ask me which is which!!!! Indeed, it is so clear whose interest you are trying to keep on assenna but you are not fooling us with your never ending foolishness, sicking muslim games.
I really want to puke on you….So shallow, so embarrassing loser.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 14, 2017
Our worst enemy is not Ethiopia but our denial , ego ,
carelessness and ignorance .
It has been unfortunate scenario to observe some
well informed Eritreans who choose dirty politics
at the expense of their people sufferings than share
their pain .
Remember the saying ;
” Ab hiwet wedi-seb kulu halafay you ” .
But history will not forget the wrong doers .
Lilo September 15, 2017
Sadly but truly, you were born so ignorant and you will die so ignorant. Period.
You have no clean minds to deal with the dirty politics! So stay away in your “clean” mosques.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 15, 2017
You are at wrong place where you do
not belong .
Lilo September 15, 2017
You must have surely lived the street/ghetto life to know the street boys!!!
Indeed, it takes ONE STREET/GHETTO BOY to know another ………….
On a serious note dude, you better see psychiatrist straight away.
You are a danger to normal “intelligent” humans! Don’t come out your “clean and so ignorant” mosque otherwise, you would poison with your ignorance.
And where is your supposedly right place that is outside your shit mosque?
Nahom Solomon September 15, 2017
It is very sad to see some sold outs and opportunists so called Islamist Eritreans undermining our intelligence. How long more do we have to keep ignoring them as nuisance and outsiders?
They have had it too easy so far but won’t have it any longer!!
PH September 14, 2017
ናይ ሰላም ተበጉሶ ዝጽላእ ኣይኮነን ክኹነን ‘ውን ኣይግባእን።እንተ እቲ ወያንየ ፡ሰላምን ቅሳኒየትን ኤርትራ ኣይደልዩን ኢዮም ዝበሎ ቦቱኡ ዘይስሓተ ሓቂ ኢዩ።እዚ ሓቂ’ዚ፡ህግደፍን ወያንየን ከም ሓንቲ ሰልዲ ወላገላቢጥካ ሓደ፡እንክጥዕሞም ኣቅርንቶም ዝስሕሉ፡እንክጽግሞም’ከኣ ዝዕረቁ እዮም።”ክንደይ ዓቀብ ዘይጠረጥና”በለት ኣድጊ ኢዩ ነገሩ።እቲ ውግእ ብስምምዕ ኢዮም ኣንቂሎሞ።እቲ ኣይውግእ-ኣይሰላም’ውን ከሙኡ።ውጽኢቱን ሰበቡን ንርእዮ ኣለና ።እቲ ቃልሲ’ውን ተገቲሩ ስለዘሎ እቲ መዳ ኣንጻር ህግደፍ ኣንተኾይኑ ‘ሞ እቲ ቃልሲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ክኾውን ኢዩ ዘለዎ ብሃላይ ኢየ።
Tes September 14, 2017
Mr Paulos
Great article fill of substance. It reflects your maturity and your wisdom. Peace is priceless and it takes great deal to achieve. As for mr keleta, I think that man is over 70 but he thinks like a child. How can a old man living in democratic country crave for others distraction. It is beyond me. Ato kileta and his associate are enemy of people of Eritrea and they don’t want to see peace in Eritrea. I can you imagen an old man so hateful to tigrain. He is hopeless consumed by hate. He has no love in his bone. He is an old fool.
Lilo September 15, 2017
Peace and not living on a war footing would help both countries (Eritrea & Ethiopia) to concentrate on economic and democratic developments. This will help them direct the little they have to improve the life on their people. For the sake of the two peoples, we should better bring to the forefront the best part of their common history, rather than their sad chapters (as some dubious foreigners and their paid evil agents keep attempting).
Both Eritreans and Ethiopians were victims of those who ruled over them. In this equation of the rulers and the ruled, the people were usually the losers, especially when we are talking of third world countries. Therefore, poor Eritreans and Ethiopians have nothing to win but a lot to lose by sustaining the status quo. Power is the game of the big guys played on the back of the ordinary people, usually from a safe distance with a help of a remote control.
Ethiopians and Eritreans have had more than their share of the pain brought upon them by this power game over the last century; and what they are demanding today urgently is peace, security, good governance, economic prosperity and a space to breath. Today in Eritrea, there are people in their fifties who have known only war. I am sure that unless they have something to gain from it (like this ignorant ahmed saleh), none of them want to continue to live in this unnatural situation or life.
AHMED SALEH !!! September 15, 2017
Flip flopping has been the nature of dishonest people in our region . By the way
have you heard Weyane illegally imprisoned some opposition leaders of
SAHO military wing organization .
Who are you trying to fool by putting the blame on centuries old past history ?
Baraki September 17, 2017
አህመድ ሳልህ ንትግራዋይ ክትዕምተሉ ዛክዕል ዝኮነ ይኩን ድህረ ባይታ የብልካን- ሀሶት ታሪክ ሻዕብያ ምስዝጓሀፍ የሎካን– ከበሳን ትግራይን ሽኡ ንሽኡ ክዋሀድን ንዘለዓለሙ ሀይሉ ኪግስግስን’ዩ፡፡ አህመድ ሳልህን ዘለቀን ፈለቀን ክኣ ከም ጉለል ጉርዲ ፀፀግዕኩም ትህዙ!!!