ስሙ ናይዝጊ፡ ተግባሩ ዘይ ናይዝጊ!
ኢሳያስ ስለምንታይ ምስ ሬሳ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ጥምጥም ገጢሙ ከም ዘሎ ነቶም ዝቃወሙ ዘይኮነ፡ ዝያዳ ነቶም ኣጣቓዕቲ ኢሳያስዩ ገሪሙዎም ዘሎ። ስለምንታይ እንተ በልና፡ እቶም ንኢሳያስ ፎእ! ኢሎም ዝኸዓቡዎን ዝፈንፈኑዎን ሰባት፡ ክንዮ’ዚ ሕጂ ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ሓጢኣት ዝኸይድ

ኢሳያስ ስለምንታይ ምስ ሬሳ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ጥምጥም ገጢሙ ከም ዘሎ ነቶም ዝቃወሙ ዘይኮነ፡ ዝያዳ ነቶም ኣጣቓዕቲ ኢሳያስዩ ገሪሙዎም ዘሎ። ስለምንታይ እንተ በልና፡ እቶም ንኢሳያስ ፎእ! ኢሎም ዝኸዓቡዎን ዝፈንፈኑዎን ሰባት፡ ክንዮ’ዚ ሕጂ ዝገብሮ ዘሎ ሓጢኣት ዝኸይድ ገበናት ከም ዝፈጸመን ገና’ውን ክፍጽም ከም ዝኾነን ድሮ ተጋሂዱሎም’ዩ። እቶም እራይ ምራይ ይኹኑ፡ እቶም ብውልቃዊ ጥቕሚ ኣዒንቶም ዝዓወሩ ሰባት ግን ገና ኢሳያስ እንታይ ዓይነት ሰብ ከም ዝኾነ ዝፈልጡዎ ስለ ዘይብሎም፡ ወይ ድማ ኣብ ናይ ሕልሚ ዓለም ስለ ዝነብሩ ንኢሳያስ ከም በዓል ኪዳኖም ቈጺሮም ንሱ ኣብ ስልጣን እን’ተሎ ጥራይ ዝጥዕሞም እናመሰሎም ኣሚኖም ንኣማኒ ክህቡዎ ይፍትኑ ኣለዉ። ኣይትሓዞምን’ዩ። ኣነን ከምዚ ኸማይን’ውን ኣብ ዝበነ ገድሊ፡ “መን ከም ኢሳያስ፡” ኢልና ዘየድነቕናዮ ኣይኮንናን። ሎሚ ክሓስቦ ከለኹ ኣመና’ዩ ዝገርመኒ። ሽዑ ልክዕ ከምዚ ድሕሪ ነጻነት ዝግበር ዝነበረን ዘሎን፡ ኢሳያስ እንተ ዘይህሉ ገድሊ እንታይ ምወሓጦ? ንገደሉ ምጸደፈ፡” እናበሉ ዘጫፍሩ ሰባት ነይሮም። መሳኪን ሎሚ ኩላቶም የለዉን። ካብ ናይ ናዝይጊ ክፍሉ ዝገደደ ዕጫ ገጢሙዎም ከም ጠላማት፡ የማናይ ክንፊ፡ ዝምቡላት፡ ባቡር ሰውራ ዝሓደገቶም፡ ጸረ ሰውራ ተባሂሎም ተመቝሖምን ብግፍዒ ተቐንጺሎምን።
ናብ ጕዳይ ሬሳ ንምምላስ፡ ኢሳያስ መዓስ’ዩ ምስ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ክቃራሓን ጀሚሩ? ናይዝጊ ክፍሉኸ እንታይ ዓይነት ሰብ ነይሩ? ናይዝጊ ከምቲ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ብተደጋጋሚ ብካልኦት ብጾት ዝተግልጸ፡ ገና ጅምር ከብል ኣትሒዙዩ ናይ ኢሳያስ ኵርኵር ብምዃን ከገልግሎ ምሒሉ። ስለ ዝኾነ፡ ምሉእ ዕድመኡ ብሰውራ ዘይኮነ ብስልጣን ናይ ኢሳያስ ምስ ሓሰበ’ዩ። ብወገነይ ብዛዕባ ናይዝጊ ብኣካል ዝፈልጦን ዝሰማዕኩዎን ከዕልለኩም።
– ኣብ መጀመርያ ናይ 1976 ሓንቲ ሓይሊ ኣብ ጐረይቶ ጽርግያ እናሰራሕና ከለና ኣብቲ ዝበረኸ ቦታ ምስ በጻሕና፡ ግሬደር ዘይትፍንቅሎ ከውሒ ኣጋጢሙና። ባፍራዛ ይኹን መለኪኖ ክስበረልና ስለ ዘይከኣለ ድማ ኣጕናድ ጓሪትና ኣጕድናሉ ናብ ቦታና ንኸይድ። ምሉእ ለይቲ ብሓዊ ክረስን ዝሓደረ ከውሒ ግን ብዘይካ ከም ሓጺን ጭል ምባል ዕጭ ሓንፊፉ ምፍንቃል ኣብዩና። ብዘይንሱ ግን እቲ ኣብቲ እዋንቲ ሓላፊ ዕጥቅን ስንቅን ዝነበረ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ፡ ኮሚሽነር ክፍሊ ታዕሊም ነበር ነፍስሄር መሓሪ ግርማጼን፡ ሽኮር ይኹን ተምሪ ክህበና እንተ ሓተቶ፡ እንተ ኾነ፡ ኣሎ ዝብሃል ኣስቤዛ ይወሃቦም ተባሂሉ ከብቅዕ፡ ናይዝጊ ከም ድላዩ ክጻወተሉ ዝውዕል ዝነበረ ኣስቤዛ ኣይህብን ኢሉ ኣቕቢጹ። ንዕድልና ኣይደንጐየን ወዲ ኣፎም ብሪ ብሱዳን በቲ መኪና ክትሓልፎ ዘይትኽእል መንገዲ ብእግሩ ከተፍ በለ። ሽዑ መሓሪ ግርማጼን ብዛዕባቲ ስራሕ መግለጺ ብምሃብ ናይ ኣስቤዛ ጸገም ከም ዘለና፡ ናይዝጊ ድማ እምቢ ኢሉ ከም ዝኣበየና ሓበሮ። እታ ጥርዓን ስለ ዝተቐመት፡ ነቲ ከውሒ ድማ ብኣካል ስለ ዝረኣዮ፡ እቲ ጽርግያ ቀልጢፉ መታን ክውዳእ’ሞ ኰደድ ክብሉ ስለ ዝደለየ ግዲ ኾይኑ መዓት ሽኮር፡ ኣስቃጥላ፡ ጸባ፡ ሽጉርቲ በሽበሽ ኮይኑ። እቲ ስራሕ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሰሙናት ዓጠምጠም ክብል ከሎ ንበዝሕ ድማ ምዕጕርቲ ኣውጺእና። እዚ ሓደ መርኣያ ናይ ናይዝጊ ጭካኔ ኣብ ልዕሊ ብጾቱ’ዩ። ነቲ ስራሕ ዘይረኣዮ እንተ ዝኸውንስ ደሓን፡ ግን ብኣካል ተዓዚቡዎ ነይሩ። ነዚ እናረኣየ፡ እሞ ኸኣ ማዕረ ዝብጽሓና ንብረት፡ እሞ ኸኣ ክዕቈር ዘይክእል ምግቢ ምኽልኡ ምስ ምንታይ ይቝጸር ባዕላትኩም ፍረዱ።
– ኣብ ፈለማ 1977 ቀቅድሚ ውድባዊ ጉባኤ፡ ብርክት ዝበለ ሰብ ካብ ሕክምና ሓውዩ ዝመጽአ፡ ናብ ቦታኡ ዝኸይድ፡ ዝውዛዕ፡ ካብ ክፍልታት ናብ ሓይልታት ዝኸትት ወዘተ፡ ኣብታ ናይ ሽዑ እዋን መናሃርያ ናይ ሳሕል ዝነበረት ፋሕ ኮፍ ኢሉ ነይሩ። በጋጣሚ ሴሚናር ስለ ዝነበረ ድማ ናይቲ ከባቢ ሓይልታት ይኹና ክፍልታት ኣብቲ ሩባ ፋሕ ኢለን ነይረን። ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ኣብቲ ሩባ ንበይኑ ሽጋራ በኾዅ እናበለ፡ “ብማዕዶ ንዝረኣዮም ገለ ሰባት፡ “ኣታ ወዲ ሸርሙጣ እንታይ ትገብር ኣለኻ?” ክብሎም ከሎ፡ ንገለ መን ምዃኑ ከይፈለጡ፡ “ብጻይ ሽጋራ ሃበና’ስኪ፡” ክብሉዎ ከለዉ፡ “ወዲ ተረጓቢት! ኣብ ጽላልካ እቶስኪ፡” ክብሎም ብእዝነይ ሰሚዐ። ሽዑ ተወጊአ ንኽውዛዕየ ናብ ክፍሊ ቍጠባ መጺእ ነይረ። እዚ ዝብለኩም ዘለኹ ኣፍኵስ ኣቢለዮ ኣለኹ’ምበር ንሱ ዝብሎ ካብዚ ዝገደደ ክትሰምዖ ዘጸይፍ፡ ሰብ ክኣምነካ ዘጸግም’ዩ። ነቶም ንፈልጦ ግን ኣይገርመናን’ዩ።
– ኣብ 1993 ምሸት ለይቲ’ዩ ኣብ ኣፍደገ ሞካምቦ። ሓንቲ መንእሰይ ብገለ ምስኡ ተዘራሪባ። “እንታይ ኢኺ’ሞ ደሊኺ? ዝ…ኪ መሲሉኪ? ተ. . . .!” ክብላ ከሎ ሰለሰተ ዝፈልጦም ብጾት ሰሚዖሞ። እንታይ ኢኻ ትገብር ዘለኻ? ተኽፍኣና ኣለኻ በጃኻ፡ ንዓስኪ ረሓቕ፡ ዝበደለቶ ነገር ኣለዋ እንተ ኾይኑ ፖሊስ ክንጽውዓላ፡” ኢሎም ገላጊሎማ። ኣብቲ ግዜቲ ይትረፍ መራሕቲ ውድብ ተጋዳላይ ዝቦኡ ኣዝዩ ክቡርን ሕፉርን ነይሩ።
– ኣብ ከባቢ 1994 ናይዝጊ ብውልቃዊ ጕዳዩ ናብ ዓዲዃላ ይኸደልኩም። ሽዑ ብገለ ኣመንቱ ካብ ስዑዲያ ከም ህያብ ዝተላእከትሉ ናይ 1993 ሞዴል ክረሲዳ እዩ ሒዙ ነይሩ። ካብ ዓዲዃላ ክምለስ ከሎ ኣብ ብሎኮ ሓደ ዕንጨይትን ፈሓምን ዝቈጻጸር ኣባል ክፍሊ ሕርሻ ገመድ ስሒቡ ደው የብሎ። ክፈቶ፡ ኣይከፍቶን ኮይኑ፡ ኣብ መጨረሽታ ናብ ከተማ ተመሊሱ ንፖሊስ እሰሩዎ ይብሎም። እቲ ተጋዳላይ ብዘይፈለጦ ናጤባ ምስ ተኣስረሉ ድማ ይሓልፍ። መስኪናይ ወዲ ሳልስቲ ምስ ገበረ እንታይ ዝገብርኩ ሰብየ ተኣሲረ፡ ሕጊ የለን ድዩ? ኢሉ ምስ ኣማረረን እቶም ፖሊስ ንባዕሎም ኵነታቱ ስለ ዘይተቐበሉዎን፡ ናብ ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ ደዊሎም፡ “እቲ እሰሩዎ ዝበልካና ተጋዳላይ እንታይ እዩ ገበኑ? ብምንታይ ክንምዝግቦ?” ኢሎም ይሓቱዎ። ንሱ ድማ፡ “ኣየናይ ተጋዳላይ?” ክብል ብሕቶ ይምልሰሎም። ኣነጺሮም ምስ ገለጹሉ፡ “ፍትሑዎ” ዝብል ሓጺር መልሲ ሂቡዎም።
– ኣብ 1996 ሰለስተ ካብ ወጻኢ ዝመጹ መንእሰያት ኣብ ሆቴል እምባሶይራ ኮፍ ኢሎም የዕልሉ ነይሮም። እቲ ሰሓቖምን ሓጐሶምን ዘይተዋሕጠሉ ናይዝጊ፡ “እንታይ ትብሉ ኣለኹም?” ኢሉ ይሓቶም’ሞ፡ መንነቱ ስለ ዘይፈለጡ፡ “እንታይ ኣእተወካ?” ብምባል ውራይ ዕላሎም ይገብሩ። በዚ ሓደ ክልተ ምስ ኮነ “ጽባሕ ሰዓት 9፡00 ናይ ንግሆ ናብ ኣጂብ ትመጹ ይብሎም። ደቂ ብዙሕ ኣይተገደሱሉን ዕላሎም ወዲኦም ሓፍ ምስ በሉ ብዛዕባቲ ጕዳይ ምስ ገለ ሰባት ምስ ኣዕለሉ፡ “ጠፊእኩም! ኣይትፈልጡዎን ዲኹም? ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ’ንድዩ!” ብምባል ክኣስሮም ምዃኑ ይሕብሩዎም። ደቂ ተቐጢኖም ሓዲሮም ንጽባሒቱ ገፈፍ እናበሉ ናብ ኣጂብ ይኸዱ። ናይዝጊ ክልተ ብቐጥታ ኣብ ትሕቲኡ ዝነበሩ ሓለፍቲ ኣዳሊዩ ብምጽናሕ፡ “ኣድላዪ መርመራ ጌርኩም ትቕፍዱዎም፡” ይብሎም። እቶም ክልተ መርመርቲ ጥዑያት ስለ ዝጸንሑን ጠባዩ ስለ ዝፈልጡዎን፡ ነቶም ደቂ ብህድኣት ይሓቱዎም። ጕዳይ ከም ዘይብሎም ምስ ፈለጡ፡ “እዞም ሰባት ዝኾነ ገበን ኣይረኸብናሎምን፡ ስለዚ ክንሰዶም ኢና፡” ይብሉዎ። ድሕሪ ክንደይ ክትዕ ከይፈተወ “ሕራይ በሉ ናባይ ስደዱዎም” ይብሎም። እቶም ደቂ እናፈርሑ ናብ ቤትጽሕፈቱ ምስ ኣተዉ፡ “ትማሊ ደኣ እንታይ ኣደኽን ኢኽን ትብላ ኔርክን፡ ኣንትን ደቂ ሸርሙጣ?” ይብሎም። ንሳቶም ድማ “ሳክት ነዕልል ኔርና፡” ምስ በሉዎ። “በቃ ኣብ እምባሶይራ ኮፍ ኢልክን ናይ መሸኒ ገለ ተዕልላ! ኪዳ ከይትደግማ ድሕሪ ሕጂ፡” ኢሉ ኣፋንዩዎም። ስላቶም ጥዑያት ደቂ ብሰላም ተፋንዮም’ምበር፡ መሃነኖም ክሳብ ዝተፍኦም ምሰሓኑዋ ነይሮም።
– ኣብ 1995 እዞም ነቶም ደቂ ዝመርመሩ ክልተ ኣባላት ጸጥታ፡ ብገለ ገለ ምስ ተመላለሱ፡ ብቦክስ ሓመድ ገይሮሞ። እቲ ነገር ናቱ በደል ግዲ ነይሩ ካብ መዓስከር ንወርሒ ኣይትውጽኡ ጥራይ ተባሂሎም። ነቲ ጕዳይ ግን ኵሉ ሰብ ሰሚዑዎ። ገለ ሰባት ሕማቕ ጸርፊ ስለ ዝጸረፎም ዘይርሳዕ ትምህርቲ ክህቡዎ ደልዮም ይብሉ።
– ኣብ 1996 ምስ ኣቶ ዓብዱ ዩኑስ ኣብ ባር ኡሁሩ ኮፍ ኢሎም ቢራ እናሰተዩ ከለዉ፡ ምስ ነፍስሄር ትርሓስ ዋና ባር ሓደን ክልተን ይበሃሃሉ። ብዘይንሱ ንሳ ዝግድሳ ሰብ ኣይኮነትን ነይራ። ንሱ ስለ ዘይተቐባተረትሉ ጥራይ፡ “ክኣስረኪ እየ፡” ይብላ፡ “ንሳ ድማ ኣበይ ዘለኻ ኢኻ ደኣ ንስኻ ከምኡ ትብል፡ እቶም ጀጋኑስ’ባ ከምኡ ኣይብሉን’ዮም፡ ኣብ ባር ኣቲኻ ውራይ ቢራኻ ጌርካ ኪድ!” በለቶ ብድፍረት። ዘረባ ኣይቀጸለን ትም ኢሉ። ካብቲ ገዛ ምስ ወጹ ነቶም ኣብ ማዕዶኣ ዝነበርና ሰባት፡ “ጥዑይ ድዩ እዚ ሰብኣይ?” በለትና። ንሕና ድማ፡ “ኣይትፈልጥዮን ዲኺ? ናይዝጊ ክፍሉ’ንድዩ?” ምስ በልናያ፡ “እዝስ ናይ ሰይጣን’ምበር ናይዝጊ ኣይኮነን፡” ኢላ መለሰት። ከም ዘይትፈልጦ ተረዲኡና፡ “ሚኒስተር ጸጥታ’ዩ ክኣስረኪ’ዩ፡” በልናያ። ንሳ ግን ብውሽጣ ፈሪሓ እንተ ኾይናምበር ብደገስ ኣይዓጀባን፡ “ኪድ! ኣበይ ዘሎ’ዩ ደኣ ዝኣስረኒ? ሰብ ምእሳር ከም ድላይካ ድዩ ኾይኑ?” ኢላ ኣስሒቓትና።
– እዚ ንመንነቱን ባህሪኡን ዝገልጽ ነገራትምበር ነቲ ቀንዲ ተግባራቱን ጭካኔኡን ዘብርህ ኣይኮነን። ኣብ መጨረሽታ፡ ማለት ቅድሚ ናብ ዓዲንግሊዝ ምምጽኡ ግን ንመሓመድ ሓጐስ ዋና እንዳ ኦሞ ዝነበረ ሰብ ለኪሙዎ ጠፊኡ። ምስ መሓመድ ሓጐስ ብገለ ነገር ምስ ተቐራረቡ ገለ ከቢድ ምስጢር ኣካፊሉዎ። ፍሉያት ኣባላት ጸጥታ ኢሳያስ ስለ ዝፈለጡ ድማ መሓመድ ሓጐስ ኣብ ሓንቲ መኪና ተጨውዩ ድሕሪ ምኻድ ኣብ መንገዲ ባጽዕ ኣጽዲፎሞ። ንጽባሒቱ ሬሳኡ ገለ ሰባት ምስ ረኸቡዎ ናብ ባጽዕ እናወረደ ጸዲፉ ተባሂሉ። ግንከ፡ ኣብ ርእሱ ማህረምቲ ጸኒሑዎ፡ ሽዑ ምሽት ምስ ኣቦኡ ኣብ ገዛ ክድረር መደብ ነይሩዎ፡ ንጽባሒቱ ድማ ምስ ገለ ሰባት ኣብ ስራሑ ቈጸራ ነይሩዎ። ብዘይካዚ ሓደ ሰብ ብሓይሊ ኣብ መኪና ከእትዉዎ ከለዉ ርእዩ ኣብ ፖሊስ ምስ ኣመልከተ ንባዕሉ ተኣሲሩ። በዚ ምኽንያታት’ዚ ኣባላት ጸጥታ ኢሳያስ ከም ዝቐተሉዎ መረጋገጺ ኣሎ። ሽዑ ናይዝጊ ንባዕሉ ኣብ ሰንከልከል ስለ ዝነበረ ሓንቲ ክገብር ኣይከኣለን።
እዚ ክተንብቡዎ ዝጸናሕኩም ገለ ፈላጣት ነቲ ቀንዲ ናይ ናይዝጊ ታሪኽ ህይወት ዝገልጹልና፡ እቲ ቀቀሊሉን፡ መባእታውን ግን ከኣ ከም መርኣያ ናይ ባህርያቱን ኣብ ልዕሊ ሰባት ዝነበሮ ንዕቀትን ከብርሃልና ዝኽእል ኮይኑ ይስምዓኒ። ናይዝጊ፡ ንተጋደልቲ ዓሰርተ ኪሎ ሓርጭ ንህዝቢ ፍታሕ ጌርኩም ኢሉ ብዘይፍርዲ ዝኣስር ዝነበረ ሰብ’ዩ። ኣብ 1994 ንሓደ ቈማት ቀይሕ ኢሉ ተጋዳላይ ብዘይፍርዲ ዓመት ምስ ኣሰሮ ናብ ወተሃደራዊ ቤትፍርዲ ቀሪቡ። እቶም ፈራዶ ድማ “ዘእስር የብልካን ነጻ ኢኻ፡” ምስ በሉዎ፡ እቲ ወዲ “ገበነይ ከይተነግረኒ ካብዚ ቦታ ኣይወጽእን’የ” ኢሉዎም። እቶም ፈራዶ “እሞ ክንሓተልካ” ኢሎም ንናይዝጊ ምስ ደወሉሉ፡ “ናብ ማእሰርቲ ምለሱዎ” ስለ ዝበሎም ነቲ ወዲ እንታይ ከም ዝበሎም ሓቢሮሞ። እቲ ተጋዳላይ ኣብ ማአከል ቤትፍርዲ ከም ቈልዓ ጫጭ ኢሉ በኽዩ። እዚዩ ኣብ ነጻ ኤርትራ ዘሎን ዝነበረን ፍትሒ! ኣየ ፍትሒ! ኣየ ሕጊ! ዘብልዩ ብሓቂ። እቲ ሎሚ ዘሎ ኵነታት ርእሰ ግሉጽ ስለ ዝኾነ ምትንታን ኣየድልዮን። እቲ ጸገም ግን ሽዑ “ኣብ ኤርትራ ፍትሒ ተሳኢኑ፡” ኢሉ ዝዛረብ ሰብ፡ “ኢሰፓ” ክኸውን ኣለዎ” እዩ ዝብሃል ነይሩ። እስኪ ነነፍስና ንገምግም ክንደይ ካባና ኢና ካብ ሽዑ ጀሚሩ ግፍዕታት ህግደፍ ዝተረድኣና??? ንዝተኣስረ ሰብ፡ “ገለ ኣጠፋፊኡ” ይኸውንዶ ኣይኮንናን ንብል ኔርና።
በሉ ሰናይ ቅነ ንሎሚ ኣብዚ ይኣኽለና።
ዝኽሪ ንስዉኣትና!
ፈንቅል ካብ ኖርወይ
zisimebelieve February 28, 2012
I respect Amanuel Iyassu and all his work. But, I feel like this website becoming a dumpster. I am disgusted about how people are reacting to the death of the late Nizgi kflu. All EPLF members including the writer of the above story share the crime committed in the past. If the above writer knew this about zizgi and he never challeged him at the time, i assume he was in agreement with him.
” when the ship is sinking the rats are the first off”
ahmed saleh February 28, 2012
As they said ” TRUTH HURTS BIG TIME”. That is not the end, you will hear more.
I wish someone brave who know about these thugs who commit crimes in Gedli time
under EPLF — ELF era and after independence to be exposed. GEDLI HUSUM IYU.
A lot of our brothers had been victimized for the sole purpose of speaking out what
they believe is right to the principle of the SEWRA ERITREA. That is why a lot of them
are not accountable to the list of our martyrs, disappeared like never existed. I know
some of them whose parents never get confirmation about their sons, very sad.
zisimebelieve February 28, 2012
Tell me was he alone when he was committing the crime back in days? for simple fact he was Under Ali said abdela when he was the second in charge of Halewa sewra. Why do peopler chose to give him all the blame for him alone? I am not defending naizgi here, i am questioning the honesty of the people who are pointing fingers. If you pick and chose whom to charge of a crime it makes you dishonest.
Let look at the case of G15 they were members of EPLF until the day the get abducted in to jail. They know and even more take part in the crimes. yet, we heard so many people to give them immunity and further calling them our Heroes. Les us be honest and avoid “wegenawinet” that is the only way forward. otherwise we will remain slaves of the ruthless.
ahmed saleh February 29, 2012
I said you will hear more, that means the wall of silence is
starting to breakdown. So one by one all perpetrators of the
crimes will be exposed. Do not forget there are good and
honest high rank officials too. Not to generalize with evil
doers we should be informed to know who is who.
Concerning G15, we only defend them because of the illegal
improsonment, they are an example to the authoritarian
system with no respect to the rule of law inside the country.
Stating the word ” wegenawinet” does not bring positive
picture to the dialogue rather than a barrier and distraction.
zisimebelieve February 29, 2012
Well, I want to ask you one more thing who is to rule over who is innocent and who is criminal? this this question i wanted an answer for. I know so many people who start opposing the current regime in eritrea only after the G15 imprisonment. this led me to believe that Naizgi was an honest man who did not seek to make friends who can defend his crimes after 1991. but the rest of the EPLF leaders including G15 and isyyas are smart enough to make friends to cover their crimes and give them good names instead. You said the word ” wogenawinet: does not bring positive picture. i disagree with that. the negative picture is for me to be dishonest and pick and chose who to blame for a crimes committed by the whole party. I am asking a simple question here: Naizgi was not the first in Charge of the hell camps of halewa sewra, but he is getting the blame even more than the leaders of the party. If he was as powerfull as he is depicted by some, today, he could have a better place than laying in a freezer far from eritrea.
wedi mendefera February 28, 2012
As Saint George School student,I know Naizghi to be evil culprit in his young age. Ataabaibiya zibelo iyu. Then he turned a s spoiled communist, a defamed, opportunist and everything bad thing in the world. I wonder how Isaias searching and finding all those with tseghem meninet, like himself.
At least luckily he got what he deserves in a smaller scale.
We will see something similar of other puppets later.
Temeliketu kab bael Asmelash, kab bael abbe yedihinikum zibeliwom zighebiru neza hanti bani kibeluu. Wereg hatse ilom zeytefiuu. Bifilay Abbe.
zigeremo February 28, 2012
to wedi mendefera…
Do you know that the dictator killed suleman Abbe’s brother after liberation for the reason no one knows instead of bringing him to court? Now abbe is still serving their ass. Imagine wedi mendefera to kiss the ass of a spoiled and lumpen government of Iseyas after loosing your own blood brother? This is the reality….am sure Amanuel assenna knows about Abbe very well….
ዘመን February 28, 2012
Zisimebelieve is so naive to say that the writer is in agreement with Naizgi. The writer might have been a rank and file with no power to challenge Naizgi. had he spoken he would have perished in the hands of Naizgi instead of fighting against the enemy and liberating his people. Is it a crime for someone to tell what he knows to the public? Again even if for example let’s say he supported Naizgi, he may regret later on and confess. We need people to tell facts, wether they have been part or no part of the evil. What r u by the way? a supporter of Naizgi, hgdefite or an an ex Isepa? What u r saying is simply absurd!!
desta4498@yahoo.com February 28, 2012
guys..what you are talking about? This man is already passed away. So, what is the point now,,leave him and us please…why you are not telling us when he was alive?
Kalighe February 28, 2012
“እቲ ጸገም ግን ሽዑ “ኣብ ኤርትራ ፍትሒ ተሳኢኑ፡” ኢሉ ዝዛረብ ሰብ፡ “ኢሰፓ” ክኸውን ኣለዎ” እዩ ዝብሃል ነይሩ። እስኪ ነነፍስና ንገምግም ክንደይ ካባና ኢና ካብ ሽዑ ጀሚሩ ግፍዕታት ህግደፍ ዝተረድኣና??? ንዝተኣስረ ሰብ፡ “ገለ ኣጠፋፊኡ” ይኸውንዶ ኣይኮንናን ንብል ኔርና።”
This article is informative and well written. I thank the writer for admitting mistakes of the past.
Naizghi was a criminal like many of his group, including Mesfun Hagos. What is written here is just a little bit of massive crimes committed by this group. It’s unfortunate that he and Ali Said died before facing justice. All those who were involved in Halewa Sewra are dangerous people who committed crimes against humanity. In free Eritrea these criminals will face justice. They have so much blood in their hands, that is why they live in fear of seeing a free Eritrea, where justice will be served and peace will reign.