ሰብኣዊ ሕልና!
ሰብኣዊ ሕልና! እቲ ምሩጽ መራሒ ኦባማ ዝብሉዎ ሰለስተ ሰባት ብሓደጋ ስለ ዝሞቱዎ ሕልፈት ዜጋታቱ ኣመና ኣጉህዩዎ ብሓዘን ኪነብዕ እንተ ረኣኹዎ ንመላኺ ኤርትራ ፍጹም ነዓቕኩዎ! ምኽንያቱ ንሱ ጨካን ብምዃኑ ማእገር ናይዛ ሃገር ብመደብ ዘዕኑ ናይ ህዝቢ ዘይዓጦ ብዘይካ ስልጣኑ ምሁራት ዘጽነተ ሓዩሩ ረሺኑ ብህዝቡን ዓለምን ፍጹም

ሰብኣዊ ሕልና!
እቲ ምሩጽ መራሒ ኦባማ ዝብሉዎ
ሰለስተ ሰባት ብሓደጋ ስለ ዝሞቱዎ
ሕልፈት ዜጋታቱ ኣመና ኣጉህዩዎ
ብሓዘን ኪነብዕ እንተ ረኣኹዎ
ንመላኺ ኤርትራ ፍጹም ነዓቕኩዎ!
ምኽንያቱ ንሱ ጨካን ብምዃኑ
ማእገር ናይዛ ሃገር ብመደብ ዘዕኑ
ናይ ህዝቢ ዘይዓጦ ብዘይካ ስልጣኑ
ምሁራት ዘጽነተ ሓዩሩ ረሺኑ
ብህዝቡን ዓለምን ፍጹም ተፈንፊኑ!
ብዘይሕግን ፍርድን ዜጋታት ዚኣስር
ብዊስኪን ኣረቂን ሃገር ዘማሓድር
ካብ ዓለም ተነጺሉ ሸፊቱ ዚነብር
ርህራሀ ዘይብሉ ከም ሰብ ዘየፍቅር
ነዚ ክቡር ህዝቢ ከም ኣቅሓ ዘሕስር
መራሒ’ዩ ምባል ክንደይከ የሐፍር!
ኣማኢት ዜጋታት ኣብ ሓንቲ ካልኢት
ብሓንሳብ ክጠፍኡ ብዘሰንብድ ህልቂት
መላኺ *ብስምፖዝዩም ከበሮ ጣቅዒት *ብምኽንያት 20 ዓመት ዝተገብረ ምርኢት
ይዘናጋዕ ኔሩ የኹድድ ሳዕስዒት!
እታ ባንዴራውን ህያብ ናይ ሰማእታት
ብጃምላዊ ህልቂት ናይዞም መንእሰያት
መግለጺ ሓዘና ንኽብሪ ዜጋታት
ርእሳ ኣየድነኑዋን ንቚሩብ ሰዓታት!
ኩነታት ሃገርና’ሞ ብሓቂ ንስኣሎ
እዚ ኤርትራዊ ረኺቡዎ ዘሎ
ኣብ በረኻ ሳህራ ብጸሓይ ኪቑሎ
ኣብ ባሕሪ ጥሒሉ ዓሳ ይሰሃሎ!
ህይወት ኤርትራዊ’ወ ብሓቂ ንስኣሎ
ኣብ ኣጻምእ ሲናይ ካራ ኪሰሓሎ
ልቡ ጠፊኡዎ ናበይ ከም ዘብሎ
ኣያ ብምስኣኑ ኣለኹልካ ዚብሎ
ኣብ ምልእቲ ዓለም ወትሩ ይሳቐ ኣሎ!
ዕዉራን ረኣዩ ጽሙማንውን ስምዑ
ቁንጣሮ ካብ ህዝቦም ስለ ዝተወቕዑ
መራሕቲ ሃገራት ምሳእቶም ክነብዑ
ኤርትራውያን ግና በማኢት ክጠፍኡ
መላኺን ሰዓብቱን ብጓይላ ይስዕስዑ!
የዋሃን ለብሙ ድቁሳን ተንስኡ
ህዝቢ ብዓጸቦ ነብሱ ተጠልቂዑ
ሓሶት ኣራሪዮም ወረ ዘላኽዑ
ዕሱባት በዚሖም ወትሩ ዘጣቕዑ
ለዋህ ኤርትራዊ ሽግር ተደሪዑ
ሰማዒ ስኢኑ ረዳኢ ጸዊዑ!
ስቓይና ንኺድምደም፡ ውድቀት ንጉጅለ ሕሰም!
21-04-2013 ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ
Embasorya The Mighty April 21, 2013
nsKa mesyuka alo!! mdri bbrhana Selmituka::
fithawi April 22, 2013
Embasyora do sibur Etro?
Tarzan zibahal kelbi zifelito nebere. wanatatu nufuE kibluwo wala dengola entederbekkalu entay mikuanu keyfelete “Hammmm!” abilu zikuluso.
kurub gida higiz abileni gele Zemedka do yihiliwekum?
Truly, Truly i say to you April 22, 2013
Mesinas,i have no enough word to express my admiration that i have towards you. I say simply brilliant! In deed like you say a real human leader like Obama may weep because seen three innocent human life lost, but the devil in Asmara no one seen him when morning when four hundred Eritreans sinking in Mediterranean Sea. Mesinas, when you talk about humanity and responsibility it reminds me how and why was PM Miniser Wim kok of Dutch (Netherlands) resigned with entire cabinet members. Did you know why resigned? Because blamed when the Serbian army commited crime against Bosnian civilians, their UN Dutch peace kepers army at that area because felt to prevent the 1995 massacre was. i don´t know how much civilians were killed i think the number is not more than 20. Can you imagine how the Dutch leaders have feel humanity and responsibility like Obama even for other nation people death? But Isayas ( Don Quixote) deliberately by refusing the US and Rwanda peace plan after ignited the third round Badme war, at the result more than 22,000 Eritreans with in two weeks war were be slaughtered and we lost our territories because of his wickedness. After all this and countless crime, Isayas let alone to resign, he still is fantasying to ignite another war. Typical Don Quixote of Asmara!
emanuel April 22, 2013
sebayy ..kemey ambib ata jigna
the eritreanmilitarymovement April 22, 2013
To All Eritreans inside and out side Eritrea!
It has to be remembered that before the operation of FORTO the secretly established Eritrean Miltary Movement has informed Eritreans inside and outside, there could a military qudetat and urged Eritreans to support the movement and the operation.
Unfortunatly the operation didn’t succeed,because of urgency and lack of coordination.
Now the right operation is on the pipeline.It is right because most of the taskforce along with the people of Eritrea are ready to undertake the operation.
The operation will be from july to September.all Eritreans inside Eritrea must take care during this time.
All diplomats of Eritrea are urged to contact the movement through e –mail to know what to do and donot.
Isayas afeworki and his 5 juntas are under closer watch from now onwards.
any Eritrean can contact the Eritrean military movement through the following e-mail to know the updates_:
we are open to the public because we are confident to accomplish the operation and every thing is under our control.there is nothing to fear.
Victory for Eritrean people!