ሰማይ ልዕሊ ህድሞ ነነጢርካ ተ’ትስዕሞ! ወርሒ ምስወጽአት ብቐዳማይ ኣንቃዕሪረ ሰማይ ሰማይ ዝረኣኹዎ ላዕላይ ቀላይ! ይዕንድርሉ ደቂ ጸሓይ ልክዕ ከም’ዞም ኣብታይ ይጓየዩ ላዕላይ ታሕታይ። ናይ’ቶም ከዋኽብቲ ስነስርዓት ምስ’ቲ ንፋስ ዝነበረ ህድኣት ኣቤት ክጽብቕ ኩሕለይቲ መርዓት ኣቤት ክሰፍሕ ሰጥ ዝበለ ቅርዓት። ኣብ’ቲ ቅርዓት ዘሎ ኽብረት ዝረኣኹዋ መሲሉኒ ንናጽነት መዝሙር ልደት እናዘመረት ምስ

ሰማይ ልዕሊ ህድሞ
ነነጢርካ ተ’ትስዕሞ!
ወርሒ ምስወጽአት ብቐዳማይ
ኣንቃዕሪረ ሰማይ ሰማይ
ዝረኣኹዎ ላዕላይ ቀላይ!
ይዕንድርሉ ደቂ ጸሓይ
ልክዕ ከም’ዞም ኣብታይ
ይጓየዩ ላዕላይ ታሕታይ።
ናይ’ቶም ከዋኽብቲ ስነስርዓት
ምስ’ቲ ንፋስ ዝነበረ ህድኣት
ኣቤት ክጽብቕ ኩሕለይቲ መርዓት
ኣቤት ክሰፍሕ ሰጥ ዝበለ ቅርዓት።
ኣብ’ቲ ቅርዓት ዘሎ ኽብረት
ዝረኣኹዋ መሲሉኒ ንናጽነት
መዝሙር ልደት እናዘመረት
ምስ መላእኽቲ እናነጠረት።
ቡን ምስ ዕጣኑ እናደከረት
ናይ ሓዲሽ ዓመት ምስተቖነነት
ምስ ዝናን-ባህታን ከምዝፈለለት
ካብ’ዛ ዓለም ዕዳጋ ከምዝፈገደት
ሰማይ ሰማይ ትጥምት ከይደነነት
ናብ’ዛ መሬት ደሃይ ደቃ ከይገበረት
ትኮሓል ትስሕቕ ከይሓፈረት።
ነዚኣ ምስረአት
እዛ ኸብደይ ተገማጠለት
ልበይ ተሃወጸት ከበሮ ወቕዐት
ካብ ሰፈራ ከም ዝሞሎቐት
ፈር-ፈር በለት ኣንፈጥፈጠት
ሰብነተይ ፈርሐት ተጠራጠረት።
ዋይ’ዛ ናጽነት!
መቐረት ላዕላይ ሰማይ ካብ ጠዓመት
ክትወርድ’ያ ብሓቂ ናብ’ዛ መሬት
ናይ ናብራ ድኽነት
ናይ መግዛእቲ ባርነት
ናይ መንግስቲ ስድነት።
ክትጽበየና’ያ ኣብ’ቲ ገነት
ድሕሪ ሞት ንዝህሉ ሂወት
ዝኸውን ስንቂ እና’ዋህለለት
ተጠራጢረ’ምበር ብኡነት
ብመልክዕ ናይ ናጽነት።
እንተተገሪምኩም ከም’ዚ ኸማይ
ልዕሊ ህድሞና ዘሎ ሰማይ
ልዕሊ ኣመሪካ ዘሎ ብፍላይ
ልዕሊ አውሮጳ ዘሎ እንኮላይ
ኩሉ ማዕረ …. ይመስል ማይ-ማይ
ፈጣሪ ዘይምሕማይ።
ትሕቲ ህድሞ ዘላ ምድሪ
በብዓዳ ዘላ ግብሪ
ኣብ ስዑድያ ዘላ ተምሪ
ኣብ ኣመሪካ ዘላ ኽብሪ
ኣብ አውሮጳ ዘላ ፍቕሪ
ኣብ ሲናይ ዘላ ረመጽ-ጓህሪ
ኣብ ኤርትራ ዘላ ናይ ስታሊን በትሪ
ናይ ሰብ’ዩ ኣይኮነን ናይ ፈጣሪ።
መዋዕልና ከነስተማቕሮ
ናጽነት ክትወርድ ካብ’ቲ መሳቕሎ
ኣብ’ዛ ዕዳጋና ክትረክብ መዋዕሎ
ብወፈራ ዓደ’ቦ እንተዝግምጠል ህድሞ
ንቖልዓ ንሽማግለ ምኾነ መዓቑቦ።
ክሳብ ዝርከብ ሓቦ ዝግምጥል ህድሞ
እንተ ተሳኢኑ መሳልል መዳይቦ
ሰማይ ዝኣከቦ ነነጢርና ክንስዕሞ
ይፍጠረልና ….. ለልብና ዝብህጎ።
ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ።
Daniel T Teclegiorgis (ewandt54@gmail.com)
Fanko December 18, 2011
1. Most of you post articles here for discussion in the name of democracy, and then when relevant questions are raised, you rush to shoot them down. This is the way you run like dogs with your tail between your legs.
This is what the Hawasa participants did. When Daniel Tewelde asked questions, the leadership of Kidan silenced him, as “Hgdef spy”. The shame is that none of you defended him when he stood in the streets of Hawasa to cry about the violation of his rights. None of the people who went to Hawasa dared to defend Daniel’s rights as an elected member. None of you cowards stood up with him in the streets of Hawasa to show your solidarity. None of you cowards said “ziban Higi … Ageb!” in Hawasa
If you cowards cannot stand up against the evils such as Ameha, Abdurahman, Nesredin … and all the rest of the monkeys of Hawasa, how the hell can cowards like you stand up against the Hgdef regime in Asmara?
Fanko December 18, 2011
2. Many of you talk none stop about the participation of young people and democracy but you work hard to discourage your own elected and devoted members like Daniel Tewelde and many others from your own leadership. The only time you praise young Eritreans are when you want to use them as your own condoms. This is what you did several times; starting from 1960’s Sryet Addis, Falul, Barentu, Adobha … You are repeating the same miserable history.
At the end, many of the cowards and worthless people who went to Awasa condemned Daniel Tewelde without a shame as a “Higdef spy” by keeping silent.
How many of you stood up with Daniel in this picture? Look the cowards in the bus ignoring him, click below:
zemen beraki December 19, 2011
Fanko like your name are fangwa or fankwa because Daniel is a poet and is describing what he thinks in a very sublime and artful way. So, why rush to condemn him and politicize his poem. He has the right to express himself in whatever way he wants, but people like you who only talk about individuals try to be slanderous. You want to advocate for Daniel, that is fine you talk to the responsible people not slander great poets. Try to learn how democracy functions and try to solve problems amicably not by insulting people. There may have been many errors at the congress but this is not the way to solve them.
isaak. December 19, 2011
Selam nakum ykun! ane hade kabtom tesatefti nayti ab hawasa ztekayede gubae eye. guday Daniel kemzzkro hade kabtom buzuh zezarebu gudayat neru. kemwtsietu kea neti neger etetsari committee wetsie; duro qua kedamay investigative result nata akriba gedifeya. slezi hawna fanco afka zhabeka kab mzrab mhtat netom abue zwalna yhsheka.