ምእንቲ ሃገራዊ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ብልዑል ተወፋይነት ዘገልገለ ሓርበኛ ተጋዳላይ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ብተደራራቢ ሕማማት ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽንሑ ዓሪፉ።
ምእንቲ ሃገራዊ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ብልዑል ተወፋይነት ዘገልገለ ሓርበኛ ተጋዳላይ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ብተደራራቢ ሕማማት ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽንሑ፡ ብ 16 መጋቢት ኣብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ ሰያትል ዓሪፉ። ሓርበኛ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ኣብቲ ጽንኩር ኩነታት ግዜ ሓርነታዊ ቃልሲ

ምእንቲ ሃገራዊ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ብልዑል ተወፋይነት ዘገልገለ ሓርበኛ ተጋዳላይ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ብተደራራቢ ሕማማት ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽንሑ፡ ብ 16 መጋቢት ኣብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ ሰያትል ዓሪፉ።
ሓርበኛ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ኣብቲ ጽንኩር ኩነታት ግዜ ሓርነታዊ ቃልሲ ኤርትራ ኣብ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ከም ኣባል ናይ ሕክምናዊ ኣሃዱ ኮይኑ ኣብቲ ምድረበዳን ኣኽራናትን ክኸውን ይኽእል `ዩ ተባሂሉ ትጽቢት ዘይግበረሉ ተኣምራት ብምስራሕ ውጉኣት ተጋደልትን ብሕማም ዝተጠቕዐ ህዝብን ካብ ዘድሓኑ ሓርበኛታት ሓደ እዩ።
ንሱ ብዘይካ`ቲ ኣብ ሜዳ ዘበርከቶ ልዑል ሕክምናዊ ሞያ፡ ሕክምናዊ ኣገልግሎት ናይቲ ዝካየድ ዝነበረ ቃልሲ ንምድንፋዕ ናብ ወጻኢ ሃገራት ብሕልፊ ኣብ ኣመሪካን ኤውሮጳን ብምኻድ ደገፍ ኣብ ምርካብ ልዑል ኣስተዋጽኦ ከምዝገበረ ይፍለጥ።
እቲ ሞያኡን ህይወቱን ንሃገሩ ብዘይቶጒላባነት ዝሃበ ውፉይ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ኣብ ስደት ብድርብ ሕማም ተጠቒዑ ከቢድ ኣካላውን ስነኣእሙራኣውን ጉድኣት ስለዝወረዶ ኣኽሩዕቱ መጋድልቱን ከቢድ ሕክምናዊ ወጻኢታቱ ክሽፍኑ ህዝባዊ ጻውዒት ኣቕሪቦም እናጸዓሩ ከለዉ ድማ እዩ፡ ብ 16 መጋቢት 2018 ብ ወቒዒ ልቢ ዓሪፉ።
እቲ ብምሉእ ተወፋነት ምእንቲ ሃገሩ ዝተቓለሰ ሓርበኛ፡ ኣብ እዋን ጽኑዕ ሕማሙ ካብታ ናጽነት ዘረከባ ሃገር ቆላሕታ ምስኣኑ ዘሕዝን ኮይኑ፡ ኣዕሩኽቱን ተደናገጽቱን ሞሳ ምቕሉልነቱን ኣበርክቶኡን ክመልሱ ላዕልን ታሕትን ምባሎም ዝምስገን እዩ።
ድምጺ ኣሰና ንስድራቤት ሓርበኛ ዶር ነርኣዮ ተኽለሚካኤል ጽንዓት እናተመነየት፡ መንግስተ ሰማይ የዋርሶ ትብል።
k.tewolde March 21, 2018
So became the fate of hundreds of thousands of heroes and heroins of this beguiled nation, may the Lord receive him in his sanctuary and God bless those who contributed to alleviate the pain in his last days.
amanuel March 21, 2018
Nezi wurdet nimisfan mikilasom yehizin. Rip dr.
Kedae n segadin entezinebir radio tefash lele mibeletlu nera.
Mohamed March 21, 2018
A great patriot .
May his soul rest in peace.
Michael Tesfamariam March 21, 2018
Does Assenna believes almost all the memebers of G 11 had alrwady died in cage? Unfortunately Assenna seems to think Haile Duru was the only one who died in jail in Eritrea. I understand why Assenna’s intensive coverage of Haile Duru proves nothing but Awrajawi bias. These brave hero including Haile Duru have died partly against this narrowly tight regional sickness yet Assenna pays little attention to it. I have never seen such coverage for Haile Duru, even bigger than those all died combined.
Muller-Mulugeta March 21, 2018
Are you saying this because he is from awraja Akeleguzey? But he did not fight or joined EPLF to free his awraja or to make an independent Akeleguzey country. Don’t you think the sickness is in your own regional head? What other intensive coverage do you expect from poor Assenna? What you have to feel sorry is for the poor family of Ato Haile W/tensae and other unfortunate victims.
assenna March 22, 2018
Dear Mr Michael Tesfamariam,
Assenna has been publishing about the presumed death of all the victims when the information was made available. If you have been following its coverage throughout the years, you would have been aware that Haile Dure’ didn’t get a preferential treatment. Can’t you see the sliding photo memorial of all the victims on the front page? Do you think that reflects a regional trend? After all, you are talking about a hero who ‘died’ in a secret detention unjustly for speaking up for the Eritrean people. What is wrong with giving him a small space on a website? We wish we could do more. ኣነን ሓጺሩኒ ኢለ ይቑጣዕ ፡ ንሱ ድማ ተደቢሩ ይስዕስዕ ኣይትግበሮ ሓውና። Please, don’t try to put your narrow mentality into Assenna’s head.
By the way, I have to remind those colleagues who have been too concerned not to be accused of regional bias and have been unreasonably cautious in the way they want to go about remembering Haile Drue’. Please, commemorate his death as much as you can; along the way, remember his comrades. But this time, we can’t deny that he is the headline, as others have been in the past. As Eritreans, if we have confidence in ourselves in the way we pay our respect to other victims on their day, why do we have to bother about some people’s ill perception?
Amanuel Eyasu
Nahon March 22, 2018
Brother Amanuel Eyasu
Good to hear from you.
When Michael Tesfamariam accused Assenna of regional bias you gave him a prompt response, which is commendable. But when the so-called Agazians insult day a night people here, using your forum as a spring board, mostly attacking Eritrean Muslims and nationalist Eritreans,frequent calls on you to stop the aggression do not get any response.
Do you think your silence is golden ?
amanuel March 22, 2018
I do not understand why you (amanuel) should be concerned to answer to such malicious person who does not even believe in independence of eritrea. We all know the coverage given to biteweded abraha, wedi vacaro and others. Pfdj supporters should Use all means and specially awraja and religion to disunite eritreans. Is that not what is allowing iseyas to stay in power? So do not worry about trashy hgdf rifrafat like the one accusing you. It is partly manifestation of their frustration.
Sol March 22, 2018
ዝኸበርካ ኣማን
እዚ ብስም ምክኤል ተስፋማርያም ኢሉ ጽሒፉ ዘሎ ሓደ ካብቶም ብሰንኪ ረሳሕ ፖለቲካ ኤሰያስ ዝፈረዩ ትዃን ቑንጪ እዩ። ስሙ እናቀያየረ ብዕልግና ዝመለኦ ጸርፍታት ንሃይማኖት ንኣውራጃ ንጸሓፍቲ (bloggers) ን commentators ይጽሕፍ እንኮ ዕላምኡ ንኣሰና ፍንፍንቲ መርበብ ሓበረታ ምግባር እዩ በኣንጻሩ ግን ጽሑፋት ናይዚ ልኡኽ ውልቐመላኺ ዘረጋግጾ ሓቂ እንተሎ ስርዓት ኤሰያስ ክሳብ ክንደይ ሕሱርን ረሳሕን ምኳኑ እዩ
Michael Tesfamariam March 22, 2018
Yes, I have seen, most political prisoners in Eritrea have been covered; their photos are posted, their stories were broadcasted, analysed, discussed and so on. Thanks to Assenna!
However, my criticism was not about this, it was rather about the special coverage and events that were dedicated only to Haile Durue. I did not mean Haile Durue should deserve no respect or dignity, he deserves all sorts of respect and dignity as one of the Eritrean selfless heroes and fathers. However, the amount of time and decorations given to him relative to the rest of heroes who were declared dead in exact the same situation speaks itself, and requires no further clarification from me. There is no reason to organise special event and remembrance only for Haile Durue while ignoring other compatriots like him who had already been reported to have died in jail under the same situations and for the same purpose. For the past few weeks since Haile was reportedly dead, we have observed excessive and unique coverages and mourns which none of those who apparently dead received. You should rather organise inclusive event for all men and women who are dying in prison under Issais regime.
You rushed in attacking me just for expressing my observations, this shows a weakness and unwillingness to face the reality, insult and vilifications to people are the only defensive mechanisms usually used by the losing side of the argument. You should rather be frank and honest with your listeners, thought this is extremely sensitive topic for you given the fact that a big chunk of your listeners associate themselves directly with way your Radio program is manifested..
I didn’t believe or don’t believe now that Assenna is responsible for creating this newly emerging fashion of regionalism, but there is plenty of evidences showing a consistent pattern of complicity, and reluctance to act against those fringe elements who have deeply infiltrated Radio Assenna and used it as their platform to shout false and divisive comments. Isn’t it ironic, despite your mission as justice seeker, to inform the public about the the regime’s crimes at home, you allowed your Radio station to be used by people like Tadese Kidane, who play a devil advocate for Issais and his generals.
I have never defended or promoted any particular region, I have been specific and consistent in all my criticisms so far, and I will continue to battle and chase anyone who are wittingly engaged in promoting bogus regional identity as their core political issues. Today, Eritrean oppositions have been bogged down on petty and trivial issues for years and unable to show any kind of progress because of this AwrJa driven stupid political agendas., and the very people they are supposed to be fighting for are perishing by the day.
It was the desire and wishes of all Eritreans at home to get rid of Issais and his cronies but they prefer to die under Issais than witnessing their country rip apart by ethic or region driven sectarian violence. The opposition did not seem to learn from the past when thousands of innocent fighters were manipulated and finally liquidated by the leading members of ELF and EPLF by create frictions and mistrust among decent genuine Eritrean fighters. If anyone who wishes to see the past tragedy come again, he or she is an enemy of the people and the country.
As to my name and identity, I have never changed or used other names other than my real name on this forum or elsewhere ever since I got involved in a movement for justice. Like it lump it, this is my real name and I don’t feel sorry for using my authentic name and identity to express my views whenever it deems appropriate. Unfortunately many folks in this forum who are barking and trying to tarnish me as HGDEF stooge do not have the guts to show up with their real name and identities.
Yohan March 23, 2018
Haw Michael, I fully understand and share your valid point and concern
as well as your opposition/objection.
But you are wasting your time and energy as assenna is full of weak, blind, opportunist, gutless, spineless and toothless so called justice seekers/jokers.
Simon G. March 23, 2018
Michael Tesfamariam:
ንስኻ ሓደ ሓሳዊ: ሓደ ካብቶም ናጽነት ኤርትራ ዘየተዋሕጠሎም ኢኻ። ሽምካ ቀያይርካ ሰብ ከተደናግር ኣይትፈትን።
ተምቤናይ ዋሒድ!
Sol March 22, 2018
Michael Tesfamariam (Tekhlay) day after day you are becoming more and more socially sick person. Your fight to destroy assenna is fruitless but at the end you will completely be insane and the mafia boss that you are serving will not care to take you back home to stay in TseTserat as he has done to his loyal servant Nayzge Kiflu.
Tesmin March 22, 2018
መቸም ኣብ ዓለም ፡ መቅርብካ ክፍለየካ እንከሎ ሓዘን ይስምዓካ እዩ።ሃገር ብሃገራ ከም መዓል ዶክቶር ንሪኣዮን ካሊኦት ሰብ ሞያን ፡መራሕቲ ሃይማኖትን ፖለቲካን ምኽሳር ማለት ሞት ሕብረተ-ስብ ማለት እንዳኾነ ቢኢዱ ኣይግዳዱ ጥፊኣት ኣዋዲዱ ትም-ያ’ትም እንታዩ ጉዱ?