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Updated: ምቅላዕ ካብ ቦሎኛ – ዓገብ ዓገብ፣ ገበን ኣብ ርእሲ ዉጹዕ ህዝቢን መናእሰይን

[gview file="ዓንኬባር-3_updated.pdf"]

Review overview
  • goitom July 11, 2014

    kirkirkir….hahahaha…..kirkirkir…ala nskatikin wekaru nay metereshta rihketkin kemzbetsahkin aflitkin nkindey hizbi dea kiteksa ekin awlo mase endabekin tiray zeytkuzma fususat hamot ab tirah golgol fekerti hizbi eritrea gin fekerakin keyagebo sreu areakin eyu natkin neger weya karaka ke wesidoma sefera ke moyte diye eyu hahahah….kirkir…..kirkir

  • Yohannes July 11, 2014


    ኩነታትኩም ንፈለጦ ስለ ዝኾናስ ብዙሕ እንተዘይጋዓረካ ይሓይሽ። ሚኒስተራትኩም ዓው ኢሎም ዝዛረቡሉ ሽግራት እዩ ዘለኩም።
    ተስፋ ይገብር ናብ ንብሰኻ ክትምለስ።በዚ ሒዝካዮ ዘለኻ እንተቐጺልካ ግን ንዘሰልከየና ልሳናትን መናፍሕን ህግደፍኩም ምድጋም ጥራይ ኢዩ ዝኸውን። ስለዚ እነተዘይደኸምካ ዬሕሸካ። ግን ከምቶም ካለኦት ኣርሒቖም ዝሓስቡ ኩርኩር ናይ ህግደፍ ካብ ሙኻን ናብቶም ምእነቲ ድሕነት ኤሪትራ ሃገርና ዝቃለሱ እንተተጸንበርካ ድማ ጽቡቕን ሓላልን እዩ። ንህዝቢ ኤሪትራ ምብርካት ሓላል እዩ

  • miki July 11, 2014

    atum sebat astewielkum zeytitshfu eta hanti entezeyfeletkuwa qa eta hanti tsegameyti kuninti tbluwa zelekum milen aykonetn sma ,,,,,,kendi sma kea yirgalem eya sma ab italy ziabeyet ab italy tnebr eya kea …slezi zeykewn nseb bhasot mtqan gdefwo.hade seb entetseliekayo b media sm mitslam tray koynu srahkum.mhret yazizelka nezi ztsehafka.wedehanka!!!

    • ahmed saleh July 11, 2014

      Assenna will investigate first before
      naming individuals . In case of the
      writer article about the names of those two girls , if it is false only
      him take responsibility .

      • ahmed saleh July 12, 2014

        Again miki
        You contradict yourself to reveal the name of the braided hair girl ( kununti ) since the writer couldn’t identify her .
        Now , you seem to jump on false accusation to defend the system not the privacy of those women .

      • TwoWayStreet July 12, 2014

        ahmed s.
        And now Assenna is an investigator?

        • ahmed saleh July 12, 2014

          Well a reporter suppose to investigate the authenticity of the given information before confirming its validity.
          Don’t you think so ?

          • TwoWayStreet July 12, 2014

            Ahmed saleh,
            In a way yeah. But one has to be an investigative reporter to do that. They way I see it, Assenna is not like that. Assenna is just a news organization which only needs a source. What you are asking is more like the work of a spy organization not the work of a news media. (A dirty spy organization which asks members to spy on their brother and sister)

          • selamawit2 July 12, 2014

            TwoWayStreet, you really talk about “to spy on their brother and sister” while you are defnding those
            who are spying on their (x-)brothers and (x-)sisters and making them vanishing when going for holiday to Eritrea!!!
            You know better than any other that “to spy on their brother and sister” is the daily business of HHDF supporters – of those you are dancing on the graves of OUR brothers and sisters.
            You are twisting the things and i don’t really know why and you are to itelligent to Not note it…

    • TwoWayStreet July 12, 2014

      This is a very bad idea. This is what happens when your emotion drives your judgment. First of all it is not a crime to participate in such festival, and then accuse participants without facts.

  • Mesinas July 11, 2014

    ብመጀመርያ ንኽቡር ሓው ዓንኬር ስለ’ቲ እዋናዊ ሓበሬታኡ ከመስግኖ እፈቱ። ንኡድ ስራሑ ኣጻርዩን ኣበርቲዑን ንኺቕጽሎ ድማ ብስም ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ እላበዎ። ብምቕጻል፦ ሎሚ ኣብ ዳንኬራ ህግደፍ ዝዘልልን ብኣውያት ውጹዓት ዘላግጽን ሰብ ኤርትራዊ’ዩ ወይውን ሰብ’ዩ ኢልካ ክትገልጾ ኣጸጋሚ’ዩ። ምኽንያቱ እቶም እንተ ብረብሓ እንተ ብፍርሂ ንጃንዳ ህግደፍ ዝድግፉ ዜጋታትውን እንተኾኑ ሕልናኦም ስለ ዚወቕሶምን ነቲ ሓቂ ንምኽሓዱ ስለ ዘጸግሞምን ትም ክብሉን ሕልናኦም እናሓቐዮም ኣብ ውራይ ህግደፍ ክሳቱፉ’ዮም ዝመርጹ። እቶም ብጃምላዊ ህልቂት ኤርትራውያን ዝስሕቁን ዝላገጹን ግን ብስም ኤርትራውያን ዝኣትዉ ዘይኤርትራውያን ወይ ድማ ናይ ወለዶ ጸገም ዘሎዎም ኤርትራውያን ጥራይ እዮም ክኾኑ ዝኽእሉ! በዚ መሰረት ከኣ ብዝተፈላለየ ኣስማት ኣትዮም ከምዚ ዚስዕብ እንተ በሉ ከገርመና የብሉን። ብሓቂ ሰባት ወይውን ኤርትራውያን ኔሮም እንተ ዝኾኑ ነዚ ዚኾነ ይኹን መመኽነይታ ዘይብሉ ጥፍኣት ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ኣይምደገፉን!

    “goitom on July 11, 2014 at 12:51 pm said:

    kirkirkir….hahahaha…..kirkirkir…ala nskatikin wekaru nay metereshta rihketkin kemzbetsahkin aflitkin nkindey hizbi dea kiteksa ekin awlo mase endabekin tiray zeytkuzma fususat hamot ab tirah golgol fekerti hizbi eritrea gin fekerakin keyagebo sreu areakin eyu natkin neger weya karaka ke wesidoma sefera ke moyte diye eyu hahahah….kirkir…..kirkir”

    እዚ ሰብ ይኹን ታሪኽ ይቕረ ዘይብሎ ደበራ (ጽዩፍ ተግባር) እዩ። ስለዚ ኸኣ ነዞም ብደዎም ከለዉ ብሕልናን ኣተናን ዝሞቱ ህልዋት ምሕረቱ ይልኣኸልኩም እብሎም።

  • Agalitiumom July 11, 2014

    That is ver good recention about this people. I hope those countries who has garnted their asaylum(Norway and Germany) get this information. Wel-done! Belev me we are going to do our best to contact this countries soon or later. I am one of many who works hard and pay tax. My payment shoud not go to these parasits who are dancing with dictaitors.

  • Selamawi' July 11, 2014

    ሕግደፍሲ ኢድኩም ኣይትስኣኑ፥
    ኤርትራዊ መኺሩኩም እምቢ ኢልኩም፥
    ወጻእተይናታት ለሚኖኹም እምብልና ኢልኩም
    ቅዋም ግበሩ ተባሂልኩም፥ እምቢ

    ሓውካ ኣበይ ኣሎ፧ ሓውትኻ ኣበይ ኣላ፧ ኤርትራ ኣበይ ኣላ እንተበሉኹም እንድዒ
    ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ይጠፍእ ኣሎሞ፥ ረጊእኩም ሕሰቡሉ እንተ በልናኩም፥ ቀውዒ

    እሱራት ጠፊኦምና ኣበይ ኣቢልኩምዎም፥ ትሕቲ ምድሪ
    ሕዝቢ ንደገ ይውሕዝ ኣሎ፥ ሃገር ትነጽፍ ኣላ እንተበልናኩም፥ መዘናግዒ
    ካባኻትኩም ክሃድም ሰብ ናብ ጸልማት ይጠፍእ ኣሎ፥ እንተበልናኩም፥ እንድዒ

    ሰብና ኣብ ሲናይን ኣብ ሰሃራን ይጠፍእ ኣሎ፥ ንዓኣትኩም ኣውሎ
    ነውሪ ግደፉ ንዘበለኩም፥ ሰናይ ምዕዶ ገዲፍኩም፥ ኣውሎ ሰዶ

    በሉ ዜጋታትና ኣብ ሳናዱቕ ተዓጽዮም ኣለዉሞ፥ ኣቃብሩና ኢልናኩም ብልዙብ ትግርኛ፥ ንስኻትኩም እንከ ዳንኬራ ቦሎኛ
    ህኑታት ኅሊና፥ ላዕላይ ሰማይ ይግበረልኩም ዳኛ
    ካባኻትኩምስ ይሕሹ መጽዓኛ

    ኩሉ መኺሩኩምስ፥ እቶም ናይ ሮማ ርእሰ ሊቃነ ጳጳሳት ከይተረፈ ግፍዒ ኤርትራውያን ፈሊጦምዎ፥ ብዛዕባ ቤት ማእሰርትኹምን እሱራትኩምን ክዛረቡ ጀሚሮም። በሉስከ ጸሎቶምን ቡራኬኦምን ብድሕሬኹም ራህዋ ክንረክብ ኣምላኽ ይሓግዘና።

  • goitom July 11, 2014

    zkeberka maik neaka dea hadiska ember anhinas he elu eti hasabat kbiges kelo teredeana eyu kabeal amanuel dea entay titsbe haki aytitehamel kisto … ena betsihna yiblu baelom seb kenakut ember tegedisu zbele yimesleka negeru kemzi maik zbelo eyu tetenkek kuluka eritrawi

  • Semhar July 11, 2014

    A Message to all Freedom Fighters
    To the US Government:
    To the US Government:
    To those who support the terrorist government in Eritrea should be reported so that they will be deported back to Eritrea

    To the British Government:
    To the British Government:
    Those who should support the terrorist government in Eritrea are reported and deported back to Eritrea

    To the Government of Germany:
    Um der Regierung von Deutschland:
    Für diejenigen, die die terroristische Regierung in Eritrea unterstützen sollten gemeldet, so dass sie zurück nach Eritrea abgeschoben werden

    To the Government of Italy:
    Per il Governo d’Italia:
    A coloro che sostengono il governo terrorista in Eritrea devono essere segnalati in modo che essi saranno deportati in Eritrea

    To the Government of Sweden:
    För Sveriges regering:
    Till dem som stöder terrorist regeringen i Eritrea ska rapporteras så att de kommer att deporteras tillbaka till Eritrea

    To the Government of Norway:
    Til regjeringen i Norge:
    Til de som støtter terror regjeringen i Eritrea skal rapporteres slik at de vil bli deportert tilbake til Eritrea

    To the Government of Switzerland:
    Till regeringen i Schweiz:
    Till dem som stöder terrorist regeringen i Eritrea ska rapporteras så att de kommer att deporteras tillbaka till Eritrea

    To the Government of France:
    Pour le Gouvernement de la France:
    Pour ceux qui soutiennent le gouvernement terroriste en Érythrée doivent être signalés afin qu’ils seront renvoyés en Érythrée

  • Medber July 11, 2014

    Wedi Andy ( Tewolde Andu)
    If ur the Ex Asmara University administrator,SHAME on you,
    It is ur responsibility to guide ur family to the right direction this shows ur reflection to Shifts group SHAME SHAME on you again,
    I know u very well what happen to you, Entay quenka mis SHEFATU weginka,
    I hope ur not the one I know wedi Andu.

    • Tes July 11, 2014

      I have the same doubt about Wedi Andu?How come he get that low? After he came to Itali for medical reason and so worried what to do if he was refused asylum. What amusing me is that there a number of victims from is fathers vilage even though his was born in asmara. How can he doesn’t feel the pain of his close relatives . Un belivablry

  • Yohannes July 11, 2014

    TwoWayStreet and Teklay:

    I am forced to react now. Let me ask you this. Do you know that PFDJ mafia will not spare every one of us if conditions turn to their advantage? Don’t you know that they always try to know the everyday life of Every Eritrean either in the Diaspora or inside Eritrea? Remember what they did for those Eritreans who crossed the Red Sea to Djezan to work (1994-95). Using their sadistic tricks they actively worked for the deportation of all those thousands of Eritreans. Now here is the objective reality.
    1. At this time, they don’t have the desired power and ability to do what they wanted to due to apparent reason.
    2. They know how their supporters live in all those countries. If they try to do any dirty work, the primary victims will be their supporters not those opposing them.
    Therefore, I assume it is justified to list those supporter as well as recognized political refugees. It is also possible to give them advice about the expected dire consequences if they really understand and know.

    • TwoWayStreet July 12, 2014

      No body is disputing the evil actions of the current regime. What Issayas and cronies are doing is wrong. But unlike in math were negative times negative gives you a positive, in life if a wrong action is met with a wrong retaliatory action don’t expect to come peace out of it, but the opposite.