Dear family to Abona Wedi Vaccaro,
Abona wedi Vaccaro was a hero very dedicate to his country and to his people, we are all proud of him I am glad to know him who was Wedi Vaccaro I only knew his name. We are loosing such a great dekey hager like Abona wedi Vaccaro is innocent, lovely, very gentle man he will be in our heart for ever and his name will be remember for ever to.
R.I.P kubur Abo.
Haki Zereba = LA VERITA = The TruthDecember 3, 2014
Mejemeria n hawinan Wedi Vacaro mengisti semayat yewariso.
N sdriu dima zineat yehabom.
Wedi Vaccaro, anbesa yiyu. Hiluf natu wela bzuh zeyifelto tekonku, ab mecheresha kekidmi mumatu, dihiri nayi LAMPEDUSA bhilfi, zigebero minkiskasat, n hadnet nayi hizbi Eritran n widket nayi BELAYITI-SEB-ISAYASN-SIABTUN, sigab hiji kem WEDI VACCARO zifetenen zigeberen zitelabowen yelen.
Wedi Vaccaro birtuyi, sebayi nayi asebiut, koraz seb yiyu. Nayi behaki Eritrawi yiyu.
Abeyi yimo amlak n wedi Vaccaro 2 amet yidme teziwisiko neru,,,,,,
” just in order to make them taste their own bloody medicine”
——- * Wedi Vaccaro ayimotcan zibelkayo kulu ab libina misana allo *——-
Dr. Tewelde T/Mariam (Wedi Vaccaro) has championed his just place in the ranks of the very few real Eritrean patriots, who, for me are at the same time the real heroes, namely:
1. Weldeab Weldemariam;
2. Hamid Idris Awate and
3. Osman Salih Sabe
May Wedi Vaccaro rest in peace!
My condolences to his family, relatives and friends.
I was recently in Eritrea the fear of change making the government members were tell me the question is who is going to light up the just the matter of second ,mintes or hours.lets unit the second independence day coming soon to celebrate the same as the first independence.
tegistei December 2, 2014
hatew qetew zereba gedeifkum; heizeibi eritrea himaqq allo ! entay neigber :kemey neigber; buzuhat yeiesseru ;kab geza ms wetsuu yelowunn;hayletatt mes kede ab addeu dehay yelen;haleftei mengstei kab geza sirah mes kedeu ne misahh geza aymeilesun;temeharoo yeitefuu alowu ; ettta zeiweledett trayy wedey gualley teibeill alla; entay neigber entay negber ; hade neger eyyu entay negber; kulu kufeuuueee yeigeberr allo ab ertrea ;entay kee negberr,,, zeitegebre ayteingerunnaaaaaa ? entay neigberr himaqqq alloo heizebe befeillayy addee ertrawwii weddey gualleyy eteibeill,
ERITRAWIT December 2, 2014
Dear family to Abona Wedi Vaccaro,
Abona wedi Vaccaro was a hero very dedicate to his country and to his people, we are all proud of him I am glad to know him who was Wedi Vaccaro I only knew his name. We are loosing such a great dekey hager like Abona wedi Vaccaro is innocent, lovely, very gentle man he will be in our heart for ever and his name will be remember for ever to.
R.I.P kubur Abo.
Mesinas December 2, 2014
ስድራ ጅግና ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም! ሓርበኛ ኣቦና ኣቦ ሓድነት ንኹሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኤርትራዊ’ዩ ተፈልዩዎ! በዚ ኸኣ ኹሉ መሪር ሓዘኑ ገሊጹን መምስ ነብሱ ንዕላማኡ ወፍሪ ሓርነትን ፍትሕን ከዐውት ቃል ኣትዩ እዩ!
ዘርኢ ሓድነት’ዩ!
ኣደታት ዓዲ ገብራይ ብኸያ ሕዘና
*ኣርካን ጠፊኡ ኣሎ ኣርማ ሓድነትና! *ክቡርን ሕፉርን ሰብ
ኣደታት ኣስመራውን ብኸያ ሕዘና
*ተጃር ሓሊፍ’ሎ ግርማ ከተማና! *ኣዝዩ ሃብታም
ኣደታት ኤርትራ ብኸያ ሕዘና
ኮኾብ ወዲቑ’ሎ ሓበን ናይ ሃገርና!
ብፍላይ ኣስመራ ኣፍስሲ ንብዓትኪ
ሬሳ ናይ ወድኺ ሓመድ ዘየልበስኪ
እንታይ’ሞ ክትገብሪ *ኣብሊስ ገዚኡኪ *ሰይጣን
ኣብ ቀብሪ ደቅኺ ዓዲ እናወዓልኪ
ክሳዕ ዝወግሓልክስ ኣትርሪ ጽንዓትኪ!
ኢንተር ኮንቲነንታል መርድእዶ ሰሚዓ
ሰሚዓ’ወ ዝርንዛሕ ነቢዓ
ሆቴል ገርጉሱምከ መርድእዶ ሰሚዓ
ኣታ ሰሚዓ’ወ ሓዚና ነቢዓ
ኤርትራ ሃገርና ወዳ ተመንዚዓ
ትነብዕ ኣላ’ወ ብመልቀስ ብደጒዓ!
ኣንቲ ኣስመራ ጻዕዳ ትሰምዒዶ ኣለኺ
መዳሓንቱ ዝጸረት ወላዲት ከለኺ
ኣብ *ቡስቶ ኣርሲዝዮ ኪቕበር ወድኺ *ከተማ ጥልያን
ከመይ ኢሉ ፈቒዱ ኪኢሉ ልብኺ?
ኣይፋልክን ኣስመራ ኣስምዒ ድምጽኺ
ሓመድ ከየልበስኪ ሬሳታት ደቅኺ
ክሳዕ መዓስ ኢኺ ክትርእዪ ኣማዕዲኺ!?
እዚ ኣቦ ድኻ ሓድነት ጽላሉ
ዋላ’ኳ ብኣካል ምሳና ኣይሃሉ
እቲ ሰናይ ግብሩ ግን ኢዱ ዘንበረሉ
እንሆ’ንዶ ይዛረብ ኣፍ ኣውጺኡ ባዕሉ
ዘርኢ ሓድነቱ ቅልጽምና ኣደልዲሉ
ምልኪ ኪጸርግ’ዩ ካብ ሱሩ ነቒሉ!
እቲ ኣቦ ውጹዓት ፍቕሪ ሕላገቱ
ሓሚመ ከይበለ ኪዕቅብ ህይወቱ
ንህዝብን ሃገርን ይቕረታ ሓቲቱ
ኣብ መኸተ ምልኪ ዘርኣየ ትብዓቱ
መምህር ሓድነትዶ ይብሃል’ዩ ሞይቱ!
ብርግጽ ኣይሞተን ወትሩ’ሎ ኣብ መንጎና
እንሆ’ንዶ ሕድሩ ይኣኻኽበና
ቡቚሊ ፍትሒ ክንኩስኩስ ጻህያዩ ኣሊና
ናይ ሓድነት ዘርኡ’ ክንሓፍሶ ቀሪብና!
መማዕጺድና ሒዝና ኣባጽሕ ናይ ዓዲ
ምህርቱ ዓጺድና ከነኺዶ ኣብ ዓውዲ
ቀድሱዎ ካህናት ዘምሩ *መረግዲ *መንፈሳዊ ዜማ
ባርኹዎ ሸኻት ሙላህ ይኹን *ቃዲ! *ናይ ሃይማኖት ምስልምና ዳኛ
ዘርኢ ሓድነት’ዩ ዘየብሉ ጉርዲ!
ንክቡር ኣቦ ሓድነት ሓርበኛ ዶ/ር ተወልደተ/ማርያም (ወዲ ቫካሮ) መንግስተ ሰማያት የዋርሶ! ንስድራቤቱን ፈተውቱን ብፍላይ፡ ብሓፈሻ ድማ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጽንዓት ይሃብ ልዑል ፈጣሪ!
hara December 2, 2014
DIO vi consola il PADRE di ogni consolazione
amlak kulu mitstininaE yetsenaniEkum amen
Danny December 2, 2014
Haki Zereba = LA VERITA = The Truth December 3, 2014
Mejemeria n hawinan Wedi Vacaro mengisti semayat yewariso.
N sdriu dima zineat yehabom.
Wedi Vaccaro, anbesa yiyu. Hiluf natu wela bzuh zeyifelto tekonku, ab mecheresha kekidmi mumatu, dihiri nayi LAMPEDUSA bhilfi, zigebero minkiskasat, n hadnet nayi hizbi Eritran n widket nayi BELAYITI-SEB-ISAYASN-SIABTUN, sigab hiji kem WEDI VACCARO zifetenen zigeberen zitelabowen yelen.
Wedi Vaccaro birtuyi, sebayi nayi asebiut, koraz seb yiyu. Nayi behaki Eritrawi yiyu.
Abeyi yimo amlak n wedi Vaccaro 2 amet yidme teziwisiko neru,,,,,,
” just in order to make them taste their own bloody medicine”
——- * Wedi Vaccaro ayimotcan zibelkayo kulu ab libina misana allo *——-
merhawit December 4, 2014
Dr. Tewelde T/Mariam (Wedi Vaccaro) has championed his just place in the ranks of the very few real Eritrean patriots, who, for me are at the same time the real heroes, namely:
1. Weldeab Weldemariam;
2. Hamid Idris Awate and
3. Osman Salih Sabe
May Wedi Vaccaro rest in peace!
My condolences to his family, relatives and friends.
johnny December 4, 2014
I was recently in Eritrea the fear of change making the government members were tell me the question is who is going to light up the just the matter of second ,mintes or hours.lets unit the second independence day coming soon to celebrate the same as the first independence.