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ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ካብዚ ቐረባ መዓልታት ጀሚሩ መውጽኢ ቪዛ ምሃብ ደው ኣቢሉዎ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ካብዚ ቐረባ መዓልታት ጀሚሩ መውጽኢ ቪዛ ምሃብ ደው ኣቢሉዎ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም። እቶም ምንጭታት እቲ ስጉምቲ ስለምንታይ ከምዝተወስደ ቁርጺ ምኽንያት 'ኳ እንተዘይሃቡሉ፣ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ክፋላት ሕብረተሰብና እናዓበየ ምስ ዝመጽእ ዘሎ መንጸግቲ መምርሒታት

ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ካብዚ ቐረባ መዓልታት ጀሚሩ መውጽኢ ቪዛ ምሃብ ደው ኣቢሉዎ ከምዘሎ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም።

እቶም ምንጭታት እቲ ስጉምቲ ስለምንታይ ከምዝተወስደ ቁርጺ ምኽንያት ‘ኳ እንተዘይሃቡሉ፣ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ክፋላት ሕብረተሰብና እናዓበየ ምስ ዝመጽእ ዘሎ መንጸግቲ መምርሒታት ናይቲ ስርዓት ዝተኣሳሰረ ክኸውን ከምዝእል ኣሚቶም።

ብመሰረት ሓበሬታኦም፣ እቶም ኣብ መብል 28 ዙርያ ክሳተፉ ዝግብኦም ሓደስቲ ተዓለምቲ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት በቲ ዝድለ ቁጽሪ ናብ ሳዋ ኣይወረዱን። ካብቶም ውጽኢት መርመራ ኣብ ሳዋ ኢኹም ትንገሩ ዝተባህሉ ኣባላት መበል 27 ዙርያ ‘ውን ብተመሳሳሊ ብዙሓት ናብ ሳዋ ኣይከዱን።

ኣብ ርእሲ’ዚ እቶም ናብ ምዱብ መሳርዕ ሓይልታት ምክልኻል ክምለሱ ዝተኣዘዙ ኣብ በርጊሳዊ ህይወት እናሃለዉ በብኸተማኡን በብዓዱን ተዓሊሞም ኣባላት ህዝባዊ ሰራዊት ኮይኖም ተሰሪዖም ዝጸንሑ ድማ ኣብያ ገይሮም ኣለዉ።

እቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ቅንያት ዝተኻየደ ጽዑቕ ግፋ ነዚኣቶም ዒላማ ዝገበረ ምዃኑ ‘ውን ተፈሊጡ።

Review overview
  • abrham September 10, 2014

    the title of the article do not much with the contents, eti ar esti zena msti t hsto aysanenn eu.

  • Wedi Erey September 10, 2014

    እምበኣር ህግደፍሲ መውጽኢ ቪዛ ይህብ ኔሩ ዩ፧ ኣነ ደኣ ካብ ኤርትራ ሰብ ብሕጋዊ መንገዲ ዝወጽእ ዝነበረ ዘይመሰለኒ፧
    ንምዃኑ ናበየኖት ሃገራት ዩ መውጽኢ ቪዛ ዝወሃብ ኔሩ፧ መን ዩ ኸ ቪዛ ዝወሃብ ኔሩ፧

    • We September 11, 2014

      Good observation Wedi Erey.
      All these years we were told legal exit is not allowed and visa can not be issued blah, blah…
      Now we are suddenly being told visa issuance has been suspended. Hmmm…..

      • Statestic September 11, 2014

        Wedi Erey and other PFDJ’s

        All these years legal exit was not allowed, but there was legal exit for PFDJ slaves. This
        your almost all PFDJ slaves turned to opposition forces. Now suddenly PFDJ slaves being told by their owner visa issuance has been suspended.

        Now, it is wise for you to move from PFDJ slave to opposition force for one and only one reason, i.e we are in a moment that the slave owner he doesn’t trust his own slaves any more. if you don’t so fast, here is what is going to happen:
        – visa issuance has been suspended for all slaves.
        – send all slaves to prison.

        • Wedi Erey September 11, 2014


          For the first, I would like you to know that I am not a supporter of PFDJ. I’ve at least the same desire to see this dictatorial regime gone for ever as you.

          Secondly, the article here doesn’t tell which part of the Eritrean society was allowed to get exit visas befoe this stoppage. The article rather implies as if members of the national service were allowed to get exit visas befoe. I say this because the article mentions the kind of protest situation in the country by members of national service, among others, as the reason for stopping issuing exit visas.

          • Simon G. September 13, 2014

            Wedi Erey,
            It used to be for people from Korbarya, Karneshim, and Adi Mongeti. Now, this article is saying – no more. Next?

    • sam September 11, 2014

      exit-visa dew elu ayfelitn eyu,,, gn nmen yifqedelu eyu eti hto..officials and their families and citizens above 60 years old … kflet zelewo gn visa meseretawi mesel nay kulu 18 awarh hagerawi gbue zfetseme ertrawi eyu. Why? kab-nab mqsqas meseretawi mesel deqi sebat slezkone- mengsatat fetiom ayhbuka, tseliom aykeluka!!! when you deny such basic right to citizens, the consequence is voting with the feet- sdet!!

    • mulugeta September 14, 2014

      kab eritrea nab tesenei

  • Peter September 11, 2014

    Wow HGDEF stinks as Gimel does, No wonder they made him an emblem. They started saying Butto Bitto they never stop it for 24 years. They realy are Bitto.

  • Sina September 11, 2014

    Amanuel/ SaTnael,
    Anta lemani kemuu ilka kitgeer kitnebir ikha ember qumneger kemzeyblkum dea xibuQ gierka endikha tifelTo. Nihizbawi ginbarn nhizbi Eritran beal niskha aykonkumn etom goytotka Woyane ykhunu etom nay goytotka goytot America ewn entekhonu dimbrix kemzeyblom xibuQ gierka tifelTo ikha. Bizkhone lomi mealti Hazen nay Goytotka America silezkhone abuu kiedka qozimelom. Gaegae agame aynet ileka alekhu.

    • TSELOT September 11, 2014

      Sina, Agame do ilka, bel ms goitaka Issaias keytbaas, “weyo nata’s n’hamata”.

  • mahta September 11, 2014

    Sina hawey ykreta mtsraf eka nay sebay aykonen gn kedem blueul hagerawi smeet kulu hzbi eritra zle zeawere yamno neyru nmkuanu ety film nay edeyas zblo ayteredakan diu koinu kem eritrawi mkuanka eye zeelileka zeleku .nay eseyas zgebro krdaka alewo .tgraway ente koinka gn aymlketekan eu ms hagerka ethiopia tray kun kem gorebet tray nkababer chaw.

  • Saba Tmicael September 11, 2014

    May be he is busy issuing visa for his higdef friends. as they r planning to escape, as for us it is good we can go to our country without visa any time, let us pray that the devils go forever.

    • We September 11, 2014

      Yes you can go home without visa, provided you’ve been paying your 2% obligation.
      Otherwise your passport is expired and is null & void. With no passport, there is no going.
      Sorry, I didn’t make the laws.

  • BRHANE September 11, 2014


  • BRHANE September 11, 2014

    wedza tigraway agame niskan ety dictater goitakan agame ekum

  • Mike September 11, 2014

    This article cannot be true – did we not hear/see the Eritrean Leader heading to Egypt recently. How did he get the visa?

    • Observer September 12, 2014

      Are you serious? lol

    • Simon G. September 13, 2014

      Good one!

  • Robi September 13, 2014

    Ya jemia ane zgermeni Gmel tray dyu tegadilu ab Sewura hji ab passport Hgdef kem Bandera tesekilu? Beal Adgi, bekli kea ab kebesa koinom ezi kulu etkin snkin zemelalisu zneberu tnfasom molikom n mntay zeyzkeru? Hahahahha weysi Sewura metahit barkan Sewura kebesan yfelaley eyu neru? Ezi gumama Gmel kab zsikel abza gumama passport n kula seab ayteaman n kula teteshekimu Gmel ms rashayda koinom n sdet guhifoma hahahahha eski deleyti fthi Bejakum hsebula Gmel ayrehasenan emo gele kyar tekonena Adgi ab hadish passport sealulina eritrea free ms konet soon.Thanks

    • Observer September 14, 2014

      Be’Al adge-beqli gena “Andnet wey mot!” kblu kelewu athizu eyu gmel teselifu. Slezi passport kheman wihiduwo.