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ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ኣብ ከረን፣ ኣብ ቤተክርስትያን እንዳማርያም ንዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ተቐቢሩ ዝጸንሐ ሬሳታት ተፋሒሩ ክወጽእ ንስድራቤታት መወቲ ትእዛዝ ብምትሕልላፉ ህዝቢ ከተማ ከረን በቲ ኢሰብኣዊ ተግባር ተቖጢዑ ነቲ ስርዓት ይረግም ምህላዉ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም።

ኢሰብኣዊ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ኣብ ከረን፣ ቃጼታይ ኣብ ዝተባህለ ቦታ ተደኵኑ ኣብ ዝርከብ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስትያን እንዳማርያም ንዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ተቐቢሩ ንዝጸንሐ ሬሳታት ከይተረፈ ፍሒሮም ብምውጻእ ኣብ ካልእ ቦታ ክቐብሩዎ ንቤተሰብ መወቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን ብመንገዲ ምምሕዳር

ኢሰብኣዊ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ኣብ ከረን፣ ቃጼታይ ኣብ ዝተባህለ ቦታ ተደኵኑ ኣብ ዝርከብ ተዋህዶ ቤተክርስትያን እንዳማርያም ንዓሰርተታት ዓመታት ተቐቢሩ ንዝጸንሐ ሬሳታት ከይተረፈ ፍሒሮም ብምውጻእ ኣብ ካልእ ቦታ ክቐብሩዎ ንቤተሰብ መወቲ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ሰሙን ብመንገዲ ምምሕዳር ከተማ ትእዛዝ ድሕሪ ምትሕልላፉ፣ ህዝቢ ከተማ ከረን በቲ ኣጸያፊ ኢሰብኣዊ ስጉምቲ ናይቲ ስርዓት ተቖጥዑ፣ ‘ሎምስ ከኣ ምስ ሬሳታት ዝብኣስ ስርዓት ረኺብና’ እናበለ ይራገም ምህላዉ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም።

እቲ ስርዓት፣ “እቲ ቦታ የድልየና ኣሎ” ካብ ምባል ሓሊፉ ዝኾነ መግለጺ ከይሃበ፣ ነቲ ትእዛዝ ኣብ ልዕሊ ቤተሰብ መወትን መእመናን ነቲ ስጉምቲ ምስግዳዱ ዘሰንበዶን ዘሕዘኖን ህዝቢ “እንታይ መዓቱ ወረደና፣!” ኢሉ ክምህልል ከምዝቐነየ ‘ውን እቶም ምንጭታት ኣገንዚቦም።

ብመሰረት’ቲ ሓበሬታ፣ ገሊኦም ቤተሰብ ገጾም ናይ ዘይፈልጡዎም ኣባሓጎታቶም መቓብር ከውጽኡ ብምግዳዶም፣ ገሊኦም ከኣ ሬሳ ዝፈትዉዎም ወለዶምን ኣሕዋቶምን ሕልናኦም ኣብ ዘቕስን ስፍራ ክዕቆቡሎም ኣብ ጥሙይ ከብዶም ኣሽሓት ወጻኢታት ብምግባር ብቸሜንቶን ማርሞን ዝሰርሑዎ መቓብር፣ እንደገና ክሳብ 10 ሽሕ ናቕፋ ከፊሎም ክፍሕሩዎ ብምእዛዞም፣ ኣብ ካልኣይ ሓዘን ወዲቖም ይነብዑ ከምዘለዉ ተፈሊጡ። ገለ ካብቶም ኣውያቶም ዝሰምዓሎም ዝሰኣኑ ኣብ ወጻኢ ቤተሰብ ዘለዉዎም ስድራቤታት መወቲ መፍሓሪ ሬሳ ገንዘብ ክልምኑ ሸበድበድ ክብሉ ከለዉ፣ እቶም ሓጋዚ ዘይብሎም በተኻት ስድራቤታት ዓቕሎም ጸቢቡዎም ተረቢጾም ከምዘለዉ ኣለዉ።

እቲ ኣብ ሃይማኖታዊ እምነት ኮነ ሰብኣዊ መንነት ኣኽብሮት ዘይብሉ ሕሉፍ ንዕቀት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘለዎ ኣረሜናዊ ስርዓት፣ ኣብ ወጻኢ ንዝዓረፉ ዜጋታት ነቶም ኣብ ጉዕዞ ስደት ኣብ ላምፐዱዛ ዝተቐዝፉ ኣማኢት መንእሰያት ከይተረፈ ኣብ መሬት ዓደቦኦም ከይቅበሩ ምኽልካሉ ከይኣክል፣ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ ንዓመታት ኣብ መቓብር ብሰላም ዓሪፉ ምስ ዝጸንሐ ኣስከሬናት ምዉታን ክብኣስ ምጅማሩ፣ ብዝኾነ መለክዒ ተቐባልነት ዘይብሉ ጽዩፍ ኢሰብኣዊ ተግባር ብምዃኑ ንህዝቢ ከረን ደንጽዩዎን ኣጨኒቑዎን ምህላዉ ዘገርም ኣይኮነን።

Review overview
  • MightyEmbasoyra April 16, 2014

    ኢሳያስ አብ በዓል ውቃው እዝ በጺሑ ምስ ተመለሰ ድሪቶ ናብ ሓንቲ ስግሬቶ ድቕድቕ ይብል
    ካብቶም አብኡ ዝጸንሕዎ ክልተ ሰባት ደስ ኣይበልዎን. ብሕማቅ ገጽ ድማ ጥምት አቢሉዎም ናብታ ኩሉ ግዜ ኮፍ ዝብለላ ቦታ ኣምርሐ. ሓደ ጽምእ ዝበለ ሰብኣይ ርኢዎ ዘይፈልጥ ድማ ኮፍ ኢሉ ጸነሖ. ውሑዳት ሰባት አብ ክንዲ ትሰብኣይ ተሸቑረሩ. ኢሳያስ አብ ጥቅኡ ደው በለ. ትስብኣይ ድማ ድሓን ድኻ ነብሲ ይብሎ. ኢሳያስ መሊሱ ተቆጠዐ. ግን ብኩነታት ትሰብኣይ ድማ ተገሪመ. ሓደ ካብቶም ህጣራታት ዋርድያታቱ ነዚ ሰብኣይ ክጎቶ ቅርብ ምስበለ፣ ኢሳያስ ምልክት እገብረሉሞ ምልስ በለ. ኩሉ ሰብ ድማ ፈዘዘ. ኢሳያስ ጥቓ ትሰብኣይ ኮፍ በለ

    ኢሳያስ – እንታይ ደኣ ጋሻ ትመስል?
    ትሰብኣይ – እወ. ጋሻ ኢየ. ክልተ መዓልቲ ጥራይ ጌረ
    ኢሳያስ – መንደኣ ትበሃል? ካበይ ከ መጺኻ?
    ሰብኣይ – ተኽላይ ገ/ስላሰ. ንስኻ ኸ መን ይብሉኻ?
    ኢሳይስ – ሕቶ ናይ ተኽላይ ገሪሙዎ. ፍሽኽ ኢሉ፣ ኢሳይስ ይበሃል. ዝስተ ደኣ የለንድዩ ሎምስ በላ ነታ ዋና ገዛ.
    ዋና ገዛ – አሎምበር. እንታይ ደኣ ረኺቡኒ ፈዚዘ. ብድድ በለት. ግን፡ ንሳ ጥራይ አይኮነትን ዝፈዘዘት
    ኢስያስ – እንታይ ደኣልካ ትሰቲ ዘለኻ?
    ተኽላይ – ኣነስ ‘ታ ኣረቂ ናይ ኤርትራ ናፊቐያ ግዲ ጸኒሐስ ንሳ መሪጸ
    ኢሳያስ – ካብዛ ናተይ ዶ ክትጥዕማ? ይቅይረልካ ድማ
    ተኽላይ – በዚ ሎም ደኣ፣ አይከብረካን ዶ?
    ኢሳያስ – ኪርኪርኪር….ሰባት ድማ ፈሪሐን ምስኡ ሰሓቓ
    ሓደ ወዲ 50 ዓመት አቢሉ ዝኸውን ሰብኣይ ክወጽእ ምስተስአ፣ ዋርድያ ኢሳያስ ደድሕሪኡ ሰዓቦ
    ተኽላይ – ክጠራጠር ጀመረ. ናብ ኢሳያስ ቅርብ ኢሉ ድማ ሰብ ስልጣን ዶ አሎው ዮም ካብዞም ሰባት ክብል ሓተቶ
    ኢሳያስ – ሎሚዶ አብ ኤርትራ በዓል ሲልጣን አሎዩ ብጀካ ኢሳያስ?
    ተኽላይ – እቶም ትሕቲኡ ዘለዉ ጀነራላት ከ ናበይ ከይዶም?
    ኢሳያስ – ገጹ ኣትርር አቢሉ፡ ዞም ሙሽሙሻት፡ በጃኻ ኢልናካ ግደፈና. ንሙዃኑ ካበይ ኢኻ መጺኻ?
    ተኽላይ – መን ሙዃነይ ተነጊረካ፡ ምስ ነገርኩኻ ቅኸትለካ ‘የ
    ኢሳያስ – ንመን አዴኻ ክትቅትል…..ቀስ ጌሩ ባዕሉ ዝሂሉ
    ተኽላይ – “ኣይ ኣም ጆኪንግ”. ንወደይ ክሪኢ ኢለ ‘የ መጺአ.
    ኢሳያስ – መንዩ ወዲኻ?
    ተኽላይ – ህድእ ሞ በል. ወደይ ደኣ ፤ ሓላፊ ናይ ደምሒት.
    ኢሳያስ – አንታ ስኻ ዲኻ? ነጊሩኒ ኔሩ ንድዩ. ረሲዐዮ. እሞ ከመይ ጌርካ ኣየላለኻንን? ኢሳያስ ንድየ
    ተኽላይ – ብጣዕሚ ይቅረታ፡ እንታይ ደኣ ጸሊምካ፣ ገጽካ ተበላሽዩ. ምዃን ክንደይ ሓልፍነት ዲኻ ተሸኪምካ?
    ተኽላይ – ኩሉ ሓላፍነት አባኻ ወዲቑ
    ኢሳያስ – ከመይ ኔሩ መገዲ
    ተኽላይ – ሃላኽ፡ ነዊሕን ሓጎጽጎጽን. ርኢኻ፣ ቀደም ካብ ዓድዋ ናብ ኣስመራ ናይ ሰዓታት መገዲ ‘ዩ ኔሩ. ሕጂ ግን መዓልታት ኮይኑ
    ኢሳያስ – አበይ ደኣ የዕሪፍካ?
    ተኽላይ – አብ ሓደ ጽቡቕ ቪላ ወሲዱኒ ዝብሩኽ ወደይ. ክጽብቕ ‘ኳ፡ ገዛ ኣይኮነን. ኣየ አስመራ ድማ ጽብቕቲ ‘ንድያ
    ኢሳያስ – እሞ ሕጂ ከዕርፍ ክኸይድ፣ ጽባሕ ገዛ ንራኸብ. ኽድውለሉ’ የ ወድኻ
    ተኽላይ – ተሲኡ ን ኢሳይስ ኣመስጊኑ ከፋንዎ ደልዩ
    ኢሳይስ – ደሓን ኮፍ በል፡ ዝመረጾ መስተ ቅድሕሉ ብምባል ዋና ገዛ ተዳህዩዋ ወጸ

    ኣብታ ገዛ ዝነበሩ ካብ ሞት ዝተስኡ ክመስሉ፣ መልሓሶም ክኸፍቱ ጀመሩ. ዓጽዮሞ ዝጸንሑ ሰብኣይ፣ ናብ ጥቅኡ ቀሪቦም ከዕሉልዎ ፈተኑሞ፣ ንሱውን ገጢሙዎም፣ ልቡ ክህቦም ደስ አይበሎን. ኢሳይስ ዝኸፈለሉ ናይ ነጻ መስተ ክግምጥል ጀመረ.
    ድሕሪ ሰዓት ኣቢሉ፡ ሰብኣይ ክሰክር ጀሚሩ መስለኒ፡ ባዕሉ ዘረባ ጀመረ. ካብ ጁባኡ አውጺኡ ድማ ንዋና ገዛ ካሴት ሃባ ‘ሞ. ወልዕልና ድምጺ ድማ ወስኽላ በላ.
    ዋና ገዛ ምስቶም ኣብኡ ዝነበሩ ሙሽሙሻት ተጠማሚቶም ስቅ በሉ
    ዓው ዝበለ ድምጺ ገዛ ኣናወጻ.
    ደምሒት፡ ደምሒት፡ ደቂ ዓባይ ትግራይ፡ ወዘተ፣ ዝብል ድምጺ ገዛ ነቅነቆ
    ሽዑ፡ ሓደ ወተሃደራዊ ክዳን ተኸዲኑ ሓደ በዓ ጽሩራ ናብቲ ገዛ ምስ አተወ፡ ኩላ ናብኡ ጠመትት

    • m April 16, 2014

      wey good Atom sebat Akeban,Zerban,zereba-Gitmin mixhaff,Derffin,ab Fekodo American Europan Koff Eilka ab paltk smerr smerr endabelka Gurra migbar tirah koyna Teriffna kab Alem mulue kedamot Gurenatat nhna eina ,Hademti,hasewti kem Wukarya Hgerna gedffina koff eilna bi seb kniwarazen Kin Fikrinnn 30 Amet Koynu,zereba tirah Fekera tirah koyna terffna,,lelelelekkkkkkk kinbil tikmi zeybulu,,

  • andinet hizbay April 16, 2014

    dear amanuel why are u deleting comments.

  • ahmed saleh April 16, 2014

    Burial ground is sacred place not to be disturbed . Unfortunately this inhuman acts not only violates our religious and traditional values but also show how they despise the society .

  • THE ERITREAN NOAH April 16, 2014

    I QUOTE The Huffington Post | by Charlotte Alfred…….
    These Are The 10 Fastest-Emerging
    Global Cities
    The Huffington Post | by Charlotte Alfred

    Bloomberg notes that the top-tier cities have remained fairly static since the index started in
    2008, making Beijing’s entry into the top 10 this year an indicator of the Chinese capital’s
    remarkable rise. “As a whole cities are improving, so they all need to run to keep up,”
    Mendoza Pena told the news agency.
    Take a look below for the report’s top 10 emerging global cities, and find out
    which metropolis is the fastest-rising star.
    1. Jakarta
    Jakarta is laying the groundwork to become a leading global city, according to the
    report, which cites improvements in security, environmental protection and income

    22. Manila
    The Emerging Cities Outlook notes that while Manila is not yet a leading city for global
    business, sharp improvements in human capital indicators, like improved health care,
    make the Filipino capital a rising star.

     3. Addis Ababa …..on the report’s innovation index, its rapid
    development since 2008 is propelling Addis Ababa forward as a global city, the authors
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, !!!!!!! END OF PARTIAL QUOTE…

    ኣየ ወያነ ትምክሕተኛታት።ሰብ ንኤርትራዊ ትምክሕተኛ ዝብሎ ሓሶት እዩ፣ኤርትራዊ ብኣፉ እዩ ዝምካሕ፣ንስኻትክን ግን ብተግባር__ብዩኒቨርሲታት፣ብኢንዱስትሪታት፣ህንጻታትን፣ ናይ ጠፈር ፕሮግራማትን ብምምዕባል ኢኽን ፣ስለዚ ናይ ብሓቂ በጥራማት፣ናይ ተግባር ንስኻትክን ኢኽን።ንሕና ከማኻትክን ኣይንምካሕን ኢና፣ጉድጓድ እንተኹዓትና ንንቕበረሉ ድፋዕ እምበር ከምዚ ናታትክን ሓፍ ከይበልካስ ሃፍ ዝዓይነቱ ትምክሕቲ ኣይኮነን ።እቲ ዘጕህየና ኽ ኣ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ዓጋመ እንተልነክን ዘቐንዝወክን ዝነበረስ፣ሎሚ ግን ዓጋመ እንተልናክን የቐንየለይ ትብላ። መሕረቒ ጸርፍኽን ዓዋን ሓማሻናይ ስለ ዝኾነ፣በላ መንግስቲ ልፈረደ ይፍረድ እምበይ ዓዋን ሓማሻናት ኢለክን ኣለኹ።

    ትምህርቲ እንዳሽወደን ኣምሂራትኒ ኔራ__ ኣቐዲማ
    ንውድቀት_____ ሓሳዊት ትዕቢት ከም ትቕድማ
    ኣነ እንተተመካሕኩ፣ጣልያን ብዝሰርሖ ህንጻታት ሮማ
    ብካቴድራለ ባራቶሎ ስራሕ ጎልፎ _____እንዳ ኢማ
    ኣብ ጕሓፍ ብዝረኸብኩዋ__ ባስታ ጣልያን ዘጣምማ
    ምኹሓት ዓጋመ ግን ንዓይ ከንዕቓኒ ከም ሽቓቕ ሃመማ
    ካብ ዜሮ ነቒለን ___ባዕለን ኣብ መምዕልቲ ዝስልጥና
    መሊስና ክንጽንበር___ውግእ ክንጅምር መዲብና
    ሳላሳ ዓመት እኳ ዝጠፋእና ______ንኸንቱ ዕላማ
    ሓምሊ ኣድግና ነቒጹ ______ ብጥሜት ከይሞትና
    ኣምጽእዎ እቲ ዛባይ ከምቲ ናይ ባድመ ጉድጓድ ክንኩዕት ኢና !!!!

    ምዕባለን ብልጽግናን ናይ መድሓርሓርቲ ወያነ ስለ ዝኾነ ብቓልስና ዓናዊ እዩ።
    ጉድጓድ ኣብ ክንዲ ንመንእሰያት ዝ ኣርጉሉ ድፋዕ ንምዕባለ ዝኹዕትዎ ወያነ ብቓልስና ዓነውቲ እዮም።
    ኣብ ክንዲ ንዝሕግዙና ወያነን ህዝቢ ኢትዮጵያን ንዝሮ**ቡና ኣዕራብ ክንውድስን ክንጉምባሕን ኢና።

    • Gideon April 16, 2014

      Highly respected and admired uncle M.Habte(TEN),
      Simply marvelous uncle, you deliver your messages with precision and beauty.
      We should have a deep/committed belief that the peace and development of a
      neighboring country has a positive impact on our own country and vice-versa.
      Senai Neaka Uncle Mehretu Anbessa. Take care and God bless you uncle.

  • THE ERITREAN NOAH April 16, 2014

    ውሃ ነ ፈሽኳል _______ንኽብረት ዘይብዓል ለይታ
    ኣቢሲንያ ኣደይ ገዲፈስ ዝኸውን ናይ ኣዕራብ ምታንታ !!!!

    እታ ቆንጆ ጓል ኣስመራ ______ከመይ ኣላ ፧
    ባስኬትቦል ክትጻወት_______ክላብ ቦቾፊላ
    ኣዲዳስ ጫምኣ_________ሓጺር ስረ ጌራ
    ቡናዊ ስቶኪኒ___________ጻዕዳ ካናቴራ
    ውልዶ ኣጥባታ______ ብሪጂቤቶ ዝተኸለላ
    ልዛይ ብልዛይ __________ ልበይ ኣነዚላ
    ከይርኣኹዋን ግን _______ ድንገት ተሰዊራ
    ዳሕራይ ነገሩኒ፣ከም ዝኸደት ናብ ሸፋቱ ኤርትራ
    ድሙ ድሙ ኣስትዩ__ ማንም ይክኣሎ ክነቝ*ላ
    ዓዲ ኣተወት______ ሾውዓተ ቆለውዓ ኣኸቲላ
    ኣቦታቶም ዘይትፈልጦም___ እኒ መነ መን ኢላ
    ካሊፎርንያ ምሓሻ____ ንዓይ ሽኮር ተኾልኲላ ።

    ናፊቐያ ______እታ ጓል መቐለ ጓል እንድርታ
    ፍሽኽትኣ ጸፊዑ______ ዘውደቐኒ ኣብ ባይታ
    ስኒ ጸባ ፍሉይ ሽምጣ ________ካብ መሓውራታ
    ስንቱር ሓማሸናይ ኢላ ________ብፍቕረይ ሞይታ
    ሕዝ እንተበለትኒ ________ናይ ኣሞረ በቲ ኢዳ
    ከም ጠስሚ መኸኽኩ ፣ሓሻኩም፣ ተጸጋዕኩ ኣበጥባታ
    ኣየ ጸብሒኦ ኣየ ስዋ ______ውሓለ ከም ኣዴታታ
    ካብ ዓራት ኣጽደፈትኒ______ ብናይ ቅልጽ ጸወታ
    ከይበጽሓ ፈልዮምኒ_____ እኒ ተገንጣዮች ሽፍታ

    ኣይት ዘክሩለይ ______ናይታ ጓል ኣዲስ ኣበባ
    ፕያሳ ዝርኣኹዋ _____ጥቓ እንዳ ኬክ ባቅላባ
    ዓይኒ ፍንጃል፣ከናፍራ መዓር፣ __ግርማ ዝኸበባ
    የኔ ዓለም ዝበለትኒ_____ብመልክዔይ ተሳሒባ
    ብታሕቲ ፍቕሪ_______ብላዕሊ ክትፎ ቀሊባ
    ኣይጸናሕኩን፣ደቡብ ወረድኩ ሸፋቱ ብዘምጽእዎ ጸበባ !!!

    ኣለሚቱ ቆንጆ ______ጓል ሲዳሞ ኦሮምያ
    ኮፍ ተበለት ከበርቴ____ ሓፍ ተበለት ሰገንያ
    ካብ መልክዕ፣ ቡን ጠስሚ ___ኩሉ ዘይፍለያ
    ኣካም ጅርታ፣ ኮቱ፣___፣ፍሽኽ፣ ሃድኦ ኬያ
    ጫካ ወሰደትኒ _______ከም ኣባጊዕ ጎስያ
    እንተስዓመትኒ________ ከናፍረይ መጽያ
    ፌይንት ገበርኩ፣ሓሻኩም፣ ኣብራኸይ ተቖጽያ
    ግን መገዲ ስለ ዝሓሰብኩ___ ክሰግር ንኬንያ
    እንዳበኸኹ ተፈለኽ ዋ____ ኣብ ቁሸታ ገዲፈያ
    ኣደ ኽብረት ደስታ__ ናይ ቀደም ኣደይ ኢትዮጵያ
    ሸፋቱ ፈልዮምኒ ___ብመርገምን ቃንዛን ለዊጠያ
    ንሳ ትፈወስ ት ትሓጐስ_____ኣነ እየ ኣሕሚመያ
    ዓዲ ዘርኣይ ደረስ፣ኣብርሃን ኣጽብሃን ዓባይ ኣቢሲንያ
    ጤሊት ስለ ትፈቱ ______ካብ ሕልበያ ጨምቀያ
    ሎተሪ በጺሑኒስ___ ጉንበት 91 ቀዲደ ደርብየያ !!!!

  • Denden April 16, 2014

    Ahmed Salih,
    I am a Tewahdo Christian But I direct my anger first at my church and her beleivers before any other religion unlike you which you never criticse you mufti.Christians are enemy to themselves.The Beshope (Abune)is scared of DIA more than God that’s why I only pray at home than going to church for fear of making more sins than the preists themselves who serve the Dictator carying God’s cross.Today’s eritrean Christianity became commerical marketting where everybody gother for social, economic, chasing women and so on. as for ycomment why the webmaster allow me to comment, Do you want to act like DIA where you do not allow any one who criticize you? May be you are an alternative to DIA?

    • Gideon April 17, 2014

      Kubur Denden,
      Very well said. You making valid points as usual. Do not waste your valuable time with
      hade aregit skunis and leklaki negis wahid. Keep on writing, i really admire your civil
      approach and positive examples. Eritreans are prone to extreme national emotions and syncs…
      emotions that couldn’t let us to move forward rationally and judiciously to challenge the
      current reality. No wonder we find the reality so hard to deal with! God bless u brother/sister.

      • ahmed saleh April 17, 2014

        Regardless the pen-names used your language speaks for itself . Again without hesitation I suspect
        your hidden agenda behind the curtain to entertain on our people’s suffering expenses . You can call
        names but I am matured enough not fall on to your level .

        • Gideon April 18, 2014

          ‘I am matured enough.’ Endaboy Fekadu baAlom ynaadu comes in to mind!
          Hasad mentality of the past hizka how do you graduate to maturity loser?
          Stop lecturing and confusing people about things that are not applicable
          to you at all. You got the chance to look wiser during own down times.

      • ERITRAWIT April 17, 2014

        use you nasty disrespect word to the man who is killing and destroying our country.

    • ahmed saleh April 17, 2014

      Fool yourself , following all your posting I figured out that you either ignore or lack passion and understanding
      of Eritrean people political movements . Going back to your past posting since last year all the comments were
      destructive and negative .

    • selamawit2 April 21, 2014

      please don’t talk this way: “I direct my anger first at my church…” and “unlike you which you never criticse you mufti”.
      This is exactly the way discrimination goes: one describes yourself as an individual and abuse this individuality to other members of other (ethnic, religious, “racial”) groups.
      I (as a female Tewahdo) allow myself to attest my dear, very unique Brother Ahmed Saleh
      – a great free and educated mind,
      – a big heart (big enough for all ethnic groups),
      – a huge sense of justice,
      a great dedication for the right of women (he is convinced the next Eritrean president has to be a woman!) and many, many other strengths…
      That’s is why I call him “a big Soul”.
      So don’t call him names otherwise me (his Tewahdo sister) will come pull your ear…;-)

      It is a pity to see you two guys “devided” – i think you have much in common!

      P.S.”The Beshope (Abune)is scared of DIA more than God” – What do you mean with that???
      On the contrary: Our Abune is in prison because he braved DIA!!! Didn’t you know that?

      May God save His Holiness Abune Antonios!

  • MightyEmbasoyra April 16, 2014

    This forum becomes anti eritrean lately. Are you guys (Gideon, SYE, etc.) on the opposition side or you are downright rejecting Eritrean independence?

    • THE ERITREAN NOAH April 17, 2014

      Respected Mighty Embasoyra ,

      You do not have to worry ,It has not become anti-Eritrea ,It has become Pro-Commonsense,But ,Do not worry 98% are still dummer than post they do not know real independence if it hit them on the face. At least 98% have a herd mentality ,Brother Mighty ,Let the truth win..Remmember Zerai Deres & Abraha Atsbaha & Bahta Segeneyti were all Eritreans too.

      With the atmost respect

      Uncle SYE:

      • selamawit2 April 21, 2014

        Dear “THE ERITREAN NOAH”,

        even if you don’t have the politeness/guts/directness or whatever to answer my comments and questions, you must (alas!) accept my postings when you are this forum…;-)
        We the Eritreans don’t need a “Noah”, especially no Noah who calls our brothers and sisters who were raped by Bedouins “bitchs”. Your turn “Pro-Commonsense” is therefore not convincing at all.
        Sorry to say (or better sorry to see), that the names you use speak volumes:
        “Megalomania is…characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem.” (source: wikipedia)
        Be honest please: What else could it mean if a single 56-year old man at the border of Mexico wants to the save all Eritrean under the age of 50 years?
        Do you think we need more narcissistic personalities? No, we don’t – even if they have a little more humor than DIA!

        P.S. If you like it or not:
        In our collective minds the tyranny of Ethiopian oppressor is absolutely present as the (direct) outputs still applies to our living generations…while our (sad) colonial history is too long ago and directly applied to the FORMER generations.
        And now, in the time of hardship, we are getting help from our brothers and sisters in Ethiopia which means a plantlet of hope for two people (Ethiopia and Eritrea) to find a way to overcome their former mortifications and to find a way to live as peaceful and loving neighbours….
        But what you do is to add fuel to the fire with cynical provocations – instead of bringing the two people together.

  • Teclay April 17, 2014

    unhealthy Eritrean ultra nationalism
    I can not understand how we come to this madness
    I know one Sri-Lankan (Tamil),, i asked to comment about the humiliated defeat of Tamili . His answer was ” It is good that the Tamilis have been defeated.Sri-Lanka is already small why we need another small country from already small”
    that was an answer from uneducated Sri-Lankan Tamil
    Then he let me to ask a lot of questions about our stupidity and the so called Eritrean intellectuals

  • ti April 17, 2014

    Telami. ayenay sltan iyu zeleka eritrawnet ktbn ktkelen?
    nskha eritrawi ktkewn aykone abokha aytfelTn ikha.
    ms yqreta tedfirka do? kemU sle zgbeAka. seb meten zekhbereka tekhbro, meten zehsereka dma tehsro.
    lomi n Ay bwlqi zeykone nmelaE Eritrea ikha awaridka zelekha mstom kulom chfra nati Ganin.

  • bmlak mhret yewred April 17, 2014

    weyane resatatna fahtirom derbyomo andabelu zegergru hgdefawyan hjike antay kblu delyomyom, balu hgdef mekabr abotat zfhtr zelo deykonen, aze begeben zehetet tegbarate ayu hgdef weyane mkanom lomi balatom afelitom alewuuuuu

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