ምልካዊ መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብዘይካ’ቲ መጋበርያ ስልጣኑ ዝኾነ ህግደፍ ኣብ ኤርትራ ፖለቲካዊ ህይወት ክህሉ ዘይሕሰብ ምዃኑ ደጊሙ ገሊጹ።
ኣሰና (10 ለካቲት 2014) ምልካዊ መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ትማሊ ምሸት ኣብ ዘካየዶ ቃለመጠየቕ፣ ብዘይካ ህግደፍ ኣብ ኤርትራ ፖለቲካዊ ህይወት ክህሉ ኢልካ ዘይሕሰብ ምዃኑ ደጊሙ ብምግላጽ፣ ኣብቲ ብስርቅን ዓመጽን ዝሓዞ ዘይሕጋዊ ስልጣን ናይ ምንባር ገባቲ

ኣሰና (10 ለካቲት 2014)
ምልካዊ መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ትማሊ ምሸት ኣብ ዘካየዶ ቃለመጠየቕ፣ ብዘይካ ህግደፍ ኣብ ኤርትራ ፖለቲካዊ ህይወት ክህሉ ኢልካ ዘይሕሰብ ምዃኑ ደጊሙ ብምግላጽ፣ ኣብቲ ብስርቅን ዓመጽን ዝሓዞ ዘይሕጋዊ ስልጣን ናይ ምንባር ገባቲ ሕልሙ ከም ቀደም ኣብ ቦትኡ ምህላዉ ብብድዐ ኣረጋጊጹ።
ንሱ ኣብቲ፣ ኣብ ወረቐት ዝነብሩ ዘይፍጸሙ መደባት ልምዓት እናጸፍጸፈ ከም ቀደሙ ንህዝቢ ብኣጉል ተስፋ ንምትላል ዝፈተነሉ ኣጋጣሚ፣ ኣብ ኤርትራ ብዙሓዊ ፖለቲካ ዶ ዲሞክራሲ ከነተኣታቱ ኢሉ ዝሓልም ሰብ ኣብ ወርሒ ወይ ካልእ ዓለም ዝነበር ክኸውን ኣለዎ ብምባል፣ ንፖለቲካዊ ብዙሕነት ከም ቀደሙ ተጻዋርነት ከምዘይብሉ ዳግም ኣገንዚቡ።
ኢሳይያስ ብተግባር፣ ከምኡ ‘ውን ኣብ ቃለመጠየቓት “ብዘይ ስልጣን ህይወት ኣይረኣየንን እዩ” ክብል ብቓል ምርግጋጹ ደረት ዝሓለፎ ዕብዳን ስልጣን ከምዘለዎ ድሮ ብሩህ ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ነቶም ኣንጻር ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ፊትንፊት ምግጣም ሰልችዩዎም ሓደስቲ ምኽንያታት እናማእረሩ ዝማትኡ ክፋላት ሕብረተሰብና ንየዋህነቶም ኣጸቢቖም ክሓስቡሉ ዘዘኻኽር ንጹር መልኽእቲ ኣለዎ።
ንኢሳይያስ ብቛንቍኡ ምዝራቡ እምበር ምቅብጣር ፋይዳ ከምዘይብሉ ከኣ ክግንዘቡዎ ይግባእ።
ምልካዊ መራሒ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ፣ ብቓላት ኣብ ድርኵዅት ሓድሽ መድረኽ ኣለኹ ክብል ኳ እንተፈተነ፣ ብህዝቢ ኤርትራ ተፈንፊኑ፣ ብዓለም ተነጺሉ፣ ድሕረይ ሳዕሪ ኣይብቆላ ብዝብል ቅብጸታዊ ኩነት ንሃገርና ኣብ ገምገም ውድቀት ኣብጺሑዋ ከምዝርከብ ካብ ዝኾነ እዋን ንላዕሊ ብሩህ ኮይኑ ‘ሎ።
ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና፣ ኣብዚ ትማሊ ዘካየዶ ቃለመጠየቕ ዘተኮረ “ ሰኽራም ሲ ናይ ልቡ ይዛረብ” ዘርእስቱ ኣብ ናይ ሎሚ 10 ለካቲት ድምጺ ኣሰና ዝተፈነወ መደብ ክትከታተሉ ነዘኻኽረኩም።
Zufana February 11, 2014
If Eritrea is to come out of the cold and be salvaged as a regular member state of the international community, it needs to get rid of/defeat Hgdef Mendef immediately. The world has moved so far ahead that poor Eritrea can not afford to stay under DIA any longer. DIA raised in endasuwa environment only understands the language of FORCE & AGGRESSION and he must be FORCED out aggressively soon. Someone has to completely wipe out his delusional ego for once and for good and this will be completed by the Eritrean heroes in side the country in 2014.
hayal February 11, 2014
This web site is full of woyane garbages and few traitor Eritreans.
Well said president Isaias Afwerki, if the poor souls think they will achieve any thing they are dreaming.
Eritrea is for Eritreans, thanks god Eritrea have EPLF=PFDJ.
Trulyx Truly i say to you February 11, 2014
ድማ ነቶም ብሰንክኡ ሃጽ ኢሎም ክሃድሙ ክብሉ ኣብላምፓዱዛን ሜዲትራንያን ጢሂሎም ንዝሃለቁ፣ ብበደዊን ራሻይዳን ንዝእመጹ ዘለዉ፡ ኣብክንዲ ንቤተሰቦም ጽንኣት ይሃብኩም ኢሉ ምምናይ፣ ተሰልቢጡ ላግጫ ኢሉ ከባጭወሎም ከሎን፣ ከምዚኦም ዝበሉ ሰባት ስለዘይጠቅሙና ተጠፉኡልና እዩ ዝሃይሽ ኢሉ ብብድኤ ክዛረብ ከሎ ምስምንታይ ይሕሰብ? ካን ካብ ሙሉእ ሃገር፡ሓደ ሰብኣይ ይሳኣን፣ ነዚ ኩሉ ናይ ኢሳያስ ላግጺ ንእቀትን ኣብ ሙሉእ ሕዝቢን ሃገርን ንዝገብሮ ዘሎ ኣሽካዕላል ጠጠው ዘብል? ናይብሃቂ ኤርትራዊነት ኮይንካ ምፍጣር አዝዩ ዘህፍር እዩ።
መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ ነቲ ብሃደ አውን ን24,000 እሥራኤላውያን ጥፍኣት ምኽንያት ንዝኾነ፣ እቲ መዓት ከመይ ከምዝዛረየ ክምሕረና ከሎ ከምዚ ይብል፣
” ፊንሃስ ወዲ ኣልኣዛር፡ ወዲ ኻህን ኣሮን፡ ካብ ማእከል ኣኼባ ተንስኡ፡ ኩናትውን ኣብ ኢዱ ወሲዱ፡ ደድሕሪ እቲ እስራኤላዊ ሰብኣይ፣(ነት ጥፍኣት ምኽንያት ንዝኾነ ሃጥያተኛ ተንቤናዊ ኢሳያስ ከማለት እዩ ) ነታ ሰበይትን ከአ ረቃቒቶኣ ንኽልቲኦም ወጋኦም። እቲ መዓት ድማ ካብ ደቂ እስራኣኤል ዛረየ” ኢሉ ይገልጸልና። (ኦሪት ዘሁልቊ መበል 25 ምዕራፍ) እሞ ኣበይ ኣሎ እቲ ኤርትራዊ ፊንሃስ?
Truly Truly i say to you February 11, 2014
ድማ ነቶም ብሰንክኡ ሃጽ ኢሎም ክሃድሙ ክብሉ ኣብላምፓዱዛን ሜዲትራንያን ጢሂሎም ንዝሃለቁ፣ ብበደዊን ራሻይዳን ንዝእመጹ ዘለዉ፡ ኣብክንዲ ንቤተሰቦም ጽንኣት ይሃብኩም ኢሉ ምምናይ፣ ተሰልቢጡ ላግጫ ኢሉ ከባጭወሎም ከሎን፣ ከምዚኦም ዝበሉ ሰባት ስለዘይጠቅሙና ተጠፉኡልና እዩ ዝሃይሽ ኢሉ ብብድኤ ክዛረብ ከሎ ምስምንታይ ይሕሰብ? ካን ካብ ሙሉእ ሃገር፡ሓደ ሰብኣይ ይሳኣን፣ ነዚ ኩሉ ናይ ኢሳያስ ላግጺ ንእቀትን ኣብ ሙሉእ ሕዝቢን ሃገርን ንዝገብሮ ዘሎ ኣሽካዕላል ጠጠው ዘብል? ናይብሃቂ ኤርትራዊነት ኮይንካ ምፍጣር አዝዩ ዘህፍር እዩ።
መጽሓፍ ቅዱስ ነቲ ብሃደ አውን ን24,000 እሥራኤላውያን ጥፍኣት ምኽንያት ንዝኾነ፣ እቲ መዓት ከመይ ከምዝዛረየ ክምሕረና ከሎ ከምዚ ይብል፣
” ፊንሃስ ወዲ ኣልኣዛር፡ ወዲ ኻህን ኣሮን፡ ካብ ማእከል ኣኼባ ተንስኡ፡ ኩናትውን ኣብ ኢዱ ወሲዱ፡ ደድሕሪ እቲ እስራኤላዊ ሰብኣይ፣(ነት ጥፍኣት ምኽንያት ንዝኾነ ሃጥያተኛ ተንቤናዊ ኢሳያስ ከማለት እዩ ) ነታ ሰበይትን ከአ ረቃቒቶኣ ንኽልቲኦም ወጋኦም። እቲ መዓት ድማ ካብ ደቂ እስራኣኤል ዛረየ” ኢሉ ይገልጸልና። (ኦሪት ዘሁልቊ መበል 25 ምዕራፍ) እሞ ኣበይ ኣሎ እቲ ኤርትራዊ ፊንሃስ?
gerima February 11, 2014
“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Love of war and bloodshed has nothing to do with the teachings of our lord, Jesus Christ.
If we are believers of Christianity, then it is about love and forgiveness.
samuel February 12, 2014
zhadm seb eritrea slezeyedliya,ab bahri ytref ab gehaneb enteatewe ewn aygdsn eu.nhna ndeli kem wedi ali
MelakeSelam February 11, 2014
Hijiwn intekone , meglexi Presidnt Afewerkin , merghexi hizbi eritran ayliweyn. HGDEF edhin Eritra sle zikone nizelalemm kinebrr iyu . Awet Ni hafash
Mesinas February 11, 2014
ጋዜጠኛ ማለት ከምዚ’ዩ። ቃል ብቓል፣ ትርጉም ብትርጉም፡ ንሃተውተው መላኺ፡ ጽቡቕ ጌሩ፡ ጭብጢ ብጭብጢ ዚምክትን ዘፍሽልን ዕቱብ ትንተና። ሃብሮም ሓርበኛን ህቡብ ጋዜጠኛን ኣማኑኤል እያሱ፡ ኣገናዕ! መቕሰን ህዝቡ! እቲ ብእዝኑ ዘይኮነስ ብልቡ ዝሰምዕ ኤርትራዊ ዘበለ ኩሉ ከኣ እዚ ዘላሚ’ዚ (ረጋጺ’ዚ) ኣብ ርእሲ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ማለት፡ ደጋፊ ይኹን ተቓዋሚ ብዘይኣፋላላይ፡ ዘሎዎ ንዕቀትን ሕስረትን ከም ድምቀት ጸሓይ ቀትሪ ዚኩሉዕ መደረ ደጊምና ትማሊ ሰሚዕና።
ከምቲ ኣቐዲመ ዝበልኩዎ ድማ እቲ ብልቡ ዝሰምዕ ሰብ ኩሉ፡ መልእኽቲ መላኺ፡ ናብ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ጥራይ ዝቐንዐ ከምዘይኮነ በሪሁሉ ኣሎ። እቲ ዝተዋጣወጠ በትሪ ከኣ ካብቶም ሸለብ ገለብ እናበሉ ዝሓቱዎ ዝነበሩ ጋዜጠኛታት ጀሚሩ’ዩ፡ ናብ መላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ቀኒዑ ነይሩ። ኤርትራ፡ ናይ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘይኮነትስ ናይ ውልቁ ከም ዝኾነት፡ ደማሒ ትማሊ ደጊሙ ኣረጋጊጹልና ኣሎ። ኣብዛ ሃገር ብዘይካ’ቲ ንሱ ዚዝውሮ ጃንዳ ህግደፍ እንተዘይኮይኑ ከኣ ካልእ ምርጫኡን ድሌቱን ዝሓትትን ዘተግብርን ኣካል ከምዘየለ ብወርሒ ምሒሉልና ኣሎ። ስለዚ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ። ናትካ ሃገር ኣብ ወርሒ ኬድካ ክትደሊ፡ ብመላኺ ተሓቢሩካ ኣሎ።
Suleiman Salim February 11, 2014
If you are such a courageous man why don’t you show us your photo?
nezi ab Eritrea zelo mengstn gnbarn meteka’ta zkewn yelon:: President Haqi ‘yu tezaribu:: MESINAS Haqi aytSla’::
Musa Ibrahim February 11, 2014
Firstly, this monster is not a president and secondly history has attested that he was baptized by the waters of lies. DIA is the worst liar in the planet that history has known.
selamawit2 February 12, 2014
suleiman salim, why don’t you start with your own photo – come on, the mass murderer will than maybe give you a little more money!
amanuel February 11, 2014
To Hayal
you are very wrong to say EPLF=PFDJ, political difference is very natural, but you are arrogance leading to come to a wrong assumption. One political organisation, front or party can not be equal with another political organisation. politics is not mathematics.
I believe you are living in Western country and enjoin western democracy. Do not use nonsense slogans, Woyane, traitor. You have the right to support your Iseais and other have also the right to criticise his political stance and his action. If you are changeling the political views of others score your points, instead of insulting others
Suleiman Salim February 11, 2014
Woyane, traitors ….those words didn’t suddenly fall from the sky. There is a reality of treason behind them. Try to think of Mekele,Awassa,Debre-zeit, Bereket Simon …
L.T February 11, 2014
basically we Eritrean and Tegaru have no common denominator more than that we are human,but that sounds so chiche that we have similarities in our daily culture and nature.so it is not..we must raise our voices to defend oure Eritreanalism purity,love our Red Sea ,our blessed peaceful Eritrean nature..semanawi Bahri wildeness,Gash woods..our national anthem..Sahel
Zola February 11, 2014
Kabey nabey eyu ezi zerebaka? Sebeay abidu entebelukas melishka te’abed. Ayfalkan!
Suleiman Salim February 11, 2014
nmelayin Ertrawyan megaberya aybehaln ‘yu:: Popular Front degefu kab hzbi: aKlabat Woyane ( seb Mekele,Awassa,Debre-zeyti,Debre-kuEnti) dma Asbom kab Woyane yreKbu::
Sidi abdu February 11, 2014
If you dream Esias and his cohorts are to one day magicaly believe thta Eritrea belongs to all of and have a share of it, it is a pipe dream. This do not believe in democratic Eritrea with equal rights for all its Citizens. They have their own agenda. If you do not support them, you do not belong to the country. They only need your 2% to eable them to crush you. If you want chagne, you must get organized, create an alternative agenda and and demand power with some credible Ultimatum. Fols, Eritrea has being hijacked and moved backwords sinceso called independence. C’omon we can do better than this. Let us out maneuver these bunch and get Eritrea out of hellhole. Vive L’Eritrea.
Suleiman Salim February 11, 2014
There is no any alternative to the national agenda of the Eritrean government.
Awrajawin etnikawn haymanotawn Har’i-Tlyanwn ( nay Vacaro Macaroni )agenda ab Eritrea ayserHn ‘yu::