ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንለውጢ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ትማሊ ቀዳም ሸሞንተ መጋቢት ኣኼባኡ ኣካይዱ።
ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንለውጢ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ትማሊ ቀዳም ሸሞንተ መጋቢት ኣኼባኡ ኣካይዱ። ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንለውጢ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ትማሊ ቐዳም ሸሞንተ መጋቢት ኣኼባ ብምክያድ፡ እቲ ማሕበር ካብ ዝምስረት ኪሳዕ ሕጂ ንዘካየዶ ንጥፈታት ገምጊሙ፣
ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንለውጢ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ትማሊ ቀዳም ሸሞንተ መጋቢት ኣኼባኡ ኣካይዱ።
ማሕበር ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ንለውጢ ዓባይ ብሪጣንያ ትማሊ ቐዳም ሸሞንተ መጋቢት ኣኼባ ብምክያድ፡ እቲ ማሕበር ካብ ዝምስረት ኪሳዕ ሕጂ ንዘካየዶ ንጥፈታት ገምጊሙ፣ ዝምራሓሉ ዓንዲ ሕግን ውሽጣዊ መምርሕን ተዛትዩ ብምጻድቕ ነቲ ማሕበር ዘገልግሉዎ ኣካየድቲ መሪጹ።
እቲ ማሕበር: ህዝብን ሃገርን ኣብ ኣዚዩ ሕማቕ ኩነታት ከምዝርከቡን፡ ኤርትራ ብናይ ጸቕጢ ትካላት እናተረግጸት ዘይከምትጽቢት ኩሉ ሃገራዊ ኣብ ኣዚዩ ዘተሓሳስብ ኩነታት ወዲቕ ምህላዋ ብምግንዛብ፣ ስቓይን ሽግርን ህዝቢ ንምሕጻር ኣብ ዝግበር ቃልሲ እታ ዝነኣሰት ዓቕሙ ንከበርክት ድልውነቱ ብምርግጋጽ ናይ ሽዱሽተ ኣዋርሕ መደባት ስርሑ ሓንጺጹ ብኣድማዕነት ኪዋስኣሉ ድልውነቱ ኣረጋጊጹ።
ብተወሳኺ እቲ ማሕበር፡ ኣብ ኩለን ናይ ዘተ-ገበላን (ፓልቶክ ሩማት) ኣብ ማዕከናት ዜናን መርበባት ሓበሬታን ደለይቲ ለውጢ ዝረአ ዘሎ ቅጥዑ ዘይሓለወ ሓድሕድ ምጥቅቃዕ ንኺውገድ ምሕጽንታኡ ብምትሕልላፍ፡ እቲ ብተዘዋዋሪ መገዲ ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ዘርብሕ ንዝምድናታት ደለይቲ ፍትሕን ሓድነት ህዝብን ዘላሕልሕ ዘሎ ካብቲ ቐንዲ መስመር ናብ ጓል መገዲ ዝኣልን መኣዝን ቃልሲ ዘስሕትን ጭቕጭቕ ንምግታእ ዓቕሙ ብዘፍቅዶ ኪሰርሕ ወሲኑ።
ኣብ ክንድኡ እቲ ማሕበር፡ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ሃገርና ነቲ ብፍላጥ ዝብሕጎግ ዘሎ ክብርታት ህዝቢ ንምዕቃብን ንምጉልባትን ምስ ኩሎም ደለይቲ ለውጢ ተቓለስቲ ተሓባቢሩ፡ ናይ ህዝቢ ኣኼባታት ብምዕዳም መድረኽ ዘተን ኣስተምህሮን ኪውድብን ናይ ምንቕቓሕን ምምኻርን ባይታ ንምፍጣር ኪሰርሕ ተሰማሚዑ።
ሃገር ብምልኪ እናዓነወት ኢድና ኣጣሚርና ኪንርኢ ኣይግባእን እዩ ዝበሉ ተጋባእቲ፡ ናይ ቃልሲ ተመኩሮኦምን ፍልጠቶምን ንተረከብቲ ሕድሪ መንእሰያት ንምውራስ ሓደ ካብቲ ቀንዲ መደባቶም ኪኸውንን፡ ብዝተፈላለየ ምኽንያት ሓቢሮም ኪሰርሑ ንዘይከኣሉ ተቓለስቲ መንእሰያት ንምርኻብን ንምቅርራብን ዓቲቦም ኪሰርሑሉ ወሲኖም።
እዚ ሓድነት ሓይሊ ሙዃኑ ዝኣምን ሓይሊ፡ንመጻኢ ዓቕሙ መዚኑ ኣወዳድባኡ ብምስፋሕ ንመንኮርኮር ቃልሲ ሓንቲ ስጉሚ እውን ትኹን ንቕድሚት ንምድፋእ ምስ ኩሎም ናይ ለውጢ ሓይልታት ሓቢሩ ኪሰርሕ ከምዝደሊ ቅሩብነቱ ደጊሙ ብምርግጋጽ፡ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ሃገራት ዝነብሩ ተጋደልቲ ብጾቱ ተመሳሳሊ ስጉምቲ ብምውሳድ ቃልሶም ከሐይሉ ጸዊዑ።
ኣብ መወዳእታ፡ እቲ ማሕበር ኩሉ ደለዪ ለውጢ ምስናይ ዝጥቀመለን ማዕከናት ዜናን መርበባት ሓበሬታን ኣንጻር እዚ ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዘድሚ ዘሎ ስርዓት ብምቕናዕ፡ ብዝብሎን ዝጽሕፎን፡ ፍልልያቱ ተጻዊሩ ብስኒት ዝነብር ሕብረተሰብ ንምኹስኳስ ሚዛናዊ ኣቀራርባ ከዘውትርን ንሓድነት ህዝቢ ዘደልድል ምሙይን ቅዱውን ስራሕ ከቕርብን ተማሕጺኑ።
Sam March 13, 2014
ሓመድከ ዕደ! ኣብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ኮፍ ኢልካስ ንለውጢ ኢልካ ምጭራሕ:: ብረት ደርቢኹም መጺእኩምሲ ሕጂ ኣሽሓት ኪሎ ሜትራት ሰጊርኩም ብላቢሽ ለውጢ ከተምጽኡ: ሕፍር እስከ በሉ በዓል ዓዲ ውዒል::
ኣቀዲምኩም ጌሽኩም ኢኹም::
ወያነ ንዓና ንኤርትራውያን ሕማቓት ከተምስል ትገብሮ ዘላ ዘይትኣደነ ምዕባለታት ብጥብቂ ንቃወም
I partially quote Michael Shuman ወይሲ ሚካኤል ሑማር ክንብሎ of TIME MEGAZINE….
Forget the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China.); Meet the PINEs (Philippines, Indonesia, Nigeria and Ethiopia.)
……The strong performances of Nigeria and Ethiopia are even more exciting.
…..Ethiopia may be even more exciting. Once synonymous with poverty, peace and strong economic management have turned the nation around. The International Monetary Fund sees growth in the 7% range in the coming years for both countries, and there’s even talk of a group of “lion economies” rising up in the same way the “tigers” of Asia did in the late 20th century… END OF PARTIAL QUOTE
ብምባል ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ምዕባለታት ገሊጹ ፣ነቲ ኣብ ኤርትራ ዝኩዓት ዘሎ ናይ ድፋዕ ጎዳጕዲን፣ ኤርትራ ድማ ሽምዓን ኩራዝን ብምጥቃም ካብ ዓለም ቀዳመይቲ ምዃና ከይጠቐሰ ምሕላፉ ኣይተ ምችኣል ሹማር ጻዕዳ ወያነ ምዃኑ እቲ ዕሸላውን ዘሕንኽን ርእይትኡ የፍልጥ።
ኣብ ክልል ትግራይ ዝወጽእ ዘሎ ዘይትኣደነ ወርቅታት ድማ ናይ ኤርትራ ከይኮነ ስለ ዘይተርፍ ብሓይልና ንወያነ ክንምንዝዖም የድሊ ፣ምኽንያቱ፣ኣብ ዲማርኬሽን___ካብ ባድመን ዛላንበሳን ክሳዕ እንትጨው፣ቺንኰ ማጆ___ዶብ ወሎ ናብ ኤርትራ ከም ዝትዓደለ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ዝፈልጦ ሓቂ እዩ ።
ንሕና ንድሕሪት እናኸድና ።ትምዕብል ኢትዮጵያ ብቓልስና ዓናዊት እያ !!!
ናይ ኣድያቦ ዘይትኣደነ ወርቅታት ናይ ኤርትራ እዩ፣ኣድያቦ እውን ናይ ኤርትራ ስለ ዝኾነት !!!
ኢትዮጵያ ንሓደ ክልተ ሃገራት ኤውሮጳን ኤስያን እምበር ንካናዳን ኣሜሪካን ኣይበጽሓተንን። ና ና ና ና ቡ ቡ !!!
t March 14, 2014
Mahber fegeregr,hji khe entai kitdegmwo ezi hzbi delikhum? you don’t even know why u fought for and now mahber tegadelti,what the f.
Tamrat Tamrat March 14, 2014
The Source of Our poverity is war and worshiping of tegadalati. When derg fell People had mixed feelings because the tegadalities had no Clear policy when it came to Peace and prosperity. Both Our and eris tegadalities exchanged derg for Ethiopia when it suited them. For Ethipians it was/is Dangerous. This could be undersood only by Ethiopians who tried to defend Ethipian interest during 1991-1998. That period explained who is who and showed the true face of tegadalities. The ethio tegadalities were chanlenged for the best of ethiopia from beginning and the same true in Eritrea but the tegadalities were so popular any one who tried the way ehtiopians did crushed like watermellon from both sides.
The sadest thing is People must be killed in thousands to put the ethiopians tegadalities course to the right direction while in eri it was only party party.
After 23 years those who sacrificed for the betterment of Ethiopia is paying off though still did not get their right Places. Poverity can not be wiped out by guns. Infact it is a catalyst for poverity and hunger.
My advice to eri People stop worshiping tegadality.
ahmed saleh March 14, 2014
Do not forget the only one who tried to expose the leadership unfair practices were the TEGADELTI shortly after independence .
The imprisonments and latter the killings of those disabled veterans received deaf ears by many Eritreans simply for the sake of
defending Issayas reputation . At that period if our people showed bravery in support of those who tried to confront the wrong
doers , by now I bet the situation would be different . Majority of them except few corrupted elements are victims of the
country as anybody else including the national service members . Blaming regular ex-fighters (tera teghadelti ) the already
betrayed group by their leaders , Why add to it ?
At the end we are all victims of the same source . That is the fact and the truth to say many of them are languishing in prisons and
in refugee camps outside the country . Now if we still refuse to recognize their position , that means we are in deep problem .
Tamrat Tamrat March 15, 2014
I disagree With you. The first who suggested a practical economical policy in Eritrea in 1991 were eri schloars from the west. And they were met by tehadalities like this ‘where were you when we sacrificed Our lives?’. Besides how do we know the tegadalities who opposed the leaders tegadalities just because they did not get their ‘deserved’ position in the ruling party. All tegadalities couldnt have Place. Some lead and the majority would be led. that is how it worked. After 23 years look the tegadalities economy policy and how those scholars would be upset.
My point is simple. From now on no more worshiping tegadalities. If we have to do it, then to those who let us free from what ever type of slevery and then they give Power to elected leaders. Other wise i dont get it this because i make you free i can do what ever i want to do you.
Kalighe March 14, 2014
“This is what I believe: Eritrea’s problems steam from divisions created by or exacerbated by pfdj (one such division is tegadalay/gebar, shaebya/jebha). Our solution lies in Unity and in rediscovering our old values: including religions and cultural values , honesty, integrity, respect for the education and for the educated class, respect for the rule of law and legal process, respect for the elderly and the wise, respect for women – Yes! respect for women. ”
Thank you brother !!
Well said, please keep it up .
selamawit2 March 15, 2014
there two little details i would like to comment:
“respect for the education and for the educated class” i understand this statement – having in the back of my mind the hostility of pfdj against education. but don’t let us separate our people in “classes”. e.g. “educated class” – there is much “hierarchy” in this statement…
i would prefer “educated people” – beause it is not/should not be a matter of “class”.
“respect for women – Yes! respect for women.” i am glad you mention it. but at the same time i think, it should properly be a matter of course to respect women. it is sad, that is looks necessary to accentuate it…
Abe March 14, 2014
Guys it is a very good news that at last you come to join the very people you left to die and suffer under your eyes. A change in our country will only come if we all work together, no matter what we did on the past. All of us have to apologise our people especially those who are living out side our country like Wedi Vacaro did just recently. Blaming each other will not help us nor help our people and country. We have to work together to save this country of ours without any excuse of the past or present. KULNA NEBSNA NMERMR EMO DHRIU NHZBI BEBZTAMENA BWEGE YKRETTA HATITNA NAB KALSI NBEGESS. TARIK EZI WELODO EZI TARIK HAMKSHTI SNKOM KY KEWN. HAWNA WEDI VACARO MSALIE KOYNNA ALO.
Time is now. If we all say enough is enough from east to west and north to south I can tell you Isaias will Bury him self in cemetery of the shame less dictators.
Action now .We cannot afford to let this beautiful country and peace loving people destroyed in front of the current generation. Unity is power.
Thank you
God bless Eritrea
Alah Wekber
redae March 16, 2014
stop stilling EPLE`s fighters blood and aim Mesfin hagos.you don`t represent them,you represent the liers like Andebrahan,Asfaw,Abdela Aadm.enough is enough.
Abu degen March 18, 2014
i have one decision about tegadelti i don’t like to hear about them i know we have many good tegadelty but the majority is dump and they support DIA especially like mesfin Hagose and Adhanome this people is till make problem in our people live out side of Eritrea they are liars they don’t need any change coze they are till work with DIA as we see or hear them all talking against the youth and the people need radical change so we don’t need any more tegadelti in our new Eritrea …………………………………