መጠንቀቅታ ንኹሉ ብምኽንያ ት ፖለቲካዊ ሽግር ኤርትራ ፍቓድ ዝወሰደ ብፍላይ ከኣ ንሓተትቲ ዑቁባ ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገረ ሽወደን
Svensk-eritreansk Samarbetsorganisation För demokratiutveckling መጠንቀቅታ ንኹሉ ብምኽንያ ት ፖለቲካዊ ሽግር ኤርትራ ፍቓድ ዝወሰደ ብፍላይ ከኣ ንሓተትቲ ዑቁባ ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገረ ሽወደን ደገፍትን ወከልትን ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኤርትራ፡ ብምኽንያት መበል 25 ናጽነት ሃገረ ኤርትራ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ኣብ
Svensk-eritreansk Samarbetsorganisation För demokratiutveckling
መጠንቀቅታ ንኹሉ ብምኽንያ ት ፖለቲካዊ ሽግር ኤርትራ ፍቓድ ዝወሰደ ብፍላይ ከኣ ንሓተትቲ ዑቁባ ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገረ ሽወደን
ደገፍትን ወከልትን ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኤርትራ፡ ብምኽንያት መበል 25 ናጽነት ሃገረ ኤርትራ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም ኣብ ሶልና ሃለን ቀዳም ዕለት 14 ግንቦት 2016 ካብ ሰዓት12.00 ክሳብ ወጋሕታ ኣብ ዝግበር ዳንኬራ ፡ ንዝኸዱ ሓተቲ ዑቁባ ስደተኛታት፣ ካብዚ ስርዓት ነፍሶም ከድሕኑ ሃዲሞም ዑቁባ ሓቲቶም ክንሶም ፡ ተመሊሶም ኣብቲ ናይ ስደቶም ጠንቅን መውሃቢ ፍቓዶም ዝኾነ፣ እዚ ስር ዓትዚ ንኣኻትኩም ግዳይ ናይ ሰብ ነጋዶን፣ ኣብ ምድረ በዳን፣ ባሕርን ዝሞቱ ኣሕዋትኩም፣ ኤርትራውያን ኣይኮኑን ኣፍሪቃውያን ኢዮም ኢሉ ዝጠለመ፣ክትሳተፉ ከሎኹም እንታይ ይስማዓኩም፣ ትማሊ- ትማሊ ዶ ኣይኮነን ኤርትራውያን ኣይኮንኩምን ዝበለኩም፣ሎምዶ ኤርትራውያን ምዃንኩም ዘኪሩ ዘይኮነስ ንፖሊቲካዊ ሃልኪ ክጥቀመልኩም ምዃኑ ጠፊእኩም ኣይኮነን፣እቲ ዋሕዚ ስደት ይቅጽል ኣሎ፣ ግንከ ተመሊስኩም ነቲ ጠንቂ ስደትኩም ዝኾነ ስር ዓት ኣብ ዝገብሮ ዳንከራ ምስታፍ ግን ንጉዳይኩም ከምስደተኛታት ተቀባልነት ከምዘይረክብ ዝገብር ምስክር ኢዩ፡፤
እቲ ስርዓት ዘዳልዎ ፈስታ ክሳተፉ ከለዉ ንጉዳይ ፍቓዶም ዘይቅቡልን ኣብሓደጋ ዘእቱን ክኸውን ስለዝኽእል ፣ ኩነታት ብዝሒ ስደተኛታት ኣብ ሽወደን ነዚ ጉዳይ’ዚ ከጋድዶ’ውን ይኽእል’ዩ።
ከም ጽላል ስዊድናዊ ኤርትራዊ ኮሙኒቲ ኣብ ስቶክሆልም ነዚ ጉዳይ እዚ ብዝምልከት ምስ ማሕበር ጋዜጠኛታትን ማሕበራት ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ከምዝዘተየሉ ከይሓበርና ክንሓልፍ ኣይንደልን።
ጋዜጠኛታትን ካልኦት በቲ ጉዳይ ዝግደሱን፡ ዝምልከቶም መንግስታዊ ኣካላትን ቆላሕታ ይገብሩሉ ስለዘለዉ ጉዳይኩምን መጻኢ ሂወትኩምን ከይበላሸወኩም ክልተ ግዜ ክትሓስቡሉ ኣጥቢቕና ንምሕጸን።
ንኽመጽእ ዝኽእል ጸገማትን ሓደጋታትን ኣብ ግምት ብምእታው ከምኡ እውን ምስቲ ሓደገኛ ዝኾነ ጉዕዞኹምን ዝወረደኩም ግፍዕን መከራን እናስተንተንኩም፣
ናብ ዘይተደልየ ሓደጋ ከይትወድቁ ክትሓስብሉ ብጥብቂ ነማሕጽን።
ምስ ሰላምታ!
ጽላል ስዊድናዊ -ኤርትራዊ ኮሙኒቲ ኣብ ከተማ ስቶክሆልም
eritrawi May 13, 2016
good serpent of TPLF (Great Tigrai)
Hizbawi Maebel May 13, 2016
Aha mis haradien may ysetya eyu negeru endihri hgdf kem haradi asari elka poletikawi ekuba hatitka temeliska mis hgdf saesieka.
Berhe Tensea May 13, 2016
Everything must be done to expose these cowards. these people with slave and submissive mentality easily cheated by PFDJ puppets.
They must be made to pay for misleading officials and presenting false refugee claim reasons. Like in North America, a task force that work to expose illegal Eritrean refugees every where is going to work with the cooperation of local justice seekers.
Illegal PFDJ supporter refugees , must be deported from Europe and Israel.
The Israeli government is already aware of the situation even before the reminder or notice was issued.
The PFDJ supporters must be considered as economic migrantsand then deported to the com fort and friendly hands of Iseyas. These phony refugees must be returned and made to work in slavery projects of the regime and to be slaves of the generals, and the women to serve as house keepers and end up wushimas of officials.
No people no people will accept and tolerate the abuse that the Eritrean people are enduring.
Berhe Tensea May 13, 2016
Everything must be done to expose these cowards. these people with slave and submissive mentality easily cheated by PFDJ puppets.
They must be made to pay for misleading officials and presenting false refugee claim reasons. Like in North America, a task force that work to expose illegal Eritrean refugees every where is going to work with the cooperation of local justice seekers.
Illegal PFDJ supporter refugees , must be deported from Europe and Israel.
The Israeli government is already aware of the situation even before the reminder or notice was issued.
The PFDJ supporters must be considered as economic migrants and then deported to the com fort and friendly hands of Iseyas. These phony refugees must be returned and made to work in slavery projects of the regime and to be slaves of the generals, and the women to serve as house keepers and end up wushimas of officials.
No people no people will accept and tolerate the abuse that the Eritrean people are enduring.
netsanet May 13, 2016
Just don’t tell them any thing let them do what ever they feel good . Those idiots can do and will get their wage very soon. You don’t need to worry.
Negash Berhe May 13, 2016
I wholeheartedly support it. It is a shame and opportunism that these people do not care what the Eritrean people are going through. They are totally selfish
Ambabi May 13, 2016
Those who join HGDEF’s festivals must be deported to Eritrea. That is the only way to isolate the dictator and crible his political dirty games.
teddy May 13, 2016
mexaweti higdef aytikunu plis tedros haile göteborg
esayas May 13, 2016
ankora ,,enttekaelu nezom tesatefti concert or something else record gerka report to those refugee workers
Semur Ghenbar May 13, 2016
” አበይ አሎ ሐውኻ ? አበይ አላ ሐብትኻ? እቶም አብ ሲናይ ገዲፍኻዮም ዝመጻኻ የሕዋትኻ ጃ ረሲዕኻዮም ።
ኤርትራ አብምንታይ ኹነታት አላ ? የሕዋትና ዝተሰውኡላን ዝሰንከሉላን መጻወቲ ርእሰመላኽን ዝምቡዓት ደገፍትን ክትኸውን ከቶ አይነፍቕድን።
” ምኸረው ምኽረው እምቢ ካለ መከራ ይምከረው ”
እዩ ኽኽውን እቲ ነገሩ።
“ይሕጸር ይንዋሕ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ዳግማይ ክዕወት እዩ።