መግለጺ ደንበ ተቃዉሞ ላስቬጋስ
ሰላምታ ብምቅዳም ብዕለት 01/24/12/ ካብ ኣባላት ሲቪካዊ ማሕበር ላስቬጋስ ብዝብል ኣብ ላስቬጋስ ሽግር ከምዘሎን ንምእራሙ ከምዝተደክመን ፋይዳ ከምዘይተረክቦን ዝገልጽ መስደመማዊ መግለጺ ኣብ መስከረም ዳት ኮም ተጻሒፉ ኣሎ። ነዚ ዝወጸ ጹሑፍ ድማ መርገጽን ጽሕፉን ኣባላትን ሲቪክ ላስቭ

ሰላምታ ብምቅዳም ብዕለት 01/24/12/ ካብ ኣባላት ሲቪካዊ ማሕበር ላስቬጋስ ብዝብል ኣብ ላስቬጋስ ሽግር ከምዘሎን ንምእራሙ ከምዝተደክመን ፋይዳ ከምዘይተረክቦን ዝገልጽ መስደመማዊ መግለጺ ኣብ መስከረም ዳት ኮም ተጻሒፉ ኣሎ። ነዚ ዝወጸ ጹሑፍ
ድማ መርገጽን ጽሕፉን ኣባላትን ሲቪክ ላስቭ ቬጋስ ከምዘይኮነ ንፈታዊ ይኩን ጸላኢ ክንገልጽ ንፈቱ።
መጀመርያ ካብ ሲቪካዊ ማሕበር ላስቬጋስ ካብ ምባል ካብ ጽርያት ወከልቲ ወይ ጃንዳ ህግደፍ ተባሂሉ እንተዘእረም ምሓሽ
ነይሩ። ምክንያቱ እታ ንዝረከበቶ ገፈጥ መፈጥ ፡ ዝምልከታን ዘይምልከታን ካብ ፌስ ቡክ፡ዩ ቲብ፡ካልእ ወብሳይታትን ጠብሎቅሎቅ ብምባል ንዝረከብቶ ጽሑፋት ትርጉሙ ብዘየገድስ ኣብ ዓምድታታ እተስፍር መስከረም ዳት ኮም ንሕና ደንበ ተቃውሞ ላስቬጋስ ከምዘይላክናላን ሊእክናልና ከምዘይንፈልጥን ንኩሉ ሰማዒ ከነፍልጥ ንደሊ።
ብምቅጻል እታ ዝኮነ ሓላፍ መንገዲ ብስም ስቪካዊ ማሕበራት ፡ውድባት፡ ዝኾነ ውልቀሰብ ዝሰደደላ ኣብ ዓምድታታ እተውጽእ መስከረም እንዳተናዕቀትን ኣንጊሁ ዝተንሰአ ወይ ጸርፊ ዝመቀሮ ዝዛነየላ ወብሳይት ኮይና ኣላ ።ኩሉ ኣባኡ ዘውጽእ ጹሕፋት ኣንጻር ደንበ ተቃውሞ ጥራይ ዝይኮነ ፡ ውድባት ይኩና ሲቪካውያን ማሕበራት ነንባዕለን ዝገብራኦ ምትእርራማት ብምምዝማዝን ምትዕብባያን ንደንበ ተቃውሞ ንምድካም ዝግበር ተልእኮ ህግደፍ ካብ ምባል ካልእ ዝዋሃቦ ትርጉም የብሉን ፡
ብቀደሙ እውን ደንበ ተቃውሞ ላስቬጋስ ኣብ ክልተ ተገሚዑ ዘይኮነስ ከም ኣብ ኩሉ ዘጋጥም ኣብ ገለ መስመራት ናይ ኣራኣእያ ፍልልይ እካ እንተነበረ እዚ ድማ ኣብ ግዝይኡ ብምርድዳእን ብዘዕግብ መንገዲ መደምደምታ ተገይርሉ እዩ።በዚ መሰረት ድማ ደንበ ተቃውሞ ላስቬጋስ ኣንጻር ህግደፍ ከደምቱን ክንምክት ተበጊስና ምህላውና ንፈታዊ ይኹን ጸላኢና ከነፍልጥ ንደሊ።
ንሃገራዊ ዋዕላ ንምዕዋት ድማ ብሓባር ኣበርቲዑ ኽሰርሕ ምኻኑ እንዳገለጸ ፡ ን ኣብ ኩሉ ዓለም ዘሎ ደንበ ተቃውሞ ንምሕያል ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ብሕብረት ኣበርቲዑ ብስምረት ክዓዩ ንጽውዕ።
ደንበ ተቃውሞ ላስቬጋስ ብሕብረት
Hagerenegramn February 2, 2012
Meskerem why hide behind the first opposition web site lie lies it is more HIGDEF propaganda machine compared to Dehai.Shabait.They are focused on the opposition and tarish them.Wedi Commandis ans some sell out Jebha neber cadres are recruited by Sophia .The hardcore HIGDEFITES never likes turn coat Ama neber
Cambo February 2, 2012
I do not think that this is the whole truth. I have friends in Las Vegas who can confirm otherwise. Like many groups in the opposition camp, there are many Eritreans who were not satisfied the way business was conducted by bayto Hawasa. This includes the selection process that was white washed as “election” of the 600 people who participated in Hawasa, Ethiopia.
There are also many young Eritreans who were disappointed the way ato Daniel Tewelde, an elected member of the Commission was kicked out. Not only was ato Daniel unceremoniously kicked out, he was accused as “a spy of the Eritrean regime” and reported to Ethiopian security agents in Addis Ababa, so that the Ethiopians “take action … on the traitor”.
For your information, ato Daniel Tewelde was a democratically elected member from civic associations in the United sates of America. He left his comfortable life in USA to fight the Hgdef regime.
The worst insult to ato Daniel was when other participants of bayto Hawasa betrayed him by not raising Daniel’s rights and his rightful democratic place, including by the cowards calling themselves above as — ደንበ ተቃውሞ ላስቬጋስ in Hawasa, Ethiopia.
Many Eritreans have condemned this act as illegal and undemocratic. Therefore, saying “there is no problem in Las Vegas among the opposition” is like adding more salt to injury.
SINGAPO-ERITREAN February 2, 2012
You pointed out many truth in your comment .Why are n´t the so called opposition not concerned about the elected ,now deleted Daniel ” ? Why too much secrecy ???. You know what CAMBO, it is not only Isaias that looks down on us. This ex-Jebha ,full time complainers ,think we are retarded people who have to be guarded from some serious information. At least Papa Isaias knows his game ,this idiots could not administer “bet shahi hiwet “…..
Piasa February 2, 2012
Nobody is saying there is no problem in Las Vegas, they are saying they didnt write the letter that was posted at Meskerem.com…so please finish reading the article before you comment. As far as problems are concerned, yes there are problems…and they are because of disagreement on how to proceed!
tesfay February 2, 2012
how did assenna miss this big news??
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzCBCopp6_0 ? Eritrean Journalist flee to Ethiopia
yien February 2, 2012
ኽርክር ላስ ቨጋስ ኣብ መርበባት !
ደምበ ተቃወምቲ ላስ ቨጋስ ! ወይሲ ደምበ ኽብቲ ቃሮራ ?
ኣብ ዘሎኹሞ ዓለም ሳይበር ሎው ዝበሃል ምህላው ዘይስሓት ሓቂ እዩ፤
ኣብ መርበባት ክትካትዕዎ ምምራጽኩም ግን ካልእ ምስጢር ዘለዎ ጙዳይ መስል፤
እቲ ነገር ፣ መን በለ , መኣስ , ኣበይ….ወዘተ ክንሱ ፋይዳ ዘይብሉ ኮለል ናይ
ጽሑፍ ምምልላስ መሪጽኩም ፣ እዚ’ውን እንተ ንኣኹም ወይ ንእኦም ሰብ
ሓቂ ኣይገብርን።
ከም ኣባህላኩም መርበብ መስከረም ካብ ፈይስ ቡክ ኣሪዮም ዝለጠፉዎ ወረ
እንተ ኾይኑ ኣብ ቅድሚ ህጊ ተሃተቲ ክኾኑ ናይ ግድን እዩ ወይ ድማ
በሃሊኡ ከቃልዑ ይግደዱ። ኣይኮነን ኩሉ ኣብ ሓደ ሞጎጎ ዝተሰንከተ
እንጀራ እዩ እንተ በልና ይሓይሽ።
Piasa February 2, 2012
lol the article wasn’t meant for you, it was to inform members of the organization that the article posted on meskerem wasn’t real, it was from impostor…since there is no way to find the identity of the person who sent it, the best course of action is to inform that somebody was lying…
yien February 3, 2012
Hiiii….mr piasa,
Are we trying to shape up our english lunguage knowledge here now?
Wel boy you can do better. By the way both articles where writen
in tigrinya lunguage, you better read them both repeatedly to grasp the clue.
The one in meskerem, crystaal clear it was sent to meskerem web master. Therefore it is by no means to be considered as unidentified
Tht second psting witch was on assenna, if i may use just your words the posting was meant “to inform members of the organization”. with all respect to your knowledge a web site like assenna is a public domaine with privet owner or organization behind it, it can’t be a substitud for organizationaal adminstrative office works.
dont you think……….?
HGDF February 3, 2012
All of you are ደምበ ኽብቲ. The difference some of have found grazing field in Awassa others didn’t. So they must try their best to get a grazing field.
Mr. T February 2, 2012
haba’e quslus haba’e fewsu…someone who hides his wound hides his cure. We don’t need the your shameful rebutal, we have already a confirmation from awate.com. The opposition movement as it stands right now is a failed entity…again you don’t need my confirmation, you just have to ask the insider: the webmaster of awate.com. The “rats” and “mice” as the awate webmaster calls them in his recently posted article are now exposed for everyone to see: they are rotten and filthy. Long live meskerem.net. You are the leader when it comes to the information age. Amanuel Eyasu, it is time you adhere to ethical journalism and follow the foot steps of great journalists. The prerequisite to the unity of Eritreans and face the PFDJ regime head on to demand their stolen dignity is to condemn the barbaric woyane’s occupation of sovereign Eritrean territory and condemn opposition entities that are based on religion and ethnic secession. It is that simple!
Piasa February 2, 2012
I don’t think you have a clue as to what journalism is….meskerem is not an information website, it is a tabloid….get a life! when is the last time you have seen an original news or article at meskerem?
ahmed saleh February 3, 2012
Nobody hide his wound, if you are man enough to cure my wounds
at least show me a cure how to safe my brothers/sisters Eritreans.
I hear they are in prison indefinately, I heard our youth got shot
crossing borders, disappearing in mediterannian sea and the worst
my own repeat my own people became cheap as animals for their
organs which never be heard devil acts. Mr. T , ok you know better
can you show me how to cope with this unhuman & unimaginable circumstances. We are in a serious matter, Doctor.
Mr. T February 3, 2012
No wonder you call your self a “piasa”: flat and plane. When was the last time that you have not seen a dirty issue that the notorious opposition tried to hide but it was exposed by the great website, meskerem.net? To mention some examples, it was meskerem.net which brought Daniel’s case to the Eritrean people. It was meskerem.net which exposed the leader of the kunama ethnic separatist furiously demanding for the inclusion of “up to secession” while the Taliban’s website, awate.com, was telling us the Afra and kunama movements did not have the desire of separation (read Amanuel Hidrat’s article). It was meskerem.net which has exposed the removal of an elected member of the “congress” and his replacement by an unelected individual which is by the way already confirmed by the notorious awate.com’s webmaster in his recent post of “rats and mice” as he preferred to call the “congress”. I can site a thousand more of meskerem’s informative journalism, but to you it won’t matter, not just because you are flat and plane but you are also stuck in time : MEQUWATSRTI!
Piasa February 3, 2012
Piasa is not pizza dude…and the story you mentioned wasn’t original to meskerem, it was taken from Facebook…..so go read your tabloid…this is too serious for you!
Mr. T February 3, 2012
So you think you know Italian better? Did I said piasa is pizza or you are simply crude and dumb? If that news about Daniel was first posted on facebook, why did they blame him for posting the article at the meskerem website? That was the main reason they gave for kicking him out of the leadership. And how come you were not a man enough to defend his rights? ms b’al nskas hamushte million nqutser. MEQUWATSRTI!
gerimuna February 3, 2012
To: Mr. T
This is a typical HGDF tactics to distract and hence weaken the opposition against the vowed enemy of our people. The master of this dirty Hodge bodge confusing articles of the opposition while glorifying the perpetrators of the crime is a typical agenda of Meskerem and its sponsors. This has been going for a while now. To say any thing less is misleading and dishonest. Hence, the culprit against our people in my opinion is Meskerem first even before HGDFites.
Mr. T, how dare could you even temper to teach Amanuel Iyasu on what to do? Is this another tactic into crawling to built a character assassination against the pillars of opposition and hence dismantle it?
By removing the barbaric Isias regime we could alleviate the Brant of the dire consequence our people have to endure. But by condemning the woyane, what do we achieve? The odd regime used all the dirty diatribe in the dictionary against Woyane. But, It went into more quagmire, let us in the diaspora. Again by condemning, ‘”the religious and ethnic entities” as you put it, what do we get? It is give and take and communicating to convince each other that bring us closer. I am afraid, you are a sly to divide the opposition. I hope I am wrong because I prefer it and you mean it honestly.
ahmed saleh February 3, 2012
After the painfull past of our journey for independence, our expectations highjacked
by our own nontrustworthy superior officials. It was heart breaking ,discouraging,
confusing and negative moral effects to many Eritreans. But in reality we can not bury our head in the sand were your well being is concerned to escape from facts,
because we could be in for rude awakening. If if could not adopt substancial sensible approach to our people’s cause, we may not progress as we should.
It demands awareness or consciousness of an emotional barrier to clean break
from our negative political sentiments and move on for possible greater good
future of oue people. Political change is is painfull, complicated and not easy to accomplish. It requires our unity, focus on priorities, dedication. diplomacy on each other and postive attitude.The very powerful that has come out at this political
movement is the disaffected youth are politically questioning and are not to
tolerating the way some politicians are playing games.
ahmed saleh February 3, 2012
My comment is to high-light your straight forward, honest and
civil posting. Stay put with your positive thinking, thanks, God bless!
Mr. T February 3, 2012
You said, “how dare could you even temper to teach Amanuel Iyasu…” You see bro/sis I was only offering to him my generous advice. Have you ever seen or heard companies begging for customer’s feedback about their products? I am a customer of demo.archive.assenna.com because I consume its products: news and other materials posted on this website. It is up to Amanuel’s prerogative to accept or reject the advice. You are just a customer like myself.
gerimuna February 4, 2012
Mr. T,
I am sorry to tell you that you are missing the point. To clarify the theme of my concern is how to go about to dislodge the most brutal leader and his cohorts, who are responsible for the crimes imposed on our people for so long. I am not running around the bush classifying customer types a,b or Z.
In our time now, there is no sick mick waddling in between. We are either with justice,lawful or injustice and unlawful. To sway from these two distinct issues is for me, opportunistic and hence injustice and unlawful. For me there is no grey area. It is black and white.
At the same time to belittle any one on the side of justice as you did to Amanuel is also injustice and hence should be condemned unequivocally as one should to Meskerem.
By the way , I respect Daniel Tewelde and his rights. But we have a bigger issue where our people could get extinct before long. we should know our priorities.
HGDF February 3, 2012
Hi All
As you know English is not our mother language for many of us. It is not surprising if we see so many grammatically poor articles and many errors. I have a question to all of you. Most of you write HGDFites as plural form of HGDF. Isn’t the normal plural form HGDFs? same as we call you weyanes instead of Weyanites.
ahmed saleh February 3, 2012
Don’t complain, to satisfy your request we will call you MENDEFAWIAN, happy now.
HGDF February 3, 2012
You know Mendef is good. It takes away not all donkeys but those lazy and dirty ones.
ahmed saleh February 3, 2012
If you accept it as satisfactory approach to be called
mendefawian than HGDFwian I respect it. And I ask to all in ASSENNA commentators to obey his request.
ጽንብላሊዕ February 3, 2012
” ኪር..ኪር .. ኪር ..” ክሳብ ከብደይ ዝቖስል ከ! ኣየ ኣመጣጥና፣
ደቂ “ግንባር”…. እንዲኹም፣ መልሲ ብመልሱስ ልክዕትን ምጥንትን፣
ኣይትሰኣኑ ብጻየይ።
ጽንብላሊዕ February 3, 2012
ክኸውን ዝነበሮስ፡
HGDF says:
You know Mendef is good. It takes away not all donkeys but those lazy and dirty ones.
” ኪር..ኪር .. ኪር ..” ክሳብ ከብደይ ዝቖስል ከ! ኣየ ኣመጣጥና፣
ደቂ “ግንባር”…. እንዲኹም፣ መልሲ ብመልሱስ ልክዕትን ምጥንትን፣
ኣይትሰኣኑ ብጻየይ (HGDF)። …….. ደኣ !!
Abnet Tesfai February 3, 2012
ahmed saleh
thank you very much!
how lovely name it is ?
MENDEFAWIAN!!!!…….. really lovely name.
HGDF February 4, 2012
You know why Mendef takes away those dirty and lazy donkeys only? They eat garbage instead of grazing on grass. So, as there is Mendef for donkeys we need mendef for the dirty and lazy opposition who eat weyane’s left over and junk food of the West at the cost of our country. Mendef aykonen kalie keman yewridelkum.
Mr. T February 3, 2012
ahmed saleh,
It is good to ask for help when you need it. I admire your honesty although you definitely mean it otherwise. The first thing you need is to cure yourself. You cure others while you are bedridden. You and I have been commenting on this website for quite sometime, and I doubt it that you are not aware of the prescriptions I have been offering to the chronic illness of the opposition movements and their supporters. The thirty year war we had spent before independence was mostly due to our disunity. The past twenty years (still counting) we spent under the PFDJ regime is also due to our disunity. Those who forget history are those who are likely to repeat it, and we have done a great job doing just that.
The following are my simple solutions if you heart has still some red meat left:
1. Condemn any opposition movement that is based on religion and ethnic secession.
2. Condemn the barbaric woyane’s occupation of Eritrean territories in violation of international laws and norms.
3. Strive to establish fair representation of Tigrigna Christians, low land Muslims and other ethnic groups in any leadership that concerns all Eritreans. Right now the “Congress” should be thrown away into the dustbin immediately because it does not represent Eritreans fairly.
4. Any website that promotes hatred (e.g. Ali Salem in awate.com) should be condemned without any reservations.
This is my prescription, and you can refuse it at your own peril.
Mr. T February 3, 2012
Please read as “You cannot cure others while…” and “your heart”. My apology: I am still learning how to type.
ahmed saleh February 3, 2012
Mr. T
First of all HGDF and WEYANE confrontation is not Eritrean people’s
responsibility to solve or involve matter. The one who start the
skirmishes DIA who decieve us got to look for a solution from the
mess he is in. We were fooled once and we paid heavy price.
Condemning the Eritrean opposition and other political activists
is the nature of democracy loving people, we may oppose or critisize eachother. You only condemn your enemy not your own
compatriots unless you follow HGDF policy of condemnation. One
of our main reactions to the regime is such kind of practices.
alexdublin@live.com February 3, 2012
ERITREA= Has 4million people. Christians, Muslims And non believers. What our country need wright now is unity, To finished HGDF in to the grave yard. Please don’t divided us. We are near there now for our goals to susses. Opposition party played good at 2011. I hope 2012 also our year too!!!!!
And Mr T. come on SIMRRRRRRR One day you will be ask, What you done for the rule of LAW?