መግለጺ ኮሚቴ ሓድነት ኤርትራዋያን ንፍትሒ ዓባይ ብርጣንያ [gview file="http://archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/press-release-may-2016.pdf"] May 25, 2016 6:56 pmassenna202011Views SHARE GDE Error: Error retrieving file - if necessary turn off error checking (404:Not Found)
g michael May 26, 2016
Way to go deki hager. I hope you lay the groundwork that brings closer to the movement going on in North America with urgent call posted in this web site. After all the objective to establish a global leadership.
g michael May 26, 2016
After all the objective should be to establish a global leadership.