we shasing and hunting HIGDEF out side Eritrea as we are moving closer to Asmara, AJOKUM AJONA, no buddy will stand up for HIGDEF and Issaya, they are on the run.
you are IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT if there is yuth movement in ERITREA what in the hall are you doing begiging to WEYANE & UN whay dont you do something do you think we are stupid ijast come from ASMERA aweek ago idont know what are you talking abaout or meybe there is anather caountry call ERITREA IN your dearm
TIDELYO EMO YZINGAKIN NEDAY NAY LIBUYHALM keep on dreaming SELL OUTS you arecowerds beginig peopele inEITREA tofight for you whay do you call your slf OPPOSITION YOU SHULDE call your self CI CI BOYS
Awet Nihafash November 9, 2013
this great news zeray zikonuna rekbna kisab meas dea kinrgets….entes bi tselot entes bi finance ab gonkum alena…yehwatkum kab diaspora
sara gual eritra November 9, 2013
ajokum hibret mensey kulusaE saAri iyu
amlak msakum ykun AMLAK NHIZBNA YBARK
sam November 9, 2013
we shasing and hunting HIGDEF out side Eritrea as we are moving closer to Asmara, AJOKUM AJONA, no buddy will stand up for HIGDEF and Issaya, they are on the run.
true November 9, 2013
ajokum mesakum alena adlay entekoynu kenatu enaa nab Asemera.geze teray habunnn.
KUDUS YOHANNES November 10, 2013
tesfaldet November 11, 2013
you are IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT if there is yuth movement in ERITREA what in the hall are you doing begiging to WEYANE & UN whay dont you do something do you think we are stupid ijast come from ASMERA aweek ago idont know what are you talking abaout or meybe there is anather caountry call ERITREA IN your dearm
tesfaldet November 12, 2013
TIDELYO EMO YZINGAKIN NEDAY NAY LIBUYHALM keep on dreaming SELL OUTS you arecowerds beginig peopele inEITREA tofight for you whay do you call your slf OPPOSITION YOU SHULDE call your self CI CI BOYS