“መስከረም 18 መስክሪ”
“መስከረም 18 መስክሪ” መስከረም 18 ዕለት ብናይ ቀትሪ ጸልማት፤ ንፍትሒን ሕግን ብቕሉዕ ዝተረግጸሉ ዕለት፣ ኣብ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እከይ ክሕደት ዝተገብረትሉ ዕለት ኮይና ብብዙሓት ክትዝከር ካብ ትጅምሮ ሕጂስ 13 ዓምታ ኣኽቢራ። በቲ ሐደ ወገን ድማ ማዕረ

“መስከረም 18 መስክሪ”
መስከረም 18 ዕለት ብናይ ቀትሪ ጸልማት፤ ንፍትሒን ሕግን ብቕሉዕ ዝተረግጸሉ ዕለት፣ ኣብ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እከይ ክሕደት ዝተገብረትሉ ዕለት ኮይና ብብዙሓት ክትዝከር ካብ ትጅምሮ ሕጂስ 13 ዓምታ ኣኽቢራ። በቲ ሐደ ወገን ድማ ማዕረ ማዕረ መዕልቲ ተስፋን፣ ጽንዓትን ኮይና ሐዲሽ ምዕራፍ ናይ ሕቶ ኤርትራውያን ንፍትሕን ሕግን ዘቀልቀለት፣ ነቲ ነዊሕ ተዓቢሱ ዝነበረ ኣፍ ውጽዓት ዝኽፈተትን፣ ነቶም ኣገልግልትን ዕሱባት ዓመጸንትን ዘነደረት፣ ባርነቶም ዘቃለዐት መዓልቲ ኮይናም ምዝካራ ኣይተርፋን ኢዩ። ኩሉ ሓቂን ሓሶትን ብቕሉዕ ክትምዝግብ መስከረም 18 መስካሪ ታሪኽ ከይፈተት ወይ ተገዲዳ ከይኮነት፣ በቶም ኣብ በርኻ ብደም ሰብ ዓቢዶም ዝመጽኡ ዝተመርጸት ዕለት ኢያ።
በቲ ሓቂ መመዘኒ ክርአ እንተኾይኑ ግን፣ ቅድሚ መስከረም 18, 2001 ንኣስታት ሰላሳ ዓመት ኣበረኻታት ተሰኪሞሞ ዝኣተው ናይ ጸልማት ጉዕዞ ኣግሃደት እምበር ነቶም ገበነኛታት ሓዲስ ዘይልሙድ ባህርያት ዝተቐልቀለኡ ውይ ዝተጋህደሉ መዓልቲ ኣይነበረትን ወይ ኣይኮነትን። እንታይ ድኣ ነቲ ዕቡጥ ዝነበረ ብናይ ገድሊ ጊዜ ዘተኸተልናዮ ረሳሕ ዘይሕጋዊ መርገጽን፣ መስርሕን ተኸቲልካ፣ ንንጹሃን እንዳጽነትካን፣ ኣሕቀቅካን፣ ኣብ መሰልን ናጽነትን ዘይብሉ ቀጻሊ ናይ ተበለጽትን ስሱዓት ንስልጣን እንዳርወኻ ምጉዓዝ ዝመረጹ ሸፋቱ፣ ነቲ ናይ ሓሶት መኸወሊ መጋረጃኦም ዝቕንጠጥሉ ዕለት ኢያ።
ኣይፋልናን ገድልን ሃገርን፣ ህዝብን ጸላእን ፈላሊና፣ ብመንግስትን ብምስጥር ዝመሓደር ፈላሊና፣ ስልጣን ንዋንኡ ህዝቢ ኣረኪብና፣ ሕግን ፍትሕን ከመሓድር ግዚኡ ስለዝኣኸለ፥ ናይ ናትና ጥራይ ይጥዓመና ኢልና ንህዝቢ ጻማ ብሉጻት ደቁ መስዋእትን፣ ስንክልናን፣ ስደትን ዝድበሰሉን ዘስተማቕረሉ ውጽኢት ድኻሙ ዝካሓሰሉ እምበር ከም ባርያ ዝተሓዘሉ እዋኑ ኣይኮነን ዝበሉ ብኽሕደት ተኸሲሶም። ተኸሰቲ ዝበልዎ ግን፥ ንዓናም ናይ ቃልስናን ጻዕርናን ፍረ እንሪኤሉ ናይ ሓጎስ መዓልትታት እምበር ብውሽጥና ንሓዝነሉን ንቖስለሉን፣ ከም ህዝብና መሰልና ዝርገጸሉ ቃልሲ ናጽነት ክኸውን የብሉን ነይሩ።
እቲ ውልቀ መላኺ ስብ ምስ ጨፋፍሩ ወላ ነቲ ሓቂ ኪሕዶም፣ ነቶም ነቲ ዝተኸሰተ ግርጭው ብዘተን ብሕግን ንፍታሓዮ ዝበሉ ብልሙድ ጸለመ ናይ ሓሶት ኣመኻንዮም እንተኣሰሩን ኣሕቐቑን፣ ግና ካብ ልቢ ህዝብን ሕልናን ክድምስስዎ ዘይኽሉ ታሪኾም እንዳሐደረ ይኹላዕ አሎ እምበር ከም ሓመኹሽቲ ኣይቀሓመን። ሓቂ ከአ ኩሉ ግዜ ይቀጥን እምበር ብሓሶት ኣይሓቅቅ ኣይብተኽ።
መስከረም 18, 2001 ኤርትራ ሃገር እምበር ናይ ውልቀ ሰብን ኣጣቕዕቱን ሸፋቱ ንብረት ክትኸውን ኣይነፍቅድን ኢሎም ብመትከል ጠጠው ዝበሉን ተበጀውን ዕለት ወላ እንተኾነት ንግዚኡ፣ ጽባሕ ግን ብኻልእ ዓይኒ ናይ ታሪኽ ክትረአ ከላ፣ እዛ ዕለት እዚኣ መፈለምን መበገስን ሓርነት ኤርትራውያን መሰሎም ክረጋግጽ ምዕራፍ ገጽ ሐደ ዝተገንጸለላ መዓልቲ ተስፋን ራህዋን ምኻና፣ ካብ ጸልማት ናብ ብርሃንን፣ ሰላምን፣ ምዕባለ ጉዑዞ ዘቕንዓትሉ ዕለት ኮይና ክትዝከር፣ ኩሉና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኤርትራውያን ብዘይሽርሒን፣ ተንኮልን፣ በለጽን፣ ብቕንዕናን ብግብርን ኤርትራውያን ንስራሓላ ህዝቢ ክቀስን።
መተሓሳሰቢ፤ እዚ ዝስዕብ ጽሑፍ ካብ ኣምሕርኛ ዝተለቅሕኩዎ ኮይኑ፣ ናብ ትግርኛ ተርጉመ እቲ ዘለዎ መልእክትን ጥቕምን ከካፍለኩም ኢዩ ድለተይ።
ደራሲ፥ ሀዲስ አለማየሁ
ኢትዮጵያ እንታይ ዓይነት ኣመሓድራ የድሊያ?
ገጽ፥ 10 –11
ኣዲስ አበባ፥ ግንቦት 1966 ዓ.ም.
……. መንግስቲ ናይ ህዝቢ ድለት ሲዒቡ ክትግብርን ከተግብር ህዝቢ ባዕሉ ብድለቱ ዓይነት ዝምስርቶ ትካል ኢዩ እምበር ሱቕ ኢሉ ብኣልቦ (ብባዶ)፥ ዋንኡ ብዘይተፈልጠ ናይ ምስጢር ኢድ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ዝፍጠር ፍጡር ኣይኮነን። ብኻልእ ኣዘራርባ፥ ህዝቢ ናይ መንግስቲ ፈጣሪ፥ መንግስቲ ናይ ህዝቢ ፍጡር ኢዮም።
ስለዚ ኩልሳዕ ዝኸውን ወኪል ካብ ወካሊኡ ላዕሊ ክኸውን ከምዘይክእል፤ ወይ ከአ ፍጡር ንፈጣሪኡ ተኣዛዚ እምበር ኣዛዚ ክኸውን ኣይክእልን፣ መግንስቲ ንዝፈጠሮን ዝወከሎን ህዝቢ አገልጋሊን ጉዳይ ፈጻሚ ኢዩ እምበር ናይ ኢድ ወኒኑን ፍቓዱን ኣብ ህዝቢ ኣሰኪሙ ዘፍጽም ናይ ፈጣሪኡ ጎይታ ኣይኮነን። ነዚ መሰረት ገይርና እንተ ተብጊስና ብዛዕባ ኣመሓድራ ኮነ ብዛዕባ ህይወትን ናብራ ህዝብን ምምሕያሽ፥ ብዛዕባ ሃገር ምዕብልና፤ ከምኡ’ን ንህዝቢ ዝትንክፍ ጉዳይ ኩሉ ካብዝኾነ ንላዕሊ ናይ መጀመርያ መሰል ኮነ ሓላፊነት፥ ስልጣን’ውን ናይ ዋኑኡ ህዝቢ ኢዩ ናብ ዝብል መረዳእታ ንበጽሕ።
“ መንግስቲ ናይ ህዝቢ እምበር ህዝቢ ናይ መንግስቲ ዘይምኻኑ” ብንጹርን ዘየማትእን ብዘየጠራጥር ክእመነሉ አለዎ። እዚ ብህዝብን ብመንግስትን ዘሎ ርኽክብ ሡር መሠረት ወይ ከአ ዓንዲ ሕቖ ምኻኑ እንተ ተኣሚናሉ እቲ ካልእ ኩሉ ናቱ ዘርፉን ቅርንጫፉን ኢዩ።
“መስከረም 18 መስክሪ”
ማይ ንዓቐብ ክፈስስ
ጎቦ ደይቡ ክምለስ
ናቱን ዘይናቱን ክሓፍስ
ዝተሰርሐ ዝተነድቀ ክድምስስ
ስኣን ፈላጥ መሃንዲስ
ስኣን ቅኑዕ መንፈስ
ሃገር ህዝቢ ይበርስ
ዒዮ ምዕባለ ይፈርስ
ህግደፍ ዝመርሖ ይብስብስ
ክንዲ ንቅድሚት ንድሕሪት ክግስግስ።
ህግደፍ ብውሽጢ ጨቋኒ
ህግደፍ ብደገ ጸጋኒ
ኣሽከዓላል ፀዋታ ኣመንማኒ
ርእሲ ሰዓብቶም እምኒ
ክሓቱ ዘይክእሉ ይጥዓመኒ
መሰል ዘይብሎም ኣሕዛኒ
ይሰግዱ ንሃገር ዘዕኒ
የጣቕዑ ይስስዑ ብዘይእዝኒ
ዘይተራእየ ይርኡ ብዘይዓይኒ
ሓቂ ብሓሶት ብኣሉ ተኸዲኑ
ማይ ንዓቀብ ከፍስሱ ይውዕሉ
ሕጊ ፍትሒ ኣብዘይብሉ።
መስከረም 18 መስክሪ
ንኤርትራ ሃገር ክብሪ
ንጀጋኑ ስውኣት ሕድሪ
ታሪኾም ድለዪ ፈሓሪ
ብጸቶም ሕተቲ ብምድሪ
ዕላሎም ድለቶም ዘክሪ
መሓውር መግዛእቲ ክትሰብሪ
ንምዕባለ ቅሳነት ክተሳውሪ
ህዝቢ ክመሓደር ብፍቕሪ
ብሕጊ ብፍትሒ ኣኽበሪ።
መስከረም 18 ትማሊ
መብጽዓ ጀጋኑ ከይትጥለሚ
ይጥዓመኒ ብዝብሉ ንሎሚ
ህዝቢ ክሳቐ ኮይኑዎም ከዳሚ
ሓጥያቶም ክሓብኡ ናይ ገድሊ
ሃገር ህዝቢ የጽንቱ ብዕሊ።
ናይ ምስጢር ናይ ገበን መሳቱ
ህግደፍ ብውሽጢ ንህዝቢ የጽንቱ
ህግደፍ ብደገ ዝተቐብረ ይኹዑቱ
ህዝቢ ክበታተን ንሳቶም ክዕወቱ
ተቛወምቲ መሲሎም ብሓሶት ይማጎቱ
ዝተኣከበ ክዘርጉ ኣሽከዓላል ይጻወቱ
ብሓሶት ክጸድቁ ብጠጠዎም ዝሞቱ
ግፍዒ እንዳራኣዩ ሽዑ ዘይመከቱ
ተዓዚብናዮም ብጉራ ከህተውቱ።
መስከረም 18 መስክሪ
ንስኽም ከምኣታቶም ከይትዓውሪ
ከምቶም ብጾቶም ዝኸሓዱ ብምድሪ
ከምቶም ሃገሮም ዘዕንዉ ብቑጽሪ
ከምቶም ህዝቢ ዝገዝኡ ብበትሪ
ከምቶም ዝረገጹ ንሓደራ ክብሪ
መዝግብዮ ኩሉ ንግፍዒ ዘርዝሪ
ካብ ኮንኪ ጽባሕ ንታሪኽ መስካሪ
መስከረም 18 ብክብሪ ውጹዓት ክትዝከሪ።
ራህዋን ቅሳነትን ንውጹዕ ህዝብና
ውድቀትን ፍሽለትን ንገፋዕቲ ህዝብና
ሰለሞን ብርሃነ ሠንጋል
“ሕልና መስከረም 18, 2014”
wedi fre September 25, 2014
Great article and good poem!!!
Semhar September 26, 2014
Please change the photos that you displayed. You have mixed the killers and the innocents. You should exclude the photos of Petros Solomon, Haile, Duru, Sherifo, and Oqube Abreha. They were the right hand of the dictator Isayas. They were the one who did all the vicious crime against our land and our people. There is no difference between Petros Solomon, Haile Duru, Sherifo, Oqube Abreha and Isayas wedi Berad. They were all his obedient servants till the day he depose them.
They took down our liberation flag (SEMAYAWIT BANDERANA) and replaced it by his own flag.
The dissolved our original provinces and replaced them by his Zobas.
They destroyed our culture, our religion, our laws, our land and our people.
As long as the mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad and his blind followers are alive the misery will continue.
We must get reed of these killers Isayas wedi Berad and his blind supporters HIGDEF just like we did with Menghistu and raise our LIBERATION FLAG (Semayawit Banderana, the flag of our martyrs, the flag of our for fathers, the flag of our heroes) and liberate our land and our people!
Solomon Sengal September 26, 2014
I am not writing this to you direct, rather to the majority people like you who are stacked in the past, just like the present supporter of the regime, PFDJ. Because they are left drunken from the winning of independence and don’t know how to manage independence with out building a democratically administrative body who in turn implement policy and install institutional law to guarantee the people’s right. But, don’t expect from toxic people (PFDJ followers) who are not free for themselves.
Now, remember that ELF wasn’t perfect as organization not alone the individual members. They failed to manage their affair properly and that led to their destruction and paved the way to be replaced by EPLF. But, it doesn’t mean that ELF as organization and the individual members forgotten or didn’t contribute to Eritrean Independence. The same things goes to EPLF as organization and as individual members. How ever, the question we are addressing all together as concerned citizen is, currently, a simple one, as clear as crystal, the regime to handover power to the people where it belongs. Because PFDJ failed to keep the promise it made way before independence for one and it failed totally to manage the country’s affair properly in the absence of rule of law.
Semhar, you should know that you are not the one to pick who suppose to be on the picture as solo mini dictator to order people. As for the flag issue, it doesn’t not belong solo to you. It belong to the Eritrean people as whole and they will address that issue when they secure their freedom from the evil regime on their own terms. Right now let’s focus on the real problems, if we really love our country and want to see a free society that lost its dignity, harmony and its progress due to the evil dictatorial regime. No offense to you or your likes who wants to drug us backward to live in the past and in hatred to ruin the country. Let us work together for Eritrean bright future, rather digging grudges that prolong our people’s misery and suffering under brutal DIA and his cronies.
Semhar September 28, 2014
Solomon Sengal,
ፔጥሮስ ሰሎሙን : ማሕሙድ ኣሕመድ ሸሪፎ : ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ : ዑቑበ ኣብረሃ:
ብርሃነ ገብረዝገኣቢሄር :ኣስተር ፍስሓጼን :መስፍን ሓጎስ:
These are not different from their master DIABLO Isayas.
These are not victims; these are killers, crocodiles, just like their master DIABLOS Isayas.
Solomon Sengal, if you were serving Isayas by killing our people you should be languishing underground with them. This is the time to bring all the criminals to justice and dill with them.
1. ማሕሙድ ኣሕመድ ሸሪፎ
2. ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ
3. ፔጥሮስ ሰሎሙን
4. ዑቑበ ኣብረሃ
5.ብርሃነ ገብረዝገኣቢሄር
6. ኣስተር ፍስሓጼን
7. መስፍን ሓጎስ
The tyrant Isayas used these cronies to destroy our land and our people. They eliminated our revolutionaries at the time of our struggle for independence and after independence the eliminated our disabled veterans, they destroyed our culture, our religion, our laws, our provinces and our flag.
ሕጂ ኣይኮኑን ሞይቶም ። ስንኩላን ኪርሸኑ ኢድካ ኣጣሚርካ ምርኣይ፣ ዓበይቲ ዓድን መራሕቲ ሃይሞኖትን ኣብ እርጋኖም ኪሕየሩ፣ ጥራይ ናባይ ኣይትምጻእ እናልካ፣ ርኢኻ ከምዘይረኣኻ ሰሚዕካ ከምዘይሰማዕካ ምጽማምን ምጽቓጥን ናይ ሞት ሞት እዩ። ሕድሪ ስውኣት ተጠሊሙ ሓደ ሰብ ንኤርትራ ከም ንብረት ናይ እንዳዓሎብኡ ፊን ከምዝበሎ ኪገላብጣ ከሎ መን ኢኻ? ካባናን ካብቶም እታ ክብርቲ ህይወቶም ዝወፈዩ ጀጋኑኸ እንታይ ሓለፋ ዚገብርካዮ ኣሎ? ኢሎም ኪምግቱ ትብዓትን ሕልናን ምስ ኣጥፍኡ ሽዓኡ እዮም ሞይቶም።
Please watch Voice of Assenna: Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish former EPLF Security & Secret Party Member Part 8, part 9, and part10.
Solomon Sengal September 28, 2014
1- Your first demand was to remove four person’s photo, but now you extended your foolish demand to eight accusation. For one, Mesfin Hagos is not included to the photo collection of your complain. Second me, for not obeying your ignorant demand of childish. Because you are one of the PFDJ stooges, who think just as instructed. You are using the same labeling tactics your boss DIA used them similarly to justify his evil deed for his blind followers. “ዘይተራእየ ይርኡ ብዘይዓይኒ”-“ሓቂ ብሓሶት ብኣሉ ተኸዲኑ”
2- Those you are accusing are paying the ultimate price, (except Mesfin Hagos), with their life to defend the Eritrean people’s right, by demanding the constitution that was ratified by the people to be implemented, and stood firmly against DIA – your boss.
3- AS for Mesfin Hagos, he is roaming freely all over Europe and around the world. If you have facts and witness, but not illusion about his crimes, you can file a charge where he reside in Europe. There are plenty people who can help. But be careful, he might be your Boss.
4- The original Eritrean flag was brought down by the Ethiopian Emperor Hailesilassie not by EPLF when the federation agreement violated. In general, with out touching the huge and basic differences between ELF/EPLF, in principle they fought to restore Eritrean’s freedom and dignity. However, it seemed that it is hard for you and your likes to swallow the true concept of freedom. It is not about flag but, when people live under the rule of law and true (relatively)justice and peace.
5- Now your boss DIA don’t want to render peace nor justice with his cronies to the people. Therefore, he dispatch people like you to talk nonsense and to divert the main issue. Look with out venturing far to Ethiopian flag situation to understand what flag means. The Emperors’ flag design replaced by the Dergs’ junta ruler until it replaced by the current regime. I don’t hear they are fighting about it. But you are losing sleep to create havoc nonsense issues that has nothing to do with free society that want to live in peace.
Finally, I guess most people know the dirty tricks the faceless, nameless stooges of the PFDJ trying to play. Some of them by acting flag expert like you Semhar, others linguistic and dialect expert of the language Tigrigna and the worst ones by foaming Awrajawi hatred to divide people in regions, so their DIABLO BOSS and his cronies to destroy the country.
Semhar, now come and throw me to the underground prison that you know well and it will be an honor for me joining those who stood against the brutal PFDJ leader/killer – your boss.
Semhar October 1, 2014
Solomon Sengal,
1. ፔጥሮስ ሰሎሙን : ማሕሙድ ኣሕመድ ሸሪፎ : ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ : ዑቑበ ኣብረሃ: ብርሃነ ገብረዝገኣቢሄር :ኣስተር ፍስሓጼን :መስፍን ሓጎስ: These are not different from their master DIABLO Isayas. They are all killers.
2. They deserve where they are they betrayed our land and our people they are not different from the tyrant, mad dog Isayas. Knowing the mad dog is a killer, they were serving him to the point they could not defend themselves.
3. As for Mesfin Hagos I included him with the other killers and he is a mercenary of the mad dog Isayas. I am sure after he accomplishes his job ordered by his master, his master, the mad dog, Isayas will finish him just like he did toፔጥሮስ ሰሎሙን : ማሕሙድ ኣሕመድ ሸሪፎ : ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ : ዑቑበ ኣብረሃ: ብርሃነ ገብረዝገኣቢሄር :ኣስተር ፍስሓጼን::
4. For more than 60 years, the Eritrean flag has been the symbol of our nation’s strength and unity. It’s been a source of pride and inspiration for millions of citizens. And the Eritrean flag has been a prominent icon in our national history.
Here are the two dictators that took down the Eritrean Flag and replaced it with their own flags; the emperor Haile Sellasie took down Eritrean flag and replaced by Ethiopian flag in 1962 and the mad dog Isayas wedi Berad took down the Eritrean Flag, the flag of our forefathers, the flag of our martyrs and replaced it by his own flag 1993. (By Isayas’ PFDJ’S flag).
Let’s not fool ourselves by raising Isayas’ flag.
We should all raise one flag, our original flag; the flag of our fathers, the flag of our forefathers, the flag of our martyrs, the flag of our heroes!
5. The tyrant Isayas used these cronies to destroy our land and our people. They eliminated our revolutionaries at the time of our struggle for independence and after independence the eliminated our disabled veterans, they destroyed our culture, our religion, our laws, our provinces and our flag. ሕጂ ኣይኮኑን ሞይቶም ። ስንኩላን ኪርሸኑ ኢድካ ኣጣሚርካ ምርኣይ፣ ዓበይቲ ዓድን መራሕቲ ሃይሞኖትን ኣብ እርጋኖም ኪሕየሩ፣ ጥራይ ናባይ ኣይትምጻእ እናልካ፣ ርኢኻ ከምዘይረኣኻ ሰሚዕካ ከምዘይሰማዕካ ምጽማምን ምጽቓጥን ናይ ሞት ሞት እዩ። ሕድሪ ስውኣት ተጠሊሙ ሓደ ሰብ ንኤርትራ ከም ንብረት ናይ እንዳዓሎብኡ ፊን ከምዝበሎ ኪገላብጣ ከሎ መን ኢኻ? ካባናን ካብቶም እታ ክብርቲ ህይወቶም ዝወፈዩ ጀጋኑኸ እንታይ ሓለፋ ዚገብርካዮ ኣሎ? ኢሎም ኪምግቱ ትብዓትን ሕልናን ምስ ኣጥፍኡ ሽዓኡ እዮም ሞይቶም።
Solomon Sengal,
You said “Semhar, now come and throw me to the underground prison that you know well and it will be an honor for me joining those who stood against the brutal PFDJ leader/killer – your boss.”
If you are a coward like ፔጥሮስ ሰሎሙን : ማሕሙድ ኣሕመድ ሸሪፎ : ሃይለ ወልደትንሳኤ : ዑቑበ ኣብረሃ: ብርሃነ ገብረዝገኣቢሄር :ኣስተር ፍስሓጼን:: Go and wave your master the mad dog Isayas’ flag and surrender yourself to tyrant Isayas wedi Medhin Berad.
Semhar October 1, 2014
At the Ethiopian Embassy Ethiopian Nationalist took down EPRDF’s flag and replaced it by Ethiopian National Flag.
When are we going to replace the tyrant Isayas’s flag by Eritrea Nationalist Flag, our martyrs Flag.
Solomon Sengal October 8, 2014
For one you deserve my respect. It is your opinion to disagree with mine, point of view. I agree with you about DIA evil method of elimination of those who sacrifice for Eritrea. I for one, is not qualified to be counted as the gallant heroes you are condemning. I am so sorry if I offend you. We have common goal in principle that I and you to see. DIA and his cronies to hand over to the Eritrean people, the power they abused. Mesfin Hagos is not part of them. I am saying this not to defend him, but to let you know that he is still in the circle. Figure it out. Thanks.
Solomon Sengal.