መስራትን ኣሰናዳእን ኣሰና፣ ኣብ ብሪስበን (ኣውስትራልያ) ምስ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ተራኺቡ ኣብ ህጹጽነት ለውጢ ዘተኮረ ዘተ ኣካይዱ።
Eritrean Australians for Justice and Peace ን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኣብ ኣውስትራልያን፣ ብምኽንያት 1ይ ዓመት ስርሒት ፎርቶ ብዝገበሩሉ ዕድመ መሰረት ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ዝርከብ መስራትን ኣሰናዳእን ኣሰና፣ ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ ትማሊ ቀዳም 25 ጥሪ ኣብ ከተማ ብሪስበን ምስ ዝርከቡ
Eritrean Australians for Justice and Peace ን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኣብ ኣውስትራልያን፣ ብምኽንያት 1ይ ዓመት ስርሒት ፎርቶ ብዝገበሩሉ ዕድመ መሰረት ኣብ ኣውስትራልያ ዝርከብ መስራትን ኣሰናዳእን ኣሰና፣ ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ ትማሊ ቀዳም 25 ጥሪ ኣብ ከተማ ብሪስበን ምስ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ተራኺቡ ኣብ ህጹጽነት ለውጢ ዘተኮረ ሰፊሕ ዘተ ኣካይዱ።
ንሱ ኣብቲ ብስምረት መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ንድሕነት ሃገር (EYSNS) ኣብ ብሪስበን ዝተወደበ ኣኼባ ንህሉው ፖለቲካዊ ኩንታት ሃገርና፣ ብፍላይ ከኣ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ንዝህቢ ኤርትራ ንምቍጽጻር ዝተጠቕመሉ ሜላታት ወልቀመላኽነት ብሰፊሑ ብምትንታን፣ እቲ ፖለቲካዊ ርእሰማሉ ወዲኡ ኣብ ደንደስ ውድቀት ዝርከብ ስርዓት፣ ሓይሉ ጸንቂቑ ክንሱ ድኻማት ሕብረተስብና እናመዝመዘ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ የናውሕ ከምዘሎ ትዕዝብቱ ገሊጹ።
ስምረት ኤርትራውያን፣ ሓደ ካብቶም ውድቀት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብምቅልጣፍ፣ ዲሞክራስያዊ ስርዓት ኣብ ምትካል ኣገዳሲ ኣበርክቶ ዘለዎም ዕማማት ደለይቲ ለውጢ ምዃኖም ብምምልካት ከኣ፣ ኤርትራውያን ሕድሕድ ዘይምትእምማን ኣወጊዶም፣ ሓባራዊ ራኢ ብምምዕባል፣ ነቲ በሲሉ ዘሎ መድረኽ ለውጢ ብዘይወዓል ሕደር ክዓሙዎ ኣዘኻኺሩ።
ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኣብ ብሪስበን፣ ብወገኖም ነቲ ዘተ ዘሀብትመ ሕቶታትን ርእይቶታትን ብምቕራብ፣ ንኣድላይነት ስምረትን ሓባራዊ ስራሕን ዘለዎም ድልዉነት ገሊጾም።
wedi asmara January 26, 2014
Haqi January 26, 2014
wedi Asmera,
You know that you are Demhitay. A manuel is your dread as he has mobilized his people tirelessly. Now that is your scare. Get use to it. He is going no where . He is seving his people as he did drying liberation struggle and we are all behind him.
Here is what you are:
1. Never been to Eritrea probably over 10 years
2. You know Eritrea through Eri-tv.
3. You probably smuggled some family members to Shimelba.
That is the characters of Higdefite in every city of the west.
sesame January 27, 2014
Nezeyfelteka belo amanuel kemaka fara mesileka ebaka enda areka zeyteneber entay afliteka men mesel mes habeka civiliaed world naaka ayentaykaneiu fachaka kubon eban meray eiu . Dekiza fara. Nay berei shem enda keyerka sebat tezelalef tewel aleka hakey .haki ente aleka ne nebseka ketetabek entedelika be nay haki shemka eto . Wedi fara
wedi asmara January 27, 2014
Ehita fara terewai haqi
halal January 26, 2014
Haleka amanuel gest harestay sheyati hager lokmegna lehasi meakor weyane hatela mada hager kakay harie ekili shitel hamli lihtit…….. miwidae eko abiyini niaka zigibae sterfi. Kaliay kifal ab kesali
huq January 26, 2014
Halal, poor guy you better talk on issues. Amanuel is a hero.
tekeste January 26, 2014
A complete idiotic. Learn to write first.
sam January 26, 2014
we will fuck you up all KORAKUR HIGDEF and your zero hero DIA, Amanuel is a HERO you brain less kurkur
Sorobeti January 26, 2014
Ezi be’legna kab Eshokh Nay Asmara mama Sofia dikha temahirkayo?
ali January 26, 2014
Halal, kibur yekberka hosor yehsereka = Neska hosor seb sele zekonka – bea’alege – resah wedi sebyeti -leba – rifiyano,
fonfon – wedi herkam
habtu January 26, 2014
You are right I told him before .He is “nay hizibi eritrea harie ekili ” but let’s leave him keep backing until he gets the hail. Nay weyane meakor is very important for him.
MightyEmbasoyra January 26, 2014
Is it worth to halal (or he meant to say halay)? No, this guy is below the threshold.
MightyEmbasoyra January 26, 2014
meant to Is it worth to “respond” to halay
Haqi January 26, 2014
Halal halay,
Your imbecilic brain is worried of the momentum this wonderful veteran of Eritrean liberation and now at the forefront democratic struggle giggna Amanuel!!!!
It is a good sign how youHigdefites are dreading over his efforts to help the youth .
Keep serving Higdef mended and their brothers Demhites.
sarah January 26, 2014
traitor, no Eritrean wants to join you. You have the woyane tegarus with eritrean flag, shame on you Amanuel. Kedami nay kedemti.
Eretrawit January 26, 2014
smret January 27, 2014
mesakin gelayu iseyas beal ede! entay mesilukum dsti kitwerd ab aga mkraba iya dmxi tebzh. iseyas nhna enahaberna nkedela mealti slezmexet teraerae abzihkum! mesakin! Amanuel da bakum wedi kemakum sihiku ekua zeyxegb. antum bealegetat “fara geter” enabelka xerfi dyu wedi ketema zeblekum mesilukum? hagereseb malet meseret nay seb mkuanu zeytfeltu hatela. hangolkum asruhuwo. wedi asmera malet asmarino malet zkewn hangolkum ms asrahkumo tray iyu. wedi ketema mukuan malet dma abi neger terekibuley! ab kindey kflezemen ikum ke tnebru bejakum
tekeste January 26, 2014
You have poor pereception. What your point if you have any.
sam January 26, 2014
just so you know our Weyane is Higdef, let me remind you who the fuck is Tigray, like, Wedi Medhin Berad, Monkey, Kisha would you like some more, we will hunt you down all of you HIGDEF & KORAKUR, Amanuel is a hero and DIA is Tenbenay zero.
Sam ,
Do not forget also ABONA WELDEAB WELDEMARIAM ,(I believe from Axum Adi Kilte)and the Sudanese citzens (ex Sudanese Military officers) of Rabita al Islamiya that gave the green light to ABONA HAMID IDRIS AWATE (ERITREAN) the green light to start the armed “REVOLUTION”.
ERITREAN REVOLUTION WAS COOKED UP BY “ETHIOPIANS” Tegaru ,like Abona Woldeab & the SUDANESE natoinals of Rabita al Islamiya.
ኣብቲ ሓቀኛ ታሪኽካ ክሕግዘካ ኢለ እየ፣እቶም ቀንዲ ጀመርቲ ሰውራ እውን ኤርትራውያን ከም ዘይነበሩ።
ኣቦና ወልደኣብ (ትግራዋይ ኢትዮጵያዊ)፣ነቲ ናይ ኣምሓራ ዕብለላ ኣብ ርእሲ ተጋሩ (ሰራየ፣ዓድዋ ፣ዓጋመ፣ሓማሴን፣ኣኽሱም፣ኣከለጉዛይ፣እንትጨው___ወዘተ)ስለ ዘቐንዘዎም፣ኤርትራ ኣብ ትሕቲ ምምሕዳር ኣምሓራ እንድሕር ኣትያ፣እቲ ዕብለላ ኣምሓራ ነዚ ክንየው መረብን ፣መረብ ምላሽን ዘሎ ትግራዋይ ሓቢሩ ከም ዝወቕሮ ስለ ዝተረድኦም እዩ።ዕላምኦም ትግራዎት ካብ ኣርዑት ኣምሓራ ንምድሓን እዩ ኔሩ ።
እቶም ተኸተልቲ ምስልምና ሱዳናውያን ድማ፣ነቲ ኣቦና ሃጼ ዮውሃንስ ኣንጻር ሱዳን ደርቡሽ ክ ዋጋእ እንከሎ ነቶም ጀበርቲ ብምኽንያት ሃይማኖት ተሓባቢርኩም ኢኹም ኢሉ ፣ክኣስሮምን ብሓይሊ ከኸስትኖምን ስለ ዝጀመረ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ፣ኣቢሲንያ (ኤርትራ ዝጠቕለለት )ከም ደሴት ክርስትና ትፍለጥ ስለ ዝነበረት እዩ።
ሓው ሳም ፣እታ ፍልጠተይ እኳ ምጥንቲ እንተኾነት፣ግን ነቲ ትቃወሞን ትድግፎን ፈሊጥካ መርገጽ ክትወስደሉ ኢለ እየ ።እቶም ኣብ ሽፍትነት ኤርትራ ሻዕብያ ዝነበሩ ተጋሩ ከድኣ፣ንሳቶም እውን ከም ኢሳያስን ክሻን እዮም ማለት ድዩ ፧ ነቲ ሕማቕ ፊኒስትራ ክንሰብር ክንብል፣ነቲ ገዛ ቁምብላ ምድርባይ ሕማቕ ውጽኢት የምጽእ።ከምቲ ኣምሓሩ ደልዎ፣”የዝንጀሮ ቆንጁ ማን ይመራርጡ”/ ናይ ኣህባይ ጽብቕቲ ምድላይ ጊዜኻ ምብኻን እዩ ማለት እዩ .እቲ ቃልሲ ኤርትራ ብዓቢኡ ናይ ሓሶትን ዓመጽን ኣድቬንቸራዊ ጉዕዞን እዩ ኔሩ፣ግን እዛ ንእሽተይ ሓቂ ብጎንኻ ከሕልፋ ደልየ፣ንስኻ እውን ምስ ዝጋገ ሓደራ ከምኡ ክትኣልየኒ።
ሓወቦይ ስየ
abdu January 26, 2014
I think first of all ; I do not think you are belong to this web; and you are trying to get tigray online accidentally by mistake you landed here. Saying that please don’t take me wrong ; the web is Democratic; tolerate and hosting every one in equally manner; even for the people who’s comments are trying to misinform and twist history that they think they know.
So; please do no not misguide any thing isn’t exist out of histry contest; please I think you should go back to your history books and review again and if you still can’t get it then I think you should seek professional help
Abdu jeberti.
Sorobeti January 26, 2014
The one and the only traitor is your mafia boss DIA who in the past conspired with WEYANE and at the present is conspiring with DEMHIT.
Haqi January 26, 2014
Tegarus are DIA, Kisha, Yemane Charlie—-now protect by demhits. Call Asmara and if you have family members that trust you . Demhits are flooding your country Eritrea. Do not fool yourself and watch the Israel youth hate the guts of Higdef. They invite Amanuel.
Viva Amanuel Hawna
Vai Via Higdef and Demhit
Viva Wodi Vakaro
Vai via Wodi medhin berad
Michael Tedla January 26, 2014
The time is today too liberate our people.Those of us that live in a free country.Let us join together hand in hand stop tyranny. Demhit are nothing of course they are doing what there spouse do Eritrea is their hiding place for now .Trust me they will captured face justice.Trully yours padre USA.
zemat rzun January 26, 2014
Guys xerfi gedifkum kum neger tblwo mzrab do aymehashen kab endamatka adi kof elka bzaeba zeytfelta hager kab mzrab .
Habte Kifle January 26, 2014
According to the hypnotized or menntally jailed followers of HIGDEF the fastest way to be Weyane is to talk the truth only the truth.
There is no Eritrean with a sound brain who is working against Eritrea other than the mentally jailed HIDEF followers.
Please wake up!! Please put yourself in the shoes of your brothers and sisters in Eritrea and write what you are writing.
For God’s sake please wake up and try to help the betrayed Eritrea.
No time to exchange unnecessary uncultured mails. Please let us be matured and use our God given logic and save Eritrea from the bandits!!!
bilen January 26, 2014
halal, sara & kalOt kulukhum ttserfu zelekhum, tserfi gedifkum bzaEba ab eritrea zelo akayada mengsti emo hsebu, mnalbat amlakh aEmrokhum ente khefetelkum krdeAkum iyu sle mntay iyu hzbi eritrea zsaqen zsdedn zelo?
Hlnakhum qebirkuma ente konkum dma mesakin, kab bzey qnuE hlna mnbar mot mhashekum neru. bdewkum metkum zelekhum ikhim emo, “megestesemay yewarskum”
eritrawi January 26, 2014
Amaniel gigna eyu kemaka aykonen neritra bwere zifelta gin tebrraber weyane weyane tiblu xebah tarikawyan yehwarna elkum kitlhswom ekum neakatkumn neti ab eritra zelo xelul mengistn zehfrekum kemzeyele hzibi eritrea axebiku yifelt eyu
hailu January 26, 2014
Thanks Ema
The road to justice is not going to be simple, many narrow minded HGDEF supporters will bark now and then but lets not forget the mission of all justice loving eritrean is to fight for the justice of all those blind HGDEf supporters also for tomorrow.
Hence, we will work hard to embrace those hgdef- blind supporters no matter their insulting words.
Eritrea will be a place of justice for all Eritreans ad we will never worship a single man.
Those HGDEf supportes must come to their sense and come out ofthe bondage of worshiping Isayas ans fight for their people whos is perishing.
Isayas will egnite many fires in Eritrea as hes days are coming to and end, some of the fires that are going to be Isayas’s legacy are;
-slicing of the Afar region
-Religious conflicts
-ignorance and poisouned socienty
this are going to be the biggets challenges we will face tomorrow.
The faster we remove Isayas and his regime the easisiest the road for reconstruction will be otherwise we will pay more and more huge prices.
Ema good job nd hope you will visit Sydney too if you come to sydney pls let me know
khalil Ali khalil January 26, 2014
The difference in opinion and political conviction will always be there, and those of us who are living in the west are aware how these political diffetences are accommodated. It can only be accommodted in a democracy and rule of law. Because of that we are able to live in peace in these democratic countries otherwise the racist elements would have kicked us out. Please understand when we are calling for the rule of law to be implemented in Eritrea and dictatorship to be destroyed we are calling for the good of the people and for the good of the country, if you have any feeling for your people and you country please join us. Get up stand up stand up for your right