መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኤርትራ ኤዉሮጳ (NECS)፡ ተመክሩኡ ብምግምጋም ኣብ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንደሞክራሲያዊ ለዉጢ ንዘሎዎ ኣባልነት ክቕጽል ወሲኑ።
መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ብትዕዝብቱ ኣብ መስርሕ ምስረታ ኤባሃደለ ድሕሪኡን፡ ንዝተራእዩ ኩነታት ብነቐፌታዊ ዓይኒ ዝገምገመ ኣራሚ ሰነድ ብምድላዉ ብመገዲ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ንህዝቢ ክዝርግሕ እዩ። እቲ ኣብ መብዛሕቲአን ሃገራት ኤዉሮጳ ብዝመደበረን ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ዝቖመ መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት

መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ብትዕዝብቱ ኣብ መስርሕ ምስረታ ኤባሃደለ ድሕሪኡን፡ ንዝተራእዩ ኩነታት ብነቐፌታዊ ዓይኒ ዝገምገመ ኣራሚ ሰነድ ብምድላዉ ብመገዲ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ንህዝቢ ክዝርግሕ እዩ።
እቲ ኣብ መብዛሕቲአን ሃገራት ኤዉሮጳ ብዝመደበረን ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ዝቖመ መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኤርትራ ኣብ ኤዉሮጳ (NECS) ንዉጽኢት ካልኣይ ስሩዕ ኣኼባ ባይቶ ንደሞክራሲያዊ ለዉጢ፡ ብወኪሉ ንዝቐረበሉ ጸብጻብ ምርኩስ ብምግባር፡ ዕላማታት መርበብን ምስቲ ባይቶን ኣካይድኡን ስለዘይተሳነየ ኣብ ባይቶ ብኸመይ ንቐጽል? ዝብል ሕቶ ንምምላሽ ኣካያዲ ቦርድ መርበብ ከካይዶ ዝጸንሐ ገምጋምን ዘተን ብምዝዛም፡ ዉሳነታት ኣማሓላሊፉ።
በዚ መሰረት ንኣወንታዉን ኣሉታዉን ጎድንታት ኣካይዳ ባይቶ ብምግምጋም መርበብ ብኸመይ? ኣብ ምንታይን? ተመርኩሱ ዝቕጽለሉ መንገዲ ዝሕብር፡ ንህዝብን ባይቶን ዝዝርጋሕ ሰነድ ብምድላዉ፡ ኣብ ኤሃባደለ ዘሎዎ ኣባልነት ሒዙ ክቕጽል ከምዝተሰማመዐ፡ ኣብዚ ወርሒ እዚ ኣብ ዝገበሮ ኣኼባ ኣፍሊጡ።
ዕላማ ናይቲ ኣብዚ ሒደት ማዓልታት ንማዕከናት ዜና ክዝርጋሕ ተመዲቡ ዘሎ ሰነድ ከምዘመልክቶ፡ መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኤዉሮጳ ተመኩሩኡ ኣብ ቃልሲ ንደሞክራሲያዊ ለዉጢ፡ ብፍላይ ከኣ ዝምድናታቱ ምስ ሓይልታት ፖለቲካ ኤርትራ፡ ብነቐፌታዊን ኣራምን ሓሳብ ብምምርኳስ፡ ነቲ ህዝቢ ዘማእክሎን ህዝባዊ ታሓታትነት ዘሎዎ ቃልሲ ኣብ ምፍጣር ዝበቅዕ ስትራተጂ ቃልሲ ክህሉ ንዝብል፡ ቀንዲ ዕላማ መርበብ ዘነጽር ምዃኑ ተፈሊጡ።
ብዘይካ እዚ መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኣብ ኤዉሮጳ (NECS) ነቲ ንሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኣብ ክንዲ መሻርኽቲ መዋዳድርቲ ፖለቲካዊ ስልጣን ጌሩ ዝርእይ፡ ነጻጊ ፖለቲካዊ ባህሊ ዉድባት ኤርትራ ብምንቃፍ፡ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ናይ ከምዚ ዝበለ ሃሳይ ፖለቲካዊ ባህሊ ግዳይ ከይከዉንን፡ ንኹሎም ሃገራዊ ሓይልታት ብዘሳትፍ መንገዲ መጽለሊ ኩላህና ኮይኑ፡ ኣብ ቀንዲ ጉዳያት ብምትኳር፡ ንሕቶ ድሕነት ህዝብን ሃገርን ኤርትራ ብህጹጽ ዝምልሽ ኩነት ክፍጠር፡ ባይቶ ቀላሲ ተራ ክጻወት፡ መርበብ ጻውዒት ኣቕሪቡ።
ከምዝፍለጥ ኣቐድም ኣቢሉ ወኪል መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኤዉሮጳ ኣብ ኤሃባደለ፡ ዝነበረ ኣቶ መስፍን ፍትዊ፡ ኣብ መጀመሪያ ወርሒ ናይዚ ዓመት ንኣካይዳ ባይቶ ምስ ዕላማታት መርበብ ኣይተሳነየን ብምባል ድሕሪ ዝሃቦ ጸብጻብ ተኸቲሉ፡ ወኪል ኮይኑ ከገልግል ከምዘይደልይ ብምዉሳኑ፡ ኣካያዲ ቦርድ ቀጻሊ ኣታሃላልዋ መርበብ ኣብ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ብዝምልከት፡ ኣብ ዘተን ምኽርን ከምዝጸንሐ ዝዝከር እዩ።
ሙሉእ ትሕዝቶ እቲ ሰነድ ኣብ ቀረባ መዓልታት ንህዝብን ባይቶን ክዝርጋሕ ምዃኑ እቲ ቦርድ ኣፍሊጡ ኣሎ።
ክፍሊ ዜና
መርበብ ሲቪላዊ ማሕበራት ኤርትራ ኣብ ኤዉሮጳ
Eritrea Super Power June 28, 2013
old ex fighters that have no relevance to the young people in eritrea have no love for suffering , except to pay back to what happened in 1981. that is why they do not compropmise on any big issue .it is pasa tempo for them .goverments could be challenged by citzens collaborating to pressures into acting smart ,this people have no tangible agenda that can make impact on pfdj supporters in the diaspora to come to a minnimum common ground or to organize the people.i see people interested in shouting against the goverment but ,have no sound solution that could unite sensible people ,Yes they are happy opfdj gone ,i am no pfdj sympathiser ,only eritrean people and nation .Stop childish emotions and bring adult solution ,even if it sounds heartless like my solution.
Stefanos Temolso June 29, 2013
You are contradicting yourself man! Show us the way by becoming an example, Words are not enough!!
Eritrea Super Power June 29, 2013
first we have to realise our deficit.we need to gather together and discuss situation honestly ,without judging one another.even if it is painful the first question should be was the gedli worth fighting 30 years ? no matter what the answer would be ,we are a country now ,then why are we not motivated ? why do we not even acknowledge what is happenning to the country we call our own ??? let people say what is in their heart ,let them curse the country ,the gedli ,Isaias ,Abdella…etc.
let us speak about the true crimes that happened in the name of the gedli ?what happened to women ? who was forcibly recruited ? why did the gedli recruit by force ? kidnapped ? commited and still think rape is normal part of Eritrean life while non could be furthere from the truth ? why are our girls being raped not only in the trenches ,like happened during eplf gedli time ,but why also in sinai ? why did we pay in money half a billion for war that the world and Isaias accepted as eritrea being the provocator ? why should we care about gedli and country that forcibly recrtuiting was the order of the day ? WHY DID WE THE PEOPLE SAW THE GEDLI FORCING IT´SWILL ON US YET WE ACCEPTED IT ,YET NOW WE COMPLAIN BECAUSE THE SAME THING HAPPENNING WHEN IT WAS A FRONT ?IF WE ACCEPTED MASSACRE & IMPRISONEMENT ,hALEWA SEWRA ,KIDNAPPING & RAPING WHILE THEY WERE GEDLI ,WHY DO WE WANT TO DESTROY ERITREA THE NATION BY COLLABORATING WITH WEYANE & CIA ? DO WE REALLY WANT ERITREA ,SYRIANS ,JEWS,BALKANS …IRAQIS ,SOMALIS ..etc LEAVE THE WEST TO FIGHT FOR THEIR BELIEVE ,WE JUST CYBER SHOUT ,WE DO NOT LET PFDJ RULE NEITHER DO WE COME TO THE PLATE ?
This need to be organized by educated people .As for me & my little Education ,I would have liked 2-3 countries in the horn creating one united country ,but eritrea is our country ,it was created by force & crime by tegadeltis ,but we accepted it ,then let us reform it ,not destroy it. I would have liked eritrea ,sudan & djibouti to create one block, one nation & one country…but then..
Genet June 30, 2013
Eritrea Super power
First, Your name is kind of mocking Eritrea as a country and people. Because Eritrean are, far away from being a SUPER POWER. Our people are strAggling to be alive at this time. You sound sarcastic. You should consider changing it.
Therefore, it is not approprate for any Eritrean to question IF gedli was worth fighting for. IT WAS AND IT IS. IT IS DONE AND IT IS FOR THE BETTER. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT. Unlike the PFDJ system, gedli had a full support of most Eritrean people. It makes no sence to say that “gedli forced Eritrean people to fight for freedom from Ethiopia”
Yes, I agree, Gedli, under the leader of Isaias(dictator) has a lot of skeleton in many closets. However, the worst thing is happing to Eritreans now. We are being uprooted from our landS. Simply, we are being destroyed as a people. NO TRUE ERITREANS ACCEPTED THE CRIMES CARRIED OUT DURING GEDLI. MAY BE, WATCHED HELPLESSLY BY ERITREANS.
Most African people would like to see less divided Africa. However, it is not realistic to suggest that for 2-3 countries to come togather and form one country. Without becoming one cuntry, they can establish good working relationship.
WHAT DO YOU MEAN? “but eritrea is our country, it was created by force & crime by tegadeltis…” I heard this statement from Ethiopians, but never from Eritreans. Please do explain? What do you think we do about the dictator? What do you think we do about the blind followers of the dictator? How do we get our people, to see what is going on in our country and to stand up united? Please becareful not to confuse readers. It is not right to bering gedli’s crime, while the same man from gedli is still carring out crimes against our people.
Take care.
Kalighe June 30, 2013
“but eritrea is our country, it was created by force & crime by tegadeltis…”
Dear Genet
I think this type of analysis is being purposely interjected into Eritrean debate by a few elements who seem to be unhappy with the regained Eritrean identity.
In the early years of independence, many Tigreyans who had served Ethiopian colonialism for decades (most of them employed as spies), left the country for fear of being detained,
while tens of thousands of them (mostly civilians), were allowed to stay, and nobody questioned them about their roles during the Derg era.
One serious mistake made by EPLF at the time was, to consider all those who remained in the country after that period Eritrean citizens. Instead of looking at the issue based on individual merits, as it’s done everywhere in world, any one who lived in the country for some time was granted Eritrean citizenship. The overwhelming majority of these people were part and parcel of Ethiopian occupation bureaucracy. They were deeply involved in a long bloody conflict and did not like to be called Eritreans. When the war with Ethiopia broke, the government realized that mistake was done, the Tigreyans had turned into a “5th column”. When the Ethiopian government started to bomb targets around Asmara many of them wanted to be evacuated and left the country.
Hence, when you see some anti-Ghedli and anti-Eritrean identity views, no doubt, such views are coming from someone who lived in Eritrea, but doesn’t want to be identified as Eritrean.
Genet June 30, 2013
You are making a lot of sense. Your awareness of the Ethiopian-Eritreans’ level of commitment to the independent Eritrea is commendable. Some people are coming to this forum, simply to confuse Eritrean and to make us to second guess our dedication to our independent Eritrea. This statement “but eritrea is our country, it was created by force & crime by tegadeltis” It is a bold statement, only can be made by none Eritrean. I guess, those ??? Eritreans are starting to make mistakes. All fake people make mistake soon or later. The bold statement by the ??? Eritrean, alert us to wake up and be aware.
Kalighe July 1, 2013
Dear Genet,
The text below, is taken from Asmarino’s comments section, just guess who could be (that website is now run by a notorious Ethiopianist who can’t hide his emotions, and full of anti-Eritrean articles written by elements with dubious identity):
“Now these entities who call themselves “Jews” are inherently anti-Ethiopia because they know that Christian Ethiopia ruled by a true Christian king like Hatse Sertse Dingel is the authentic Israel. That is why we read in Dr. Daniel Kinde’s rendition those who called themselves “Jews” used Kagnew Station (true or not) in their offenses against the Arabs in the six day Arab-Jewish war yet, at the same time, they were working to dismantle Ethiopia from under the rocks. In what they call the “camp david accord” these people who call themselves “Jews” used the arms of the West and joined hands with the Arabs to devour Ethiopia, to divide her people and to leave her landlocked.”
Eritrea Super Power June 30, 2013
i believe I explained,the name ESP does not indicate super power like in America in America or china.It means resistive people that can tolerate & win difficult situations, if you think that is mocking and sarcastic,I say unto you do not be of reduced face ,believe in our people.
Your 2nd concern, about the force & crimes do not haste to relate it to Ethiopians ,I do not talk to them about my politics, but this is my meanning ,the force used to overthrow dergi is called violent revolution,which does not mean bad.and we all know things in the Gedli happened that we are not proud of ,as much as isaias is a strategist and charismatic his movement has commited some serious crimes ,it is part of revolution .
Now that I have cleared the 2 issues let me come to yours.
you closed the discussion part by saying no body should be allowed to evaluate or have a different opinion 6 you just gave me to the mouth of Ethiopians.My point was let people ,wether they mean it or not ,for the sake of taking out their frustration or they mean it ,it would be a national therapy for the people that have lost 4 kids ,may be it is not worth 30 years for that mother while Genet is eating french fries with 40 ounce soda,IT DOES NOT CHANGE ANYTHING EXCEPT THE MOTHER COULD BE HEARD ,THE LEAST WE CAN DO IS LET HER SCREAM ON US,ISAIAS ,WUCHU ,ALI ABDU or god if it makes her feel good,but Genet people like you are telling Eritreans ,YOUR WAY OR THE HIGH WAY.
She will not change anything ,like obviously you can not change anything.
I am defending the nation ,but opposition like you is the other side of the coin of PFDJ.
i am defending the goverment because we do not have alternative power to replace it.
Kalighe which I have respect for being anti Weyane & CIA intervention has missed the point totally.
Genet July 1, 2013
About your name “Eritrean Super Power” is a very poor way of relating to Eritreans. You want to keep it,then keep it.
I am not sure, who you are targeting as your audience. But It can’t be Eritreans.
Allow me, to disect your many, many cantradicting statements.
You said, “About the force and crimes do not haste to relate it to Ethiopian, I don’t talk to them, about my politics” When you say “but eritrea is our country, it was created by force & crime by tegadeltis” You are speaking for them (Ethiopian). Your statement exposed you, as a true Ethiopian agant, as the same agants during the dergi ara. After saying, “but eritrea is our country, it was created by force & crime by tegadeltis”; You attempted to speak about the Eritrean mothers. “THE LEAST WE CAN DO IS LET HER SCREAM ON US, ISAIAS… IF IT makes her feel good..” From your statement, you have no desire to alleviate the Eritrean mothers’ pain. You have no desire to hear, her bloody murder of scream right now. Oh Yes, You said, “I am defending the nation, I am defending the goverment” I would be happy to say, For GOD sake, wake up PFDJ’s zombie. However, YOU MY FRIEND, ARE NOT PFDJ’S ZOMBIE. YOU ARE AN ETHIOPIAN AGENT OUT TO DESTROYE ERITREA. DURING THE DERGI ARA, YOUR KINDS GOT AWAY WITH CRIMES AGAINST ERITREA AND ERITREANS. YOU ARE DEFENDING THE ERITREAN GOV. FOR DEVIOUS REASONS.
SINCE YOU DESCRIBED ME AS FRENCH FRIES EATING AND 40oz OF SODA DRINKING OBESE, LET ME TELL ALL WHAT I THINK ABOUT YOU. I don’t know you personally. It is not my place to say, whether you are a beer belly obese, a quadruple-bypass heart surgery waiting to happen or a healthy man/woman. It is not my place to say one way or other.
YOU CAN’T BE AN ERITREAN WHEN YOU ARE COMFORTABLE TO SAY, “but eritrea is our country, it was created by force & crime by tegadelti” “created” No, my friend, Eritrea was freed from Ethiopian occupation with our brothers and sisters’ blood. You call them the crimnals tegadeltis; WE CALL THEME OUR MARTYRES.
Take care
Tes June 29, 2013
good news. it is one step forward
Eritrea Super Power July 1, 2013
i got emotional ,but my intention was not to call you obese, i am actually 16 lbs overweight ,sorry about my inappropriate description .my intention was to create a big tent to include everybody in a national dialogue.
I am saying to those consider gedli as a blemish less holy and to those who think it was crime against Eritrean people this was my message.NO MATTER WHAT ERITREA IS A COUNTRY ,OUR COUNTRY ,we are free from Ethiopia and even if majority people want to go back ,i suspect ethiopians would reject the idea ,tigreans being the most opposed.No matter wether we think gedli was a holy movement or an organized criminals winning a war against occupation of ethiopia ,we need to stop imposing our will and speak on behalf of eritrean people when they are under tyranny of pfdj.
now ,let us say mr X goes to genet & Kalighe and says ,look i was never crazy about the gedli, i thought it was a criminal organization that fooled many innocent people ,but ,no matter what, we have our country,i want us to unite and replace pfdj without being tools of weyane & CIA. would your reply be ¨well mr X since you never believed gedli was church like ,i can not make alliance with you ?let people have their own belief of the past, provided they want to change pfdj why should you stick your belief to the throat of the masses and what makes you thing that ,eritrea peoples belief is the same 22 years after.
Well ,you are the one examinning the hearts and souls of the people with out giving them a chance to blow their frustratiion.WELL TELL US ?
Genet July 1, 2013
I am not sure, if you really know what you are saying. You are preoccupied with the past. So good luck. I guess.
ahmed saleh June 29, 2013
As opposition groups the matter concern us all equally . Therefore , we have an obligation to get involved
to seek definite solution to our political , social and economical obstacles inside the country .
ida June 29, 2013
The only problem is the arrogance of an ignorant president and his stupid policies. The only solution, unite and remove him from power.
fetsum abraham June 30, 2013
U are correct. This is a good move specially if focused on unconditional unity of all forces for a transitional government in Eritrea. I hope this time the direction will be to that goal.
Yakob June 29, 2013
Still some of the old opposition camps are led by the old and dilapidated men of the former Jebha and shabia people. Not only this, their political programs and agendas are so fossilized that it begs for an anthropologist to examine them.
Only a gullible young dreamer would expect a worthy change from these fossils.
ahmed saleh June 30, 2013
Why we try to depart ourselves from opposition groups by giving the elders higher expectation to form democratic
national movement . They did their part and now is the turn for younger generation to take responsibility to lead
the political struggle .
abrar June 30, 2013
What are you trying say ?
Alena aymotnan
Eritrea Super Power June 30, 2013
i believe I explained,the name ESP does not indicate super power like in America in America or china.It means resistive people that can tolerate & win difficult situations, if you think that is mocking and sarcastic,I say unto you do not be of reduced face ,believe in our people.
Your 2nd concern, about the force & crimes do not haste to relate it to Ethiopians ,I do not talk to them about my politics, but this is my meanning ,the force used to overthrow dergi is called violent revolution,which does not mean bad.and we all know things in the Gedli happened that we are not proud of ,as much as isaias is a strategist and charismatic his movement has commited some serious crimes ,it is part of revolution .
Now that I have cleared the 2 issues let me come to yours.
you closed the discussion part by saying no body should be allowed to evaluate or have a different opinion 6 you just gave me to the mouth of Ethiopians.My point was let people ,wether they mean it or not ,for the sake of taking out their frustration or they mean it ,it would be a national therapy for the people that have lost 4 kids ,may be it is not worth 30 years for that mother while Genet is eating french fries with 40 ounce soda,IT DOES NOT CHANGE ANYTHING EXCEPT THE MOTHER COULD BE HEARD ,THE LEAST WE CAN DO IS LET HER SCREAM ON US,ISAIAS ,WUCHU ,ALI ABDU or god if it makes her feel good,but Genet people like you are telling Eritreans ,YOUR WAY OR THE HIGH WAY.
She will not change anything ,like obviously you can not change anything.
I am defending the nation ,but opposition like you is the other side of the coin of PFDJ.
i am defending the goverment because we do not have alternative power to replace it.
Kalighe which I have respect for being anti Weyane & CIA intervention has missed the point totally.
thanks genet
Genet July 1, 2013
Thank you for the info.
If this kind of article is being posted at Asmarino, then the Ethiopian within our country are becoming bold. The contents of this article has no use to us Eritreans. It is all about Ethiopian and Ethiopia. why is it posted at Asmarino??