መርበብ ሓበሬታ ቢቢሲ፣ ንህቡብነት ሓዳስ ደርፊ ‘ሓድነት’ ወዲ ትኳቦ ኣብ ኤርትራዉያን ኣመልኪቱ፣ “ናይ ቦብ ማርሊ ህሞት ደኾን’ዩ” ክብል ጽሒፉ።
መርበብ ሓበሬታ ቢቢሲ፣ ንህቡብነት ናይታ ዮሃንስ ትካቦ (ወዲ ትካቦ) ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ድሕሪ ምግዳፉ “ሓድነትና” ብዝብል ኣርእስቲ ዝዘየማ ሓዳስ ደርፊ ኣመልኪቱ “ናይ ቦብ ማርሊ ህሞት ደኾን’ዩ?” ክብል ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ዓንቀጽ፣ “ንመንግስቲ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዝነቅፍ ዝመስል ናይ

መርበብ ሓበሬታ ቢቢሲ፣ ንህቡብነት ናይታ ዮሃንስ ትካቦ (ወዲ ትካቦ) ንስርዓት ህግደፍ ድሕሪ ምግዳፉ “ሓድነትና” ብዝብል ኣርእስቲ ዝዘየማ ሓዳስ ደርፊ ኣመልኪቱ “ናይ ቦብ ማርሊ ህሞት ደኾን’ዩ?” ክብል ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ዓንቀጽ፣ “ንመንግስቲ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ዝነቅፍ ዝመስል ናይ ተቓውሞ ደርፊ ሙዚቀኛ ‘ታ ንእሽቶ ሃገር ኤርትራ ኣብ ‘ዩትዩብ” ዋዕዋዕታ ፈጢሩ” ክብል ጽሒፉ።
መርበብ ሓበሬታ ቢቢሲ፣ ነታ ብ demo.archive.assenna.com ኣብ ዩትዩብ ዝተዘርግሐት ኣብ ሒደት መዓልታት ልዕሊ 100 ሽሕ ህርመት (ክሊክ) ዝረኸበት ደርፊ ምርኩስ ብምግባር ኣብ ዘቕረቦ ጽሑፍ፣ “ሓንቲ ካብተን ዝነኣሳን ኣዝዩ ጽዑቕ ቁጽጽር ዝግበረለንን ሃገራት ኣፍሪቃ ዝኾነት ኤርትራ፣ ወትሩ ናይ ተቓውሞ ደርፍታት ክንድዚ ዋዕዋዕታ ዝረኽቡላ ቦታ ኣይኮነትን። እንተኾነ፣ እዛ “ሓድነትና” ብዝብል ኣርእስቲ ስነጥበበኛ ዮሃንስ ወዲ ትካቦ ዘቕረባ፣ ህድእ ዝበለ ዜማን ሓያል ግጥምን ዘለዋ ደርፊ ግን ድሮ ልዕሊ 100 ሽሕ ህርመት ኣመዝጊባ ‘ላ።” ኢሉ።
ንሱ ኣብ ግጥሙ “ ክልተ ወለዶ መንእሰያት ከምዝሃለቐ ‘ሞ መዓስ ምስጢር ኮይኑ” ከምዝበለ ብምጥቃስ፣ ነቲ ብ “ገድሊ” ዝፍለጥ ናይ ሓርነት ቃልሲ ‘ውን ብትዝታ ከምዝዘከሮ ጽሓፋይ ናይቲ ዓንቀጽ ፖል ብራውን ይገልጽ።
እታ ደርፊ ብሰፊሑ፣ ከም ነቐፌታ ናይቲ ን20 ዓመት ኣብ ስልጣን ዘሎ፣ ንግህሰት ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ብዝምልከት ስርዓቱ ብልሙድ ኣብ ዝተሓተ ሰንጠረጃት ዓለም ዝስራዕ ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ከምእትትርጎም እቲ ዓንቀጽ የረድእ።
እቲ መርበብ ሓበሬታ ቢቢሲ ከም መመሰሊ ዝተጠቕመሉ ቦብ ማርሊ፣ በቲ ሰፊሕ ኣህጉራዊ ህቡብነት ዝረኸበ ብሬገ ዝፍለጥ ቅዲ ሙዚቃኡ፣ ንሓድነት ኣፍሪቃን ቃልሲ ሓርነት ኣፍሪቃውያንን ዝድግፍ ንኣፓርታይድ ዝነቕፉ ፖለቲካዊ መልእኽቲ ዝሓዘሉ ደርፍታት ዘቕረበ ውሩይ ጀማይካዊ ስነጥበበኛ እዩ።
Danny November 28, 2013
Wedi Tikabo, A MAN OF THE YEAR!
all I want to say is we love you. As always your music has message to those who want to listen. HADNETNA is one example.
Love you bro …
and May God bless you in every way.
rahel November 28, 2013
can some one post the poem here,i cant get it.
abraham November 28, 2013
Wedi tukabo songs are all meaningful.He has more audience inside and outside Eritrea.His music is good example.
Debessai November 28, 2013
ካብ ሚልዮናት ስነ-ጥበባውያን ናይ ዓለም፡ ውሑዳት ከም በዓል ቦብ ማርሊ ዝጥቀሱ በቲ ኣብ ውጹዕ ህዝቢ ዝነበሮም ሓልዮት እዩ። ቢቢሲ በቲ ንዓኦም ዝርድኦም ገሊጾሙኻ፡ ኣነ ድማ ከምቶም ወትሩ ብሓበን እንዝክሮም ስነ-ጥበባውያን ሃገርና ምመሰልኩኻ። ነቲ ዘሎካ ስነ-ጥበባዊ ህቡብነት ሕጂ’ውን ህዝብኻ ሓራ ኣብ ምውጻእ ከተውዕሎ ዓቢ እምነት ኣሎኒ እሞ ዕድመን ጥዕናን እምነየልካ። ህዝበይ ዝበለ ተኸቢሩ እዩ ዝነብር።
Selamawit November 28, 2013
Look how art plays a great role in mobilizing the public and changing the perception of many. Where are Fihira, Wedi Tikul, Zemach, Bereket, Kahsay Berhe, Helen Meles and other young generation singers such as Korchach. Are they singing for money? Is that possible to call them artists? Wedi Tikabo is relatively a new singer, he is almost broke(Having no money, not his own house). But he is now in the history of the world. Isn’t it enough for an artist to be on the books of history and inside the minds of oppressed. Well done Wedi Tikabo. You nailed it!
anti - EPLF November 28, 2013
@rahel this is for u.
ብ ወዲ ትካቦ ሐድነት
ክሳላ ዶ ባዕለይ ክሳሃላ (፪)
ክሳሃላ ነዛ ኣብ ጥቃይ ዘላ
ዘሕምቆ ኣለኒ አባ ኣይተምስላ
ገድሊ ኩላ ኣርሒቃ እንኾላ
ገይሻ ኣላ አምበር እንተትህሉ ገድሊ (፪)
እንታይ ደኣሞ ዘይትረኣ ኣብ ከውሊ
ሕማቕን ጽቡቅን ከተለሊ
ገይሻ ላ አምበር ገድሊ እንተትህሉ(፪)
ምረኣና መሰላ ክትሕሉ
ምረኣና መሰልና ክትሕሉ
እንታይ ድዩ ዝብል ዘሎ ህዝቢ ኩሉ
ከም ኢዱ ኣይረኸበን ከም ምቃሉ
ደላይ ፍትሒ ክሰሚዕ ጺን ኢሉ
ዕድመ ክልተ ጎበዝ ተመንጢሉ
እንታይ ይከውን ኣሎ ኣቓልቡሉ
ተሰዊኡ ኣይኮነን ተኸዊሉ
ይከዱ ዶ ኣየለዉን ናይ ኣጋምሸተ
ደሃይ ሲኢኖም ደሃይ እዞም ቆልዑቴ
ይጥቀሙላ ኣለዉ አዛ ኢንተርነቴ
እንታይ ገበሩ ደኣ እንታይ ሰኪዐቴ
እሶም ይገፉ ኣለዉ ብዘይ መለሳየ (፪)
ሐለንጊ ባሕሪ ኾይና ንሕና ብዐሳየ (፪)
ኣዝ¨¨ኤረ ንሓድነትናየ ሸጥ መዐንጣና (፪)
¨¨ ንሕና ንሓድነትናየ ¨¨ ¨¨ (፪)
ኩርኩርመና ናይ ሰላም ስኒቴ
ዕላማና ሓንቲ ሃድነቴ
የአኽለና ዝሞት ወዲ ወዲሞቴ
ጸላኢና ጸሊም ይቐነቴ
ኣስሙዑና ጥዑም መለኸቴ
ኣይተሳእነን ኣሎ በረኸቴ
ኣቅስንዋ ወላዲት ሓየቴ
ኢልና እንዲና ስጋ ስዋኣቴ
ኣይትበደል ምድሪ ስዋኣቴ
ኣዝ¨¨ንበል ንሐድነትና የ ሸጥ መዐንጣና (፪)
¨¨ንሕና ¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ ¨¨ (፪)
ድቂ ባሕሪ ሰብ ከበሳን ቆላን
ኣይንበላዕ ብቆሊባን ሽላን
መገድና ዘጋጊ የብላን
እንታይ ዶ ይምቅር ካብ ዕረን ወለላን
ደሃይ ሰላም ጥዑም መለኸቴ
ናይ ፈጣሪ እኮ ኣሎ በረኸቴ
ከነቅስኖም ወለዲ ሐየቴ
ኢልና እንዲና ስጋ ስዋአቴ
አይትበደል ምድሪ ስዋኣቴ
Sorobeti November 28, 2013
mesdemem.com is crying on wedi Tkabo for taking side beside his persecuted people and is calling him to be with injustice and justice at the same time.
Zeberga November 28, 2013
Wedi Tkabo,
You are the best, you should walk tall and as you said you are not
a ball to be kicked around by bunch of idiots from both sides of the Isle,
you are a sensible and balanced person. Stand on your ground and do the best you can to promote your career and don’t give a damn ear to those who try to put you down. I will say it one more time you make more sense than any of the so called politicians who can’t do any good to the people of Eritrea, i heard your interview on Assenna and you are so young but sound very matured, good for you Bro.
We love you and keep up the good work.
Dawit November 28, 2013
Several of our sources in asmara hav reported that Major General Gerezgheri “Wuchu” Andemariam has passed away on Nov 23, 2013 at the Air Force Hospital. Asmarino had been getting information of his illness since late September. Last week on Nov 21st, he was taken to the Italian embassy in Asmara with the help of his gaurds and Yemane Gebreab(monkey). We will provide more information soon
Yonas November 29, 2013
This is false. I just called Asmara and sadly the butcher is still alive. We need to do a better job in our reporting. Sadly Asmarino has dropped the ball twice within the last few weeks. Their credibility is starting to look sketchy.
kidane November 29, 2013
Wedi tikabo raza nay abue haza.poletika ytrefka watika shegig .lekbat agame .
Tamrat Tamrat November 29, 2013
Nihina Nhadnetena is just a beautifull Ethiopian song. The beat the deep voice everything is the reburth of Merry Armede. The difference is Tikabo’s song uses some more musikal instruments than the late Merry Armede and the usuall tigrinnya beat whick repeats through out the songs. Those of you who are interested just surf on youtube. Any ways i love this song in many lavels. Even its political Message Unite! Unite Kunama, Tigrnya and Tigringa, Afar etc! Abolish the colonizers border. Let People move freely across the mereb! We dont want People to be sacrificed to limit Our movement.