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‘መሕወዪ ግብሪ!’

ኣታ ሓወይ! ቅንጥው እስከ’ብላ ስጋኻ ክተረጋግጽ ብሓቂ እንተሊኻ ‘ኣለኹ፡! እንተልካኸ ምሰየንኖት ኢኻ ምስ ዕሱባት! ምስ ዝኑባት!   ምስቶም ፈሊጥና ብሃልቲ ሃላያት? ምስቶም ሽሙ ዘዓሽዎም ግጉያት? ፈውሲ ሕንከት ዝተለኽዩ ዕንዝርያታት? ‘ንሕና ንሱ፡ ንሱ ንሕና! ኢሎም ኣብ ዓለም ኣደባባይ፡ ዝጭድሩ ዕሹራት? ምስትም ‘ጽቡቕ ኣሎ ህዝቢ!’ እናበሉ

ኣታ ሓወይ! ቅንጥው እስከ’ብላ ስጋኻ

ክተረጋግጽ ብሓቂ እንተሊኻ

‘ኣለኹ፡! እንተልካኸ ምሰየንኖት ኢኻ

ምስ ዕሱባት!

ምስ ዝኑባት!


ምስቶም ፈሊጥና ብሃልቲ ሃላያት?

ምስቶም ሽሙ ዘዓሽዎም ግጉያት?

ፈውሲ ሕንከት ዝተለኽዩ ዕንዝርያታት?

‘ንሕና ንሱ፡ ንሱ ንሕና!

ኢሎም ኣብ ዓለም ኣደባባይ፡ ዝጭድሩ ዕሹራት?

ምስትም ‘ጽቡቕ ኣሎ ህዝቢ!’ እናበሉ ዘደናግሩ ንግሩሃት?

ንህዝቦም ከድሕኑ ዝቃለሱ ዝዕንቅፉ ነውራማት!

ንህዝቦም ከጥፍኡ እምኒ ዘቐብሉ ግርጉራት?

ንህግደፍ ዝሕግዙ ኣብ ልዕሊ ህዝቢ ክፍጽም ገበናት?

ወይ ምስ’ዞም ገንዘብ ምምንጣል ዝለመዱ ብዕሊ

‘መሕወዪ ግብሪ!’ እናበሉ ገንዘብ ዝእክቡ ንህዝቢ መቑሰሊ!

ነዚ ብዘይ ኣፈርክቡ፡ ብዘይ ኣውያት፡ ንወዲ ሃገር ዝኸድን ጸብሪ

ኣታ! ነዚ ‘መሕወዪግብሪ!’ ዝተባህለ መጨደሪ

ህግደፍ ህዝቢ ንምጽናት ዝጥቀመሉ ምዃኑ ዘረድእ ዶ ተሳኢኑ መርማሪ

ካብ ውንጅር ዓለቕቲ ዘድሕን ሓባሪ

ክሳብ መኣስ’ዩ ነዚ ሓላል ህዝቢ!

ተኸዊሉዎ ዝነብር’ቲ ጽሩይ ማይ ዝዛሪ


ከይትህሉ ድኣ ምስቶም ፍርሂ ዝገዝኦም ዕኑዳት!

መዓልቲ ፍርዲ ትቀላቐል ከም ዘላ ዘይተረድኦም ብሃማት

ስ-ለ-ዚ! ደጋጊምካ ተመራመር ልብኻ ዝቐበርካ ሕውየት!

ግዜ ከለካ ጽሩይ ማይ ስተ፡ ነው በሎ ሓሬት

ሎሚ’ያ ምስ ህዝብኻ ምስላፍ ምርካብ ስርየት

ስ-ለ-ዚ ሓቦ በል! ተለዓል! ግ-ል-ህ ኣብሎ’ቲ ዓለባ ሳሬት!

ብዕውርካ ከይወግሕካ መሬት!

ብዕውርካ ከይወግሕካ መሬት!


ምልኪ ይፍረስ ሕጊ ይንገስ

ምስሉ ተኪኤ

Review overview
  • ida June 26, 2013

    The biggest Baham of them all is the dictator himself. If I knew, I were the reason for my people’s torture, death, and suffering, I would shoot myself in the head.

  • oromay June 28, 2013

    The picture depicts that the lady believes in his cult. I donot understand how this man influenced many peope phyically and emotionally. Poor Eritreans, I am sorry about you. There is no any sign to cure from your mental disease and you should know that without mental health , there is no meaningful life. By the way, you should know that this incurable disease mashroomed in Sahel in the diguise of the Stalinist revolution (sawra…serawurkum tibetek) and spread like wild oak after liberation. The blame should to the planters and cultivators of such poisonous seedlings. May God break your stone hearts for the sake of the innocent ones.

  • oromay June 28, 2013

    Rather under the disguise of socailist revolution. I know some of you will blaze with anger like wildfires with anger. Your emotions run high when realities are bitter to swallow.