መልእኽቲ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ኩርናዓት ዓለም ንእትርከቡ ክቡራት ተኸታተልቲ ሳተላይት ቴለቭዥን ኣሰናን ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያንን፡
እቶም ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ከተማታት ኣመሪካ ዑደት እናገበሩ ገንዘባዊ ጎስጓስ ዘካይዱ ዘለዉ ጉጅለ ERISAT ኣብ ጉዕዞኦም ህዝቢ፡ ‘ስለምንታይ ምስ (Atv) ቴለቭዥን ኣሰና ብሓባር ዘይትሰርሑ’ ኢሉ ሕቶታት ኣብ ዘቕርበሉ ዘሎ እዋን፡ `ኣሰና ምስራሕ ስለዝኸልኡና` ብምባል ኣብ ሓቂ

እቶም ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ከተማታት ኣመሪካ ዑደት እናገበሩ ገንዘባዊ ጎስጓስ ዘካይዱ ዘለዉ ጉጅለ ERISAT ኣብ ጉዕዞኦም ህዝቢ፡ ‘ስለምንታይ ምስ (Atv) ቴለቭዥን ኣሰና ብሓባር ዘይትሰርሑ’ ኢሉ ሕቶታት ኣብ ዘቕርበሉ ዘሎ እዋን፡ `ኣሰና ምስራሕ ስለዝኸልኡና` ብምባል ኣብ ሓቂ ዘይተመርኮሰ ዝንቡዕ ምኽንያት የቕርቡ ከምዘለዉ ሓበሬታ ረኺብና ኣለና።
እንተኾነ እዚ ኣበሃህላ`ዚ እዚ በዚ በዞም ዝስዕቡ ምኽንያታት፡ ኣብ ሓቅነት ዝተመርኮሰ ኣይኮነን።
1ይ – Atv (ቴለቭዥን ኣሰና) ሳትላይት ፈነወ ኣብ 1 ጥሪ 2019 ጀሚራ ኣዋርሕ ኣቚጺራ ኣብ ዝነበረትሉ እዋን፡ ገና ERISAT ከይጀመረት፡ ነቶም ሕጂ ኣብ ERISAT ዝነጥፉን፡ ገንዘብ ናይ ምውጻእ ጎስጓስ ዘካይዱ ዘለዉን ወነንቲ ቻነላት ማሕበራዊ መራኸቢታት (YouTube) ብመንገዲ ኣባል ቦርድ ኣሰና ዕድመ ተገይሩሎም። ቅሩባት ኮይኖም ኣይተረኽቡን።
2ይ – ERISAT ኣብ ወርሒ ሚያዝያ 2019 ፈነወ ምስ ጀመረት `ውን ፡
- ወጻኢታት ፈነወ ሳተላይት ክቡር ከምምዃኑ መጠን፡ እሞ ድማ፡ እቲ ገንዘባዊ ወፈያታት ክልቲኤን መደበራት ቴለቭዥን ካብ ሓደ ህዝቢ ስለዝረኽብኦ፡ ወጻኢታት ንምውሓድን እቶም ግዱሳት ኣበርከቲ ከይውጽዑ ምእንትን ነቲ ወጻኢታት ብሽርክነት ክኸፍላኦ (ወጻኢታተን ብፍርቂ ክጎድል)
- እቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራን ከባቢኣን ዝከታተለን ህዝቢ `ውን ሓደ ስለዝኾነ፡ እቲ በዚ ደረጃ `ዚ ዝግበር ናይ ሓባር ስራሕ ንዝህብና ሞራልን መታን ክኾኖ፡ ኣብ ኣኼባ ቦርድ ኣሰና ተዘትዩሉስ፡ ብሓባር ክንሰርሕ ናይ ኣሰና ቅሩብነት ገሊጻ ንሓባራዊ ስራሕ እትዕድም ሓንቲ ኣባል ቦርድ ኣሰና ተመዲባ። ብወገን ERISAT ግን ዝኾነ ግብረ መልሲ ኣይተረኽበን።
3ይ – ድሕሪ እዚ ክልተ ጻዕርታት፡ ንኽልቲኤን መደበራት ገንዘባዊ ደገፍ ዝገብሩ ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን ኣበርከቲ፡ ክልትኤን ሕጽረት ገንዘብ የጋጥመን ስለዘሎ ብሓባር ክሰርሓ ሓሳባት ብዘቕረቡልና መሰረት፡ ብ 1 ለካቲት 2020 ብመንገዲ ኣቦ ወንበር ኣሰና ፋውንዴሽን ከምዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ እትርእዩዎ Concept Paper ናብ ኣደ መንበር ERISAT ተላኢኹ። ከምዝበጽሓ `ውንናረጋጊጻ። እቲ ዝተዋህበ መልሲ ኣብዚ ተታሓሒዙ ከምዘሎ ግን፡ ኣውንታዊ ምላሽ ኣይሃበትን።
ስለዚ፡ ነቲ ወጻኢታት ሳተላይት ቴለቭዥን ክልቴና ቴለቭዥናት ካብ ሓደ ህዝቢ ካብ ዲያስፖራ ኤርትራውያን እናረኸብናዮ፡ እሞ ድማ ንሓደ ዕላማ እንተንቀሳቐስና፡ ብሽርክነት ምስራሕ ንህዝብናን ንዓናን ጽቡቕ እዩ ብዝብል ቅኑዕ መንፈስን እምነትን ናብ ERISAT ዕድመ ዘቕረበት ኣሰና እትውቀሰሉ ምኽንያት ደኣ `ሞ እንታይ እዩ? ERISAT ዕድመ ቴለቭዥን ኣሰና ተሓሲማ ክንሳ፡ በንጻሩ፡ ኣባላት ERISAT `ኣሰና ምስራሕ ከሊኦምና` ኢሎም ኣብ ሓቂ ዘይተመርኮሰ ዝንቡዕ ምኽንያት ብምቕራብ ንህዝቢ ኣደናጋሪ ሓበሬታ ምቕራቦም ብሓቂ ዘተሓሳስብ እዩ። መአረምታ ከቕርቡሉ ድማ ንሓትት።
ኣሰና ፋውንዴሽን ነዚ ጉዳይ ስቕ ኢሉ ሒዙዎ ኳ እንተጸንሐ፡ ኣባላት ERISAT ኣብዚ ናይ ኣመሪካ ዑደቶም ይዛረቡሉ ስለዘለዉ፡ ህዝቢ፡ ነቲ ኣሰና ፋውንዴሽን ዝወሰዶ ሰናይ ተበግሶን ዘካየዶ ጻዕርን፡ ዝተኸተሎ መስርሕን ውጽኢቱን ብግልጺ ንኽርድኦ ምእንቲ፡ ኣቦ ወንበር ኣሰና ፋውንዴሽን፡ ኣቶ ሃብተ ሓጎስ ምስ ኣደ ወንበር ERISAT ዝገበሮ ናይ ኢመይል ርክብን፡ እንተላይ ምሉእ ትሕዝቶ ናይቲ Concept Paper ን መደምደምታኡን ከምዘለዎ ነቕርበልኩም።
As the Chairman of Assenna Foundation, I sent a concept paper for a shared satellite platform (attached) to Saba Tesfayohannes, Chairwoman of ERISAT, on 1 February 2020 with a covering email saying:
“Dear Saba,
I trust this email finds you well.
Over the last few months, we have been concerned about ATV’s financial viability and hence I pulled together the attached consultation paper for a shared satellite platform.The paper is still work in progress and I should be grateful if you could please carefully check the ERISAT financial info/data, and if incorrect let me have your corrections.
If you think the paper is worth exploring further, we can have it update with your changes and present it to our respective Board for consideration. What do you think?
I look forward to hearing from you soon”.
Saba sent the email below on 3 February:
“Dear Habte,
I hope you are well. We are in the middle of our fundraising campaign, and I have been extremely busy, and did not even realize that I did not reply to your email. I received your email and I will read the concept paper and share with the Board of Directors and after having discussion on it, I will get back to you.
Thank you,
Best Regards”,
This is the second attempt by Asssena Foundation Board to invite ERISAT to use the same satellite platform as ATV. In early 2019 and before ERISAT went live, we sent a draft Memorandum of Understanding proposing a shared satellite platform but we received no response. The rental cost of satellite is prohibitively expensive. And given our limited resources, it is not possible to create sufficient programmes for a 24/7 broadcasting but the rental cost must be paid for 24 hours each day.
The Assenan Foundation Board is committed to a shared satellite given our common goal and identical source of funding, It is regrettable and indeed baffling we have not as yet received response to our concept paper from ERISAT. Why we ask? It is Eritrean diaspora’s money that funds ATV and ERISAT. For us, it makes perfect sense to join hands and it is with this in mind we are making the draft concept paper public so donors can see for themselves.
Our offer to ERISAT remains open, and indeed it is open to all other Eritrean organisations that wish to work with us for the common good of our long suffering people.
Our people deserve and expect better.
Habte Hagos
Concept Paper: Shared Satellite Platform:
Eyassu (ኦባማ) March 1, 2020
ኣብ ሞንጎ ATV ን ERISAT ን ኣቐዲሙ ዝጸንሐ ርክባትን ምልውዋጥ email ን ብወገነይ ቦኽሪ እዝነይ እዩ:: እቲ ሓቂ እዚ እንተኾይኑ ብወገን ኣሰና ፋውንደሽን ዝቐረበ ግሉጽነትን ቕዱስ ተበጉሶን እናሞጎስኩ: ብወገን ኣካየድቲ ERISAT ቀልጢፍኩም ግብረ መልሲ ኣብ ምሃብ ክትተሓባበሩን :ነቲ ናይ ክልቲኤን ሽርክነት ክርኢ ክምነ ዝጸንሐ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክትክሕስዎን እትስፎ ::
SenAfe March 1, 2020
You are all crooks who would ever trust you with their hard earned money? Full of street mafia gangsters.
Andebrhan Ekube March 1, 2020
አብ Erisat ብዙሕ ቅንዕና ዝጎደሎ አካይዳዘሎ ኮይኑ ይስማዓኒ።
1- ናይ መምህር ተመስገን ካሕሳይ ገዳይ ብቑዕ መልሲ ዘይምሃብ
2- ምስ አሰና ዊን ብሐባር ክሰርሑ ዘይምድላዮም ካብ አሰናዝተጻሕፈ ብግቡእ ንኽምልሱልና ተዝኽእሉ ጽቡቕ ኰይኑ ይስምዓኒ። ብዝተረፈ {> ብሽንቲ አንጭዋ ዝተነድቀ መንደቕ ድሙ ኛው ክብል ይፈርስ <} ካይከውን ሐደራ ??
Eyob March 1, 2020
Come on people they did their best and it is two different TV why do they have to work with Assenna…
Akram Ismael Adem March 1, 2020
OMG dear all please come down and play a magnificent roles to reflect our issues obviously ☝️.
Here I would like to ask ATV, what about if we want you to give some offers too to SBC61 TV?
Finally we do respect ATV and ERISAT, we expect more and more from your side.
GOD bless you all
hagos netsanet March 1, 2020
ኣብዚ ኣነ ዝነብረሉ ኸተማ ድማ erisat ናይ ኩዕንቲ, atv ድማ ናይ ሰበረ ምኾነን እዩ ዝንገር. እቶም ሓሻካ ድንሽከ eritv ድያ ናቶም ? ኣየ ተገንጸልቲ ሸፋቱ ብሓቂ ኣጥፊእኩምና (our soul) , integrity & regional harmony isbeing destroyed by secessionist bandits….ካባኻትኩም ናብታ ክትፍንጣሕ ሓሙስ=ሓሙስ ትብል ዘላ ወላዲት ሃገርና ኢትዮጵያ ክንድመር መሪጽና !!!
Tuum Ghebreyohannes March 1, 2020
Well said Assena foundation & the Fact of the matter is it is crucial both TV stations work together to defeat The bloody regime & let’s United & work together that is the only Key for our success.
Danny March 1, 2020
Ana hantie keble dalya zelku beflay assena radio and assena tv you are so fast on the information hakie mezerab yehaysh you release false statements keyekedna klena atome naye cotalic papasat zeyeblewo tezerebka plus azie hedash zereba meateu zelo between assena and erisat it redieclous kletekume alemeakume zesehatekume temeselu
Natan Gezae March 1, 2020
ስምዑ እንዶ ኤርትራውያን ነዚ ወሪድና ዘሎ ብሓንሳብ ኮኔና ኣብ ክንዲ ንፈትሖ ነንሓሕድና ክንወናጀል በቃ እዚ ደኣ እሞ ንሕና ካብቲ ስርዓት እንታይ ዘፍሊ ኣለና በጃኩም የሕዋት ነዚ ህዝቢ ስቃዩ ኣይነብዝሐሉ በጃኩም ባእ ኤርትራዊ ምኻንካ ዘሕፍረካ እዋን
Goitom March 1, 2020
Viva Papa Esayas the great and also EriTv the truth teller tv,
down with bunch of cockroaches ANATSU so-called fake oppositions.
Hahu March 1, 2020
I couldn’t even see any difference in both of Tvs, they seem both like eri tv. They only want talk abt tegadalay (geldam). Stopp taking innocent peoples money or change your way of thinking…..