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Beyan Negash December 21, 2017
Selam Mohamed Ismail,
Your prose in Tigrinya reads like poetry, and that’s not an easy feat. This one is the same like your first, “Unqi Tefiatnna”: The language is vivid. The imageries that you paint via metaphors are spot on, making the article not only readable but enjoyable. The way you express your thought is not only that it is logical, but the fact that it is picturesque like someone who is painting with a brush on canvas. Unique talent, rarefied, something you should continue producing. You are bringing a voice that no-one has heard before, a sorely needed one, considering you are fluent in Arabic as you in Tigrinya, if not more so; but I can only imagine how well your craft of writing in Arabic is…it must be equally if not profoundly enjoyable. You know, I read all of the late Egyptian philosopher, Naguib Mahfouz’s work – by all I mean, those that were translated in English. After enjoying them so thoroughly, I wanted to read those books in their original form, in Arabic, bought several books, but my lack of proficiency in Arabic made it a difficult endeavor, so I couldn’t continue. If you’ve never read his work, I urge you to do so.
Mohammed Ismail December 22, 2017
Thank you so much for yr compliment Dr Beyan.and thank you Emma for the opportunity.
Beyan Negash December 22, 2017
Merhaba Mohamed Ismail,
Your recent piece making it to assenna’s audio file is an a testament to the fresh voice you are bringing to the opposition landscape. Wonderful new voice to a wonderfully thoughtful article. –
matches made in heaven. Kudos, Mohammed Ismail, keep on keeping on young man!
Simon G December 22, 2017
This is a good read, Mohammed!
I have read both of your articles and they are at least refreshers. I hope to see more papers and as brother Beyan said, keep it up! Besides, I like to see more beautiful articles from ወዲ ዓደይ (Oakland, CA. ማለተይ ‘ዩ)!
A piece of advice, make it a little shorter for your future articles. Most of us are much lazier to read than you think. This is unfortunate but true.
Just my two cents.
Beyan Negash December 23, 2017
Selam Simon G.,
I hope this won’t be a case of haste makes waste. I am in a bit of a rush. Allow me to interject. You raise an interesting issue for those of us who try to communicate our ideas through the written word. I came to this realization recently when one of my siblings left a voice message to encourage me – without any hint of complaining – he alluded to not have been able to finish my article and that he was going to do so some other time, because the piece was a bit on a long side. The reference was to the last article that I posted at awate, which I thought was one of my short ones.
This speaks to the larger issue about how we Eritreans still remain on the visual and audio narrative ends of the spectrum while I am one of those who is on the writing and reading end of the spectrum. My coming to post at assenna in Tigrinya is my effort to balance the two. The challenge remains, for me personally, that I miss out on a lot of the visual and audio narratives. I am getting used to it, however, thanks to the various apps, such whatsapp, I can listen to anything that is not more than 15 – 18 mins, that’s because I got used to listening/watching some of the riveting stories that come out on TEDTalk. So, that’s my threshold. I am not sure where the threshold lies for our Eritrean audience. From what I hear is that in places like PalTalk people stay on for close to 10 hours. That obviously is an extreme end of the spectrum, which I could never bring myself to commit even one day for.
What assenna is doing seems to be a happy medium to it all. I wasn’t aware that some of the pieces are read verbatim, a day or two after they were published. Now, I am not sure the criterion for deciding to read certain articles, but I am getting a sense that the Team at Assenna might have a knack for what needs to be read and what should remain in a written form, so on and so forth. I gather, it probably also has to do with reaching out to the audiences in Eritrea via the satellite means. Mind you, these are conjectures on my part as I have no firsthand knowledge. I believe though, someone will come up with similar to Assenna’s model, but one that would combine more of Eritrean languages so the parallel universes or barriers that exist between and among those of us who are Tigrinya speaking Eritreans and those who speak other languages within Eritrea’s proper can have a means to communicate. Such intersectionality is direly needed so the opposition lot can come to the same understanding through the much needed discourse..
At any rate, coming to the subject at hand, which is, Mohammed Ismail’s two articles. Some fresh voices as you alluded to are now emerging post Akhriya urprising. If it wasn’t for lacking time on my end, these two articles and there were three poems that came out soon after Akhriya uprising by a young man named Abrar from Denmark; combining these two writers/poets’ work, I would’ve written an article or two analyzing them. Perhaps for when there will be time, someday, hope to do that. I have them saved for future projects, but not anytime soon, unfortunately. Simon G., you do a wonderful job hosting guests at assenna.
Simon G December 23, 2017
Agree, brother Beyan!
I, myself, prefer to read than to listen to audio or watch a video, unless it is a comedy, movie. Or if it is documentary or like TEDtalk )one of my favorites). If we were readers, we would have learned a lot of important items and Isu the criminal would not have that many willing slaves. Our people tends to listen to 03 bela-belews rather than read, digest, and analyze any info that comes our way.
Our brother Mohammed seems to have bright future. I would recommend him he spend sometime at UoA (A is for Awate in this case), to learn from many dynamic individuals (including from you, Dr.). I admire few brilliant guys on their depth of analysis, their mastering of the English language and their true humbleness. I get jealous (in a good way) by the day.
Please keep contributing here at Assenna, as much as Awate’s, if it is not too much to ask. Make us rich (upstairs) 🙂