ውሩይ ተጓሳጢ መሓመድ ዓሊ ክለይ ኣብ መበል 74 ዓመቱ ሎሚ ዓሪፉ።
ሓደ ካብ ፍሉጣት ስፖርተኛታት ዓለምና ውሩይ ናይ ጉጥጢ ተጻዋታይ መሓመድ ዓሊ ክለይ ኣብ መበል 74 ዓመቱ ሎሚ ኣብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ ኣብ ፎኒክስ ኣሪዞና ኣብ ሆስፒታል ዓሪፉ። ንሱ በቲ ፓርኪንሰን ዝብሃል ሕማም መሊሱ ብዝተጋደደ ናይ ምስትንፋስ

ሓደ ካብ ፍሉጣት ስፖርተኛታት ዓለምና ውሩይ ናይ ጉጥጢ ተጻዋታይ መሓመድ ዓሊ ክለይ ኣብ መበል 74 ዓመቱ ሎሚ ኣብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ ኣብ ፎኒክስ ኣሪዞና ኣብ ሆስፒታል ዓሪፉ።
ንሱ በቲ ፓርኪንሰን ዝብሃል ሕማም መሊሱ ብዝተጋደደ ናይ ምስትንፋስ ሕማም ክሳቐ ድሕሪ ምጽንሕ እዩ ካብዛ ዓለም ብሞት ተፈልዩ።
መሓመድ ዓሊ ክለይ ኣብ መንእሰይ ዕድሚኡ ማዕረ ማዕረ ‘ቲ ኣብ ዓለም ሰዓብቲ ዘዕበየሉ ናይ ጉስጢ ስፖርት ፣ ናይ ገዛእ ርእሱ ፖለቲካዊ መርገጺታት ብምውሳዱ ፍሉይነት ስለዝነሮ ንብዙሓት መንእሰያት ናይቲ መዋእል ጸላዊ እዩ ነይሩ።
ብድሕሪኡ ዝሰዓቡ ዓበይቲ ተጓሰጥቲ ዓለም ብኣጋጣሚ ዕረፍቱ ኣብ ዝህቡዎ ዘለዉ ናይ ሓዘን መግለጺታት፣ ከም ስፖርተኛን ከም ወዲ ሰብን ንዝነበሮ ፍሉይ ህቡብነት ብኣድናቖት ይዝክሩዎ ኣለዉ።
ስነስርዓት ቀብሩ ኣብ ኪንታኪ ክፍጸም ምዃኑ ስድራቤቱ ኣብ ዘውጽኡዎ መግለጺ ሓቢሮም።
Massawa June 4, 2016
President Barack Obama led tributes for Ali, issuing an unusually personal statement in which he said he keeps a pair of Ali’s boxing gloves and a photo in his private study.
“Muhammad Ali was The Greatest. Period,” the US president said, hailing Ali for his integrity and saying he “stood up when it was hard; spoke out when others wouldn’t.”
“His fight outside the ring would cost him his title and his public standing. It would earn him enemies on the left and the right, make him reviled and nearly send him to jail. But Ali stood his ground,” Obama said.
“And his victory helped us get used to the America we recognize today.”
Berhe Tensea June 4, 2016
Muhamed Ali was a well respected fighter, who stood for human equality and dignity. He was a principled person who stood against the unjust war in Veitnam.
He refused to carry arms against innocents unlike our slave aghelghlot who who are more than happy to obey orders.
The British Haileslassie advisers were right, to advice him about choosing uneducated highlanders who they believed are happy followers. I am sorry to say this but this is a fact, as far as I am concerned.
Had the hungry and abused aghelghlot disobeyed the unjust orders, the Tembenay would have stopped his evil deeds.
Death and agony to Iseyas and his puppets.
RIP Muhammadali.
Tesfazighi June 5, 2016
RIP my highly respected brother Muhammad Ali the true peace loving champion of the people.
Berhe Tensea,
Inferiority complex? Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. The blaming the rest of the world and never taking responsibility is what PFDJ and its followers excels at! Sadly, this mentality is also permeating into the so-called opportunist opposition psyche like yourself with your cheap outdated Esayas Tembenay repeats.
The problem with romanticizing anything is that you fail to see the pervasive nature of it. To de-romanticize evil ghedli or foot soldiers so-called tegadelti is to say enough of the tactics that won us the war but lost us the peace. Your evil alien-loving ghedli and tegadelti/shefatu are responsible for the mess Eritrea is in and it is wrong to blame Esaya only, or the Eritrean people (aghelghlot), or the people who are telling the truth about the fact that evil ghedli and tegadelti/shefatu bandits are to blame for Eritrea’s mess.
The question is not whether freedom and independence (slaver in today’s evil ghedli Eritrea) are the same, it is whether so-called tegadelti/ghedli’s goal was independence and not freedom. If your tegadelti/bandits went around telling people that their goal was not to free them but just to kick the Ethiopians out, the Eritrean people would have a second thought about all the sacrifices they were asked to pay just to replace amharic speaking brutes with tigrigna speaking super brutes.
Amanuel June 5, 2016
Wow assena. What a big news. Very very important too. Adia gedifas nihamata. I do not the point why this news needed to be posted.
AHMED SALEH !!! June 5, 2016
Amanuel Iyassu of assenna share point view of civil right activists to
honor the champion legacy who did more to nature black race pride with his BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL trademark .
Keep your mind open to learn history of great people that made difference in western world . We in diaspora are beneficiaries from the struggle they sacrificed for justice and equality .
No need to belittle assenna efforts just relax and enjoy the forum .
Amanuel June 5, 2016
We have seen many many prople stand for the rights of others who are oppressed; we have also seen many many Eritreans who have neither the gut nor a moral value to stand for their basic rights let alone the rights of their brothers, sisters or children. They are just shetet shetet. U know who I am referring to.
Dembe June 7, 2016
Thank you Masawa for saying the naked truth.
Masawa wrote:
The greatest boxer ever, Mr Mohamed Ali, was not only one of the greatest athletes but also one of the bravest civil rights leaders of the 20th century.
The great athlete spoke openly.
Do we Eritreans speak up bravely against the injustice, human rights violation and repression in Eritrea and under Ghedli?
Do we Eritreans speak up against the National slavery in Eritrea?
Do we Eritreans speak up against the slavery, rape, murder and organ harvest of Eritreans in the Arab world?
Do we speak against the genocide of the people of Darfur in Sudan?
Or, are we cowards and hypocrites who are outraged only selectively?
On the Vietnam War:
“I got nothing against no Viet Cong. No Vietnamese ever called me a nigger.”