ሓወይ ቀዚፎሞ!!!
ሓወይ ቀዚፎሞ!!! ሰብ ግዚ ኮይኖም ሓወይ ቀዚፎሞ! ዘኽታም ኮይኑ! ንበይኑ ሪኦሞ! ኣበይ ሓቲቶሞ? ከንቱ ኣጥፊኦሞ? ዓረብ ከም ዘይኮነ! ከመይ ረሲዖሞ!። ኣበይ ከርክብሉ ትዕቢት በርቲዕዎም ናይ ዓለም ሓገግቲ ኩሉ ባዕሎም ንሰብ! ኒዒቖሞ! ሓታቲ ዘይብሎም ዕቑባ ዝሓተተ!!! ረሺኖም! ረጊጾም ቀዳሞት ስዱዳት ታሪኾም ረሲዕም። ቀዳማይ ምንስተር ሻሚር !!!!!! ተዝህሉ

ሓወይ ቀዚፎሞ!!!
ሰብ ግዚ ኮይኖም ሓወይ ቀዚፎሞ!
ዘኽታም ኮይኑ! ንበይኑ ሪኦሞ!
ኣበይ ሓቲቶሞ? ከንቱ ኣጥፊኦሞ?
ዓረብ ከም ዘይኮነ! ከመይ ረሲዖሞ!።
ኣበይ ከርክብሉ ትዕቢት በርቲዕዎም
ናይ ዓለም ሓገግቲ ኩሉ ባዕሎም
ንሰብ! ኒዒቖሞ! ሓታቲ ዘይብሎም
ዕቑባ ዝሓተተ!!! ረሺኖም! ረጊጾም
ቀዳሞት ስዱዳት ታሪኾም ረሲዕም።
ቀዳማይ ምንስተር ሻሚር !!!!!!
ተዝህሉ እንታይኮን ምበለ ነይሩ
ተቃላስይ ኮይኑ ኣብ ኣስመራ ሰፊሩ
ክህደን ብእንግሊዝ እንዳማርያም ሓዲሩ
ህዝበይ ጸጊምዎ! ዘመድ ተቆጺሩ
ሓቂ መሲልዎ ሲና ተሳጊሩ
ኣብ ዓዲ ዩሁዳ ክጸንሕ ተሸጊሩ
ወግሔ ጸብሔ ኪዱ ኢሎም ዝዝምሩ
ናብራ ዓዲ ጓና ክብሪ ሰብ ሓሲሩ
መንሞ ይፈትዎ ምንባር ተሸቑሪሩ።
ግዜ ሓጊዝዎም ንዓለም ንዒቖም
ኩሉ ተኣዚዙ! ንኹሉ ረጊጾም
ምግሃስ መሰል ኮይኑ ትናብራኦም
ዓቢ ኮነ ህጻን ክንደይ ድዮም ቀዚፎም
ሂወት ሰብ መዓስ እሞ! ኣኽቢሮም
ኣብኡ ብምኻዶም ኣሕዋተይ ጸሊእሎም
ካብዚ ከይወሰኸ! ኣሕዋት ህደምሎም
ሕጊ ዘየኽብሩ! ኣየኽብሩን እዩም!
ሹማምንቲ ዓዲ! ናይ ሃገር መራሕቶም
ታሪኽ ዘይዝክሩ!! ናይ ቀዳሞት ወለዶም።
“ሰብ ኣይኺድ ኣብ ዘይዓዱ
ጸጊብካ ይብልዎ ኣብ ጡሙይ ከብዱ
ተረቲዕካ ይብልዎ ከይፈረዱ
ፈዘዝ ፈዝ ይብል ተዓኒዱ
ይነብር ኣብ ሰንፈል ተጸሚዱ”።
መንእሰይ ሃገረይ ጠባይ ጉራምራ
ኣብ ዝኸደ ከይዱ ይጽንሖ መከራ
እዚ ዕባይ ሳዋ ጭካነ ብኹምራ
ነዊሕ ከይሓሰበ ትረኽቦ መፈንጥራ
መትሓዚ ስኢኑላ! ናይዛ ዓለም ናብራ
ኣብ ዝኸደ ከይዱ ትጸንሖ ተሪራ።
ዕሸል ሓወይ ኣብ ንኡሱ ተቐዚፉ
በደል ከይበደለ ብዙሕ ተገሪፉ
ደሙ እናፈሰሰ ንሶም የህተፍትፉ
ሕጊ ዘይግድሶም ሂወቱን ኣሕለፉ
ታሪኽ ናይ ሂወቱ ብደም ተጻሒፉ።
መንእሰይ ሃገረይ!!!!!!
ተቃላጠፍ ደጋጊምካ ምኸር
ምእንቲ መሰልካ ንዓ ተባራበር
ኣብ ቃልሲ ሞት!! ስምካውን ይኽበር
ይኣኽለካ ኣደራዕ! ናይ እስራኤል ስበር
ክሳብ መዓስ ኢኻ ደኒካ ዝሕደር
ሓውካ ዝሓለፎ ደጋጊምካ ይዘከር
ደጋጊምካ ሕሰብ ድለዮ እቲ ኣበር
ዝድገም ምዃኑ!! ደጊም ከይትጣራጠር።
መንግስተሰማይ ይከፈት ኣብ ቅድሜኻ
ቅዙፍ ሓወይ እንታይ እዩ ኣበሳኻ
ሃገርካ ሓሲሙ እስራኤል ኣቶኻ
ምድሪ ኣይኮነን! ኣብ ገነትዩ ዓድኻ
ተኻፋሊ ሓዘን ናይ ስደት ሓውኻ
ጽንዓት ይሃብ ንኹሉ ህዝብኻ።
ዉድቀት ንፋሺሽታውያን
ጸረ መሰል ወድሰብ ገሃስትን
ፍትሒ ይንገስ!!!!!!
ሃይለ ገብረ ትንሳኤ
ኢንድያናፖሊስ ኢንድያና 19 ጥቅምቲ 2015
Aida October 20, 2015
well done thank u bro
GMT ገመተ October 20, 2015
ሓው ሃይለ ጽቡቕ ጽሒፍካ፡ብሓቂ ሰላማዊ መንእሰይ ሓውና ተቐዚፉ፡፡
ንስድራ ቤቱን ንመላእ ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ጽንዓት ይሃብኩም።
Hermon Beraki October 20, 2015
Mr Haile, very impressive poem indeed and I encourage you to continue with your great talent/skill.
Suleiman Salim October 21, 2015
ኣንቱም ኣሕዋትና ” ተቕዚፉ ” ኣይበሃልን እዩ። ” ምቕዛፍ ” ንጸላኢኻን ንዘኾረየኻን ዘሕረቐካን ሰብ ጥራሕ እዩ ዝባሃል። ነዚ ብርህራሄ ዘይብሎም ጽዮናውያን ኣይሁድ ዝተቐትለ ንጹህ ሓውና ” ተቕዚፉ ” ዝባሃል ቃል ኣይግበኦን እዩ።
ንነፍስሄር ሓውና መንግስተ-ሰማይ የዋርሶ
ንስድራቤቱን ፈተውቱን ድማ ጽንዓት ይሃቦም።
Wedi Mehari October 21, 2015
መንግስተ ሰማያት ይቀበሎ ንመዋቲ ንስድርኡን ፈተውቱን ክአ ጽንዓት ይሃቦም አሜን ሃይለ ሓውና ክአ ብራቮ ቀጽለሉ
hp October 21, 2015
ስለምንታይ ኢዮም ግን ኣይሁዳውያንን ኣዕራብን ጨካናት? ኣይሁዳውያን ታሪኾም ረሲዖም፡ ኢቶም ካልኦት ኣዕራብ ድማ ትማሊ-ትማሊ (በቲኽ) ይሸጡ ከምዘይነበሩ ሎሚ ሸየጥቲ ሰባት ኮይኖም።ወይ ጉድ!!!
Teclay October 21, 2015
Why do you ask such questions ? Your question will not be welcomed by the Assena moderators who knows the truth but afraid if the truth is told our unity will be in danger .As you well know our country is special it is protected by a big wall of lies.
The prime minster of Israel asked an apology to the so called Gov of Ghedli …One of those who participating in the mob said that he would not have done so if he had known who the victim was .
alem October 22, 2015
Mr. Haile I couldn’t agree more what you wrote.my take is this will continue unless we do soul searching the thing of the matter is we are so fearful to admit our own proplem we are millions of people and we have few tugs and shiftas destroing us at the same time we have the power and ability to destroy them which is very simple.what we see is crying down , down dictator just words and some of us are sinent and of course some of us are remorseless with out any hesitation we support thase low life scum bags threre you have it that is our situation there are some bold and fearless Eritreans in side Eritrea taking action against hgdef and none of us are behind these heroes. Crying and shouting is not going to cut it finally we have to have a principle, ethics , responsibility and accountability.
Gejera October 22, 2015
Thank you asenna for all your work by providing balanced information.
However, the comments allowed to be posted by your moderators are not balanced. You seem to be afraid of some vocal groupies, otherwise why would you delete very unique and intelligent comments?
You have let your smart readers decide what to read and not to read. Stop policing.