ሓበሬታ ኣሰና ንኹሉኹም ኤርትራውያን ደለይቲ ፍትሒ – ብዛዕባ ህጹጽ ደገፍ ንስድራቤት ስዉእ ወዲ ዓሊ
ከም’ቲ ብዜና ዝሰማዕኩሞ፣ ብዓልቲ ቤቱ ነቲ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ሕምብርቲ ኣስመራ ፎርቶ መኪቱ በጃ ህዝብን ሃገርን ዝተሰውኤ ጅግና ኮለኔል ስዒድ ዓሊ ሕጃይ (ወዲ ዓሊ) ወ/ሮ በኺታ እድሪስ ዑመር ምስ ክልተ ደቃ፣ ሪሃም ስዒድ ዓሊ

ከም’ቲ ብዜና ዝሰማዕኩሞ፣ ብዓልቲ ቤቱ ነቲ ንምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ ኣብ ሕምብርቲ ኣስመራ ፎርቶ መኪቱ በጃ ህዝብን ሃገርን ዝተሰውኤ ጅግና ኮለኔል ስዒድ ዓሊ ሕጃይ (ወዲ ዓሊ) ወ/ሮ በኺታ እድሪስ ዑመር ምስ ክልተ ደቃ፣ ሪሃም ስዒድ ዓሊ ከምኡ ‘ውን ሪም ስዒድ ዓሊ ካብቲ ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኣምሊጠን ኣዲስ ኣበባ ኣትየን ኣለዋ።
ከምቲ ድሮ ዝኣመትናዮ ስድራቤቱ ክሳብ ናብ ውሑስ ቦታ ከይደን ዝጣየሳ ህጹጽ ሓገዝ ከምዘድልየን ርዱእ እዩ። ስለዚ፣ ከምቲ ስዉእ ወዲ ዓሊ ጅግና ዝኾነልና፣ ጀጋኑ ምዃን ‘ኳ እንተኣገመና ፣ ንስድራቤቱ “ኣጆኽን፣ ኣብ ክንዲ ጅግና ኣቦኽን ኣለናክን” ኢልና በብዓቕምና ገንዘባዊ ኣበርክቶ ብምግባር፣ ብግብሪ ሞራላዊ ደገፍ ክንህበን ሓላፍነትናን ግቡእናን እዩ።
ነዚ ህጹጽ ሓገዝ ንምብርካት ኮነ ናብ ውሑስ ቦታ ናይ ምስግጋርን ምጥያሰንን ዕማም ሓላፍነት ወሲዳ እተወሃሃድ ኮሜተ ክትመርሖ ኣገዳሲ ‘ኳ እንተኾነ፣ ከምኡ ዝዓይነታ ኣሳላጢት ኮሚተ ብወግዒ ክሳብ ትቐውም ብሎሚ ጽባሕ ንስድራቤት ወዲ ዓሊ ሓገዝ መታን ከይንፈገን ግን፣ ኣሰና ፋውንዴሽን፣ ኣብ ሕሳብ ባንኩ UNITY ተባሂሉ ዝፍለጥ ንኡስ ሕሳብ (SUB ACCOUNT) ኣዳልዩ ንግዚኡ ወፈያታት ተቐቢሉ ከተሓላልፈለን ተበግሶ ወሲዱ ከምዘሎ የዘኻኽረኩም። እቶም ኣብዚ ናይ ህጹጽ ደገፍ (Emergency Fund) ወፈያ ብምግባር ክትሕግዙ እትደልዩ ግዱሳት ደለይቲ ፍትሒ፣ ነዚ ግዝያዊ ፍሉይ ሕሳብ ‘ዚ ተጠቒምኩም ደገፍኩም ከተበርክቱ ትኽእሉ።
እቲ ዝግበር ደገፍ ኣብ ዘዝበጽሓሉ እዋን ንህዝቢ ብራድዮ ኣሰና ብወግዒ ክግለጽ ምዃኑ፣ እታ ንኹነታት ስድራቤት ስዉእ ወዲ ዓሊ እትከታተል ሽማግለ ኣብ ዝቖመትሉ ግዜ እቲ ድሮ ዝተወፈየ ገንዘብ ኮነ እቲ ወፈያ ናይ ምቕባልን ናይ ምምሕዳርን ዕማም ብቐጥታ ናብታ ሽማግለ ክመሓላለፍ ምዃኑ ከኣ ነዘኻኽረኩም።
እዚ ወለንታዊ ወፈያ ምዃኑ፣ እቶም ወግዓዊት ሽማግለ ምስ ቆመት ከተበርክቱ እትደልዩ ክትጽበዩ ዕድል ከምዘለኩም ደጊምና ነዘኻኽር።
እዚ ንኡስ ሕሳብ ‘ዚ (UNITY Account) ካብቲ ንራድዮ ኣሰና ንምድጋፍ ዝግበር ወፈያ እንጥቀመሉ ሕሳብ ዝተፈልየ እዩ። ስለዚ ወፈያ ክትገብሩ ከለኹም ኣበየናይ ቁጽሪ ሕሳብ ተወፍዩ ከምዘለኹም ኣሃዛትን ዝርዝራትን ደጋጊምኩም ከተረጋግጹ ነዘኻኽረኩም። ንስድራ ወዲ ዓሊ ገንዘብ ኣብ እተወፍዩሉ ግዜ፣ በዚ ኢመይል herofortowediali@gmail.com ከተፍልጡና ድማ ኣጥቢቕና ንምሕጸን።
ኣሰና ፋንውንዴሽን
29 December 2013
Bank Details
Assenna Foundation Ltd/ Unity Account
Brach Sort Code: 40 -05-31
Account Number: 41573098
Swift: MIDLGB22
IBAN: GB96MIDL40053141573098
Mahtem_Mariam December 29, 2013
Helping Bekita and her two daughters by whom our hero survives is a great opportunity to thank him. I go for it.
As to the news of defection, the pilot should have fought not flight. Temen ab egrka betri abdka yblu seb kedem.
titi December 29, 2013
men emo yiamneka neaka amanuel iyassu
semere December 29, 2013
Myself and many others trust Ammanuel Iyasu! If you do not trust him find other ways of helping the Hero’s family. If not keep your contribution, till you find one.
ኤፍሬም December 30, 2013
ቲቲ ንስድሪ ስውዕ ምህጋዝ አድላይ እዮ። ንአማኒኤል ዘይአመንና ንመን ክንአምን?
ንስኺ ንህግደፍ ስለትአመስንዬ
ነቲ ህዝብና ዝረግፅ ዘሎ ሽፍታ መንግስቲ ርድእዬ።!
gidus December 30, 2013
efrem mienjilu,
kidmo niskha nAmanuel habomo shiuu treyo. dehar dima seb kalotteqawemti yelewun dyom Amanuel miszikhulu nay propaganda sirHu nezi zidribo. eza birkuta gele alata
gidus December 30, 2013
ezgi afleTeki titi,
asha dye Debesay. lomis dima nAmanuel Woooooooooooooooooooooo
Nahom December 30, 2013
Tit and fidus
Go and pay to Kisha and his mafia boss to spend it as salary for the killers of our people and for their pampered army of DEMHIT.
Senait December 30, 2013
If you don’t trust Amanuel Eyasu of assenna, why are you on his website? I bet you check demo.archive.assenna.com first before you visit shabait/eritv.
selamawit December 30, 2013
is it a serious question, titi?
answer: for example me. ane.;-)
go ahead ammnuel and thank you!!!
Kebiz December 29, 2013
I believe and trust you as well. Please give a daily update of what is accumulating for the family of our hero Wedi Ali
Glory to his family & may his soul rest in peace. one day we will erect his statue in Forto.
Assenna keep up the good work.
Kalighe December 30, 2013
I have been writing comments on Assenna forum for the past two years. This is the first time that I see commentators concentrating on one issue, and showing great patriotism. It just shows how much we have changed in recent times. I think we are fast approaching the threshold of new era of great expectations and hope for a better future for posterity.
Wedi Ali and tens of thousands like him gave their unique life for our freedom. They should be honored, their ideals of freedom learned and remembered for eternity. We should feel proud for doing the right thing. Nations are built on great sacrifices and love for own people.
“Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori”
Horace’s Odes (Roman Poet)
Roughly translated as: “It’s sweet and fitting to die for your country.”
Long Live Eritrea and it’s brave people.
semere December 30, 2013
I don’t mind if we disagree. Everyone has the right to express his/her views. That is the principle of democracy and the rule of law. What I demand is to disagree respectfully without using street language. We leave that to HGDEF. The culture of either “we” or “you”, is a dualistic and destructive by nature. The country belongs to all of us. Everybody has the right to have a “say” in the affairs of the nation.
Kalighe December 30, 2013
I agree. Let’s work together to build a country were our kids and safe and enjoy a better life. We should do everything not to fail them.
Truly Truly i say to you December 30, 2013
Dear Amanuel, thanks for taken initiative. I am sure many people on a way as they will have opportunity to support Assenna as well.
I am sure the Generals or any army officers, even a civilian be in Eritrea when see how the Hero family respected and supported, as they also motivate to do the same like Wedi Ali did, to accomplish the job he started. Anyone who has courage to do like Wodi Ali did, do not worry about rest family or say what will eat or drink my family if in case i die, it is Eritreans tradition to support and respect the heroes family.
I do not understand why those Air force pilot´s simply fleeing like other ordinary citizens, despite they have a lot of opportunity both to finish the job Wedi Ali started; as well after they accomplish their mission to flee and save their life safely. I hope everyone of you understands what i mean.
Which one is so important? Meaninglessly to lose life while fleeing, or even in case if safely escape to live with welfare or low job without dignity? or after accomplish the needed sacrifice like Wodi Ali; to leave for own and rest family a lively good reputation, pride and prosperity? My goodness! How can simply 400 innocent citizens sink in Mediterranean Sea, thousand dehumanized, raped abused by Bedewenes and 365 perished in Lampadusa? Is their aim and all the risk was not to live in freedom and to have good life? So why they chose the hard risk and die meaninglessly, rather than follow the footsteps of hero Ali Hijay´s; to which is more easier and worthier finally to that can bring real freedom, glory and prosperity not only to self or own family; but to whole citizens?
kidane December 30, 2013
Truly truly tebelatsi
Anta hawina kaliot kimotulkas niska genzeb ketewasie .kemey zeameseluka tebelatsi eka niska.niska meswaeti kifel (araya kun) kaliot dima adlayi intekoyno genzeb newefi.bidem gegano aynwaraze.
Tes December 30, 2013
Have ever read history? I don’t think so. Not every one die for great couse or be brave and do something about injustice but there are very few. There are also many people like you who lose their life running to hide. We are only live once. You can choose to live like a sheep or a loin. You are a sheep and you better live without courage.
Assenna this is a noble couse and i am in. More than happy to do my bit. God bless wedi Ali &Co.
Negasi December 30, 2013
birhane December 30, 2013
Now its the opposition turn to show some luv to wedi Ali family !!!!
Tekluu Gubtaan December 30, 2013
Zei emmen ab alem hgdef traay u isseyas ka babua sebar zebelalu tshlii. . Kemalii (titi) amnzratat hgdef bewaga mekraa hizbii adraga teblalaa zelekn eyu emneet zei belkeen.
Mesinas December 30, 2013
ስድራ’ዚ ሓርበኛ!
ስድራ ወዲ ዓሊ ጅግና ሰባር ራዕዲ
ብሰንኪ ድያብሎስ ወጺእኩም ካብ ዓዲ
እዚ ርጉም ጉጅለ ሓራዲ ጎማዲ
ኣብ ቈልዓ ሰበይቲ ሕነ ንኽፈዲ
ንስደት ቀሲቡኩም ናይ ጥፍኣት መገዲ!
ወይልኡ ንሱ’ምበር ገሃነም ዝሰፈሩ
ንስኻትኩም ደኣ ዘልኣለም ክትከብሩ
እቲ ጅግና ሓርበኛ ተኣምር ፈጢሩ
ተወፊዩልና እንድዩ ፍናን ምልኪ ሰይሩ
ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ክፍጽም ንሕድሩ
ክሕብሕበኩም’ዩ ኣብ ልቡ ኣስፊሩ
እኖሆ እኳ ገንዘብ ከዋጽእ ጀሚሩ!
ሓፋሽ ኤርትራዊ በቲ ሰናይ ባህሉ
*ሙዝያሁ ተሻሞ ብቕጽበት ደዊሉ *ቃጭል
ስድራኡ ክሕግዝ ዳግም ተላዒሉ
ግብኡ ክፍጽም ኢደይ ኢድካ ኢሉ
እኖሆ እኳ ድሮ ገንዘብ ኣዋህሊሉ
እዚ እንድዩ ኣታ ባህልና እቲ ንሕበነሉ!
ስለዚ ቅሰኑ ስድራ ገንሸል ህዝቢ
ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ንኡስ ይኹን ዓቢ
ከምቲ ዝተለምደ ስድራኡ ክናቢ
ድባብ ክኾነልኩም መጽለሊ መዕቖቢ
እኖሆ ኣብ ልዕሌኹም ከም ደበና ይዝምቢ!
ስድራ’ዚ ሓርበኛ ሓበን ናይ ህዝብኹም
ርሑስ ሓድሽ ዓመት *ሃንአ ክብለኩም *ዮሃና
ካብ ኣፍ እዚ ሓርገጽ ብሰላም ምውጻእኩም
ስድራ’ዚ ጅግና’ወ እንቋዕ ኣሐጐሰኩም
ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኣሎ ኣብ ጎድንኹም
ደጊም ሽግር የለን ኣይትፍርሁ ኣጆኹም
ካብ መቚሕ መላኺ ናጻ ኴንኩም ኢኹም!
እዛ ሓዳስ ዓመት ኣብቲ ምጅማራ
ንደላይቲ ፍትሒ ዓወት ምብሳራ
ዓዲ ሰብ ክትኮኒ ሃገርና ኤርትራ
ይረኣየኒ ኣሎ ናይ ሓርነት ጩራ
ኣብ ጥርዙ በጺሑ ትወጹሉ ሓራ!
ሓራ ከም ትወጺ’ወ ካብ ምልክነት ዓደይ
እኖሆ የማዕድዎ ይርኦ ብዓይነይ
እኖኹ ይሰምዖ ራህዋኺ ብእዝነይ
ጽባሕ ክድህስሶ ዘርጊሐ ኣእዳወይ
ብስራት ሓርነት ወሪሩዎ ልበይ
ሓንሳብ ንሓዋሩ ክቐስን’ዩ ህዝበይ!
ኣርማ ሰላም ረሓት ረጋቢት ክነፍራ
ፍትሕን ደሞክራስን ኣዕዋፍ ክዝምራ
ውግእ ወረ ውግእ ናይ ምልኪ ምሕደራ
ደሓን ኩን ክትብሎ ንሽግር መከራ
ይደጉሖ’ሎ ዓይነይ ብኹሉ *ማእዘራ *ብዙርያኡ ጸንጸባርቕ ጩራ
ፍትሒ ክነግሳ’ዩ ሃገርና ኤርትራ!
ራህዋ ክዓስሎ’ዩ መሬታ ምስ ባሕራ!
“ንሰባት ብምኽሪ፣ ንእንስሳታት ብበትሪ፣ ሻቦያ ኢልና ጓሓፍ ህግደፍ ነጽሪ!”
ርሑስ ልደተ ክሩስቶስን መቕሰኒና ዓመተ ሓርነትን ይግበረልና! ኣሜን!!!
ካብ ሓውኹም መሲናስ 30-01-2013
ER ITRAWIT December 30, 2013
I am glad you and others you stand by you people very nice poem you are great.
Sina December 30, 2013
I am ready to contribute at least half of all belongings if and only if you sacrifice by yourself. There is no such a business on politics Mr. Amanuel. Your old tactic has no chance to play on Eritreans no matter whether pro-government or Tequamarti.
Tes December 30, 2013
Sina Awan!!!!keep your filthy mouth shut.
ER ITRAWIT December 30, 2013
Halewlew endo gdefwo tebelestey I am sure you don’t contribute for you own family not alone for others we know you hgdefawyan!!!!!!!!!!!!! teref meref ney dergey.
ahmed saleh December 30, 2013
If your pen name came from Sinai , it shows how
insensitive person you are to joke about your ppl.
miseries . And that doesn’t surprise me because we
saw bunch arrogant like you who entertain on their
people’s sufferings shamelessly .
Awet December 30, 2013
What in the world are you talking about? He is sacrificing daily for the cause of the Eritrean people. Heck you read what he brings you daily.
selamawit December 30, 2013
sina, i wished you mean what you say “am ready to contribute at least half of all belongings if and only if you sacrifice by yourself”
are you only “babbling” – sorry if it sounds unpolite – or are you really making an offer to help ali’s family?
i am honestly curious for your answer.
Nahom December 30, 2013
You are one of those who contribute to prolong the life of the predator for sub national reason, hoping that, one day, you will be beneficiary from the sufferings of our people. It drives you crazy to see honest Eritrean like Amnuel Iyasu working hard to make an end for the suffering of our people.
Senait December 30, 2013
Sina, the reason you still support pfdj is for you and your family (probably own property in Eritrea and vacation every year). Wedi Ali sacrificed for his people and left his own families the least we can do is to help them.
Abdu December 30, 2013
First of all; if you’ ve been honest & have a gut as you claimed to be;which isn’t ;why don’t you; let alone to spend what you have; you can’t even say a word to your boss DIA & DIAfawian crew to express your opinion to show your satisfaction & dissatisfaction as a citizen with any thing at all ; not even a word; if you do you where your place is going to be.
Second; what else would you like to see more than wedi Ali-Hijajj life sacrifices for the sake of his people. So ; show us what can you do to wedi Ali and wedi Ali’s families ; a family that sacrifices for me and you.
Third; I don’t think and you can’t even be comparative with Amanuel ; you can’t even do a pinch of it in your dream what Amanuel doing; I mean I am talking in your dream; don’t
mixed up realistic & dream you chick OK. And as far as I know since you supporting blind regime i ; I assume you are blind as well. So; I don’t believe a blind can own any thing except your filthy mouth.
Andu December 30, 2013
gena gena qoch qoch kiblekin eyu