ሓበሬታ ንተኸታተልቲ ድምጺ ኣሰና ንምስግጋር ዕለተ ጉባኤ ብዘርኢ ጉዳይ
ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ካብ ጥቅምቲ 2011 ናብ ሕዳር 2011 ብሓደ ወርሒ ስለምንታይ ከምዝተሰጋገረ ህዝቢ መረዳእታ መታን ክረክብ ፡ ንኣቦ ወንበር ኮምሽን ጉባኤ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጥን ኣቦ ወንበር ሃገራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኪዳንን ከነዘራርቦም ኣቐዲምና ፈቲንና ስለዘይሰለጠና፡ ኣብ

ሃገራዊ ጉባኤ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ካብ ጥቅምቲ 2011 ናብ ሕዳር 2011 ብሓደ ወርሒ ስለምንታይ ከምዝተሰጋገረ ህዝቢ መረዳእታ መታን ክረክብ ፡ ንኣቦ ወንበር ኮምሽን ጉባኤ ንዲሞክራስያዊ ለውጥን ኣቦ ወንበር ሃገራዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ኪዳንን ከነዘራርቦም ኣቐዲምና ፈቲንና ስለዘይሰለጠና፡ ኣብ ናይ ሰኑይ 10 ጥቅምቲ መደብና፡ ብቐረባ ክንረኽቦ ንዝኸኣልና ኣባል ኮምሽን ካብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ንኣቶ በረኸት ካሕሳይ ኣዘራሪብና።
ካብኡ ቀጺልና፡ ብፍላይ ምስግጋር ዕለተ ጉባኤ ካብ ዝጠለቡ ወገናት፡ ንኣቦ ወንበር ኪዳንን ሓላፊ ደሞክራስያዊ ግንባር ሓርነት ኤርትራን ኣቶ ተወልደ ገብረስላሰ ከምኡ ‘ውን፡ ንሓላፊ ናይ ወጻኢ ዝምድናታት ኪዳንን ሓላፊ ፈደራላዊ ዲሞክራስያዊ ምንቅስቓስ ኤርትራን ኣቶ በሽር ይስሓቕ፡ ፈለማ ስለምንታይ ምስግጋር ጉባኤ ከምዝጠለቡ ካብ ቃሎም ንምርካብ፡ ምስኡ ‘ውን ነቲ ብኣባል ኮምሽን ጉባኤ ዝተዋህበ ዕቱብ ርእይቶታት ከመይ ከምዝርእዩዎ ግብረመልሲ ብምሕታት ሚዛናዊ ሓበሬታ ምርካብ ንሰለስተ መዓልቲ ክሳብ 20 ጻውዒታት ተሌፎን ጌርናሎም ኣይመለሱልናን።
ጉዳይ ሃንደበታዊ ምስግጋር ዕለተ ጉባኤን ዝተሰጋገረሉ መስርሕን ህዝቢ ብግሉጽ ክፈልጦ ስለዝግባእ፡ ኩሎም ‘ቶም ኣብዚ ጉዳይ’ዚ ብመሪሕነት ዝዋስኡ ዘለዉ ኣካላት፡ ኣብ ህዝብን ‘ቶም ንጉባኤ ተበጊሶም ዝጸንሑ ወገናትን ምድንጋር (Confusion) መታን ከይፍጠር ኣቐዲሞም ተበግሶ ክወስዱ፡ ናብ ዝኾነ መራኸቢ ብዙሓን ደዊሎም መብርሂ ክህቡ፡ ክሕተቱ ድሉዋት ምዃኖም ቅሩብነቶም ክገልጹ ‘ኳ እንተነበሮም፡ ብወገና ንዝኸፈትናሎም ዕድል ‘ውን ክጥቀሙሉ ኣይከኣሉን።
ንግዚኡ፡ ህዝቢ ናይ ክልቲኡ ወገናት ርእይቶ ክሰምዕ ዘካየድናዮ ተደጋጋሚ ጻዕሪ ‘ኳ እንተዘይተዓወተ፡ እዞም ዝጠቐስናኦም ወገናት ርእይቶኦም ከካፍሉ ቅሩባት ኣብ ዝኾኑሉ ግዜ እቲ ዕድል ክፉት ምዃኑ ደጊምና ንገልጽ።
በዚ ኣጋጣሚ፡ እዚ ንምስግጋር ዋዕላ ዝምልከት ክትዓት፡ ካብቲ ቀንዲ ጸረ ህግደፍ እንገብሮ፡ ናህሪ እናዋህለለ ዝኸይድ ዘሎ ተቓውሞ ከየዘናብለና ከነስተብህለሉ ከምዝግባእ ንግእግረ መንገድና ነዘኻኽር።
ድምጺ ኣሰና
Habtom Haile October 14, 2011
Bilibi ne hezbi Eritrea esarho kamzaynebaro zaregages hadde merteo eyo . kam reyotay ka kamziom ayenate wedebate Entay kenseba tedalyo alkom ?? kam reyotay ka be kofom seltan kihzo zedalyo sebat eyom . Abe zehalfe waela mish meglasi hibom narom?? heggi da entaye selzkono asekitom??? geza zemlso eyo emo negeza negadefoooo
Justice October 14, 2011
These are selfish leaders like Issayas. Eritrea is not lucky, however; we the youth will take ressponssiblity on the country’s salvation. Their ups and downs are due to political power compititions, so they are not qualified to represent Eritrea.
1, Does the commition of KIDAN know a lot of its members book a flight of non-refundable money from USA, Canada,Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and South America?
2, Frankly, some of these parties are chief sides of PFDJ. Their divissive attitude will be the benefit of PFDJ evil.
Assenna, great job that you updated us about the issues.
We, the youth will never ask any permission for any body to resolve about the victim Eritrea.
peter October 14, 2011
You hit the nail on the head brother! A house which is divided aginst it self can not stand!
fanus brki-lilo October 14, 2011
Information is power!!!!!!!
Why they cant answer the call????? they did not respond to 20 calls???? so, i can concluded something is wrong with these “leaders”. just wanna tell them, we will defeat them equallikely with PFDJ. unless they start to learn to listen to the masses, then forsure the outcome is obviouse.
thank you amanule esyeas. lets us learn from history and fight back self-centered, egoistic, apportunists, so and so on. my hope is from the new blood in that will join the struggle, not from the 40 years party leaders and their likes.
thank u amanuel
we will win. Victory to the congress.
zhazene October 14, 2011
they made the people hopeless, we don’t like their oppossing if they can not deal to each other. we are so saddened and we are so tired of these hgdef activities inside the oppostion. this all this is the hand of the Hgdef inside the oppostion force. these 6 oppostion leaders are responsible for all the distruction among the people of eritrea. how can we see them different than Isaias or hGDef. we should just work for hgdef for now. because they are the leaders who is working for hgdef and they made us laugh stock of hgdefs.
we are downed
Barentu October 14, 2011
Do not expect any positive or constructive change from the old Jebha or its aging former members or leaders. They are not that different from the Hgdef regime. My suggestion to Eritrean youth organizations is that they organize more and be proactive than reactive to the political developments.
The youth groups need to foreword their own proposals such as percentage of seats allotted to the public, the change of timing of the conference to early summer where more young people can take part, respect for democratic principles, accountability and transparency of the political process …
Learn from history. In any political revolutionary movement, it is often the young people who pay the highest price but it is the last one to benefit from it. In the old Jebha, the young educated class were victims of the feudal and parochial Jebha leadership as was seen in the victims of Siryet Addis, Obelites, Falul … Similarly, the old EPLF,s victims were the young Eritreans in Menkae, Yemin, May Habar …
Recently, this example has been observed in Egypt. All the young Egyptians who started and led the movement have been excluded from any power sharing or setting of the future agenda of Egypt. The current leaders of Egypt and the people setting its agenda are still the former Mubarak’s army generals and the Islamist Brotherhood. The future of Libya may not be different unless the young Libyan fighters push for more representation now.
Haqqi Nezareb October 14, 2011
The plan to defer the meeting is announced recently but was in the work for a while. The article “National Dialogue with partners for a common strategy by Fesseha Nair is a one month old article only recycled recently. The first article was posted on Gabeel.net (official site for organization being led by Beshir Issac) on Sept. 9, 2011. According to this article, the author is proposing a one year extension for Waella meeting. Mr. Fesseha reposted his article to guage the reaction. The people, especially the Youth, are saying ” Hell No”. The same group of inept leaders resisted to extend the meeting as requested by EPDP (non-Zete) last year. Even Ato. Adhanom GMariam opposed the demands of his own organization EPDP and splitted to form EPDP (Zete) and decided to participate the meeting in Addis. This time around his position is completly changed. How can we trust such leaders?
J AbHarish October 14, 2011
Congress in crisis
This is not an easy way out crisis. there are more than a hundred I know who booked with thousands of dollars to attend the congress. They can afford to buy tickets again You may say the congress project is failed.
Tewelde and Beshir did it purposely to manage change and align it to their interest.
I am satisfied the old ELF EPLF generation is not only incapable but dishonest and hopeless, as such we must write off EPDP and Kidan. We must find an alternative mechanism to conduct the congress under the leadership of the commissioners.
I am all with with Berekhet.
change October 14, 2011
I agree with you 100%…any hope of change has to come from the youth! after the demos in NY and Germany, they should have worked hard to capitalize on the progress. But they dont seem to see them selves at the center of the change, that is why they are doing everything they can to curtail it….
Tsahaye October 14, 2011
aye eritrawian, deqi adei ayashu. eznkum hatimkumn ainkum amitkumn kabtkedu mewa’el halifu. kan sa’eri zeri’ekumsi tsa’eda taf kthafsu tmneyu.
Our greatest problem is not the PFDJ regime which could be easily chased out of power if Eritreans had one voice: a voice of unity. There is one road to rescue our people and nation and that is to abandon and withdraw your support from EDA, condemn Ethiopia’s illegal occupation of Eritrea’s land, reject any movement based on ethnicity, religion and hatred of any ethnic group in Eritrea.
Teazeb October 14, 2011
I think the commission should act as one entity and go ahead. Those EPDP, Kidan, etc…..are fallacies. They are power mongers. The congress if it has to be postponed, it has to be postponed 6-12 months in order to allow the youth to participate as well as those Eritreans, who bought their tickets, took vacation, can have another chance of to paticipation. For sure, it is difficult to postpone vacations by a month while working in N America and other continents. I don’t think also it will be simple for them to extend their tickets by a month.
Any way, I wish the commission can be very strong despite their trial to be inclusive of all parties and organisations. We have to watch carefully. Isaias people may have intruded those EPDP and the like organisations! We don’t have to let them coach us rather they have to be coached by the commission which looks a little bit more real than them!
Taddesse T Gebremussie October 15, 2011
Eritreans they are in 21 century time of internet KIDAN are you realy willing to help our country or just cut short for power?.You look like morrning hayna, from now on no Eritrean is going to give power to same group we put constition first election for transitianlgovernament,after Eritrean in diaspora agree we call eritrean back home to stund to gether to under control eve one who is aganest will be under control each one of us tell our villages relatives to unated to stand againest dictators . Those who like pawer form 2 parties whow to lead Eritrea ,this 2 parties will not alowed to mixe relign, Auraga,or zone .they must based rule of law equality fraternity rul people by people based on election that is IWANTED TO SEE IN ERITREA evry Eritrean the elders to see peace full Eritrea lead by election our children to leave home peacefully.That was we fight 60 years.to see independent peace full ERITREA WITH INDEPENDENT PARLIAMENT GADISHARI PRESIDENT ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE TO THE PEOPLE GOD SHOW US FREE ERITREA ELECT THE GOOD PEOPLE WHO CLEAN OUR TEARS. that is my interest.
Ahmed Saleh October 15, 2011
That is our dream, God Willing it will happen.
aderosso October 18, 2011
so far, why was not it gods will, what is the new thing that will change gods mind and his will.