ሓበሬታ ብዛዕባ ሃገራዊ ቀብሪ ግዳያት ላምፐዱዛ ኣብ መቓብር ሓርበኛታት ኣስመራ – መልእኽቲ ካብ ኣስመራ፣ ኤርትራ
ካብ ኣስመራ ኤርትራ ኣብ ዝሓለፈ እዋን ስድራቤት ግዳያት ደሴት ላንፑዱዛ ኣብ ኣስመራ መቓብር ሓርበኛታት ንሰምበት ሕዳር 10/2013 ንሃገራዊ ቀብሪ ጻውዒት ከምዘቕረቡ ብውሽጥን ብደገን ኣብ ከተማ ምሉእ ተሰሚዑ፡፡ እቲ ጻውዒት ናብ ኩለን ከተማታት ኤርትራ ብሰብን በቴሌፎናትን

ካብ ኣስመራ ኤርትራ
ኣብ ዝሓለፈ እዋን ስድራቤት ግዳያት ደሴት ላንፑዱዛ ኣብ ኣስመራ መቓብር ሓርበኛታት ንሰምበት ሕዳር 10/2013 ንሃገራዊ ቀብሪ ጻውዒት ከምዘቕረቡ ብውሽጥን ብደገን ኣብ ከተማ ምሉእ ተሰሚዑ፡፡ እቲ ጻውዒት ናብ ኩለን ከተማታት ኤርትራ ብሰብን በቴሌፎናትን ክዝርጋሕ እዩ ቀንዩ፡፡
ነዚ ዝሰምዐ መንግስቲ ምሒር ሰንቢዱ ጉጅለታት ፍሉይ ሓልታት፡ ካብ ክፍላተ ዕቑር ሰራዊት 55ን 53 ዝተውጻእጽኡ ብርጌዳት ንኣስመራ ኣብ ልዕሊ ዕጡቕ ጉጅለ ዲምህት ተወሰኽቲ ኣሃዱታት ኣዳሊዩ ብቐደማይ ደረጃ ተጠንቀቕ ኣዳሊይዎም ኣሎ፡፡
ኣብ ልዕሊ እዚ ጀነራል ፍሊጶስ ጨካን እዩ ክጭፍልቐና እዩ፡ መንግስቲ ንናይ ማይ ሓባር ኣካለ ሰንኩላን እኳ ዘይሕንደወ ንዓና ኣየሕንድወልናን፡ ለኻኺሞምና ክጠፍኡ እዮም፡ ደም ምፍሳስ ከስዕብ እዩ…ዝብሉ ንህዝቢ ዘርዕዱ ወረታት በታ ትካል ሓሶቱ ዝኾነት 03 ኣቢሉ ይዝርግሕ ኣሎ፡፡ ኣብ ልዕሊኡ ጻዕቒ ግፋን ሓፈሳን ኣጠናኺሩ ቀጺሉሉ ኣሎ፡፡
ብኣንጻሩ ነዚ ሃገራዊ ጻውዒት ዝሰምዑ ሓድ ሓደ ዓበይቲ ሰባት ቀብሪ እንተገበርና ዘይ ባህልና እዩ፡፡ እንታይ ጸገም ኣለዎ፡፡ ክንቀብር ኣለና፡፡ ንሱ እቲ ሰብኣይ እንተጨከነልና እቶም ደቅና ኣይክጭክኑልናን እዮም ነቶም ጓኖት እውን ኣሕሊፎም ኣይህቡናን እዮም፡፡ ድሕሪ ሕጂ ፈሪሕና ናብ ማህጸን ኣዴታትና ኣይንምለስን፡፡ ሞት ንፈርሖ’ምበር መዓስ ፈሪሑና እዩ፡፡ ዘይ ፈቕድኡ ኣብ ዘይንፈልጦ ዓዲ ጓና ንሃልቕ ዘለና ኣብ ዓድኻ ሞት ከኣ ክብሪ እዩ፡፡ ዘይ ትማልስ ብመሪር መስዋእቲ ናጽነትና ዝረኸብና መን ዶ ኣሕንዲዩ ሂቡና እዩ፡፡ ብዝብሉ ቁሩጽ ዝበሉ ርእይቶታት ይስምዑ ኣለው፡፡
እቶም ምስ ዲምህት ተፋጢጦም ዝቐነዩ መናሰእሰያት ብወገኖም ዝመጸ ይምጻእ ንቐብሪ ክንወጽእ ኣለና፡፡ መስዋእቲ ከይከፈልካ ዝመጽእ ለውጢ የለን፡፡ ርእስና ደፊእና ብምኻድና ኣብ ልዕሌና ዝሻደነ ስርዓት ስሬና ክነርእዮ ኣለና ብምባል ይወዳደቡ፡ ብወነን ህልኽን ይንቀሳቐሱን ይዳለውን ኣለው፡፡
ኢሳያስ ግን ኣብ ኣስመራ ዓመጽ ዓመጽ ብምጭናው ኣዝዩ ሰንቢዱ ስለዝቐነየ እዚ ተወሲኽዎ ክርቢት ዝተወለዖ ክመስል ካብ ኣመና ኩቱር ፍርሒ ተበጊሱ ዝከኣለኩም ኩሉ ገይርኩም ነዛ ቀብሪ ኣበርዕንዋ፡፡ ዝብል ትእዛዝ ንእሙናቱ ኣዚዙ ከምዘሎ ካብ ሕጓ እቶም እሙናቱ ዝለሓኸ ሓበሬታ ተሰሚዑ ኣሎ፡፡
ጽባሕ ሰምበት ጻውዒት ውጽዓት ዶ ምድላዋት ኢሳያስ፡ መን ይስዕር? ጽቡቕ የስመዓና፡፡
Yonas November 9, 2013
Sounds like a much anticipated Season Finale of a popular show. The details of the supposed report from Asmara seems to ready us for an ensuing fiasco pretty much the same as the hyped up scenario of Forto. What constitutes a crime is in fact giving a false hope to the news-hungry Diaspora. C’mon Assenna!!!
Tes November 9, 2013
Please give us a break! You call Forto as a failed fiasco. what a bad loser. If you scared keep your mouth shut. This is not last years this is different phase which HGDEF in the run. No one give a damn. HGDEF left with a handful supporters and some like you who have no courage to stand for their right. Everyone is waiting for a call and I will assure you even this symbolic funeral ceremony won’t happen there is another storm in the horizon and it is very soon.
Dawit November 9, 2013
The Camel keeps walking while the dogs bark.
Hgdefists weak up from your daily dream.
you are still barking to support the dictator.
But change is knoking the door of wedi medhin berad.
Dawit wedi keren
YONAS November 9, 2013
pleas stay out of our affairs ,this is only for Eritreans,no hegdefawian are allowed to talk about Eritrea and Eritreans,you and the rest of papagallo tribe are not Eritreans by principle since our sorrow is a laughing matter to you and your tribe,and soon you will find out who you are,i hope you do not kill yourself out of shame,even though it is what you deserve.
sam November 9, 2013
Isayas and his Korakur will be defited by the mass we will make history again, I can’t beleive you guys are Eritreans as I didn’t know that there could be so gut less and SHINTY Eritreans.
Bereket and Wedi negash 2 November 9, 2013
ኢሳያስ ግን ኣብ ኣስመራ ዓመጽ ዓመጽ ብምጭናው ኣዝዩ ሰንቢዱ ስለዝቐነየ እዚ ተወሲኽዎ ክርቢት ዝተወለዖ ክመስል ካብ ኣመና ኩቱር ፍርሒ ተበጊሱ ዝከኣለኩም ኩሉ ገይርኩም ነዛ ቀብሪ ኣበርዕንዋ፡፡ ዝብል ትእዛዝ ንእሙናቱ ኣዚዙ ከምዘሎ ካብ ሕጓ እቶም እሙናቱ ዝለሓኸ ሓበሬታ ተሰሚዑ ኣሎ፡፡
t November 9, 2013
We are just living on false hopes and promises.
Samir November 9, 2013
eti sihuf kurub Tigraway mesilu hade hade kalatu men eu sihfwo wegahtawiyan ……….ayniaminin
t November 10, 2013
We don’t worry realy about Issaias pets;with or without your support change is coming soon.May be it’s good to find your way early.
ahmed saleh November 9, 2013
It is a normal reaction to show resistance when patience
reached to it’s turning point . In any case if something
bad happened God forbid , the leaders will hold responsibly for creating chaos because of the tactics which drives humans to a stage of violence .
ahmed saleh November 9, 2013
Observing Eritreans to entertain themselves at the same
time while their people were in shock and devastating
from human lost , I decide not to give consideration to
such kind morons . They are worthless , shameless ,
and untruthful for themselves who need to get ignored .
Eritrea issue is more survival issue than political at this
particular stage of life, worst than post independence.
sara gual eritra November 10, 2013
nay mntay qanqa iyu?
entay malet ke u?
michael tedla November 11, 2013
Wegahta Sallina is a very dependable source of information.What I like about Wegahta is they tell.it like it is .I am proud listner of wegahta Sallina is news .mike