ላዕለዋይ ኮምሽን ስደተኛታት ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ምስ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ይዝቲ።
ኣብ ካርቱም 200 ዝኣኽሉ ኤርትራውያን፡ ላዕለዋይ ኮምሽን ስደተኛታት ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ብዝገበረሎም ጻውዒት መሰረት፡ ብዕለት 19 የካቲት ብዛዕባ ኹነታት ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሱዳን ንምዝታይ ኣኼባ ከምዘካየዱ ምንጭታት ካብ ካርቱም ንኣሰና ሓቢሮም።እቲ ወከልቲ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ማዕከን ቆልዑ

ኣብ ካርቱም 200 ዝኣኽሉ ኤርትራውያን፡ ላዕለዋይ ኮምሽን ስደተኛታት ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ብዝገበረሎም ጻውዒት መሰረት፡ ብዕለት 19 የካቲት ብዛዕባ ኹነታት ስደተኛታት ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሱዳን ንምዝታይ ኣኼባ ከምዘካየዱ ምንጭታት ካብ ካርቱም ንኣሰና ሓቢሮም።እቲ ወከልቲ ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ማዕከን ቆልዑ (ዩኒሴፍ) ከምኡ’ውን ዎርልድ ቺልድረን ዝተሳተፉዎ ኣኼባ፡ኣብ ጉዳይ መንነት ወረቐት ስደተኛታት፡ ትምህርትን ጥዕናን ከተኩር ከም መደብ ተታሒዙ’ኳ እንተነበረ፡ እቶም ኤርትራውያን ግን ወረቐት መንነት ክሕዙ ክሳብ ዘይክኣሉ ሰሪሖም ክናበሩ ይኹን ደቆም ከምህሩ ዘይክኣል ስለዝኾነ፡ጉዳይ ወረቐት መንነት ቀዳምነት ተዋሂቡዎ ክስራሓሉ ከተሓሳስቡ እንከለዉ፡ እቶም ዝምልከቶም ወከልቲ ናይ’ተን ዓለምለኻውያን ውድባት ብወገኖም፡ ነቲ ርእይቶታት ናብ ላዕለዎት ሓለፍቶም ከመሓላልፉዎ ምዃኖም ከምዝሓበሩ ተፈሊጡ።
ብዘይካ’ዚ እቶም ኤርትራውያን ነቲ ኣጋጣሚ ተጠቒሞም፡ ሓንቲ ሕጋዊት ወኪል ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኮይና ተገልግል 15 ዝኣባላታ ሽማግለ ንምምራጽ ጎስጓሳዊ ስራሓት ተካይድ 30 ዝኣባላታ ግዝያዊት ሽማግለ ከምዝመረጹ ተፈሊጡ። እቶም ኤርትራውያን እታ ሕጋዊት ሽማግለ ድሕሪ ምምራጻ፡ ብላዕለዋይ ኮምሽን ስደተኛታት ውድብ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ተፈላጥነት ረኺባ፡ ጸገማት ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ኣብ ምፍታሕ ተራ ክትጻወት ምዃና ክገልጹ እንከለዉ፡ እቲ ነቲ ኣኼባ ዘዳለወ ውድብ ነቲ ቅኑዕ ተበግሶ ከምዝድግፎን ኣብ ጎኑ ደው ክብል ከምዝኾነን ምርግጋጹ ኣብ’ቲ ኣኼባ ዝተሳተፉ ምንጭታት ሓቢሮም። |
ahmed saleh February 22, 2013
I hope they get organized and fight a solution how to fight those bastard Rashaida thugs .
Dawit Meconen February 22, 2013
This may be a blessing in disguise for the cunning Tigrai-Conspirator, Isaias Afewerqi because UNHCR will probably pick up the job where he left off; it will disperse them throughout the world, easing tension on him.
To break the backbone of Eritrean Defense and Production Forces, Isaias Afewerqi purposely created hostile living condition in the country— No Jobs, No Peace, No Law—- to force the youngsters to leave their country so he can fulfill his dream of building Abai Tigrai on the ashes of Eritrea and Eritreans.
Although the idea is catching fire among Eritreans and are fast dissociating from him, I know there are skeptics for whom the old mold, that Isaias Aferwerqi is Eritrean Hero, is still too hard to break to free themselves from its hold.
Conversely, there are a few Eritreans, although they are deeply convinced of the conspiratorial nature of his undertakings, nevertheless continue to limit themselves with calling him tyrant on the account of their folly relationship with woyane and exposing themselves their futile subserviency.
Remember what the cunning Tigrai-Conspirator, Isaias Afewerqi is doing on the people of Eritrea is not new; the Italians, the Amhara and many other colonialists before did it for the same goal, to exterminate our people.
The Italians conscripted forcefully every Eritrean youngster to be their cannon fodder in their colonial expansion; the Amhara dilapidated every economic structure left by the Italians in Eritrea with malicious intention of compeletely amharanizing our people after luring them to Ethiopia using jobs as a bait.
Go through the history of this cunning person and you see him chasing, killing, incacerating etc. any Eritrean with good background in education. Some people wrongly attribute his action to some sort of maladaptive behavior, and some reason that it is because of his totalitarian traing under Mao of Communist China etc. None of this is right. He has been doing it for the sole purpose of turning Eritreans into his blind and dumb followers so that he can achieve his evil but vain goal seamlessly and peacefully.
Needless to say, defining an enemy is a huge step forward, just like coming out from darkness to light, and people rally around the cause only if they see it clearly and correctly. Conversely, the enemy always prefers darkness,to mislead and cheat.
Therefore, I call upon every Eritrean to stop prolonging the agony of our people by unambiguously defining the cunning Isaias Afewerqi as Tigrai-Conspirator. Please stop being his cannon fodder against your own interest, your people, your Sovereignty, your culture, your langauge etc. Lets cast him under high power microscope so every one of people everywher can see him who really he is, tear up the illusion with which he is deceiving us all. EriTv is his main tool of illusion, which he Characteristically label “Serving the Truth”. Remember, a devil always appears as an Angel to cheat and mislead the gullible.
Warsay February 23, 2013
well said Dawit!
Finally we Eritreans come to recognize whose subject we had been for sooooooo many years. Casting DIA under high power microscope = a cunnig devil!!
ahmed saleh February 22, 2013
correction , pls read as ; find a solution how to …..
Sina February 22, 2013
nay UNHCR neger haTew qeTew eyu.
ezi kulu shigr kihalf kemzeyreayen kemzeysemen hiji entay fluy neger terekhibu?
mike February 22, 2013
I agree with your Idea. from my own experience I know that UN is on of the most licenced corrupted organizations in teh world. Look at the history of UN in Congo, west african countries, Asia, middle east countries . . . . . all failed. Eritreans do not weast your time for nonsense organization.
Fact-is-Fact February 22, 2013
brother Ahmed – well said.
Sina: Are you saying the tragic of yesterday & today shouldn’t be addressed to find a solution so tomorrow doesn’t repeat yesterday & today? not a wise & optimism attitude.
Besides, if you as a victim don’t organize yourself and fight as a unit, then you expect UNHCR (especially based in the messy, undemocratic Africa) to be proactive and decisive in the protection of your (refugee) life? . No it doesn’t have that (fighting for you) in its manadate. what it does have is accepting your case as a refugee and find a nation that is kind enough to adopting you as many did to you and me.
so UNHCR is not that fails its job, it is we as a people that have failed us big time. we (the you & I) from afar. The we, Eritreans from abroad in particular, the we that possess infantile minds, ናይ ቃላት ወራዙትን ንቃንዛ ህዝብናን ግፍዕታት ህግደፍ ከም አብ TV ዝረኤ ፀወታ ኩዕሶ ሆይሆይ ኢልና ኣብ ውልቃዊ ናጽነትና ነስተማቕረሉ ሃገራት ዘለና -! so blame ourselves in every angle!
yodit tesfagerghis February 22, 2013
Antum serahtegna weyane tigrai lementi agame
Hag pag February 22, 2013
zikheberkhi yodit.kullom sebuut.weyane sebuutiyom.agame iwin sdet gedifomo iwaaat nihna eritrawyan nikhemniaakhi mihazna.if you are a true eritrean gate back Badime.athere wise shuth-up pls.
ahmed saleh February 22, 2013
No problem , you can insult us . But the issue of which
everybody is concerned about are those helpless people
on those refugee camps . For evils you sold out your own
brothers/ sisters to Rashaida and Bedowins . KEHADIT .
Hurui February 22, 2013
Yodit, you are stupid trash servant of ditactor, woyane is your husband believe or not Assenna good job continue don’t care about PFDJ because their sun is setting down when the facts happened on the ground they shout woyane agame they are nonsense
Haben February 22, 2013
Your defensive attitude shows you are loosing ground. Keep labeling and keep on calling names. The fact is your master Issayas and PFDJ know better that their days are numbered. By the way look your self at the mirror, those that you call “tigrai, lementi, agame” are way ahead of you due to Issayas reckless dictatorial stance. Those “agame, lementi” are well advanced. What are you going to call yourself?
SABA February 23, 2013
“Yodit” are you so frustrated because your Master expelled you? I bet even you are a guy and act as woman!Faggot
dekiabat February 22, 2013
Ahmed, Yodit,Dawit
Ahmed I like your comment keep contributing more. As for Yodit let her say what she wants to say we are are teaching here and others what democracy means because hegdef do not tolerate diverse opinion. Yodit this is the moment you wish you were Agame or Tigray.The Agame or tigray people left as in the dark cave or stone ages and they have propelled into modern civilisation thanks to isias and his supporters, we are even bellow animal standard. So Yodit please next time when you see Ethiopians bow your head .As for Dawit I do not agree with but you have the right to say it. You and I know live in comfort zone and you want to deny them resettlement. Please do not be selfish like the opposition Parties. The Opposition wants to use people to fight for them so they can be leaders. Instead of advocating and highlighting the plight of Eritrean people in Egypt, sudan, libya and others they visited those country for networking, socialising and self-importance.
Dawit Meconen February 22, 2013
You took me wrong; I did not oppose any resetlement, but if it ever happens, I said , it will be a blessing in disguise for the Tigrai-Conspirator because that will expedite his plan of depopulating our nation as a means of realizing his evil plan of building Abai Tigrai easily and seamlessly.
By the way, your advocacy for resetlment may sound altruistic from the perspective of its short term value to the individuals , but on the long haul, it can be exceedingly dangerous for the survival of Sovereingty and therefore, the very individuals you are trying to help and their future generations may end up being people without a nation for ever.
The other point you raised is unproductive and divisive, which, again, only helps the Tigrai-Conspirator, Isaias Afewerqi, to achieve his evil scheme. The burning issue of this time is a Call for Unity among all Eritreans, whereever we are, at home or abroad,to formulate a resolute plan and action to preempt and oust the schemer and free our country and people from his grip, and not incrimination and counter incrimination of each other.
Atta February 23, 2013
Hey i want to contact the 15 team commit to give my support and know what are they going to do.And i hope something can be done soon.
call me 0119765048
dekiabat February 23, 2013
Everyone wants to get rid of this dictatorial system. We all agree on that. Isias and his generals be eliminated in half an hour. The problem is Eritreans in Eritrea do not want to be used by opposition and by people who live abroad like me and you and others. Once the dictatorial regime is crushed Eritrea will definitely be like Lebanon, Somalia and other warlord countries. Each opposition will form its own agenda and its own militias. That’s why most people are avoiding protest and the people in Eritrea do not want to rise up. It is like when we see one person oppressed, desperate and weak instead helping him by physically going on the battle, we tell or advise him to sacrifice himself so the opposition can come from their air-conditioned room to form another disaster like Somalia. I can tell you if isias go his successor is military dictator.
Dawit Meconen February 24, 2013
You are pessimist, hesitant. Get out of that chain and fight with one hand against the Tigrai-Conspirator, and with other, for the Unity and Territorial Inetegrity of your country. Every undertaking has its inherent risk, but if you foresee it,you can mend it. But I want to remind you one thing that can allay your worry:
Long time ago, when the British Occupation Army decided to divid Eritrea between the Sudan and Ethiopia, the people revolted and the British took it back. And our unity is far stronger today than ever before. Do not worry about such things.
sammy kike February 24, 2013
well I READ all no one talks with respect whay that?