ህግደፍ ምህርቲ ሓረስቶት ይምንዝዕ አሎ
ህግደፍ ምህርቲ ሓረስቶት ይምንዝዕ አሎ ስርዓት ህግደፍ አብ መላእ ኤርትራ ካብ ወርሒ ታሕሳስ 2013 ጀሚሩ አብ መላእ ሃገር ሓረስቶት ነቲ አብ ዝሓለፈ ክራማት ዝእተውዎ እቶት ንመንግስቲ ነኸረክቡ የገድዶም አሎ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብመንገዲ ሚኒስትሪ ሕርሻን ምምሕዳር ዓድታትን

ህግደፍ ምህርቲ ሓረስቶት ይምንዝዕ አሎ
ስርዓት ህግደፍ አብ መላእ ኤርትራ ካብ ወርሒ ታሕሳስ 2013 ጀሚሩ አብ መላእ ሃገር ሓረስቶት ነቲ አብ ዝሓለፈ ክራማት ዝእተውዎ እቶት ንመንግስቲ ነኸረክቡ የገድዶም አሎ። ስርዓት ህግደፍ ብመንገዲ ሚኒስትሪ ሕርሻን ምምሕዳር ዓድታትን አቢሉ ብስም ኮለላን ከባብያዊ መጽናዕትን ብዝብል ጉልባብ አብ ወርሒ መስከረምን ጥቅምትን ነቲ ምህርቲ ሓረስቶት አብ ግራዊቲ ከሎ አብ አዝመራ ከይበጽሓ ከሎ ደቂቕ ምክትታል ክገብር ስለድጸንሓ፤ ነቶም ሓረስቶት ንቀለብ ቤተሰቦም ሰለስተ ኩንታል ናይ ዓመት ቀለብ እትሪፉም፤ ነቲ ዝተረፈ ብርትዓዊ ዋጋ ንመንግስቲ ከረክቡ የስገድድ አሎ። ብፍላይ አብ ንኡሳን ዞባታት ጎልጅን፡ ላዕላይ ጋሽ፡ ሻምብቆ ዝኣመሰላ ጽቡቕ እቶት ዝኣትዎ ከባቢታት አብ ገዛውቲ ከይተረፈ ተፍትሽ ይገብር አሎ። ነቲ ዝወስዶ ዘሎ እኽሊ ብመንግስቲ ዝሰልዖ ዋጋ ክኽፈሎም ምኻኑ እናሓበረ እቶት ሓረስቶት ይምንዝዕ አሎ። ህግደፍ ነቲ ዝኣከቦ የእኻል አብ ዋጋ ዝኸብረሉ ግዜ ብክልተ ሰለስተ ዕጽፊ ነቲ አብ ከተማ ዝነብር ህዝቢ ምስ ሸጦ፤ ነቶም መሳኺን ሓረስቶት ባዕሉ ብዝሰልዖ ዋጋ ክኽፍሎም ምኻኑ ካብ ናይ ቅድሚ ሕጅ ተሞክሮ ተራእዩ ኢዩ።
ከምዝፍለጥ ህግደፍ ድዛረቦን እቲ ተግባራቱን ነንበይኑ ምኻኑ ኩሉ ዝፈልጦ ሓቂ ኢዩ። ብሓደ ሸነኽ ትሕተ ቅርጺ ሰሪሕና ኢና አዋፈርቲ አብ ሃገር መጺዮም ንኽሰርሑ ነተባብዕ አለና እናበለ ክንሱ ነቶም ብብዕራይ፡ ብኣድግን አግማልን ዝሓረሱ እኳ ዓይኒ ብዓይኒ ዘፍረይዎ ምህርቲ ሕርሽኦም ይዘምቶም አሎ። ህግደፍ መንዝዓይን ከሳሳይን ፈራዳይን ብምኻኑ ፤ እዞም ውጽዓት አቤት ዝብልሉ ቦታ የለን። ህግደፍ ዓመት መጸ እናተጸበየ ዘካይዶ ናይ ምምንዛዕ ተግባራቱ ሰባት ንኽይሰርሑን ሃገር ውሕስነት መግቢ ከይተረጋግጽን ከም ፖሊሲ ሒዙ ይሰርሓሉ ከምዘሎ ብግብሪ ንዓመታት አረጋጊጽዎ ኢዩ። ብሰንኪ እዚ ድማ ዋጋታት ሃለኽቲ ነገራት ካብ ዓቕሚ ህዝቢ ንላዕሊ ኮይኑ አሎ።
ከምዝፍለጥ አብዚ ዝሓለፍ ክራማት ብሰንኪ ሕጽረት ናይ ነዳዲ፤ አብ ሃገር ዘለዋ ዝርካበን ትራክተራተውን አገልግሎት ከምዘይሃባ ይፍለጥ። እዞም ሎሚ የእኻሎም ድዝመቶ ዘለው ሓረስቶት ደቆም አብ ሃገራዊ አገልግሎት ተታሒዞም ክንሶም፤ ብዘለዎም ኣቕሚ ዘፍረይዎ ፍርያት ኢዩ። አብ ኤርትራ መንግስቲ ንህዝቢ ዘይኮነ ዘገልግል ህዝቢ ኢዩ ንመንግስቲ ዘገልግል ዘሎ። ስለዝኸነ ድማ ኤርትራ ካብቲ ንቡር ናይ ዓለምና አካይዳ ወጺኣስ ብምልካዊ ስርዓት ትምራሕ ብምህላዋ አብ ፍጽም ድኽነትን ጸበባን ትርከብ አላ።
ካብ ጉዱሳት ኤትራውያን
hailemarim January 16, 2014
The germ eyu gudamenai siriat meniesey simerrr… tewedeb ab thi 01-2014 gele knigebr alena ETH siriat kikiyer alowo simerrr…… …
In your last communication you stated…” what really I don’t understand is after all this crime what is happening to our young and all ages inside Eritrea ship container, underground, in villas….. and outside like Sinai. we have been raped and burn we pay between 30 to 40 thousands dollar to get them back our Brother and Sister. after all this Israel making plan to send them back to another unknown Sinai!!!!! nothing been seen like this in the world and most the money been paid in Eritrea it shows you something really bad is been plan for long time. everyone and all Awraja and haymanot is paying very hard price for nothing!!!!!!!! but yet we are Bleaming each other yeklelo eu zbehal uncle SYE Thank u again.
መስተውዓሊት ኤሪትራዊት ፣
ሓንቲ ነገር ከነጽራ ዝደሊ ኣነ ናይ ዋላ ሓንቲ ቴማ እኳ ኤክስፐርት ዘይሙኻኖይ እዩ፣ሓንቲ ኤክስፐርቲስ ዘላትኒ ኣብ ሓዳረይ ይኹን ፣ከም ወላዲ፣ ከም ሓው ዘይትኣደነ ጌገ ዝፍጽም ውልቀ ሰብ እየ ።ኣነ ጽዓዱ Ordinary Joe ዝብልዎ ብቛንቋና ድማ ፣ተራ ሰብ ተባሂሉ ዝጽዋዕ እየ።ግን ንመንእሰያት ኤርትራ፣ ንሕና ኣቦታቶምን ዓበይቲ ኣሕዋቶምን ንጥፍኣት ኣሕሊፍና ሂብናዮምሲ፣ተመሊስና ሕጂ, ከማና ንጥፍኣት ስለ ዘይትዓጥቁ ኤርትራዊ እኮ ጅግና እዩ፣እዚ ሓድሽ ወለዶ እንታይ ወሪድዎም እዩ ኢልና ክንዘልፈኩምን ከነባጭወኩምን ሕልናይ ስለ ዘይፈቐዶ በታ ዓቕመይ መበገሲ ዝኾነኩም ኮምፓስ ክህበኩም ደልየ እየ። መንእሰያት ኤርትራ ንስኻትኩም ጀጋኑ ኢኹም፣እቲ ጅግንነትኩም ድማ ኣብ ኣእምሮኹም እዩ።ቀላጽምኩም ኣብ ሓንጎልኩም ስለ ዝኾነ ተዅርዑኒ ኢኹም። እዚ ክጥምጥመኩም ወይ ሰማዒ ንኽረክብ ኢለ ኣይኮንኩን፣ብቝጽሪ ዘይትውሕዱ ኣብ 1993 ኤርትራ ከይደ ከለኹ ስለ ዘዛራረብኩኹም፣ከማና ከም ኣቦታትኩም ገልዳማትን ፣ጸማማት-ባራዩ ሸፋቱን ከም ዘይኮንኩም ምስ ርኣኹ ተስፋ ጌረ። ግን ኢሳያስ እዚኣ ፈሊጡ
ቀልጢፉ ከጥፍኣኩም መዲቡ፣ኵናት ወሊዑ።እቶም ምሽሙሻት መጣቓዕቲ ዝኾንና ኣቦታትኩም ድማ ፣ደቅናን ንኣሽቱ ኣሕዋትናን፣ኣብ ዘይረብሕ ባድመ ኣይሞቱን እዮም ኣይበልናን ።እኮ ድኣ እቶም ኣብ ሽፍትነት ጀብሃ ዝነበሩ ዘወርቲ ታክሲ,ሓሳዊ ሃገራውነቶም ከመስክሩ ንሰኸርም ኣጣፋፊኦም ዝደለብወን ዶላራትን፣ ክራውናትን ፣ማርክታትን ሊረታትን ወዘተ ___ኣብ ሓድሕዶም መወዳደሪ ጌሮሞ__ኣነ ምስ ብዓልቲ ቤተይ__ንሰራዊትና ንምድልዳል ክንድዚ ሽሕ ሂበ ኣለኹ__ወዘተ ኢሎም ንመሳኪን መንእሰያት ኣብ ባህሪ ሓዊ ወርዊሮም ትሞቱን ትቝረጹን እቶም ዝተረፍኩም ድማ ሕጂ ብበደዊን ከም ትጭመቑ (raped)ዝገበሩ ገበነኛታት እዮም።እቶም ጸረ ቶርዓ መሲልዎም ንሻዕብያ ዝቕድሱላ ዝነበሩ፣ደቂ ማሕበር ኣንድነት ውን ኢዶም ፍቱሕ እዩ፣ኣዝማዶም ንወጻኢ እናስሓቡ ንዓኹም ግን ኣሽሓት ባጤራታት ብምውጻእ ድራር ጥይት ውግእ ጌሮምኹም ።እዚ ኩሉ ትብሎ ዘለኻ ምስቲ ኣነ ዝሓተትክ ዎ እንታይ የራኽቦ ሓወቦይ ከም ትብሊ ይርድኣኒ።እቲ ኣብ ዓድና ኣብ ኮንቴይነራት ክንእሰር ኣብ መገዲ ስደት ድማ ብበደዊን ክንዕመጽን ኣሽሓት ክንከፍልን ፣እቲ ኣካውንት ናይ ባንክ እውን ኣብ ኤርትራ ምዃኑ እናፈለጥናስ እንታይ እዩ ኢድና ሒዙና እዩ እቲ ቀንዲ ሕቶኺ።
እቲ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዝተንተንክዎ፣እቲ ጉዳይ ኤርትራ ኣብ ጽልእን ህልኽን ምውቃዕን ምፍራስን እምበር ኣብ ምህናጽን ምድንጋጽን ምሕጋዝን ዝተመርኮሰ ኣይኮነን።እቲ ኣስላማይ ክስታናይ ወዲ ላዕላይን ወዲ ታሕታይን ተሓባቢሩ ንጸላኢ ወቒዑ ዝብል መዛሙር፣ ብመጠኑ ሓቅነት እኳ እንተሃለዎ እዚ ብሓደ ኮይኑ ጸላኢ ዝወቕዔ ህዝቢ ግን፣ሓደ ኣጀንዳ ሒዙ ብሰላም ክነብር ይኽእል ድዩ ዝብል ብጣዕሚ ኣገዳሲ ሕቶ ብኢሞሽን እንተዘይኮይኑ ልዝብ ኢሉ ዝምልሶ ሰብ የለን።ኣብ ሽፍትነት ኤርትራ ዝነበሩ ሓይልታት፣
1)ንኢትዮጵያ ከም ደሴት ክርስትና ምንባራ ከም ሞት ዝጸልእዋ እስላማውያን ሃይማኖታውያንን፣
2) ካብዞም በላዕቲ ጥረ ስጋ ኣምሓሩን፤ድኻታት ሰብ ጥላም ዓጋመ ተጋሩን ንሕና ንበልጽ ብዝብል ኮሎንያዊ ኣተሓሳስባን ዝነበሮም ህዝበ ትግርኛን__
3)እዞም ቶርዓ፣ ጀብሃ ሒዞም ኣይከደቅሱናን እዮም ብዝብል ወረዳዊ ኣጀንዳ ዝተሰርዑ___
… ከም ደቀደይ ፍሓዮ ብትንትን ዝበለ ዕላማታት ሓዚሎም ዝኸዱ፣መብዛሕትኦም እውን ተገዲዶም ንሽፍትነት ዝተሰርዑ ዝሓዘለ__ኣዕናዊ ድርጅት ሽፍትነት ኤርትራ__ኣብ ጽልእን ህልኽን ሓሳዊን ዝተማህዘን ታሪኽን ዝተላዕጠጠ ዕላማ ስለ ዝነበረ__እቲ ህዝቢ ድማ ብእኡ ተሃኒጹ ዓብዩ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ፣ናይቲ ጽልኢ መሳርሒ ኮይኑ ሕብረተሰብ ይምርዝ ኔሩ እዩ።
ስለዚ ካብ ብጽልኢ ዝተሃንጸ ህዝቢ ሕልና ምጽባይ ፣ካብ እንቋቝሖ ተመን ርግቢት ክትጭጫሕ ከም ምጽባይ እዩ። እቲ ዕላማ ናይ ሕሶት ዕላማ እዩ ኔሩ።ኤርትራዊ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ወዲ ዓይኒ መዓር እዩ ኔሩ።ብጊዜ ጃንሆይ ንማንም ካልእ ኢትዮጵያ ዘይተዋህበ ዕድል ብር (ኣብ ግዚኡ ዘይንዓቕ ገንዘብ)እናተዋህቦ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ዝምሃርን ዝሕንቅቕን ዝነበረ ፣ካብ ዓሰርተ ፓላሶታት ናይ ኢትዮጵያ እተን ትሽዓተ ናይ ኤርትራውያን እየን ኔረን፣ብሕልፊ እቲ ጻዕረኛን ፣ብዘይ ሓዉ ዘይበልዕ መስተውዓሊ ኣከለጉዘታይ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዝነበሮ ሃብቲ ንኤርትራ ብሙሉኣ መግዝኤ፣እዚ ሃብቲ እዚ ኣብ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ካብ ትግራይ ክሳዕ ጎምጎፋ፣ካብ ሽዋ ክሳዕ ሃረር እዩ ኔሩ።ትራንስፖርቴሽን፣ናይ ከተማ ይኹን ናይ ነዊሕ መገዲ ዳርጋ ሚእቲ ካብ ሚእቲ ኣብ ኢድ ኤርትራውያን፣ማእለያ ዘይብሉ ላተርያታት፣እንዳ ጋራጃት ኬክ ቤታት__ብሓጺሩ ኢትዮጵያ ናትና ናይ ኤርትራውያን ኮሎኒ እያ ኔራ፣ግን ባርያስ ሓጋዚኣ እንተርኣየት መዲዳ ትሓብእ ከም ዝብሃል፣ነዚ ኩሉ ጸጋ ነጺጎም ኣብ ጽልእን ባዶ ትምክሕትን ተመርኲሶም TIME BOMB ዝኾነት ኣምሲሓ ዘይተድርር ሃገር መስሪቶም።
ኢሳያስ እንተትኣልየ፣ኩነታት ናብ ዝገደደ ሃይማኖታውን ቀቢላውን ውግእ እትመርሕ ሃገር ጥፍኣት መስሪቶምልኩም ኣለዉ።
ክብርቲ ኤርትራዊት ፣መንነት ዘይብሎም ሙታንታ ጣልያንን ኣዕራብን ዝኾንና ኣቦታትኩም ክብረት ስለ ዘይንፈልጥ ሕስረት ኣውሪስናኩም ። ሕጂ ድማ ኣብ ጊዜ ውግእ ባድመ፣ንዓጋመ ብሳልስቲ ኣዲስ ኣበባ ከተእትውዎም ኢልና ዘዋጻእናዮ ገንዘብ፣ብባድመ ተሴርኩም እተን ዘዋጻእናየን ናይ ጥፍኣት ባጤራታት ኣብ ማይ ስለ ዘእተኹመን፣ ብኡ ኢና ኢሳያስ ኣብ ኮንቴይነር ክድጉነኩም ከሎን በደዊን ኣጎምቢሖም ጓልኩምን ወድኹምን ክ ወግርኹምን ከለዉ ከም ዘይሰማዕና ስቕ ንብል ።ሓንቲ ሳንቲም እውን ዘይነዋጽኣልኩም ፣ እምበር ንዓጋመ ብሳልስቲ ንኣዲስ ኣበባ ከተእትውዎም ድኣ ዳርጋ ፍርቂ ቢልዮን ኢና እኮ ኣዋጺእና ኔርና።ንህዝቢ ትግራይ (ዓጋመ) ክትድምስ ስዎ እናተጸበናኩም ተመሊስኩም ኣብኡ ኣቲኹም ዑቕባ ምሕታትኩም ነቶም ሻዕብያ ህገደፋውያን ይኹን ፣ነቶም ተቓወምቲ ዝኾንና የቐንዝወና እዩ ።ኣብኣ ስለ ዘይጠፋእኩም ተቐዪምናኩም ኢና ፣መስሓቕ ሰብ ታክሲ ተጋሩ ጌርኩምና ፣ብሞትኩም ንተጋሩ ሰብ ታክሲ ክንፍክረሎም ዝሓሰብና ኣየዔወትኩምናን፣ሓኒኽና፣ዋላ ብኹላትኩም ኣብኣ ጠፊእኩም ነዞም ወጻኢ ዘለና ከተሔብኑና ኔሩኩም፣____ እዚ እዩ ናትና ናይ ጉሓፋት ኣቦታትኩምን ዓበይቲ ኣሕዋትኩምን ሕልና።ንዓና ሃገር ምፍታው ማለት ሞትን ውግእን ምፍታው ማለት እዩ፣ግን ንስኻትኩም ትሞቱሉ ማለትና እዩ፣እምበር ንሕና ድኣ ደቅና ኣብዚ ወጻኢ ስለ ዝምሃሩ ዘለዉ ሙማት ብዙሕ ደስ ኣይብለናን እዩ።
ንሕና ኣቦታትኩም ፣ዓበይቲ ኣሕዋትኩምን ኢና ጸላእትኹም፣ኢሳያስ ኣይኮነን፣እዚ ተረዲእኩም ኣተሓሳስባኹም ኣነጺርኩም እንተ ተቓለስኩም ግርም ፣ግን ንሕና ኣቦታትኩምን ዓበይቲ ኣሕዋትኩምን ንቕንዕናን ንፍትሒን ከም ዝተቓለስና ፣ንስኻትኩም እዚ ኩሉ ግፍዒ ዝወርደኩም ዘሎ ጌጋ ናይ ኢሳያስ እዩ ኢልኩም ትኣምኑ እንተዄንኩም ኮለል ክትብሉ ኢኹም።
እዚ ወድሓንኪ
Khalighe January 17, 2014
” ብትንትን ዝበለ ዕላማታት ሓዚሎም ዝኸዱ፣መብዛሕትኦም እውን ተገዲዶም ንሽፍትነት ዝተሰርዑ ዝሓዘለ__ኣዕናዊ ድርጅት ሽፍትነት ኤርትራ__ኣብ ጽልእን ህልኽን ሓሳዊን ዝተማህዘን ታሪኽን ዝተላዕጠጠ ዕላማ ስለ ዝነበረ__እቲ ህዝቢ ድማ ብእኡ ተሃኒጹ ዓብዩ ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ፣ናይቲ ጽልኢ መሳርሒ ኮይኑ ሕብረተሰብ ይምርዝ ኔሩ እዩ።”
Dear Cow Face, don’t you have problems in AgameLand ?
You are wasting your time preaching a cause nobody seems to be interested in … you are stuck with the idea that some propaganda work [because Eritreans are in trouble …] is helpful to turn the time clock back to sixties.
Let’s use this opportunity to build bridges across Mereb and help each other to bring people out of poverty in both countries. Stop playing “Zogonfo” … I know you are someone who can do better .. although till now nothing positive.
Events January 19, 2014
this is part of your opinion ,”Dear Cow Face, don’t you have problems in AgameLand ?”
sye has pointed out his observation and qualified it with some “proof”.you kalighe are in to name calling.why why do you not challenge his “zogonfo” comments. by the way i do not agree with uncle sye comments 100%,but you seem to attack him instead of attacking his “ridiculous” comments.you play positive too ,use your own advise.
Dawit Meconen January 17, 2014
You are recycling what the Inferiority Complex infested woyanes, and your odor of Libi Tigrai twi Twai betrays your hideout “saving Young Eritreans”. The conspirators, the tigrai impostor, Isaias Afewerqi and the cowardly woyane might have taken advantage of our magnanimity but rest assured that we will teach them the lesson we taught haile selase and mengistu hailemariam. Nobody hurts Eritreans and gets away with it. Mark my words.
Probably a short history lesson is in order here for you as away of refreshing who your creator are ; you seem to have forgotten it all.
Woyane is EPLFs’ brainchild, created and raised in Sahle for one purpose, to expedite Eritrean membership at the UN, in the event of the inevitable military victory over the rabies infected Dergi.
Here you may ask a valid question, Why would EPLFs need the service of Woyane in defeated Ethiopia , couldn’t they disintegrate it into its constituents parts by giving OLF, Oromia; EPRP, Amhara region; woyane, tigrai etc. etc.?
The EPLFs had the intellectual and war logistic power to do it but the Eritrean magnanimity forbids such bestial character. This is the basic difference between us and Amhara and tegaru. They still subscribe to the Natural Law, the Law of the Jungle, of which the forceful abrogation of the Eritrean-Ethiopian Federation by the Amhara; and the tegaru collaboration with General Napier against their own country, and border instigation against Eritrea, inhumanely deporting hundreds of thousands of Eritreans from every corner of Ethiopia and Badme ,among myriad others, attest and illustrates beautifully. But again,who would commit such brutish act against humanity save the brute itself.
However, in Ethiopia such paradoxes are rife: they profess to be a country of 3000 years of independence and yet practice Law of the Jungle, and have no concrete evidence to back it up.
They profess to be citadel of Christianity and yet the Muslims are the majority and do not subscribe to the teaching of Jesus Christ: if you are smacked on one face, give him the other.
They profess they are not blacks and yet call themselves Ethiopians, derivative of a word which means blacks in Greek. Haile Selase used to adore his name with ‘the conquering Lion of Judah’, meaning he is Jewish but again, if you observe Amhara dancing and listen to their speech, they smack African and not Middle Easterner;
Incidentally, the Flashas ,who were taken to Israel and whose DNA was checked, was found out that it was different from that of the Israelis.
Why did the rulers of Abyssinia opted to change the name of their country to Ethiopia? It is all hypocrisy, a morbid disease of Wish to be that you are not. In a nut shell, the reason was because the word ‘Ethiopia’ was in the bible. Period!
If anybody has the urge to know more of the Inferiority Complex of the Abyssinian fake rulers, read their fictitious book called ‘Kebra Nagast.
Tamrat Tamrat January 17, 2014
And Ethiopians are stupids as you civilized hgdef twistedly thought you tried the 1998 war to see the amhara, tigre and oromo masacaring one another. And the result is even a low life like you learn that we are not that stupid. Who is stupid now? The more you read of eplf propaganda that ther is no a country called Ethiopia the more it becomes real.
Who live by the jungel rul now? A hgdedf who stop People for not communicating to their ethnic Group separating two nations or allow them freely develop their region wherever or who ever decide they belong to this or that nation?
We have an Afar state which is relatively free compared to afar who are under hgdef. When Our Democracy develops afar states freely adminster itself. What do you think of it? Whp like that free afar? You or the afar People who are killed just because they are afars? Who is living under the jungel?
Off course you can boast the barbaric relation ship of Your eplf and Our tplf. But the tplf we have now has improved 100 times than Your eplf. Guess how? The principle of being Ethiopians and how to live in Peace and equality. Dont get me wrong we have a lot to do. And a lot paid for that change to come and continue to grow.
Dawit Mekonen ,
Thank you for telling the young generation your understanding of us how we are superior to the jungle minded Amharas & Tegarus.
I stand by what I wrote,I do not want history to judge me for not telling the new generation about the challenges & danger they have to encounter.
Thank you for your input. We ,both want the best for our people.
Your’s Truly Saving Youngt Eritreans aka Yugoslavo Eritrean aka South Sudano Eritrean
Tamrat Tamrat January 18, 2014
Wait and see how the Young kunamas, sahos and afars Shatter the line drawn by colonialists and askaris and join their families. See now how an afar comes to Semera he feels at home while the same guy he comes to Asmara he is treated as a trash foreiners. The first stape is to create a self adminstering afar People in Eritrea and then joine them. It is Your wish that afar kill one another by saying i am ethiopian and i am eritrean. But that Train has gone for ever. Even except hgdef tigrinya People the tigrinas in Eritrea showing respect for their blood related Ethiopians.
events January 18, 2014
tamrat tamrat:
that is what scares about our eritrea ,too much unsolved issues ,only emotion ,I agree with uncle sye.i wish they put his opiniuon in to account.
ahmed saleh January 19, 2014
Tegaru , Amharu , This and that …….. is irrelevant with the subject of the article . For some reason
some people are obsessed with those kind of negative mentality . We are in 21st century of high technology
millennium , so better catch up before you miss the train .
ahmed saleh January 19, 2014
I respect your view . Justice is blind .
halengi January 16, 2014
harestot ertrawian sienkum nay tigray seliletifkumwala mutrusat
Sara January 16, 2014
ህግደፍ ዓመት መጸ እናተጸበየ ዘካይዶ ናይ ምምንዛዕ ተግባራቱ ሰባት ንኽይሰርሑን ሃገር ውሕስነት መግቢ ከይተረጋግጽን ከም ፖሊሲ ሒዙ ይሰርሓሉ ከምዘሎ ብግብሪ ንዓመታት አረጋጊጽዎ ኢዩ። ብሰንኪ እዚ ድማ ዋጋታት ሃለኽቲ ነገራት ካብ ዓቕሚ ህዝቢ ንላዕሊ ኮይኑ አሎ።
tekle January 17, 2014
egdef ekhli harestot aymenzean entadeA teshaytu eti tirfi mknyatu nab kaliE keyshetuwo bkubir dhiriu ab hager ekhli keysean wey ziada ekebir. mengisti gna ekizno alo hizbi key temi. ezi hadish teRieyo aykonen ab alemna. gorebabtina win zezewtro eyu. Npoletica elka mtslam gega tray zeykone newri win eyu.
windshield January 16, 2014
Here you go with your damn lies again!!!!!
Stefanos Temolso January 16, 2014
I wonder about these animals (HGDEF stooges) who are trying to marsh against the wheels of history. Guys! you must know that society moves forward! And have you ever heard of any dictator who has a clean history and who died oeacefully? never. Read the history of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Bokassa, Sese Seko, baby dok of Haiti etc all were thrown into the garbage of history. If you are true Eritreans why are you afraid to use your real name? You do not have self confidence and are not principled people but opportunists and hypocrites!
Sorobeti January 17, 2014
don’t you remember your mafia leader saying
ኣብዚ ሃገር እኽሊ ምሻጥን ምልዋጥን ብሕጊ ዝተኸልከለ ኢዩ።
Sala January 16, 2014
ambabi January 17, 2014
Don’t worry it is the matter of when, all Eritreans are no on the verge to dismantle the dictator. To day I was watching Tv-ere broad cast the fake discussion about land distribution and the concern of participants who unlashed tough questions to the incapable minster. It was very sad to see our ppl are in such a hardship crying for pure water just for drinking water. Thanks to the PFDJ 24 years later we can not even drink pure water let alone to have services of electricity. NKULU GHIZIE ALEWO……KERIBU EU NEBERIA NEBERIE KIKEWON…..TI…KEDAEE….ANGAL MEAREY
ahmed saleh January 17, 2014
That is not fresh news to make us surprised . Be real and honest to face facts this practice happened before
and will continue to happen because of the neglect to illiterate , weak and poor the culture we possessed
from feudal system . They keep barking AWET NI HAFASH from some lost FESHFASHAT thugs .
Abraham Haile January 17, 2014
To saving young Eritrean!!!!!!
What a crab dilemma! Forget itty dear, we now are on it, we will not be twisted and turned around by a devious plan to confused our mothers and youngsters. It is not working………..
Dehan kun
Sorobeti January 17, 2014
Abraham Haile
Saving young Eritreans is the same person who has many different names like keren massaw and red sea, this guy thinks himself smart through spreading ethno-religious sensitivities to serve the divide and rule plan of the mafia regime. When he became desperate, he is talking to himself using vulgar language.
Sorobeti ,
I do not have many names ,I have changed pen names & I have always informed this to my audience ,I do it not to bore you ,not to confuse you .When I left my country towards the end of 1981 I hated the “DAgame Tigrawot” like hell because I related them to the atrocites that was happenning in Eritrea. Now ,I found out it was few Tigrawot with identity crisis that were involved in such action and they were not even 1% of the whole Tigray residents in Eritrea. Now ,I respect this historical fathers of the so called Hizbe Tigrinya because theuy are sheltereing Eritreans educating young Eritreans & facilitating their settlement tpo first world .I am not Keren or Aqurdet .My proiper name is MEHRETU HABTE & I do not fear to tell the new generation the truth.
Hate me for telling the inconvinient truth but do not present me as a coward that hides behind different names .
My respect to you
SYE aka Somalio Eritrean
Abraham Haile January 17, 2014
To:”To saving young Eritrean” comment:-
What a crab dilemma? Forget it my dear, we are now on it, we will not be twisted and turned around by a devious plan to confuse our Mothers and Youngsters so that to inflict damages to our Unity and hinder our marsh to freedom. It is not working my dear……………