ህግደፋውያን ኣብ መንጎ ኣምንቲ ክርስትና ኦርቶዶክሳውያን ንካቶሊካውያንን፣ ከቢድ ኣዕናዊ ጽልኢ ምሂዞም ኣለዉ።
ህግደፋውያን ኣብ መንጎኣም ነቲ ክርስትና ኦርቶዶክሳውያን ንካቶሊካውያንን፣ ከቢድ ኣዕናዊ ጽልኢ ምሂዞም ኣለዉ። ኤርትራውያን ይትረፍ ክርስትያናት ኣሕዋት፣ ኣብ መንጎ ኤርትራውያን ኣስላምን ክርስትያንንውን ብሓደ ተቓሊሶም ብሓደቁራስ እንጌራ ተማቒሎም፣ ክርስትያንበስመ-ኣብኢሉ፣ ኣስላማይብስም- ኣላህ፣ ኢሎም፣ መግቦም ቀዲሶም ፍቕሮም ሓልዮምን ዓመታት ዝጸንሑ

ህግደፋውያን ኣብ መንጎኣም ነቲ ክርስትና ኦርቶዶክሳውያን ንካቶሊካውያንን፣ ከቢድ ኣዕናዊ ጽልኢ ምሂዞም ኣለዉ።
ኤርትራውያን ይትረፍ ክርስትያናት ኣሕዋት፣ ኣብ መንጎ ኤርትራውያን ኣስላምን ክርስትያንንውን ብሓደ ተቓሊሶም ብሓደቁራስ እንጌራ ተማቒሎም፣ ክርስትያንበስመ-ኣብኢሉ፣ ኣስላማይብስም- ኣላህ፣ ኢሎም፣ መግቦም ቀዲሶም ፍቕሮም ሓልዮምን ዓመታት ዝጸንሑ እዮም።
ህግደፍ ግን ይትረፍ ቁሩብ ናይሃይማኖት ኣፋላላይ ንዘሎካሲ፣ ስጡምሓዳርን ስድራን እንተርእዩ ሓዳርከ የፍረሰ ዘይሓድር፣ ልኡኽ ሸይጣን እዩ። ኤርትራውያን ግን ክሳብ መዓስ በዚ ንሱ ዝኸዓዎ ሓተላ መርዚ እናተመረዝና ክንነብር ኢና እንድዒ።
እቶም እዚ ጽሑፍ እዚ ዝዝርግሑ ጳጳሳት፣ እዚም ጽሓፎም ንህዝቢ ካቶሊኽን፣ ተዋህዶን ከሰምብዶም ዝግባእ ኣይመስለናን።
ምኽንያቱ፣ ኣቦኦምፓትርያርክ ኣባ ኣንጦንዮስን ሞትኣሕሊፎምን ዓመታ ኣብ ማሕበር ዘብልዩ ዘለዉ ጨካናት ልኡኻት ህግደፍ እዮም። ሕጂ ውን ከምቀደሙ ህዝቢ ክርስትያን ሓድነቱን ፍቕሩን ናይ ቀደም ምትሕልላዩን ኣጽኒዑ፣ ነዚ ነቲሕ ዝኾነ ጎሓፍ መልእኽቲ ሸይጣን ኣብ ዕነ ደርብዩ፣ ከም ቀደሙ ክጸንዕ ንላቦ። ብሽም ስላሴ ንኣምን ኢና ካቶሊኽ ንክርስትያንን።
ብኣንጻሩ ንሳቶም ዝባረኽዎ እዩ ከይብላዕ ዝግብኦ ነይሩ። ከመይሲ ንሳቶም እዮም ብስም ኣብን ወልድን መንፈስቅዱስን ተወጊዞም ተገዚቶም ዘለዉ እምበር ህዝቢ ተዋህዶ ይኹን ህዝቢ ካቶሊክ ውግዘት የብሉ ማእሰርቲ የብሉ ቅዱስ ንፈቃርን ህዝቢ እዩ።
ውድቀትን ህግደፍ!
ግዱሳት ደቂ ተዋህዶን ካቶሊክን ኤርትራውያን።
efrienyohenes@yahoo.com March 30, 2012
Mussie March 30, 2012
atom sebat hade hade ewans nnegerat tegannwom alekum. eti mel’ekti naytadebdab wala hade gega yblun ,dehar ezi nay bete krstan guday eu,politcize aytgberwo,ane zblekum plse know the basic difference between tewahdo & catholic, we have a big difference in religious creed . even though,we are brothers biologicaly,we are different in religion . if u want to prove it,plse refer . but this doesn’t mean we can not live together. we can live peacefully if we respect eachother ,.
selamta03@yahoo.com March 31, 2012
it is absolutely no difference in faith, they proffess the same creed. search the history and try to understand between believe and discipline. One thing every body to know is that, the most violent element in society is IGNORANCE.
Dawit March 30, 2012
The letter merely shows how shallow and stupid “Mr. papas hagere sibiket debub” has come to be. No wonder, the orthodox clergy in Eritrea need a dose of modern day education. When you read such 6th grade level letter, you think as though you were living in the 16th C Europe where every thing was seen from a point of view of religion.
Birmingham March 30, 2012
Hegdf will try it best to divide and rule the country. The Synodos is part of hegdf, Yeftahi Demotros the head of the orthodox church is a political appointed person to serve issais so there is nothing new till Issais is in power. Every thing will be solved the day issais left or died. Donot worry.
Almza Gaul Asmera March 30, 2012
To Mr T. and other supporters of dying regime.
Abune Kerlos is a respected bishop and he was one of the bishop who opposed initially when Yeftahe-led colenels were intimidating all bishops to sign and say yes to the illegal removal of Patriarch Antonious.
This will give you a highlight. Right at the moment, when the dictator was updated on the refusal of bishop Kerlos, he invented something. He planned to give them NAY HARBENGA NISHAN to bishop kerlos as acknowldgment to role he played during the struggle. It is true that bishop Kerlos, in monastery Abune Bitseamlak, Godeyti, Akeleguzay, has been supportive our TEGADELTI.
Mr. T and other supporters of the dying regime, can you see the whole divide and rule game of your mafia boss. You can verify my comment and you will know that my info is true.
Mr. T March 30, 2012
Almaz G.,
Here is the bad news for you. It is well known that two-third of the Eritrean Tewahdo followers live in the Province of Seraye. About 80% of these followers are farmers and a few of them are semi-nomads. Moreover, no priest from these vast Tewahdo followers had ever voted to elect the Patriarch who is in prison. He was elected by the few elites and he never represented the majority of Tewahdo Eritreans. I believe he deserves justice because there is no reason to keep him in prison. However, I for one do not consider him as the true Patriarch of the Eritrean Tewahdo Church. PERIOD!
Selamawi March 30, 2012
Ooops! What are you saying Mr. T? You clearly do no know how church hierarchy and church events are run. You have no clue in that. Please go and learn the basics first.
Your subtle subliminal message suggesting that the 80% of Orthodox Christians in Eritrea are from Seraye…is another spoiler serving your inhumane satanic boss. How did you come to the conclusion that the people of Seraye are more than that of Hamasien and Akeleguzay, and all other provinces combined?
You try to sympathize with the arrested Patriarch while at the same time condemning him as illegitimate … We are no kids mate! Reading between your lines I sense that Abune Antonios is not from Seraye (?) [I do not know, I never asked where comes from. I just know his Holiness the legitimate Patriarch, period] Your argument and message to the Seraye Christians is that Abune Antonios should not be seen as a representative of the Serraye Orthodox followers… How venomous can you get, PFDJ foot soldiers!?
In Church life what matters is spiritual nourishment which leads one to eternal life in Heaven. You know in God’s Kingdom there is no division on lines of awraja… Which means PFDJ engineers and foot soldiers will be out of work! If Christians exercise their faith as Jesus would want them, they would not listen to your mundane and evil message. Love of neighbor is the message from Christ. Please Mr. T and Co, learn the fundamental basics first before you show your vulgarity and disseminate your venomous…
Almaz Gaul Asmera March 31, 2012
Well-said Selamawi,
I can see your poisonous mind, Mr. T., without using MRI/X-ray. You are running into grave mistakes, Mr. T, because your only and only mission here is to defend the mafia group. I don’t want to be dragged to your cheap commentary … because you don’t what you are talking about, let me quote to you “BETRI HAQI’s TIKETIN EMBER AYTSBERN EYA”. All your tricks are exposed to the whole world and majority of the Eritreans alike, you don’t have a future. Your boss’s fate will be similar to his friends Kazzafi etc. Stay tune one morning your worst fear will come.
If you are interested in election, can you please tell me who elected your mafia boss to lead the country without constitution, without parliament, without even conducting general assembly meeting of PFDJ for more than 10 years? You guys are shameless.
Mr. T March 31, 2012
Here is another bad news for you: Nobody hates the PFDJ regime more than I do. Ouch! That must have hurt you pretty much. Now let me ask you about your mathematical skills: How do you come up that 2/3 equals 80%? I never said “the 80% of Orthodox Christians in Eritrea are from Seraye.” Where did you get that statement? Let me guess that you are either dumb or an atrocious twister. Which one are you?
It is a documented fact that 2/3 of Tewahdo Eritreans live in the Province of Seraye. And anyone who declares himself as the patriarch of the Eritrean Tewahdo Church without their votes is void and null. Let me tell you that I will fight for his release but his authority as the patriarch of the Tewahdo Church is not acceptable because no priest in the farmers’ land of Eritrea had ever put his vote for him. Do you get it?
semere March 31, 2012
Mr. T
I believe what you want to say is 80% of the population of Seraye are Orthodox believers. The way you phrased it is confusing. In any case, let us not divert our focus from the main issue. The real act we are condemning is the interference of the Isayas Regime in religious affairs. HGDEF is scared when people are united and they want to gain their strength from the weakness and divisions of the citizens. The relationship among different denominations is their own business and Isayas has nothing to do with it. If you are not aware during the 60ties there was well applauded agreement between the Catholic and Orthodox Bishops of Eritrea/Ethiopia which was aiming towards close collaboration and unity. Even now the so called “Ecumenical Movements” are meant to bring Christian believers to dialogue, collaboration instead of division and animosity. They are aware that Christ still remains “One” now and forever. It is we the believers who fragmented him. And HGDEF is happy to see us divided. Please my brother do not throw on board unqualified statements.
Selamawi March 31, 2012
Mr. T
You are right I did overlook the 2/3 bit of your still venomous – merzi mendelay temen – subliminal message. Apologies!
Qs for your. 1. As the respected and untiring Almaz said, if you really understand the concept of elections when is that you asked your satanic boss to hold elections? You say you hate him and his regime. Would you not want to see the back of him legitimately i.e. elections!
2. When did you learn Church history or read the Bible to dare and teach us how to conduct our church affairs. To help you please refer to Acts of the Apostles so you can understand how Assemblies/Councils in the Christian Church are held and run? You can check Church Councils of Nicaea (Gubae Nikya in 325 AD) where Church Fathers settled the controversy of the time which was the deity of Christ; Constantinople (Gubae Qostintnya in 381); Chalcedon (Gubae kielkiedon, 451), and many other Councils that followed. In these Church events it was the high ranking bishops (call it Patriarch or else) who gathered from all corners of the world and decided on behalf of the entire Christian faithful, priests and bishops. In all legitimate administrative bodies – church or secular – the high level representatives will elect/decide on behalf of their people. You cannot prove me otherwise.
Now, how is that you fabricated a new rule to suit your venomous message from your satanic boss bent to destroy the fabrics of Christianity in the land? [pease see second part]
Selamawi March 31, 2012
[continued from part I]
You say the Eritran Patriarch, Abune Antonios, was solely elected by few Bishops. What else did you expect. The Synod is the one who elect the Patriarch.
Can you refer us to your “documented” claim that 2/3 of Eritrean Orthodox Christians live in the Seraye province. Which document? By the way does your boss allow you to use these names? Because he likes Debub… instead.
Thanks for being polite compatriot!
selamta03@yahoo.com March 31, 2012
Gentlemen, let,s ignore this diabolic message anti harmony, anti christian and anti human.
Mr. T April 1, 2012
You are still making a cardinal mistake either deliberately or because you don’t have the desire to read my comment carefully. You don’t have to believe or guess what I “want to say”. You just have to read what I wrote. I said it in pure layman’s term, and I have no idea why you guys have a problem understanding it. 2/3 is approximately equal to 67% which is way below that magic 80%.
The great divide between the Catholicism and Tewahdo is found at the heart of the Trinity. Here are some important differences between Catholicism and Tewahdo:
1. The popes of Rome have absolute authority over all other bishops throughout Christianity and that they are infallible in matters of doctrine. These dogmas had never existed until the 9th century.
2. Catholicism states the Virgin Mary was conceived and born without sin, but Tewahdo states the Virgin Mary was capable of sinning.
3. The Catholic church believes the Holy Spirit through the popes develops, changes, adds, and subtracts various aspects of Scriptural interpretation.
4. The Catholic church decided to force all priests to be celibate about 1000 years ago. But the Orthodox church continues to practice the apostolic tradition of married priests.
5. The catholic church has basically continued to change the original text and spirit of the Holy Bible as if it is an evolving ideology or science.
If you are interested to read the whole text of my reference, here it is: http://www.onearthasinheaven…
Almaz Gaul Asmera April 1, 2012
Mr T.
You are wrong, why don’t you let the religion to the people who not only the scriptures but live it daily. If you want to learn let me give you one piece of advice, I don’t think you will be making a U-turn because you are here for a mission: to defend the mafia regime.
All Christians who believe in the divine Trinity are included in Bible Society of the whole world, world church council, etc. Catholics and Orthodox are core members of the above world-wide organizations.
You are defending the above letter that forbids a meat slaughtered by Catholics; I asked you a simple question. Bring evidence from the scriptures or church canon. If you can’t then don’t defend the indefensible. NIMNTAY KEMTI ZILEAKEKA TSULUL ( damaged by Cerebral Malaria) KETETA MEGEDI GEDIFKA KOLEL TIBIL (Serayen kalen zeleael ayneberekan) NISIKA GIN HZBI KETENAKUT ZITEBEGESKA EKA.
Mr. T April 1, 2012
Almaz G.,
As long as you have no desire of keeping and guiding yourself with decency, I will not go the extra mile to honor you with my reply to your profanity loaded questions. Stop calling people “PFDJ supporters” because they happen to disagree with your ruinous mentality. I hope you heed this advice. The Tewahdo priests of Eritrea have led their followers through thick and thin for two thousand years and the least thing they need is your wicked interference.
Letina April 1, 2012
Mr T.
I think you need soul searching on what you believe and follow. For example Almaz G has asked you a simple question “I asked you a simple question. Bring evidence from the scriptures or church canon.” But you prefer a diversionary path. You were labeled “PFDJ supporter” because your comments point to one end. “If you can’t answer then don’t defend the indefensible shameless regime that incarcerates JEGANU in ERAERO, threw away the constitution, warred with all neighbors, called upon himself sanctions, ENTAY EMO HATIAT NAYZI TELAM SEYTAN WEDIKA ZIWIDAE AYKONEN”. At this point in time to see, someone like you who seem to be highly educated, support the wicked regime must be one with a special interest than the average Eritrean.
myaas@hotmail.com April 1, 2012
Dear Eritreans,
I am a proud Eritrean Catholic; reading the letter of the Tewahdo Bishop is so sad, especially in this day and age from a Bishop, who is supposed to know more than the people. Instead of leading his faithful in peace and harmony he is simply expressing his ignorance inciting divisiveness. He does not even know what the “big difference” is? What difference? John said to him (Jesus), “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us. Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me.” (Mark 9:38-39). I agree with most of the respondents decried the ignorance and manuplating the Eritrean Orthodox Church for political end by the Eritrean regime, that does not evenbelieve in any religion. If the Eritrean Orthodox Church allows itself to be controlled by a regime, which is the right-hand of the devil, I am sorry for the consequence. Jesus said, “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14).
However, this a short sighted political tactic that will resolve itself soon but its ramifications cannot be under estimated. “Ametsatse’a sheyTan zeyfeliT ayimonks” say our ancestors.
tselot@yahoo.com April 1, 2012
Dear Mr. T.
Please keep quite and feel ashamed, take my brotherly advice.