ህበይ ፅሕፍ’ለኹ ኢላ ኣብ ክንዲ ብክንቲት ብካራ ክሳዳ በጢሳ
ናብ ዝኸበርኩም መደብ መቕረብቲ፤ ኣነ ኢትዮጵያዊ ኮይነ መደብኩም ካብ ብዕሙቀት ዝከተታተሉ ሓደ እየ። እስቲ ኣብዚ ሰሙን ዝተዓዘብክዎ ንእሽተይ ወስ ከብለልኩም እሞ ብዝጥዕም ክተቕርብዋ ይምነ። ህበይ ፅሕፍለኹ ኢላ ኣብ ክንዲ ብክንቲት ብካራ ክሳዳ በጢሳ ይበሃል። እዛ ሓሳብ
ናብ ዝኸበርኩም መደብ መቕረብቲ፤ ኣነ ኢትዮጵያዊ ኮይነ መደብኩም ካብ ብዕሙቀት ዝከተታተሉ ሓደ እየ። እስቲ ኣብዚ ሰሙን ዝተዓዘብክዎ ንእሽተይ ወስ ከብለልኩም እሞ ብዝጥዕም ክተቕርብዋ ይምነ።
ህበይ ፅሕፍለኹ ኢላ ኣብ ክንዲ ብክንቲት ብካራ ክሳዳ በጢሳ ይበሃል። እዛ ሓሳብ ገና ብቖልትና እናሃለና ፅውፅዋይ ዝዝረበና ዝነበረ ዘኪረ እየ። እዚ እውን ቐደም እዩ ሓደ ናይ ቤተክህነት ተምሃራይ ሓንቲ ህበይ ክፅሕፍ ትርእዮ እሞ እቲ ተምሃራይ ካብቲ ቦታ ምስተልዓለ ፅሕፍለኹ እናበለት እቲ ቀለም እናልዐለት እቲ ወረቓቕቱ ትፅይቐሉ ነበረት። እቲ ተምሃራይ ናይ ዋዛ ኣይኮነን ዝተስሓለ ካራ የቕርብ እሞ በቲ ጐቲም ገፁ ክሳዱ ይሕግሕጐ ተዓዛቢት ህበይ ድማ ከምቲ ተምሃራይ ገበርኩ ኢላ በት ዝተስሓለ ካራ ነቲ ክሳዳ ሓሪዳ ሞተት ይበሃል።
ነዚ ምስላ መቕረብየይ ምኽንያት ናይ ኤርትራ ፕረዚደንት ኣማኻሪ ዝኾኑ ኣይተ የማነ ገብረኣብ (ኤርትራውያን ማንኪ ዝብልዎም) ኣብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ጥቅምቲ 27/2016 ሃገሮም ወኪሎም ዝመሰሎም ዘረባ ምስ ኣቕረቡ ኣብ መወዳእታ ከምቲ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ዝርከቡ ተቓወምቲ ኢና ዝብሉ ክልተ ኢዶም ኣጣሚሮም ናይ ምቅዋም ምልክቶም ዘቕርብዎ ሓዱሽ ፋሽን ተረኺቡለይ ያኢ መወዳእታ ሓሳቦም ኣቕሪቦም ምስ ወድኡ እዚ ኣብ መበል ካልአይቲ ተጠቒዓ ዘላ ፎቶ ድማ ከምቲ ኢትዮጵያውያን ተቓወምቲ ናብራ ኣመል ኮይንዎም ቐዲሖም ኣብ መንጐ ናይ ዓለም ምሁራን፤ ዓበይቲ ሰብ ሞያን ሃገር ወከልቲን እንተቕርቡ ኣብ ዘይምልከቶም ዘይባህሪያዊ ምልክት ምርኣይ እቶም መራሕቲ ክንደየናይ ዝወረዱ ምዃኖም ዘመላኽት እየ ተዓዚበ።
መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ኣብ ውሽጢ ዓዱ ብዙሕ ፀገማት ከምዘለዉ ሓቢኡ ኣብ ጐረባብቲ ሃገራት ኢዱ እናሓወሰ እንትዘርግ ይረኣይ እዩ። ናይዚ ምልክት ድማ መራሕቱ ዘለዎም ብስለት ዘመላኽት እዩ።
ካብ ኩሉ ንላዕሊ እቲ ማንኪ እትብልዎ ኣብ ብዙሕ መድረኻት ብዙሕ ጊዜ እንትሕስው ይረኣይ እዩ። እቲ ምሕሳው ደዓ ናይ በይኑ ኣይኮነን እምበር ኣይተ ኢሳያስ እውን ብዙሕ ጊዜ ክሕስው ይስማዕ እዩ። ብሓፈሻ ሸፈጥን እከይ ተግባራትን ናይቶም ኣመራርሓ ኣካላት እዩ። እቶም ካልኦት መራሕቲ በታ ብሕታዊ ቴሌቪዥኖም ብዙሕ መጨበጢ ዘይብሉን ዘይቁምነገር ዘረባ እንትዛረቡን ዘርባዕባዕ እንትብሉን ይረኣዩ እዮም። ስለዚ እዚ ናይቲ መንግስቲ ባህሪ ምዃኑ ዘመላኽት እዩ።
ብዝኾነ ናብቲ ምስሊ ክምለስ እሞ ኣይተ የማነ ማንኪ ኢዶም ኣጣሚሮም ከመላኽቱ ከለዉ እቶም ካልኦት ተሳተፍቲ ታይ ክዕዘቡኒ ዶ ኣይብሉን ወይስ ንቲ ሕቡራት መንግስታት እዮም ኣክቲቨስት ኮይኖም ዓለምለኸ ተቓዋሚ (international activist) ኮይኖም ብምርካቦም ሪከርድ ክሰብሩ ሓሲቦም ከይኾኑ ይግምት።
ኣነ ካብ ኩሉ ዘሕዝነኒ ኣብ ሃገሮም ይትረፍ ተዛሪብካን ሓሳባትካ ወዲብካ ንምዝራብ ዝኽልክል መንግስቲ ሒዞም ክንደይ ህዝቢ ምእንተ ሓርነት ክረክብ ዓዱ ገዲፉ እናተሰደደ ብሕጭ ዘይበሉ ዓዲማቶምያ ከይዶምስ ተቓዋማይ/ኣክቲቪስት ኮይኖምያ ተረኺቦምለይ ኣይተ የማነ ማንኪ። ህበይስ ብመቐመጫኣ ትባጭው ከምዝበሃል። ኣንጀቴ ቑኖ ኣንጀቴ ምሕደራ ዓዲ ኢሳያስ እዩ ዘብል።
ስለዚ መፈለምታ ኣብ ሃገርካ ዘሎ ጓሓፍ ፀሪግካ ኢኻ ናይ ካልእ እንተስ ተመስግን ወይ ተናሽው እምበር ኣብ ዘይቦታኻ ጠብሎቕሎቕ ሕማቕ ኣመል እዩ። ብስሩኸ እንዳመንግስቲ ኤርትራ እንታይ ዘብህግ ኣመል ኣለዎም ብጀካ ክፍኣትን ሰርን ካልእ ዘይሓስቡ ኮይኖም እምበር ሓቢሮም ንህዝቦም ዝጠቅም ልምዓት እንተዘምፅኡ ነይሮም ደኣ መን ከም ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ዓዱ ፈታዊ ይርከብ።
ብዝኾነ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ውርሻ ፅንዓትኩም ዳግም ተመሊሱ ነዚ ዘበሳብሰኩም ዘሎ መላኺ መንግስቲ ብዲሞክራሲያዊ ኣገባብ/ብሓይሊ ኣሊኹም ኣብ ሓፂር እዋን ሃገርኩም ልምዓት ብምምፃእ መርኣያ ክትኾን ፀዓሩ ይብል።
ካሕሱ ካብ መቐለ
Nay Adkha Giber October 31, 2016
All politicians are liars. The worst of them is MELES ZENAWI
Mirab November 1, 2016
Just because he was much better than your boss ISSAIAS agame?.
Nay Adkha Giber October 31, 2016
I also wish the same to the Ethiopian people who are being killed by the Woyane. They deserve respect and Governance. The Woyanes are just as Evil and they need to go.
guest October 31, 2016
Kahsu from Mekele
As much as I don’t like Yemane personally, he defended himself and his government beautifully. It is Ironic you are accusing him of mentioning Ethiopia as part of his defense even though your ambassador was sitting next to him in support of the COI. Hello… it is laughable, Ethiopian, Somalia and Djibouti representatives were being used as a house nigger for the COI drama. What a shame. It you Woyanes should focus on the trouble at home instead of Eritrea. We can handle our own afafirs.
Mike October 31, 2016
You need testing in your swollen head urgently. You are a laughable talking monkey yourself.
Selam November 1, 2016
I do share you Idea. No matter how good or bad our leaders are, the critic should only come from us, Eritreans. We do not entertain any fake compassion from others. We are capable enough to handle our own issues. I hope time will solve every thing.
Mirab November 1, 2016
are you sure you are capable of handling your own issues? check yourself again before you drown.
Sol November 1, 2016
Selam, Did the same apply to the die hard supporters of the fascistic regime in our poor country who are day and night criticizing weyane. Whenever the regime commits crimes against our people they tell us all happened because of no war no peace policy.
Ghirmay November 1, 2016
The poor white woman sitting next to Yemane monkey must be wondering if she is actually sitting
next to a football fan hooligan. This guy is supposed to represent Eritrea at the highest level and he is
behaving like a street thug and hooligan. What an embarrassment and really shame to Eritrea and Eritreans.
k.tewolde November 1, 2016
Haw Ghirmay,don’t insult football fans,I am one, a die hard dolphin.The monkey actually looks like he is defending himself from a barrage of loafers thrown at him from justice seekers and the white woman feeling sorry for him.
Ghirmay November 1, 2016
Very good one kubur haw K.Tewolde. I am a die hard Manchester United fan myself.
Nothing more to add as you’ve said it all already and beautifully. Keep it up dear brother.
In the old (70s) good and beautiful days when we used to madly follow and support Hama,
Embassoyira, Seraye, Logochiwa and Tele, we never ever had any football hooligans as such in Chichoro, Ras Alula or even Forobia studiums! Will the old good days ever come back?
k.tewolde November 1, 2016
It makes two of us,you might have sat next to me on the bleachers ab chichoro cheering for garuncha.
Dan November 1, 2016
I heard that “Monkey’s” mother is from Oromo and his father was from Sri Lankan. The Oromo movement has deeply affected him.I think during this conference, he might have forgotten his mission and felt as if he is representing the Oromo movement.He has kind of “identity crisis”…
hegarawi November 1, 2016
37 kg gold ab asemera airport tetahizu yibehal alo nab DUBAI endakede kelo tehabiu,..shima tsgereda tibhela iya tetahiza zela..,Wegahta sallina radio ab nay timali 31 fenewea habira.,imo 37 killo kindey amet agizato la malet iu werki hagerna.,,beal men kon yikonu ab Dubai tekebelti worki hagerna.kof ilom zibelu hizbna hagerna nabra harbitwo enkelo.. $2.5 million dollar malet iu iko 37kg. worki.
yigermenalo .
PH November 1, 2016
ኩቡር ሓው ካሕሱ፡
ተገዲስካ ዘቅረብካያ ዓንቀጽ መሲጣትኒ—ንስለ ምስትውዓልካ ከኣ የመስግናካ።ስርዓት ህግደፍ ማዕረ ክንደይ ፖለቲካውን ዲፕሎማስያውን ድኽነት ከምዘለዎም ብቅላት ዘይኮነ ብወስታታቶም ኢዩ ዝግለጽ።ኣብዝሓለፈ ኢዋናት ኢሰያስ ንውድብ ሓድነት ኣፍሪቃ ናይምሰል ውድብ ኢሉ ነይሩ ። ሕጂ’ም! ንግደፎ ኣክሽን የማነ ኣብ ቅድሚ ሕቡራት ሃገራት ማዕረ ክንድዚ
“ሰብ ኢለስ ኢምኒ ቆንጢየ”ንግዚኡ ንማንኪ ወርቂ ጽፍሪ ሽሊመዮ ኣለኹ።
Felketket November 1, 2016
kahsu Mekele,
Spare us your nonsense. The shifta outfit that you are a supporter and hgdef are cut from the same cloth. As often happens with criminal thugs they couldn’t agree and they became mortal enemies for now. I am sure all will be forgoten when it suits them to bury the hatchet. Eritrea is ruler by thugs who murder and destroy their people and country. The racist weyana are no different. They are using each other rebels to wage a proxy war. Thi sis old age strategy. May be it is too much for your fibble tribal mekele brain. You are cheering the murder and rape of innocent Ethiopians who have had it with the thugs who are at the helm of power. No one is fooled by the empty crocodile tears for a neighbouring Country while killing your own peopl. The monkey look alike does not give two hoots about Ethiopians just as your and your weyane thugs do not care about the plight of Eritreans. How sad this site that claims to stadn for justice and freedom allows such a racist article to be posted. The time has come for your tribal terrorism to end. Just as equally the time is approaching fast for PFDJ thugs. What is worring is that the ones that will replace them will e equally just as bad.
Shimendi November 1, 2016
Spare us your crocodile cries as well. How do we know you are not an old shifta operating with different disguises? From all your pathetic comments you sound a typical woyane thug desperate to hold on to his old shifta acts and his violent thuggery acts.
You are not fooling anyone with your fake crocodile tears and acts anymore, you are much worse thug than Yemane monkey and it is good that you are a powerless devil soon to die.
AHMED SALEH !!! November 1, 2016
That poor monkey which tried to learn from the student how to use a pen became a victim of death by
twisted minded human being . It is a good example to love but not to trust anybody in this world .
By the way I read the same report in Aiga forum the known Weyane propagandist . Next time another
contributor may post an article from HGDF propagandists source in this forum .
Incase HGDF’s Yemane monkey and his counterparts WEYANE politicians they remain theoretically locked
in never ending game . You know what , both countries are in the hands of people who pay no price for
their wrong deeds but unfortunately the innocents pay the price .