ብጴጥሮስ ተኽሉ (ሓላዪ) 28/02/14 ጥራሕ ድሃይ ሃባ ህርመትካ ይሰማዕ ዝብልውን የብሉን ተበለ ገርማዕማዕ ዝከኣል ትኾይኑ ድኹሙ ሓያሉ ብሓባር ይመርሽ ግቡእ ተማእኪሉ፡ [gview file="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Rhythm-1.pdf"]

ብጴጥሮስ ተኽሉ (ሓላዪ) 28/02/14
ጥራሕ ድሃይ ሃባ ህርመትካ ይሰማዕ
ዝብልውን የብሉን ተበለ ገርማዕማዕ
ዝከኣል ትኾይኑ ድኹሙ ሓያሉ
ብሓባር ይመርሽ ግቡእ ተማእኪሉ፡
Habte Kifle February 28, 2014
Dear Petros,
Very “Teaching and timely” poem. Yibel Ghitmi!!!!
Sewid Traay!!!
Semhar March 1, 2014
To liberate our land and our people we must…
First come together. Unity equals power. Power belongs to people.
Second, identify our #1 enemies and our friends.
Third, establish plan(s) to dismantle it
Fourth, put the plan(s) into action
First, Unity:
Call to Unity (Haddenett).
Division, individualism, and selfishness bring what we are experiencing in the lives of Eritreans today. Essayas is lucky; his enemies are divided. He will remain in power until Eritreans come together. We must remember our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who gave their lives in extraordinary bravery for the freedom and prosperity of future generations. The time has come, we must come together, we must unite, and we must organize our people and dismantle the dictator and his blind followers. We did it in the past and we must do it again. This time our priorities should be implementing freedom, justice, liberty and equality.
Second, We must identify our #1 enemies and our friends.
The dictator and his blind followers are our #1 enemies.
We should throw their flag and raise our liberation flag, the flag of our fathers, the flag of our martyrs, the flag of ELF and EPLF the flag that unified our people and liberated our land, our freedom flag, the flag of justice, liberty, equality and freedom.
Third, establish plan(s) to dismantle it:
Reclaim our power by bringing people together and implement democracy, justice and freedom. We should break our silence, both inside the country and abroad; talk, plan and execute solutions to dismantle the regime.
Fourth, put the plan(s) into action:
To save our people and the country from those hooligans in power, first we should set aside our differences. Take down the hooligans one at a time.