ሃቀነ ሃማደኤ፡ ብዘይ ኣእጋር ኣሰጋጋር’ዩ
ተራ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብ ብሓፈሻ: ኣብ ምእላይን ምምሃርን ስድራቤት ድማ ብፍላይ፡ እምነ-ኩርናዕ ምዕባለ፡ ስኒት፡ እሩም ጠባያትን ክብርታትን ምዃና ዘጠራጥር ኣይኮነን። ኣብ ሕብረተሰብና ግን፡ ግደ ኤርትራዊት ጓለ-ኣንስተይቲ ብዘይካ’ቲ ልሙድ ምሕብሓብ ስድራቤትን ቁጠባዊ ኣበርክቶኣን፡ ባዕዳዊ መግዛእቲ
ተራ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብ ብሓፈሻ: ኣብ ምእላይን ምምሃርን ስድራቤት ድማ ብፍላይ፡ እምነ-ኩርናዕ ምዕባለ፡ ስኒት፡ እሩም ጠባያትን ክብርታትን ምዃና ዘጠራጥር ኣይኮነን። ኣብ ሕብረተሰብና ግን፡ ግደ ኤርትራዊት ጓለ-ኣንስተይቲ ብዘይካ’ቲ ልሙድ ምሕብሓብ ስድራቤትን ቁጠባዊ ኣበርክቶኣን፡ ባዕዳዊ መግዛእቲ ኣብ ምጽራግ ማዕረ ወዲ ተባዕታይ ንስለ ናጽነት ክቡር ህይወታ ከፊላ፡ ውላዳ መሪቃ ኣሰሊፋን ናይ ቃል ኪዳን ሽልማታ ከይተረፈ ንሰውራ ወፍያን። ይኹን እምበር ድሕሪ ናጽነት ኤርትራ ዝያዳ ካልእ ክፋል ሕብረተሰብና፡ ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ንኹሉ ዓይነት ሕሰም ተቃሊዓን በቲ ኣብ ግዜ ሰውራ ንኣፉ፡ “መን ኣሎ ከማኺ ሓርበኛ” ኢሉ ብሓሶት ዝንእዳ ዝነበረ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ተረሲዓን ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ግዳይ ኣረሜናዊ ግፍዕታት ህግደፍ ኮይና ትርከብ። እንተ’ቲ ኣብ ጽላል ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኮይኑ ዝነጥፍ ሃገራዊ ማሕበር ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኤርትራ (ሃማደኤ) ዝብሃል ስማዊ ማሕበር ግን፡ ቀንዲ ወኪልን ኣፈኛን ስርዓት ህግደፍ እምበር፡ ብግብሪ ንመሰል፡ ክብርን ማሕበራዊ ጸገማትን ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኤርትራ ካብ መሳጢ መደረታት ምቅራብን ዓበይቲ መደባት ኣብ ወረቀት ምስፋርን ሓሊፉ፡ መሰረታዊ ሕቶታትን ጸገማትን ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኤርትራ ዝፈትሕ ጭቡጥ ዕማማት ተግቢሩ ኣይፈልጥን’ዩ። እንተሓለነ’ውን፡ ካብ እኩይ መፈንጠራ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ከምልጥ ኣይክእልን’ዩ። ቀንዲ ብድሆታት ሃማደኤ ድማ፡ ሕጽረት ገንዘባውን ክኢላዊ ዓቅሚ ሰብን ዘይኮነ፡ ወናኒ ትካላዊ ኣሰራርሓኡን ራኢኡን ስለዘይኮነ’ዩ። ኣብ እዋን ብረታዊ ቃልሲ፡ ቀዳማይ ጸላኢ ንምስዓር መሳርሒ ዕላማታት ውድብ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ምንባሩ ንብዙሕ ምኽንያት ቅቡል ክውሰድ ምኽኑይ ክኽውን ይኽእል። ድሕሪ ናጽነት ኤርትራ፡ ሃማደኤ ኣብ ክንዲ ነቲ ኣብ እዋን ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ዘመዝገብኦ ዓወታት ዓቂቡ፡ ነቲ ኣብ ሕብረተሰብና ኣብ ልዕሊ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ዝወርድ ዘሎ ቁጠባዊ፡ ማሕበራዊ፡ ልምዳዊ ማህሰይቲ ከቃልል ዝነጥፍ፡ የማናይ ኢድ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኮይኑ ክቅጽል ምምራጹ፡ እቲ ማሕበር ንደቂ ኣንስትዮ ከምዘይውክል’ዩ ዘነጽር። ንኣብነት ማእከላይ ባይቶ ሃማደኤ፡ 4ይ ምዱብ ኣኼባኡ ብ21ን 22ን ታሕሳስ 2016 ኣብ ድባርዋ ኣብ ዘቃንዖ 4ይ ምዱብ ኣኼባኡ፡ ኣብ መኽፈቲ’ቲ ኣኼባ፡ ሓላፊ ፖለቲካዊ ጉዳያት ህግደፍ ኣቶ የማነ ገብረኣብ፡ ብህዝቢን መንግስቲን ዝሰላሰል ዘሎ ቁጠባዊን ፖለቲካዊን ዕማማት ብኣድማዕነት ንምትግባር፡ ኤርትራውያን ደቂ-ኣንስትዮ ተራአንን ኣበርክቶአንን ከዕዝዛ ምዝኽኻሩ ኣይተገረምኩን። ስለምንታይሲ፡ ኣቶ የማነ፡ ሃማደኤ ቀንዲ መሳርሒኡን ተማእዛዚ ኩሉ ኣዕናዊ መደባቱን ከምዝኾነ ስለዝግንዘብ፡ “ስልጣን ህግደፍ ከይትንከፍ ከምቀደምክን ሓለዋኽን ቀጽላ” ካብ ምባል ሓሊፉ ካልእ ሓድሽ መግለጺ ከቅርብ ኣይክእልን’ዩ። ካብ ኩሉ ቂር ዘብል ግን እቲ ብፕረዚደንት’ቲ ማሕበር ወይዘሮ ተኽኣ ተስፋሚካኤል ዝተዋህበ መደረ’ዩ። ወይዘሮ ተኽኣ፡ ኣብ ዓመተ 2017፡ ምዕዋት ልምዓታዊ መደባት፡ ምሕብሓብ ሃገራዊ ክብርታትን ምምእዛን መንእሰያትን፡ ማሕበር ካብ’ቲ ብልዑል ኣተኩሮ ዝስራሓሉ ምዃኑ ሓቢራ። መግለጺ ሓላፊት ሃማደኤን ኣፈኛ ስርዓት ህግደፍን ወይዘሮ ተኽኣ፡ ኣብ ከብዲ ጽጉብ ጥሙይ የለን ወይ ድማ ዘይኩርምትኻ ሑጻ ቆርጥመሉ ካብ ምባል፡ ካልእ ትርጉም ክወሃቦ ኣይክእልን’ዩ።
ሃገራዊ ማሕበር ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኤርትራ፡ ሓሙሽተ ህዋሳቱ ዝውንን ከምኡ ድማ በተን ኣደዳ ኣደራዕ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝወርደን ዘሎ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኤርትራ ዝግደስ እንተኾይኑን፡ በተን ሕሰምን ድኽነትን ምምናው ኣብዩወን ረዳኢ ስኢነን ዝሳቀያ፡ ክብረን ዝቅንጠጥን ብዘይዕረፍቲ ዝነብዓን ዘለዋ ኣዴታትና፡ ኣሓትናን ደቅናን፡ ራህዋን ፍትሕን ክረኽባ ካብ ሕቁፊ ህግደፍ ተላቂቁ ብምሉእ ናጽነት ንመሰል ኣባላቱ ክሰርሕ ይግባእ። ካብ መደባት ትምህርተንን መጻኢ ህይወተንን ተሰናኺለን ኣብ ውትህድርና ንኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ህግደፍ ዝኽድማን ብምፍርራሕ መርወዪ ጸታዊ ድሌታቶም ኮይነን ዘለዋ መንእሰያት፡ ብዘይ ድሌተን ጥንስን ሕርስን ዘጋጠመንን ቀለብ ቆልዓን ሕጋዊ ፍትሕን ዝተነፍጋ፡ ኣብ ጥራይ ጎልጎል ብዘይ ገንዘብ ዝተጣየሳን ዝሰንከላን እንስቲ ስውኣት ትንፋሰን ከይትሓልፍ ክዕንገላን ደቀን ከዕብያን ኣብ ስደትን ውሽጢ ሃገርን ብትሑት ክፍሊት ኣብ ናይ ጉልበት ስራሕ ተዋፊረን ዳግማይ ገድሊ ተጸሚደን ስቃይ ዘሕልፋ፡ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ዝወልዖ ኩናትን ኣብ ጉዕዞ ስደትን ደቀን ስኢነን ብጽምዋ ተዋሒጠን ካልእ ይትረፍ ናይ መጸናንዕን ጽንዓት ይሃብክን ቃላት ዘይተዋህባ ኣማኢት ኣዴታት እንከለዋ፡ ሃማደኤ ኣብዚ ሓድሽ ዓመት “ምዕዋት ልምዓታዊ መደባት፡ ምሕብሓብ ሃገራዊ ክብርታትን ምምእዛን መንእሰያትን” ቀዳምነታት ማሕበሩ ምዃኖም ምሕባሩ፡ ኣይትብከ እንድዩ ዘብክየኒ ምባል እኹል’ዩ። ዓሰርተ ክልተ ክፍሊ ወዲአን ናብ ላዕለዋይ ደረጃ ትምህርቲ መእተዊ ነጥቢ ኣይረኸብክንን ተባሂለን ኣብ ገደብ ግዜ ዘይብሉ መደብ ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ብምቁራን፡ ናይ ትምህርቲ፡ ናይ መርዓን ወሊድን ዕድለን ካብ ዝመክን፡ ብዓቅሊ ጽበትን ብሩህ መጻኢአን ምስበርዓነን፡ ኣብ ንኡስ ዕድመን ዝምርዓዋን ዝወልዳን ከምኡ’ውን ናብ ስደት ሃጽ ዝብላ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ብዙሓት’የን። ሃማደኤ ነዚ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝፈጥሮ ዘሎ ዘይሓላፍነታውን ኣዕናውን ፖሊሲታት ኣብ ክንዲ ዝምክትን ፍታሕ ዘናድን፡ “ትሕቲ ዕድመ መርዓ ብሕጊ ኩልኩል’ዩ” ዝብል መግለጺ ክደጋግም ይስማዕ። ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ ግን፡ ኣብ 16 ክፍለ ዘበን ይነብር ሰለዘየለ፡ ብዛዕባ ኣገዳስነት ትምህርቲ፡ ሳዕቤናት ትሕቲ ዕድመ መርዓን ጎዳእቲ ባህልታትን ዝብሉ ኣምራት ካብ ሃማደኤን ህግደፍን መግለጺ ኣየድልዮን’ዩ።
ሃገራዊ ማሕበር ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ኤርትራ፡ ኣብ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ብኽብሪ ዝስነድን መጻኢ ወለዶ ዝኾርዓሉን ዕማማት ክሰርሕ እንከሎ’ዩ ዘምሕረሉን ህሉዉ ኩነታትና ዝጠልቦን። ምስቲ ጽባሕ ዝጓሓፍ ጽዩፍ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ጠጠው ምባልን ኣብ ምጽናት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኢድካ ምሕዋስን ግን ቅያን ክብረትን ኤርትራዊት ኣደ ምምርሳሕ’ዩ። እተን ኣብ ኣኼባታትን ጽምብላትን ህግደፍን ሃማደኤን ዝሳተፋ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ፡ ረድየንን ኣሚነንን ዘይኮና፡ ነቲ ብመቁነን(ኩፖን) ዝወሃብ ሃለኽቲ፡ ከም እኽሊ፡ ሽኮር፡ ዘይቲ፡ ላምባ፡ ከምኡ ‘ውን ካልእ መሰረታዊ ማሕበራዊ ኣገልግሎትን ስለዝኽልከላ’ዩ። ኣብ ኤርትራ፡ ብህግደፍን ትካላቱን ዝዕደም ኣኼባን ጓይላን ዘይሳተፍ ሰብ፡ ዝብላዕ፡ ዝስተን ካብ ቦታ ናብ ቦታ መንቀሳቀሲ ወረቀትን ይሕረም። እንተ’ተን ብምድንጋርን ብረብሓን ኣርማ ህግደፍን ስእሊ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስን ጸይረን ህግደፍ ኣብ ዘዳለዎ በዓላትን ድግሳትን ተዃሒለንን ተሓኒነንን ዝዘላን ዘጣቅዓን ውሑዳት ደቂ ኣንስትዮ፡ ብፖለቲካ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ዝተመረዛ፡ ደቀንን ኣሕዋተንን ዘይተሰዱወን፡ ዘይተሰውኡወን ከምኡ’ውን ካብ ቁጠባዊ ትካላት መቁሽሽ ዝረኽባን ሕሱራት’የን። ይዋኣየን፡ ሓደ መዓልቲ ህግደፍ ከም ዝበለየ ክዳን ከምዝድርብየን ዘይስቆረንን ከም ደርሆ ብኣምዑት ደቀን ዝጻወታን ናይ ኣደ ርህራሀ ዘይተዓደላ። ዋላ እተን ብደረጃ ሓላፍነት ኣብ ላዕለዋይ ጽፍሒ ዝርከባን ህግደፍ ወይ ሞት ዝብላ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ’ውን፡ ክውድሳ’ምበር ክነቅፋን ሓቂ ክዛረባን ናጽነት ስለዘይብለን፡ ንመሰላተንን ክብረንን ክጣበቃ ኣይክእላን’የን። ብዙሓት ካብዘን ኣብ ሰውራ ንዓመታት ዝተጋደላን ብሓላፍነት ዝሰርሓን ኣባላት ሃማደኤ፡ ሰብኡተን ብውሽምና ደቂልካ ምውላድ፡ ብስኽራንን ዝምውናን እናተኣልኩ ከብቅዑ ኣብ ክንዲ ንኽብረን ተባዕ ስጉምቲ ዝወስዳ ንህይወተንን መጻኢ ዕድል ደቀደንን ፈሪሐን፡ ምስ ብልሽዉንኦም ጸይረንኦም ይጓዓዛ ምህላወን ምስጢር ኣይኮነን። ርሑቅ ከይከድና፡ መራሒ ህግደፍ ውልቀ መላኺ ኢሳያስ፡ መጀር ጀነራል ተኽላይ ሃብተስላሰን መጀር ጀነራል ሃይለ ሳሙኤልን፡ ኣብ ርእሲ ኣንስቶምን ሓዳሮምን ብዕድመ ደቆም ምስ ዝኾና ኣባላት ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ዝዝምዉ፡ ደቂሎም ዝወለዱን ክብሪ ኣንስቶምን ደቆምን ኣብ ጉሓፍ ዝደርበዩን ምዃኖም ህዝብና ዝፈልጦ ሓማቅ ኣብነት’ዩ። ስለዚ ሓንቲ ኣባል ማእከላይ ባይቶ ሃማደኤ ኣብ ትሕቲ ብዕሉግ በዓልቤታ ተጸቂጣ ትነብር እንተኾይና፡ ካብ ተራ ኤርትራዊት ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ዝቀርበላ ጥርዓንን ምጉዳል ፍትሕን ተቀቢላ ትማጎተሉ ባይታን ሓይልን የብላን። ከምቲ ጉብጥሽ ዘዝረኣናዮ የዛርበና ዝተባህለ፡ እቲ ምስኪን ተራ ኣባል ሰራዊት ብሕጽረት ሃለኽቲ ኣቁሑትን ካልእ ቀረብን ኣብ በረኻ እናተሳቀየ እንከሎ፡ ብዙሓት ካብ ላዕለዎት ኣዘዝቲ ሰራዊት ስርዓት ህግደፍ ኣብ ማሙቕ ቤት እናተቐመጡ ብመስተን ሕሩድን ምድናስ ከይኣክል፡ ብኣስገዳድን ብምፍርራሕን ቃሕ ዝበልኦም ደቂኣንስትዮ ሓቑፎም ከምዝሓድሩ፡ መራሕቲ መካይኖም፡ ራድዮ ኣፐሬታቶም ከምኡ’ውን ግዳይ ናይቲ ጾታዊ ብልሽውና ዝኾና መንእሰያት ኣባላት ሃገራዊ ኣገልግሎት ዝፈልጥዎን ብዘስካሕክሕ ዝዝክርዎን’ዩ። ስለ’ዚ ሃማደኤ፡ ኣውራ መሳርሕን ግዳይን ስርዓት ህግደፍ ስለዝኾነ፡ ህግደፍ ክሳብ ዘሎ ንሃንቀውታ ኤርትራውያን ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ዘርዊ መደባት ከተግብር ኣይክእልን’ዩ። ኣብ ኤርትራ ሕግን ናጽነት ዜጋታት ዘውሕስ ስርዓት ክሳብ ዘይሃለወ፡ እተን ኣብ ሰራዊትን ካልእ ክፍልታት ሕብረተሰብናን ብግዳይ ጾታዊ ኣደራዕ፡ ዘይምዕሩይ ቁጠባዊ ዕድላትን ማሕበራዊ ማሕንቆታትን ዝሳቀያ ዘለዋ ደቂ ኣንስትዮ ፍታሕ ኣይረኽባን’የን። ሃማደኤ፡ ብጽቡቅ ድሌትን ስምዒትን ርኡይ ጸገማት ደቂኣንስትዮ ክፈትሕ እንተደለየን እንተፈተነ’ውን፡ ውጥናቱን ሕልምታቱን ንምትግባር ባዕሉ ዝውንኖ ኣጀንዳ ስለዘይብሉን ናይ ምውሳን መሰሉ ብህግደፍ ስለዝተመንጠለን ብዘይ ኣእጋር ኣሰጋጋር’ዩ።
ጽላል፡ ካብ ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣመሪካ (3 ጥሪ 2017)
k.tewolde January 3, 2017
This reminds me of my defiant outspoken mother who raised 11 of us,if she is looking down from up above………she would say with her familiar words of disgust #$%&! God bless her soul.She was a true Eritrean mother who nurtured a home full of boys and girls.A true principled matriarch.Missing you today.
Mokie January 3, 2017
May her soul rest in peace
k.tewolde January 4, 2017
Amen Mokie, she is better off.I am glad in a way that she left without witnessing this mayhem that has befallen our homeland.
Lula January 3, 2017
ካብ ዕላል ህዝቢ ኣስመራ
ብርክት ዝበሉ ኣቕሽሽቲ ቤተክርስትያን ተዋህዶ ናብ ውልቀ መላኺ ኤሰያስ ብምክኻድ ንኣቡነ ኣንጦንዮስ ምሕረት ክገብረሎም ተመጻበዕዎ
ውልቀ መላኺ ከምዚ ክብል መለሰሎም
ኣምላኽ ንኣዳም ስለተጋገየ ካብ ገነት ኣውጺእዎ ንስኹምውን (ኣቕሽሽቲ) እንተተጋጊኹም ክትእሰሩ ኢኹም።
ቅድሚ ክልተ ዓመት ካብ ኣስመራ ወጻኢ ቦታ ክዋሃበክም እዩ ብዝብል ምስምስ ትካላቶም ዝተዓጸወ ወነንቲ ገራጃት ናይ ዓበይቲ መካይን ድሕሪ ክልተ ዓመት ቀንፈዘው ኢሎም ምጽባይ ተኣኻኺቦም ናብ ውልቀ መላኺ ኤሰያስ ብምክኻድ ሽግሮም ነገርዎ
ውልቀ መላኺ ክ ካርካር ኢሉ ድሕሪ ምስሓቕ ከምኡዶ ገረምኩም እነሀለኩም ነዓይውን ካብ ኣስመራ ኣውጺኦም ዓዲ ሓሎ ደርቢዮምኒ በሎም።
AHMED SALEH !!! January 4, 2017
The loud supporters of one man rule are responsible to bring Eritreans miseries . The day our people
ignored the incident against DISABLED TEGHADELTI was the day Issaias government tested us to find
out if there are opponents inside Eritrea . Those capable nationalists never tried to fight against injustices
except to run and hide . At the end the vulnerable population paid the price because silence allowed the
unpredicted future to take its course .
Issues about sexual abuses against women by officials started to show up since they landed in Asmara.
Either she belong to EPLF fighters or Sawa , we heard sad stories . And I think it is the culture they learned
from their masters behind SAHEL mountains . For heaven sake , they don’t show mercy to throw a mother
with her infant child in ADI ABETO PRISON . Unheard cruelty where conservative society can’t tolerate .
hidat January 4, 2017
AHMED SALEH !!! January 4, 2017
You sound personally offended to hear rhetoric that says ;
Gezae January 5, 2017
While it is crucial to acknowledge all is right with this institution, I must not turn a blind eye to what is wrong with it. The institution on the whole is not as mentioned bad, there are things wrong within that need to be fixed. And fixing those problems is necessary if this institution support for democratic reform.
Readers might have gotten the impression that I am suggesting that there are no serious problems with institution. But my argument has not been that there is nothing wrong this institution – only that it is not what some say it is. It is simply not the case that you grossly blamed as wasteful. What wrong is something altogether different; however, the main fault of this institution is it is not as democratic as it should be. It has what some have called a deficit of democracy. That is why some may be some people are frustrated and disappointed with the institution.
k.tewolde January 7, 2017
Gezae writes’…..there are things wrong within that need to be fixed.’ This is not a fixer upper,it need to be gutted,dismantled,it is deemed inhabitable like a house with toxic mold and infested with filho.And the brother continues to muse,’..some people are frustrated and disappointed….’ are we dealing with under-cooked filetmignon that we just got served in a restaurant,for real.Brother! it doesn’t hurt to reread Amanuel’s new years day article over again.
hara January 7, 2017
Hidat!! Tinfas beynki thlef! Beja kburat dekenstyona ms merahti hgdf
Kab getse eritra yetfEkum
hara January 7, 2017
Thank you! Tsilal nice article
Gezae January 7, 2017
K. Tewelde there is an idiom that says a word is enough to the wise. I hope you may understand me. Brother, let’s forthrightly acknowledge you sincerely. Quick answer- I have not only read Amanuel’s New Years message, but also Amanuel’s disposition. Tewelde I have been in the Eritrean politics since 1969 and to some extend I have adequate readings about political personalities. For sure, I have great respect to Amanuel and the Assenna groups. As Ruth said I comprehend that Amanuel is a good writer, orator, and a nationalist , But on the other side Amanuel is an emotional politician exposing to non contemporary ways of struggle. His call is old fashion that does not include every Eritrean to come together and hence it unacceptable or fair for me.
k.tewolde January 7, 2017
Gezae, when describing Amanuel,I wouldn’t use ’emotional politician’ rather passionate activist and in his article he was speaking intimately to all of us,is he perfect? not at all,I have thrown my share of criticism in the past and received a barrage of insults from some of the commentators here.But you Gezae using the words ‘frustrated’,’disappointed’ as emotional expression of the brutally oppressed,humiliated,dehumanized Eritrean people towards HGDEF, if you are one of those who feel that way and you calling that a contemporary way of struggle,you are smoking the real thing a little early which will soon be legalized in our state.
Gezae January 8, 2017
K Tewelde
I understand as the advent of blogs and online media raised the volume, complexity, and speed of information increased, the process of defining journalist or activist-journalists has become more and more unwieldy. Indeed, activist-journalists themselves are divided on their issue, with the opinion tending to take more expansive political views. I see Amanuel engaging or involving in the Eritrean political beyond just through protest, demonstration or lecture for the sake of promoting, impeding or raising awareness of a certain issue or set of issues. Political activism typically involves engagement. Thus no doubt Amanuel is activist-journalist politician.
Gezae January 8, 2017
Tewelde who do know our real enemy? PIA, PFDJ or the so called opposition?my understand is as follows:
In the aftermath of our independence especially after 2001, our country and our people are divided. Some people are hurt and angry while others are jubilant and hopeful. But although we often square off in opposing corners and stare fearfully at each other, we should remember our common enemy. There’s a saying that warring brothers reconcile when there’s a maniac at the door; and the enemy is surely a maniacal and cunning opponent/s. Thus, one of the key elements in any battle is to understanding the strategy and tactics of your enemy.
In the national battle of survival as a country, we need to develop some sophistication in recognizing, naming, and understanding the strategies and common tactics of the enemy. However, we and our leaders whoever they are do not follow democratic way of struggle never have the wisdom and power necessary to overcome our true enemy to live in prosperity and peace. We are seeing that now in a turbulent country that has increasingly rejected.
As we begin this New Year I would like to emphasize that there is no place for those who mistreat their fellow citizens. There is no place for those who fail to show the proper love for their country, compatriot brothers and sisters. Each of us needs to examine ourselves to see if we are treating our fellow Eritreans in the right way. And if we fall short, this very moment is the time to correct, and have mistreated and seek forgiveness.
If we speak in such a way that we intentionally injure others without just cause, we can be guilty of evil politics. Hence we need to watch what we say to each other and about each other and the kind of attitude we have when we say politically to each other. Here if we are doubtful that we should say whatever we are thinking, then we don’t need say it. This is certainly about our erroneous approaches we obviously need to correct it; because we may hurt the feelings of our brothers or sisters when we confront them with their mistakes and plead for their repentance.
Gezae January 8, 2017
Hence, that’s not the way our New Year passage is going to be about. We may injure the reputation of the false politicians by exposing false teaching, but we do that with just cause. That is not what we are speaking of here. Rather when we speak to or about our fellow Citizens with disrespect or contempt, when we curse someone or use profanity, then we are guilty of evil speaking.
Again, there is no place in the Citizens life for this kind of speaking whether toward our brethren or toward anyone It must be put away! we are to be kind to one another. This is the attitude and action that we are all to make a part of our lives. Not one of us is left out of this requirement means considerate, courteous, empathetic, friendly, generous, cooperative, pleasant, gracious, helpful, loving, sensitive, and supportive. Now there’s not one of us who doesn’t want to be treated like this, is there? We all want to be treated with consideration, in a courteous, friendly, generous, pleasant, gracious, helpful, loving, and sensitive way. We all want the support and cooperation of others.
This is another thing that is hard for some of us to do. We all have our own troubles and problems and it’s so hard for us to get our attention away from them and to think about others. But it is an ability we must strive to develop. There comes a time when we have to get our attention away from our own personal problems and be sympathetic to the problems and troubles we have. Tenderheartedness is being caring, compassionate, and empathetic.
Conclusion- Our attitude toward each other is so important. Our working together and our getting to reconciliation depend on us. It is my pledge that each one of us will examine ourselves and see if we have the right attitude toward each other as citizens. If we do not, that we will correct it, we need to determine to strive to follow the correct path the rest of our lives.
k.tewolde January 9, 2017
Gezae,I agree in principle with the content of your extensive post,however,who do you want us to reconcile with? with our killers ,tormentors?with the few who are robbing us in broad daylight?with the ones who kicked our parents from their homes and moved in?with the lieutenants and colonels who raped our daughters and young sisters?with the ones who are holding our fathers,mothers,brothers,sons and daughters in dungeons as a political ransom?with the few who declared themselves as the sole owners of the country…………………? This is the reason why the word irreconcilable difference exists. The solution we all know it,and we dance around it everyday.
Gezae January 10, 2017
K. Tewelde
Imagine two brothers who have a fight or argument. The relationship they once had is strained to the point of breaking. They gradually become strangers. Such estrangement can only be reversed by reconciliation. Anyhow as you mentioned sure reconciliation is very difficult processes because it requires the resumption of relationship between those in deep differences. I mean the coming together of those who have been sundered for a long period of time.
But my sense is that if we would reconcile, we must make new responses to the radical situation— if we don’t now, we soon will if we really move beyond initiatives we call it into realms we have not yet considered, and not yet discovered. And one of the steps I thought we should take is to listen to those brothers and sisters we consider them enemy with the same openness, non-judgment, and compassion. Because:
If we could read the secret history of our struggle, we should find in each person’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. Remember this feeling exists in those we oppose or whom we disagree too and we must listen, discern, and acknowledge this truth. We must also realize that both sides to any violence are wounded, and their wounds are unhealed. So we need to listen, adapt the difference non-judgmentally, non-adversarial, and seeks the truth to bring brothers together sundered by fear, hatred, resentment, injustice, or any other conditions which divide us.
hidat January 8, 2017