ክብረት ኣብ መሬት፣ ውርደት ኣብ ስደት ንቡር – ውርደት ኣብ መሬት ግን ሕልፈት ‘ዩ! – ቃል ኣሰና
ብ 3 ጥሪ ሓንቲ ጓል ሓደ ዓመት ዝዕድሚኣ ኤርትራዊት ህጻን ኣብ ሕቝፊ ኣዲኣን ኣብ ቅድሚ ኣቦኣን እንከላ ብሓደ እስራኤላዊ ክልተ ግዜ ብኻራ ገጻ ተወጊኣ ንህይወታ ኣብ ዝፈታተን ሓደጋ ወዲቓ ኣብ ሕክምና ከምዝተዓቝበት ጋዜጣታት እስራኤል መስኪረን።

ብ 3 ጥሪ ሓንቲ ጓል ሓደ ዓመት ዝዕድሚኣ ኤርትራዊት ህጻን ኣብ ሕቝፊ ኣዲኣን ኣብ ቅድሚ ኣቦኣን እንከላ ብሓደ እስራኤላዊ ክልተ ግዜ ብኻራ ገጻ ተወጊኣ ንህይወታ ኣብ ዝፈታተን ሓደጋ ወዲቓ ኣብ ሕክምና ከምዝተዓቝበት ጋዜጣታት እስራኤል መስኪረን። ብ 8 ጥሪ ኸኣ፣ “ቀዳሞት ኮይኖም ኣብ ዝስዕሩሉ ውድድር ዘይሽለሙ ስደተኛታት ቆልዑ” ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝብል ኣርእስቲ፣ ራሄል ገብረጻድቕ ዝተባህለት ጓል 15 ዓመት ኤርትራዊት፣ ኣብ ናይ ጉያ ውድድር ዋላ ንደቂ ተባዕትዮ ቀዲማ ብተደጋጋሚ እናሰዓረት ክንሳ፣ ሽልማት ከምዝተነፍጋ ኣገንዚበን።
እተን ጋዜጣታት ነቲ ኣብ ቅድሚ ተዓዘብትን ተሌቭዥንን ዝተፈጸመ ምሕራም ሽልማት ራሄል ኣይሁዳዊ መንነት ስለዘይብላ ከምዝተፈጸመ ክሓብኦ ኳ እንተዘይከኣላ፣ ነቲ ኣብ ፌርማታ ኣውቶቡስ ዝተፈጸመ መጕያሕቲ ናይታ ህጻን ግን ብሓደ ሰኽራም ዕቡድን ሰብ እስራኤላዊ ከምዝተፈጸመ ክገልጻኦ ፈቲነን። እንተኾነ እቲ ሓደ መውቃቲ ኣካላዊ፣ እቲ ሓደ ከኣ ስነኣእምሮኣዊ ምዃኑ ጥራይ ነቲ ምኽንያት ፍልልይ ኣይገብረሉን እዩ። ዓሌታዊ ፍልልይ ዘስዓቦ ኣካላውን ኣእምሮኣውን መጕዳእቲ ናይ ክልተ ዘርኢ ኣይሁድ ዘይብለን ኤርትራውያን ቆልዑ እዩ። በቲ ኮነ በቲ ካብቲ ብኣልኮል ተጎልቢቡ ህጻን ዝጎይሐ ሰኽራምን ዕቡድን ገበነኛ፣ ዓሌትነት፣ ካብቲ ብሰንኪ ዓሌትነት ንርኡይ ክእለትን ብቕዓትን ዕሸል መንእሰይ ዘስተነዓቐን ዘቆናጸበን ወግዓዊ ፈላላዪ ፖሊሲ መንግስቲ እስራኤል ከኣ ዕብዳንን ስኽራንን ከተጕድል ኣይከኣልን እዩ።
ካብ ናይ ኩሎም ዝዓበየ ስኽራንን ዕብዳን ግን ናይቶም ድሕሪ ‘ቲ ከቢድ መስዋእትን ውጹእ ጅግንነትን መሬትና ገዲፍና ኣፍሪቃውያን ፍልስጤማውያን ኴንና፣ ናብቲ ባይታ ውርደትን ሕስረትን ዝኾነ ስደት እንዛሪ ዘለና ኤርትራውያን እዩ።
ኣብ ሃገርካን መሬትካን እምበር ኣብ ስደት ቀዳማይ ዝብሃል ነገር የለን። ዋንጫ ዓወት ዝተኣገደት ራሄል ጥራይ ኣይኮነትን። ኣብቲ፣ በቲ ውርደትን ሞትን ብዝበዝሖ ከም ሲናይን ላምፐዱዛን ዝኣመሰሉ መንገድታት ዝብጻሕ ስደት፣ ፕሮፈሰር ዋርድያ፣ ሓኪም ዘዋር ታክሲ፣ መምህር ሓጻብ ብያቲ ኮይኑ ምርኣይ ልሙድ እዩ። ከም ደቡብ ሱዳን ዝኣመሰለ ምስ ገንዘብካ ዝተሰደድካሉ ሃገር ገንዘብካ ከሕድገካ ከምዝኽእል፣ ኣብ ከም ብዓል ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝኣመሰለ ሃገራት ማእከላይ ምብራቕ ዋላ ነቲ ካብ ጊላነት ዘይፍለ ህይወት ስምካን መንነትካን ኣጥፊእካ ከምእትረኽቦ፣ ኣብቲ ብተዛማዲ ውሃ ዝብሃል ኤውሮጳ ከይተረፈ ሰማይ እዩ ደረተይ እናበልካ ርእስኻ ዘጋሽወካ ናሕሲ ጥርሙዝ ከምዘሎ ኩሉ ዝግንዘቦ እዩ። ኣብ ስደት ክልተ ዕጽፊ ዜጋታት ሰሪሕካ ‘ውን ነፊዕካ እንተባሂሉ ክትመዓራረ እምበር ክትበልጽ ንጋዳ እዩ። እዚ ግን ኣብ ልዕሊ ኤርትራውያን ጥራይ ዝወርድ በደልን ውርደትን ኣይኮነን። ዝኾነ ሰብ መሬቱ ክገገድፍ ከሎ፣ ክብረቱ ‘ውን ምስኡ ገዲፉዎ እዩ ዝኸይድ። ኤርትራውያን ንባዕልና ነቶም ናብ ሃገርና ዝመጽኡ ስደተኛታት ተመሳሳሊ ስምዒት ከምእነሕድረሎም ክንዝንግዕ ኣይግባእን። ስደት ዓዲ ውርደት፣ መሬት ከኣ ዓዲ ክብረት ምዃነን ኣድማሳዊ ሓቂ እዩ።
እቲ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ንኤርትራውያን ወጺዑና ዘሎ ግን፣ ብሰንኪ ጥልመት ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስን ውሻል ኮይኑዎ ዘሎ ሕመቕናን፣ ኣብ ገዛእ መሬትና ከም ስደተኛታት ካልኣይ ዜጋ ተቖጺርና፣ ነዚ ኣብ መሬትካ ክብረት ዘፍቅድ ኣድማሳዊ ሓቂ’ዚ ፓራላዝ ጌርናዮ ምህላዉና እዩ። እዞም ኣብ እስራኤል ኣይሁድ ስለዘይኮንኩም ዑቕባ ኣይግብኣኩምን እዩ ተባሂሎም፣ “ክፉት ቤትማእሰርቲ” ተበይኑሎም ሰንፈላል ኮይኖም ዝሳቐዩ ዘለዉ ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት እኮ ካብቲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ገዛእ መሬቱ ማሕዩር ኮይኑዎ ተመቝሑሉ ዘሎ ክፉት ቤትማእሰርቲ ዝመለቝ እዮም። ሃገር ካብ ስደት ንላዕሊ ስለዝሓሰመቶም ከኣ እዮም ግዱዳት ግዳያት ኮይኖም ዘለዉ። በዚ ጭቡጥ ኣብነት’ዚ ኣብቲ ብሕሱራት ዝመሓደር ዘሎ መሬት ሃገርና ሓበን ተሳኢኑ ምህላዉ፣ እቲ ክብረት ኣብ መሬት ውርደት ኣብ ስደት ዝብል ርትዒ ዘንቢዑ ይርከብ።
ብርግጽ፣ ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ ብሰንኪ እቲ ህድግለነ ዘይብሉ ጨካን ምልካዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ፣ ንዓና ንኤርትራውያን፣ ስደት ምርጫ ዘይኮነ ግዴታ ኮይኑና ‘ሎ። ካብዚ ፈቐዳኡ ዝገጥመና ዘሎ ውርደትን ሞትን ተገላጊልና፣ ኣብ መሬትና ክብረት ክንጓናጸፍ ከኣ፣ ኣንጻር ‘ዚ ኣውራ ጠንቂ ስደት ኮይኑና ዘሎ ቀዛፊ ስርዓት ክንላዓል ይግባእ። ነዚ ትንፋሱ ተጸንቂቑ ዝልህልህ ዘሎ ልሕሉሕ ስርዓት፣ ሓሕታ ክንዲ ፍርቂ ናይዞም ኣብ ቴልኣቪቭ ክስለፉ ዝቐነዩ ኤርትራውያን ‘ኳ ምኣኸሎ! ተበግሶ ወዲ ዓልን ብጾቱን፣ መስዋእቲ ጅግና ወዲ ዓልን ከኣ፣ ክብረት ህይወት ጥራይ ዘይኮነ፣ ክቡር ሞት ‘ውን ኣብ መሬትካ ጥራይ ከምዝርከብ እዩ ዘረጋጋግጽ። ድሕሪ መስዋእቲ ወዲ ዓሊ ህይወት ኣማኢት ኤርትራውያን ተቐዚፉ ‘ሎ። ኣብ ጥርዚ ‘ቲ ኩምራ ሬሳታትና ተሰቒላ ተንበልል ዘላ ግን ትንፋስ ወዲዓሊ እያ። ስለዚ ምእንቲ ክብረትና ሓቢርና ንለዓል።
ምልኪ ይፍረስ ሕጊ ይንገስ!
ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ
10 ጥሪ 2014
Truly Truly i say to you January 11, 2014
Basically it is very sensible very tough interesting message from brother Amanuel Iyasu as usual. However, like we all know as well brother Amanuel self as emphasized, racism is not in particular nations it is elsewhere, including our nation, if even we not worse. Because of that reading a lot of un fair and unjustice emotional comments against Israel, i say you to all this.
Do not tell me Israel´s worry is baseless and injustice! Imagen, this tiny nation is 5 times smaller than Eritrean territory and its population is almost double more than Eritrea. If alone from tiny nation of Eritrea since more than 40,000 citizens seeking asylum, how could you do not understand their problems in regarding of national security, culture, social and others sensible issues that possibly could have fear? What about about if that country filled by foreigners about its citizens identity regardings? Please put Eritrean nation in Israel position, and judge to yourself let alone from Whole world, alone millions of Ethiopians for different reasons if inter in our land , do you accept and feel comfort with that? Or are you going to tell me, this matter is nothing to worry about? Myself not from racist motive but i never accept that to happen and Almost all Eritreans i know sharing with my view, because everyone admits, despite poorness and backwardness how we so nationalists are. So, why do you blaming Israel as resist?
One of from the ten commandments of God says this.
“do not desire another man´s house, his wife, his slaves, his cattle, his donkeys or anything else that he owns.” (Exodus 20, 17)
In other word , anything that you do not like or wish to see happen on you, do not wish to others.
So if Eritreans need to solve their problem they have to ask Israeles to support them to topple the dictator in Eritrea to the cause of all our problems . That is the right solution which pleases everybody.
Awualom January 12, 2014
Truly Truly,
Partial i agree with your points. But I strongly condemn the way the Israeli Gvt is treating the asylum seekers. Every human being has the right to live in this planet. To became a refuge is not something new to our world, the Jew people know more than any body.
There is a question that always comes to my mind” why the Israeli were quite till such number of refugee were coming to their land”? Why now such aggressive measures? if Israel is a democratic country, why don not solve the issue in a democratic way? there can other means to solve the problem. Such actions are not acceptable in the century that we are living.
I strongly agree with point that u raised regarding the solution for our beloved countries problem, avoidance of the dictator.
Tekluu Gubtaan January 12, 2014
The editor Amanuel emphasized all precisely. In the first hand our fellow Eritreans hadn’t done enough better for their rights at Israel.. although i agree with fact that full right can be solely enjoyed at ones native country .
How ever Eritreas row materials and fish resources had contributed lot to the present modernity of Israel’s infrastructure to mention the stone gravels in the beaches of tel aviv , Eleat.. .was simply looted and brought there.
The other main case is Eritrea was a safe heaven to the past isralies who was fighting the Britsh rull in Juresalem. For example the ex Pm Isahack Shamiir and his fellow fighters was hiding in Asmara during the 1940. Unnfortunetly we ca’t expect to be rewarded from israel.
Now the we left gov less in our home country and right less in diaspora if we are not realistic with life facts there is possibility to extinct . May belike the caribeans in uk, morocians in netherland, turks in germany then that will be chronic sicknees to coming generation.
So lets fight and concentrate do every thing on removing the junta at Asmera and find true life. Even those we are residing in the west we don’t have this much differences than those are in Israel unless if we do’t want to fool our selves.