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  • Saba Tmicael September 18, 2014

    We cannot go backward/ Our own brothers are even worse than the ethiopians.

    • Moges.G September 19, 2014

      Well said sister. It is a case of “Nezi kititiHina doe kindizi tirihitsa” indeed. What a complete and utter madness and waste of time.
      There is absolutely NO need of going backward to the dark days of destruction and shames of the old days or generations. Period.
      Ignore the few brain-washed for life advocates of the past madness, they are just utter failures with old twisted inferiority complex.
      Let’s look for the future and DEFINITELY NOT the past. “Those who can’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it”, very sadly indeed.

      • ahmed saleh September 19, 2014

        I wish you have the guts of that generation who didn’t hesitate to die with pride . By the way , ignoring the
        past history gave an opportunity to those twisted and corrupted minds to reign . But since the above topic
        tells the details in concern of our political prisons under Ethiopia occupation , I wonder why you look
        offended to cover-up someone true story . Is there any reason behind it which I am not aware off ?
        Because it is only about Eritreans sufferings regardless the time , past or present .

        • Moges.G September 20, 2014

          Ahmed Saleh
          It was Einstein who said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting
          different results. “You don’t move on to the next level unless you break something in yourself”, indeed.
          Now, it was your generation that fought for “independence”, not the one before you or the one after you.
          And all we have gotten out of it is death, disintegration, emigration and shameful destruction. In the
          “independent” Eritrea of today all the elements of our pride & culture as a nation are being erased. We have
          begun to doubt our resolute character, dedication & courage. And then guess what? Our magician “liberators”
          crawl out with their splendid/super history (actually it should be known as deceitful history of opportunists).
          Our young generation are saying what unnecessary & costly price to pay for a fake independence with their feet
          that is by running away from the liberated/independent Eritrea. Now, don’t tell me it is all Higdef’s fault crap, your
          criminal & corrupted ELF was not better either. In short, all the problems that are crippling us can be described as simply
          of the riffraffs & korakur of the past like yourself and your ghedli bullshit. So until we sort out the dilemma of the
          ghedli generation for once & for all, we will be busy going round and round (Enkilil) on an empty circle indefinitely & sadly.
          Those who are praising shiftas & criminals like Awate & Isaias are offending the very people who are victims (like Kunamas & Afars)
          of these criminals & shiftas. Even if you choose to respect shifta Awate and criminal Isaias as your national heroes and icons,
          please keep it for yourself but do not repeat DO NOT try to impose it on others as you have done it in the past with your ELF.

          • ahmed saleh September 20, 2014

            Abundance makes people rich in dreams but poor in reality . In life you must be a warrior to find
            realism , awareness of life limits and in making the most what you got . Necessity has a
            powerful effect on our daily life and nobody afford to compromise with empty dreams .

  • ahmed saleh September 19, 2014

    What do you mean ?
    He is just telling the story of his young age experience in prison . Eritreans
    suffered and executed too at the hands
    of Ethiopian authorities . Eventhough
    in comparison our own seem merciless in various ways .
    with them

  • Fithawi September 19, 2014

    Dear Amanuel of Assenna,
    Are you not smart enough to figure out that such nonsense stories are primarily intended to distract people from the main burning issues which is to degrade and destroy shaebia,its leaders and affiliates?You should have known better that shaebia and its core leaders are way smarter and always ahead of everybody in the cursed land and they will do and come up with anything that can destroy at maximum and weaken the opposition at minimum.This seemingly a folktale is one way of doing it intended to deflect the pressure off its shoulders by reminding us how bad the Ethiopians were.If the Ethiopians were bad the way the dead regime wants us to believe,then by any standard,shaebia is a monster.As far as we remember,Ethiopians were really good the way they handle their adversaries and foes.They respected their visitation rights and brought them to courts as well.My big brother and my uncle were captains in the Ethiopian Air Force flying jets and they were grounded and later arrested for being suspected of deserting.This didn’t happen out of the blue because few weeks earlier another Eritrean,captain Amanuel deserted with one of the jets to Somalia.About 300 Eritrean air force members were arrested in the Addis Ababa (4gna kifletor)prison.One of the detainees who happened to be my uncle lost his wife 2 years later in a plane crush leaving 5 little children behind.In a sudden unbelievable turn of events,the Dergue officials sympathized with situation of the kids and let their father go.Not only that but paid all his salary in arrears and have him employed in the Ethiopian air lines.This only shows how compassionate sometimes Dergue was.Make no mistake,I am not saying that Dergue was an angel either. Dergue as violent as it was,its undeniable fact that it had plenty of good things to tell.Now tell me one good thing that Higdef mendef has for us in the last 23 years.Mo one can even mention just one. Execution, injustice, imprisonment without due process,rape,slavery,never ending war,hunger and corruption are all the gifts Higdef mendef brought up on us.The sad part though the reign of terror by one mad man and his family doesn’t seem to have an end in sight even after 23 years of misery and humiliation.
    May God save Eritrea,

    • ahmed saleh September 20, 2014

      You entertain on Eritrean issues but annoyed to read about Ethiopia . I think I already smell the coffee .

      • Moges.G September 20, 2014

        STOP ACTING LIKE A SPOILED CHILD. There is absolutely nothing to read about Ethiopia.
        Your normal halewlow gedifika stick to the issue on hand. In short, put up or shut up loser.
        No matter how much you try to be someone else, as usual your Arab foot soldier foot print is clear.
        Be yourself for a change and for your own sanity. You can’t be an agent of the Arab masters for life!

        • ahmed saleh September 21, 2014

          Here we go again to call us Arab foot soldiers . Your pen names doesn’t fool me anymore ,
          by now we know each other . And Eritreans don’t use the language like yours to call
          names or to disrespect their people , period . I was right to say I smell the coffee .
          Why do not leave Eritrean issue to Eritreans ?

        • ahmed saleh September 21, 2014

          ” Arabs foot soldiers , Arabs , Arabs ……. ” . I said that I smell the aroma of coffee .
          Because this is not the language of genuine Eritreans .