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ኣብ ርያድ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝርክብ ቤትጽሕፈት ህግደፍ ቃጸሎ ኣጋጢሙዎ፣ ሚእቲ ካብ ሚእቲ ዓንዩ።

ኣብ ርያድ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝርክብ፣ ንወከልቲ ህግደፍን ማሕበረኮምን ዘእንግድ ቤትጽሕፈት ህግደፍ ሎሚ ንጉሆ ብርቱዕ ቃጸሎ ኣጋጢሙዎ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ከምዝተሃሞኸ ኣብ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝርከቡ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም። ጠንቂ ናይቲ ቃጸሎ ባርዕ ኤለትሪክ ከምዝኾነ ዝጠቀሱ ምንጭታት እቲ ቤትጽሕፈት

ኣብ ርያድ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝርክብ፣ ንወከልቲ ህግደፍን ማሕበረኮምን ዘእንግድ ቤትጽሕፈት ህግደፍ ሎሚ ንጉሆ ብርቱዕ ቃጸሎ ኣጋጢሙዎ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ከምዝተሃሞኸ ኣብ ስዑዲ ዓረብ ዝርከቡ ምንጭታት ኣሰና ሓቢሮም።

ጠንቂ ናይቲ ቃጸሎ ባርዕ ኤለትሪክ ከምዝኾነ ዝጠቀሱ ምንጭታት እቲ ቤትጽሕፈት 100 ክዓኑ ኸሎ፣ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሰብ ግን ዝወረደ ጉድኣት ከምዘየልቦ ኣገንዚቦም።

ኣብዚ እዋን’ዚ እቲ ብባርዕ ዝዓነወ ቤትጽሕፈት ብፖሊስ ተኸሊሉ ከምዘሎ ‘ውን ተፈሊጡ።

ኣብ 2012 ዓመተ ምህረት ‘ውን እቲ ቤትጽሕፈት ባርዕ ኣጋጢሙዎ ተመሳሳሊ ዕንወት ወሪዱዎ ነይሩ እዩ።

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  • Johans January 15, 2015

    እዚ ህግደፍ ሚስጥር ክቀብር ዝመሃዞ ሜላ እዩ ሓደጋ እንተዝኸውን ሓደ ሰብ ኣብኡ ምተረፈ

  • goitom ወድ አረ ካብ ማይ ስሑል January 15, 2015

    they did it intentionally so that to destroy the document of the financial statements

  • Debasse January 15, 2015

    May be to cheat money. Cover up.

  • omar Mohamadnur January 15, 2015

    This is not for the first or second time happed before several time. And the only reason is to destroy financially related documents so that it can be easer for them to cheat as they have done it before

  • sedik January 15, 2015


  • ERITRAWIT January 15, 2015

    Nay Isaias bet sehfet abew kolo nsew gda zeykewen shegrna kftah.

  • ghezai January 15, 2015

    Weyaniye American eyom kublu yom

  • Mehret January 15, 2015

    Guys, don’t you know how PFDJ luckies work. When they know there is significant amount of money in the embassy, they steal it and then claim fire!! or Burglary!! It has happened many times in Sweden and other countries some years back. but some of the thieving staff then buy house or truck somewhere in Sudan or Kenya or Uganda. Such are the supporters and slaves of PFDJ. Let’s wait and see!

  • Michael January 15, 2015

    ምውዳቃ ዝቀረበት ገረብሲ ፋሳት ይበዚሓ፣ ህግደፍ ካኣ መሽሚሻ ዓጠጥ ዓጠጥ ትብል ኣላሞ ለኪማትኩም ከትወድቅ መጣቃዕትን ሃረምቲ ኮቦሮን አልይ በሉ።

  • Simon G. January 15, 2015

    It could also they were doing some illegal activities and something blow up on them. If not, like the rest say, it is a cover up to steal money and destroy documents. Everything HGDF does is illegal.

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