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  • Ahmed Saleh September 27, 2011

    For those who trying to give voice for the voiceless Eritrean brothers and sisters , you are good hearted nationalists who care more for your people than personal intrerest. GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL!I salute you with pride.Thanks.

  • petros September 27, 2011

    If Monkey was a normal human being i woulda said that wasnt nice. But folks we r talking about a mass murderer of innocent and unarmed civilians. Do you think i care if his human right was taken away from him? Absolutely not. He is lucky they didnt hurt him. If i was there and i am someone that lost family or freind bc of this guy there is no telling what I may have done to him. When Monkey went to his room bet u his Boss said u lucky they didnt kill you. EYC members it might not be the most refined operation but Yes it feels good to embarass that puppet. May be he will resign if he is smart

  • alex September 27, 2011

    deki hagerey anabes jignatat, tsuba seti. You are the best of best!!!!
    Yemane Manki, Has blood in his hand. And he know that?. But you guy’s you are the JAGANU EKUM….. And lets know where is his kids so We can plan in the UK too. awet nee hzbi eritrea!!!!
    Alxe wedi hager…….

  • Weldit September 27, 2011

    Someone shouted at Yemane, “ab ertra entezkewn qutsri 8 m’aserkana” looooooooooooool.
    qutsri 8 is when you ask questions, but when you insult him like that, they would’ve invented something more horrific.

  • seleman tombi September 27, 2011

    i am really sorry for those who are agamophobic.I thought you would learn about racisim and its impact from the history of USA.It is shame for you to be in america with your backward mentality.Agame are your masters and i am sure that those who r saying AGAME AGAME came to USA through the AGAME Territory.As the Tigrinya saying ” kab behaliu degamiu”, the one who posted this was the most stupid.I advise you guys not to repeat the same mistake.
    Mr Seleman

    • abdi September 27, 2011

      Agames is the best word to describe those beggars AND their korakur opposition wanna be Agames in eritrean its not a racist its true adjective for those woyane’s shoes lickers.

  • rigbe September 27, 2011

    “deqi petros ymotu alewu deqikan ab adi engliz ymeharu alewu””””tarik tesererihu ab newyork tseba setye yehwatey.

  • truly, Truly i say to you September 27, 2011

    እንት አሃስ ኩለን ተዘሚተን እይን፤ እንተ ንጸርፊ ግና ዝገደፍናሎም የብሉን እዩ ነገሩ።
    Realy from day to day I can´t tell how i disapointed, not only by the evil deed of Isayas´s regime, but by uncapablity and unmaturity of socalled oppositions too. Could any one not able to tell us how the NY Seminar was gone weather incase some questions were raised to challenge the regime there rather than this worthless report? In Addis ababa socalled intellectuals waela too we expected to know how all the discussion was gone on and the identity of all participants to but rather they let us to listen more the very very stupid argument specially by Habtom Yohannes against one of the best reporter Micheal Abraha whom i after Amanuel Isaysu admire. With such selfish Yihoda type socalled oppositioners hypocrite immature manner, we never ever will be achieved the change we like to see it. What is the use to insult someone in the street of NY? Why not inside The Seminar direct to the main Agame Isayas if you like ? However, i fully agree with Temesgen Medhane´s explanation “as they called him “Agame” it was not meant to denigrate the otherwise proud people of Tigrai rather, as they called him “Agame” they were telling him that, Eritrea is being run by people who are not Eritreans by blood where the true Eritreans are either sidelined or rotting in prison „ Once again I thousand times thank you Temsgen for the brilliant and the truth motive of the insult word “Agame.”

    • rationalist September 30, 2011

      you point is those people in power in Eritrea are not Eritreans but they are came from Agame. we Tegaru have not retard people like Isayas or Yemane in our history, to call like Isaya or yemane they are from Agame; this is an insult to the proud people of Agame.

  • truly, Truly i say to you September 27, 2011

    please read it the last sentence like this:- Once again I thousand times thank you Temsgen for the brilliant and the truth motive of the insult word “Agame” explanation.

    • Temesgen Medhanie September 27, 2011

      Truly Truly,

      Many thanks for those kind words hawey. Glad you agree.

    • abdi September 28, 2011

      Does the word Agame need explanation?
      Everyone knows including the so called opposition Agames in eritreans skin that agame means.
      A=aray beles
      G=qondaf eidu
      A=awray kufueu
      M=merat kdanu
      E=Ede Edlu

      i hope you got it ya AGAME.

      • rationalist September 30, 2011

        dear Abdi you say we Agame are aray beles, qondaf eidu, merat kdanu; yes we are before but now it is history we are struggled to change it forever, but what you say “awray kufueu , edi edlu” we are never like that before and now; may be this we can say to your government and their supporter. But one thing I want to tell you to insult Agame is not the solution for you country. Leave as we are not insult any people, we Agame now all our effert is to eradicate poverty by hard working, if u have little mind let me tell you one thing; people are change by education not by propaganda and empty pride, that why we build university and colleges, if u want to now only Mekele university and Axum university have more than 40,000 students this means twice the capacity of Sawa and we have also around 40+ colleges and one university under construction in Adigirat(Agame) area you may hear there is Agame university soon before 2012. So grow up change is came by hard work not talk.

        • abdi October 4, 2011

          Still you count looting as an achievement?so What even if you built the whole nation unis,have u heard about wochos tegelbeTkayo wocho,you still remain the jealous,beggars low and cheap ppl.
          Keep ur hard working (stealing) from the other ethios and keep distance from Eritrea.

  • jacon September 27, 2011

    what a moron gangs are those stupid guys, are they for real from eritrea they don’t even have a piece of respect for a woman they might be one of those hopeless and retarded ppl

    • Concerned Eritrawi September 27, 2011

      Respect long gone and throw it into the dump. Where were you when 20 years young men and women ELF/EPLF cadres were insulting our respected fathers and grandfathers back in the 70s? Our people lost respect back then and where were you when the PJDJ gangs were not respecting the rule of law? And now you want some respect for criminal and his partner lady? You need to get real, you have no idea how people frustrated and can not take it anymore. Any chance like this is an opportunity to release some stress that was build over the years. Please do not get surprise if you see more of this.

    • guest September 27, 2011

      The woman is committing an adultery , she was drinking with Monkey and went with him to his hotel , so she does not need any respect. I do not know her marital status but for sure he is married and he is committing adultery.

      It is shameful for high official , a married man to do it in public. So do not worry both of them do not need respect.

      • behakhi eritrawi September 28, 2011

        What a fool u r!!!!! Making such a comment without any grounds….. Where you there with him in his room -Afka maleka negetzarab? But again I guess IDOT adulters like YOU can only think about negative things, maybe because that is how you have been raised…… Therefore shut the hell up and have respect to others if you want to be respected.

        Bezekoney kaa, we should just let u bark like wild dogs, who cares what you think…….

  • Gideon Haile September 27, 2011

    He can’t fight back with a those people. First of all he is old to stand and confront those bastards. The only thing he can do is just walk with out talking a word. They found him alone and helpless. That is why they tried to intimidate him. A group of dogs barking and the camel keep walking.

    • Concerned Eritrawi September 27, 2011

      Indeed, he was helpless just like all the Eritrea people who are helpless back home and in prisons and Sawa and in seas. Luck for him this one was a very short and only a taste of life!

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