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  • adgi zigebereka teyki gibero September 26, 2011

    Proud of you EYC!

    • erian pure September 27, 2011

      yeman is herro awit nafsh

      • monkey left 600 usd tip while he was chased in new york bar. September 28, 2011

        Yemane is hibey.period

  • jeganu September 26, 2011

    It was braveness. Great courage. Ambesatat ekum kemzi zegeberkum. Fear has been broken!

  • Temesgen Medhanie September 26, 2011

    The much anticipated revolution has begun!!! If anything, this has heralded a mass uprising that will be picked up in Eritrea!!! Well done young brethren.

  • samuel September 26, 2011

    I don’t thing so, Yemane and follower release how mach people disgust them. Today it is not 15yrs ago. We enjoy chatting and dirking with our leaders we haven’t ever thought they steal our revolution betray their comrades but they did it
    They are heroes not gang. We know who gangs are
    Well done guys.
    If I were there. I would spit him on his face

  • Justice September 26, 2011

    Nisu wihidwo monkey tokula. Pfdj temen,,,hizbina tesakiyu. jeganu kebirka kemdilayka tigebir aloka, sinah keribu eyu firdika.

  • HGDF September 26, 2011

    I would be stupid if Yemane were to reply to insults from gangsters. Opposition turned into stupidity. Missed their aim or they didn’t have any aim at all. You live in developed countries and you don’t see the difference between demonstration and verbal harassment. Is that a big deal for you to personally harass Yemane? Are you that much immature? Eritrea is very lucky. It doesn’t have many smart enemies. Lucky to have enemies like you. You are so naive that you say “kebti emo tewesiden tserfi emo zigedefna yeblnan”

  • ተ.መድኅን September 26, 2011

    ዜጋታት ኣብ ውሽቲ ሃገሮም ብሰላም ከይነብሩ፡ካብ ቦታ ናብ ቦታ ከይንቀሳቀሱ ዝገበረ ፖለቲካ ዝሃነጹ መዓል የማነ፡ኣብ ኣኤሜሪካ ከይዶም ሸናዕ ክብሉ ንበዓል ኅልና ቅቡል ኣይኮነን፡እቲ ብመንእሰያት ዘጋጠመ ከኣ ጽቡቕ’ዩ።ጽቡቕ ስራሕ ሰሪሕኩም ከኣ ይብሎም።ግን እቶም ኣብቲ ጉዳይ’ቲ ዝነበርኩም ስሚዒትን ጓህን ሕርቃንን ተፋሪቑኩም ክትቆጻጸሩዎ ኣይከኣልኩምን።ካብቲ ዓጋመ ንህዝቢ ኣኤርትራ ዝገበሩዎ፡መኦኣል የማነ ዝፈጸሙዎ ገበን ስለዝኸፍእ፡ነቲ ጎረቤትኩም ዝኾነ ህዝቢ ስለዘቆናጸብኩም፡ዝገበርኩም ገይርኩም ንህዝቢ ዓጋመ ይቕረታን ኣብዘይተደለ መንገዲ ስለዝከደ’ምበር ናይቲ ጉዳይ ዕላማ ” ዓጋመ ” ዘይኮነ የማነ ከምዝኾነ መረዳኣታ ምሃብ የድሊ።


  • alem September 26, 2011

    Funny, you are outraged by the heckling the of a man who is impart responsible for the death and in imprisonment of countless people. the good thing is they are in the US, the land of the free. in Eritrea, they would have been killed or thrown in jell without trial for years. it might have been test less to call him a racial term, but let us hope one day we all have freedom in our own land to confront brutes like Yemane.

  • arcobaleno September 26, 2011

    These are brave people who have experienced terror and humiliation in their homeland this bastard and his master deserve more than this. the only sad thing is they used the name “agame” trying to offend him, The Agames are our future neighbours
    and we should be careful to use the same words used by the regime of asmara. call them animals , bastards, sons of the bitchs and whatever comes out of your mouth. spit on their faces whenever you see them. if get the chance terminate them.

  • mehari September 26, 2011

    shame on you guys. this is the act of coward and aimless people. this will never ever bring change in Eritrea. don’t be emotional, you are lowering yourself to the level of those people you call them gangsters. you are working against what you preach .
    you have to proof to whom you call they are doing illegal and inhuman deeds that the rule of law will always prevail

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