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Voice of Assenna: Remembering Lampedusa Victims & Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish – Part 11, Thursday, Oct 2nd, 2014

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  • gobo October 4, 2014

    ወይ ጉዳም!!!
    ኣብ መሪር እዋን፡ ጀጋኑ ኣሕዋቱ ጠንጢኑን ዝኸደ፡ ጅግና ክበሃል ንሰምዕን ንርእን ኣለና።

    • Truth Hurts October 4, 2014

      Who are you to judge a hero and a zero ? Would it be fine for you if Yeamne was executed by tugs ? He is a smart guy he left the struggle to save his live and that is why he is speaking now .

      I don’t know what you would have done in his position ? May be you would have contiuned executing Eritreans .

      ” Ab qunate zeywale belih “

      • gobo October 5, 2014

        ኣነን ንስኻን ኣይኮናን ናይ ጅግንነት ማዕርግ ንዕድል፡ ታሪኽ ኢዩ ጅግና ዝገብረካን ዝይገብረካን።

        • Truth Hurts October 5, 2014

          And History is made by human being not by somthing else , and Yeamne is making History .

          All this evil would have been covered forever had he not start to diclose it .

          Killing innoccent Eritreans doesn’t justify independent Eritrea .

          • Semhar October 5, 2014

            Think you!

          • gobo October 6, 2014

            እወ ሓቅኻ ታሪኽ ብ ደቂሰባት ኢዩ ዝስራሕ። ግን ኣብ ድሕሪ ማይክሮፎን ኮይንካ ወይ’ውን ከምዚ ኣነን ንስኻን ንገብሮ ዘለና፡ ኣብ ድሕሪ ስክሪን ኮፍ ኢልካ ዝስራሕ ታሪኽ የልቦን። የማነ ድማ ወሪድዎ ታሪኽ ምስራሕ ይጽልኦ!!! ምስ’ቲ ኣለኒ ዝብሎ ቀለም፡ ምስቲ ኣለኒ ዘብሎ ተምኩሮ፡ ናይ ብሓቂ ታሪኽ ክሰርሕ አንተኮይኑ፡ ንተመኩርኡ ምስቲ ኣለኒ ዝብሎ ዓቅሙ ኣወሃሂዱ፡ ንሃገርና ካብቲ ሕጂ ብጺሓቶ ዘላ ጥፍኣት፡ ከድሕና፡ ዝተጨብጠ ምንቅስቃስ ክርእየናን ክምርሓናን ምተገበኦ። ኣብዚ ሕጂ እዋን ካብቲ ወሪዱና ዘሎ ዘድሕነና እምበር፡ ኣብ ግዜ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ዝቀታተልዎ ዝነበሩ ሕቂ የኹን ኣይኹን እቲ ዝዛረብ ጥራሕ ከምድላዩ፡ ዘዘንትዎ ዛንታ፡ እቲ ዝኽሰስ ዘሎ መልሲ ዘይህበሉ ዛንታ፡ ዒቕ ኢሉና ኣሎ። ንሓደ ኣራዊት ክብልዓካ አንዳመጸ ኣራዊት ምኩዋኑ ሓንሳብ ብምርኣይ ምስ ኣረጋገጽካ፡ ብድሕሪኡ ነብስኻ ክተድሕን ኢኻ ትሓስብ አምበር ከመይ ኢሉ ኣርዊት ኮይኑ ኢልካ ክትመራመር ግዜ ኣይተሕልፍን ኢኻ። ስርዓት ኢሳይያስ- ዝይጥዑይ ስርዓት፡ ጨካን ስርዓት፡ ኣረሜንዊ ስርዓት፡ ንሃገርና ከመሓድር ዝይብቅዕ ስርዓት ከምዝኾነ፡ ኢዚ ዳሕረዋይ 23 ዓመታት ርኢናዮ ኣለና። ከመይ ኢልና ካብዚ ኣራዊት ዝኾነ ስርዓት ንድሕን እንተሓሰብናን እንተተመኻኸርናን ይሕሸና እምበር፡ ነቲ ዝሓለፈ ጥራሕ እንዳስማዕናን እንዳዝከርናን ዓሕ!!!ክንብል ክንነብር ኣየዋጽኣናን ኢዩ በሃላይ ኢየ። ሃገርና ሪኢና ክይንስእና!!!!!!!

    • Massawa October 4, 2014

      “ኣብ መሪር እዋን፡ ጀጋኑ ኣሕዋቱ ጠንጢኑን ዝኸደ፡ ጅግና ክበሃል ንሰምዕን ንርእን ኣለና።


      Yemane has done more than his share. He is a hero. And he will be protected by Eritrean people.
      Do you want him to keep silent ? . Fortunately, the truth is already out, even though you wanted to hide it by killing him.

      • gobo October 5, 2014

        ብወገነይ የማነ ክህሉ እምበር፡ ከምቲ ትብሎ ዘለኻ፡ ክጥፍእ ኣይደልዮን ኢየ። ኣነ ግን ከምቲ ንስኻ፡ ኩሉ የማነ ዘብሎ ሕቂ ኢዩ ኢልካ ኣሚንካሉ ዘልኻ፡ ኣነ ድማ የማነ ብገምጋመይ ብኽለተ ምኽንያት ዝዛረብ ዘሎ ኮይኑ ይስመዓኒ። ሓደ ነቲ ገድሊ ዝበሃል ብዝትፈላለየ ምኽንያት ገዲፍዎ ስለዝኽደ፡ መግድፊኡ ምኽኑይ ንምግባርን ነቶም ካልኦት ስጋብ 91 ዝጸንሑ ብጾቱ ዝሰርሕዎ ስራሕ ምንእኣስን። ካልኣይ ድማ ክምቀድሙ ልኡኽ ናይቲ ጋኔን ኢሳይያስ ኮይኑ ነቲ ዝሕለፈ ታሪኽ ኹሉ፡ ደምሲስካ ነቶም ለውጢ ኢሎም ዝሓተቱ ወገናትን ዋላ ድሕሪ ሕጂ፡ ከምገለ ናይ ልውጢ ምንቅስቃስ እንተተገብረ፡ ክደናገጹ ይኽእሉ ኢዮም ዝበሃሉ፡ ወገናት፡ ኣመራሲሕካ፡ ዕድመ ስልጣን ናይቲ ኣረሜን ንምንዋሕ ኮይኑ ይስመዓኒ፡ እንተበልኩ መሰልይ ይመስለኒ።

        • Semhar October 5, 2014

          Keep listening the interview you will know who is who in our straggle for freedom,equality, liberty and justice.

        • Semhar October 5, 2014

          Keep listening the interview you will know who is who in our straggle for freedom,equality, liberty and justice.

    • ERITRAWIT October 4, 2014

      Nay behakey gobo!!! naka mrda mewale kedley eu.

      • gobo October 6, 2014

        ዓቅሊን ተጻዋርንትን ከድልየኪ ኢዩ ERITRAWIT፡ እንታይ ኢዩ ዝበሃል ዘሎ ብዓቅሊ ክትዕዘብዮ ፈትኒ፡ ናይ ሓቂ ደላይት ፍትሒ እንተኾይንኪ፡ ማለት ካብቶም መንገዲ ፍትሒ ክይመጽእ ጫሕ ጨርባሕ ዝብሉ ዘልዉ እንተዘይኮይንኪ። ወደሓንኪ!!

    • Semhar October 5, 2014

      Thank you Yemane and Amanuel (Assena Foundation) for the excellent interview.

      Your interview will help us in forming a government for the people by the people and to the people. It will help us form a nation with the highest standard of equality, freedom, justice and liberty.
      It will help us in drafting and implementing our future constitution.
      It will help us to implement our Highi Indaba. We will make sure just like the good old days that all Eritreans in their fathers’ village will have a free land for farming and for building their house.
      It will help us in conducting free and fair election allover our original province and on our national election in Eritrea.
      It will help us in ending all types of forced servitude.
      It will help us to free all non-criminal political prisoners.
      It will help us to bring all the perpetrators to justice.
      It will help us to through the tyrant Isayas’s burned flag and implement our original liberation flag, the flag of our forefathers, and the flag of our martyrs.
      We will liberate our land and our people.
      We will let all our original provinces to govern them selves.
      Freedom will ring in Akeleguzay!
      Freedom will ring in Barka!
      Freedom will ring in Denkel!
      Freedom will ring in Hamassien!
      Freedom will ring in Sahil!
      Freedom will ring in Semhar!
      Freedom will ring in Senhit!
      Freedom will ring in Seraye!

      Our original Eritrean Liberation Flag, our martyrs flag, the flag of our forefathers, the flag that represent all our provinces and our nationalities, the flag that stand for freedom, liberty, equality and justice will be allover Eritrea and allover the world and at the United Nations!

      • Kabbire October 5, 2014


        Eritreans are dying by hundreds every month and you are obsessed about the colour of cherqi and the name of long defunct Awraja regions?

        You are living in the past. Grow up! Please stop spewing your garbage here. There are tens of thousands of Eritreans including many Warsays who were wounded, toiled in their own Eritrea-made-flag, the current flag.

        The UN had handed to the former Italian colonies of Somalia, Libya and Eritrea (under the Ethio-Eritrea federation) a blue cherqi. The Somalis and the Eritreans (the latter under Ethiopian sovereign federation) each accepted with slight change to the cherqi but the Libyans adopted their own. Therefore, the blue flag is technically a hand-me or second-hand cherqi.

        what would you tell to the old Bogos people in the current Zoba Anseba who happen to be Tigre and Blin, named after the rich Anseba river that crosses through their fertile land?

        what would you say to the people of Logochowa who are not part Hamassien nor Seraye?
        What would you say to the Kunama people who are not part of Barka but of the Setit-Sosuna rivers?
        The word “Denkel” is in fact an insult to an Afar. It is like calling them a “nigger”. The majority ethnic people inhabiting the present South Red Sea region would prefer to be called an Afar region or Red Sea region and their language Qafár af …

        Please stop dreaming of this old colonial partition divisions handed by the Italians.

  • Mike October 4, 2014

    Dear taffla ….. I would not want anyone to be Executed. That is totally against my nature and I have no knowledge of these people. I am remotely connected to them and the situation. But I try to speak like it is. Truth does hurt and I stand by it. Are you not witnessing many Eritreans being executed right now? Swallowed by the Ocean? Rapped by valueless nomads of Sinai? Jailed by lawless countries and abused by countries like Libya, Egypt, Sudan….?

    This is the very nature we Eritreans, I think, why we failed to achieve the promised “rosy freedom” that everyone was dreaming about? Stop pretending and start being fair and just.

    I also hear opposition and people who are sick of the current government – all stirring up clan based/tribalism/….system and some counting family tree…. Stop that too. It is okay to be proud of who you are but using such description to bring others to the same cause will result in unintended sad result. When Eritreans had it – it was all Angel Issayas and Liberator Issayas and when you do not have it – it is Evil Issayas, Evil Issayas…. That is just not right.

    So to get to my point (If I had any to begin with): I thank Mr Yemane for speaking out – but he needs to answer the question right out when asked if it is true story. My justification is what I stated above in the first partially completed thought process regarding those suffering now.

    Assenna – Good job! Peace to Eritrea.

  • Massawa October 4, 2014

    “he needs to answer the question right out when asked if it is true story”


    Brother, Yemane is one of the few, if not the only one, who is telling people the truth about Iseyas and his clique.
    If in some cases, he feels, what he is going to say will put in danger someone, he has the moral obligation to remain silent.
    Just think for a while, what you would do if the person who will be in danger is your family member ?

  • ERITRAWIT October 4, 2014

    Dear Yemane,God safe you to tell us what really happened to innocent dekey hager!!!!!!
    I wish you interview last for hours!!!!!!
    Assenna thank you!!!!

  • Honesty October 4, 2014

    አብዚ እዋን እዚ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኢና አብ ንጭርሓሉ እዋን ፤ትርጉምን ሕመረትን ሓረግ ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ዘይውክል አተሓሳስባታት ሳዕሪሩ ከም ዘሎ ካብ ኣብዚ ወብሳይት ዘሎ ሪኢይቶታት ብቀሊሉ ትርዳእ።የማነ ዝዛረቦ ዘሎ ብድፉኑ ክቁበሉ ዘይደልዩ ሰባት ህግደፍ ዝብል ቅጺል ከተልግበሎም ንቡር እዩ።
    ከም ሪእይቶይ ክልተ ጊዜ ክደናገር አይደልን ኢሳይያስን መሰልቱን ንሕዝብና ኣደናጊሮም ኣብ ስልጣን ተኮይጦም ኣሎዉ ሕጂ ድማ ብድፉኑ ዝተባህለ ተቀቢልና ክንከይድ የብልናን ።ስሚዒታዊያን ምካን ኣብምንታይ አብጽሒና አሎ።
    ንኩሉ ነገር አድቅቅና ክንምርምሮ ኣሎና ።እንታይ አዩ ዕላምኡ ፥ንረብሓ ሓፋሽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ይጠቅሞዶ ፤ነዚ ዝከይድ ዘሎ ቃልሲ ናህሩ ዝውስከሉ ድዩ ዋላ ተመሊሱ ናብ ሸንኮለል ዘእቱ።
    ክሳብ እዛ ደቂቅ አዚአ ንህዝብና ካብ ዘሎ ጭንቅን መከራን ከነገላግሎ ዘክእለና ሓሳባት ወይ ውጥን ዝሓዘሉ መልእክታት ኣይረኣኩን።በንጻሩ ንገለ ዝጭበጥ ስራሕ ዝሰርሑን ንጹር ናይ ቃልሲ ውጥን ክሕንጽጹ ዝፈተኑ ሰባት ምዝንጣልን ምንሻዊን ስርሐይ ኢልና ተዓጢቅናሉ አለና።
    ከምዚ ኢልና ዕድመ መላኪ ኢሳይያስ ከነናውሕ ተዘይኮይኑ ፍረ ዘሎዎ ስራሕ አይክንሰርሕን ኢና። ሕልና ነውስወከፍና ንመርምር ።ጌጋና ብዝአረምና መከራና ከብቅዕ እዩ።

    • Simon G. October 4, 2014

      What is your point regarding to this interview. You need to know what had happened in order to prevent future problems. Aren’t you the one who used to sound like hgdf cadres, from your earlier comments? We need to know and if you don’t like it, come back when he finishes. Meanwhile, you can read keleta kidane’s and his buddy alem goitom’s, modern hgdf old puppies, sequels.

  • Yebio.Z October 5, 2014

    There are many untold stories that only insiders can tell like it is. It is important that they open themselves if the Eritrea that many of us aspire to see will rest on solid rock. The extrajudicial killings that began with full participation of some of ELF commanders during the “kifltat” era and carried to its perfection by the EPLF, an organization supposedly formed as an antithesis to the ‘feudo-Islamic’ Jebha must be accounted for. The Eritrean parents who were caught up in a conflagration that they have little control must be told the truth. When I say the truth I mean the whole truth and all of it. It is healthy and not divisive to know the past in order to chart a new path for the future. I must add the difficulty of getting rid of the tyrant and his errand thugs at the top emanates from our weakness to deal with the past. All the shenkolel can’t put to rest unless we decisively deal with the past.

    • weddi kebesa October 5, 2014

      No one without mistakes everyone works for sure he is going to commit some mistakes .
      You talking about Jebha like just belong to Eritrean Muslim in this case you are having a misleading information ,if you compare between Shabia and Jebha or ELF it is like different between the EARTH AND the SKY .No one can say Shabia belong to the Eritrean and works for them Shabia was belong to Weddi Khommarit Asiyas . Everything could be replaced Except Asiyas in Eritrea .Yemane has been cheated By the fox (Asiyas ,but fortunately he wake-up and realise the reality and begin talking about what was going on by that devil so called Asiyas .
      Yebio Shabia’s policies are no value or put in account the people’s life and dignity from the beginning till now we can say Shabia is limitation of Haile’s Eritrean Commandos in agressiving and abusing Eritrean people .

  • gobo October 5, 2014

    ህዝቢ ኤርትራ በቲ ኣረሜናዊ ስርዓት ኢሳይያስን፡ በቶም መደናገርቲ ልኡኻቱ ብዓል የማነን ከምኡ’ውን በቶም ህርፋን ኤርትራን ባሕሪ ኤርትራን ዘይዛሓለሎም ብቕልጽም ቃልሲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ተጸሪጎም ዝተባረሩ ወገናትን፡ ሞራልን ወኒን ህዝቢ ክድምሰሱ።
    እቲ ኣረሜናዊ ስርዓት እንተኮይኑሉ ዕድመ ስልጣኑ ከናውሕ፡ እንተዘይኮይኑሉ ድማ በቲ ረቂቕን ልሙድን ስልቱ ተጠቂሙ፡ በቶም መደናገርቲ ቀደም ልኡኻቱ ሕጂ’ውን ልኡኻቱ ዝኾኑ ሰባት ከም በዓል የማነ፡ ነቲ ዝሓለፈ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ፡ ከም ታሪኽ ሓደ ውልቀሰብ ኣጋኒንካ ብምቕራብ፡ ታሪኽ መስዋእትን ጅግንነትን ህዝቢ ብምድምሳስ ናይ ድሕሬይ ሳዕሪ ኣይትብቆላ ሜላ ተጠቂሙ ሞራል ህዝቢ ምድኻም።
    እቶም ኤርትራን ባሕሪ ኤርትራን ክሰምዑ ከለዉ ዘምባህቁ፡ ታሪኽ ንድሕሪት ክመልሱ ዝሓልሙ ወገናት ድማ፡ እንተኮይኑሎም ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ደምሲሶም፡ ሕልሞም ጋሕዲ ክገብሩ፡ ክይደቅሱ ከምዝሓድሩ፡ብሩህ ኢዩ፡
    እንተኾነ ግን እዚ ኩሉ ሕልሚ ኢዩ!!!!!! እዚ ኩሉ ዝስማዕ ዘሎ ጫሕ ጨርባሕባሕ፡ ናብ ናይ ታሪኽ ጕሓፍ ከምዝ ጕሓፍ፡ ታሪኽ ይምሕረና ኢዩ።

    • Semhar October 5, 2014


      The more you listen to Yemane’s interview the more you will know the truth, and you will know who is who on our revolution.

      We will know how the tyrant Isayas destroyed our people, culture, and our religion, our laws (highi indaba), our constitution and our land.

      We will know how the tyrant dictator Isayas eliminated our brothers and sisters. We will know where about of our mothers and our fathers. We will know how he destroyed our villages (Adi), our counties (Woreda), and our provinces (Awraja), our country Eritrea. We will know how he took down our Liberation flag, our martyrs’ flag, and our fathers’ flag. We will know how he took our freedom, our liberty. We will know about his inequality, and his injustice etc.

  • Simerrr2012 October 5, 2014

    Please Amanuel Don’t divert the guest every time he says something about Petros Solomon.I do respect your respect and admiration for Petros ,however this individual made so many Eritreans suffer in the past. because Isayas killed you or imprisioned you does not make you inocent or hero we know what some of G 15 did work closely with Isayas to prolong the suffer of our people. Make the guest comfortable to say what he wants to say with out intervene when is not need. Thanks for your hard work.

  • Kissanet October 5, 2014

    It takes a whole lot of guts to stand for the betrayed victims and thanks God that you have it all to be their voice. It’s a matter of time until all hidden facts and brutal deeds on human lives get revealed. All these unneccesary extravagances on Eritrean lives do not have to remain untold. With your determination to stand for them, all these victims will not have been lost in vain. Even though they were supposed to be forgotten for good as if they had never existed, righteous guys like you emerged suddenly to mention their names and get them remembered once again. This will no doubt reserve you a prominent place in history.
    Your exceptionally strong memory of remembering precise details of names and events doesn’t leave any space free for doubt and uncetainty. Your eloquence and fluency in presenting the facts is a great proof by itself. This can only be done by a credible eye-witness like you, who has personally been present on the live-show.
    The independence of Eritrea had depended fully on its martyrs, its supportive people, war heroes and gallant fighters.
    All the killings of individuals in and outside the country had nothing to do with the Independence of the country.
    We Eritreans have been fooled for so many years to barking up the wrong trees and applauding individuals without knowing who they really were and what they have done to deserve the fames and positions they currently maintain. The hidden facts you are relealing now will not only help us differentiate the good from the bad but they will release us from the hooks of hearsays and uncertained speculations.
    Now, we have at least a reference to turn to.
    I hope many of other witnesses would also speak out before they pass away with all the facts they know. They should do it for the sake of all betrayed victims.

  • Semhar October 5, 2014

    Thank you Yemane for telling us the plain truth.
    Thank you for standing for justice, freedom, liberty and equality.
    Thank you for exposing the mad dog, tyrant dictator Isayas wedi Berad, his blind followers HIGDEF.
    We will liberate our land and our people.
    Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay, Adi keyih!
    Let freedom ring in Barka, Akurdet!
    Let freedom ring in Denkel, Asseb!
Let freedom ring in Hamassien, Asmera!

    Let freedom ring in Sahil Nakfa!
    Let freedom ring in Semhar, Massawa!
    Let freedom ring in Senhit, Keren!
    Let freedom ring in Seraye, Adi Ugri!
    Eritrea will be free soon.
    Our original Eritrean Liberation Flag, Semayawit Banderana will rise up all over Eritrea!
    We did it 1991 and we will do it again 2014.

    • Kabbire October 5, 2014


      Eritreans are dying by hundreds every month and you are obsessed about the colour of cherqi and the name of long defunct Awraja regions?

      You are living in the past. Grow up! Please stop spewing your garbage here. There are tens of thousands of Eritreans including many Warsays who were wounded, toiled under their own Eritrea-made-flag, the current flag.

      The UN had handed to the former Italian colonies of Somalia, Libya and Eritrea (under the Ethio-Eritrea federation) a blue cherqi. The Somalis and the Eritreans (the latter under Ethiopian sovereign federation) each accepted with slight change to the cherqi but the Libyans adopted their own. Therefore, the blue flag is technically a hand-me or second-hand cherqi from the UN.

      what would you tell to the old Bogos people in the current Zoba Anseba who happen to be Tigre and Blin, named after the rich Anseba river that crosses through their fertile land?

      what would you say to the people of Logochowa who are not part of Hamassien nor Seraye?

      What would you say to the Kunama people who are not part of Barka but of the Setit-Sosuna rivers?

      The word “Denkel” is in fact an insult to an Afar. It is like calling them a “nigger”. The majority ethnic people inhabiting the present South Red Sea region would prefer to be called an Afar region or Red Sea region and their language Qafár af …

      Please stop dreaming of this old colonial partition divisions handed by the Italians and look forward to a better and sensible Eritrea to all ethnic and regional groups.

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