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Voice of Assenna: Remembering Lampedusa Victims & Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish – Part 11, Thursday, Oct 2nd, 2014

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  • ኣርዓዶም October 3, 2014

    ክቡር ኣቶ የማነ
    ዝዋዓለ ይንገር፡ ዝተረድአ ይቕበር ከም ዝብልዎ ኣቦታት፡ እዚ ንስኻ ወሲድካዮ ዘለኻ ስጉምቲ ብጣኦሚ ዝንኣድ ኢዩ። ልክዕ`ዩ ብዙሓት ከም`ዚ ከማኻ ተብዓት ሃገራውያን፡ ንህግደፍን ፍንፉን መሪሕነቱን ብጽሑፍን ብኢንተርቪውን ዳሕዲሖሞ ኢዮም። ብዓል መኮንን፡ ብዓል ረድኢ፡ ብዓል ተመንዎ ወዘተ ዝበሉ ተብዓት ሃገራውያን ንኢኤርትራውያን ኣንቒሖምና ኢዮም።
    እዚ ትህቦ ዘለኻ ተወሳኺ ሓበሬታውን ዝያድ ህዝብን ሃገርን ንመጻኢ ክምሃርሉ ዘኽእል ሓበሬታ ኢዩ። እንተኾነ፡ ከይብሉኒ ኣይትበል፡ እቶም ገበርትን ሓደግትን ኮይኖም ትንፋስ ሰብ ዘሕለፉ፡ ዋላ ተጠቐስካዮም`ውን ስኽፍ ኣይበልካ። ምኽንያቱ ህዝቢ ይምሃረሉ ንስኻን ኩልናን ድማ መወቲ ስጋ ስለዝኾና፡ ሓቒ ተዛሪብና ተሃሊፍና ድማ ነቶም ኣዛብእ ዝኾኑ ኣብ ዝመጽእ ኣይክነቕርቦምን ኢና። ነዞም ኣዛብእ ቐተልቲ የሕዋቶም ብሂወት ክሳብ ዘለው፡ ፎእ ክንብሎም ስለንደሊ፡ ኣጆኻ ሰጋጥ መገጥ ኣይትበል። በቲ ትፈልጦን ዝርኣኻዮን ቐጽሎ።

  • gerimuna October 3, 2014

    Mr. Yemane, as others who are in pain due to abnormality in our forebear land. Indeed,we are faced with a Machiavelli in our midst. The more the story is told, the more it becomes petrifying. And your telling makes abundantly riveting. It is simply overwhelming the gross abominations of the dictator and his lackeys. I am convinced what you doing is a great job as Redie, wedi Temenow, dejen etc.
    I have no doubt,your political believes are meant to serve for the good of the country and people. You should not be detracted by few skeptics as we have gone through so many quagmires as a nation and people. That is okay to a limit.I am sure you understand and give it a room.
    I just want to say remain steadfast to expose the crime of this historical proportion in our new country of 23 years.

  • Mike October 3, 2014

    Well well…..

    I see some of the people who keep chasing the same practice as in “blindly follow what is spoken” are calling people names in this discussion filed…… To name a couple of these Nick names would be – Helen and Solomon. Guys, stop, think, check, ask, and check again….. there is nothing wrong with Mr Yemane – it is just that you need and must question anything in life. Short of that, I say, you two are no good for Eritrea! I think that is why Eritrea is where it is now – no one questioned and the “horse was running with no leash” – As Mr Yemane, Either you have to go all out and be brave or keep things in the closet. Mr Yemane should follow as what “Sefonias” has placed it eloquently.

    As Helen has it “………he does not want to risk some people (may be CIA agents) by PFDJ. I dont see anything wrong for the answer”. So Helen – is it okay Eritrean people are risking their life every day then? How much of a risk taker are you? Are you sure you are for Eritrean people? When others are dying and not just risking – would you keep information to save one or two? I cannot answer that but I hope you internalize that thought process….

    Peace to Eritrea

    • taffla October 3, 2014

      Mike. Do you want people to get executed by isias because you want to know who worked with cia?

      • ahmed saleh October 5, 2014

        I see stubbornness on your side to stress on putting someone’s life in jeopardy .
        When Yemane said ” I don’t want put their life at risk ” , can’t you use common
        sense to understand why he said that unless you care less .

    • Solomon October 4, 2014

      Mike/Well, well…
      Again, my advice to you is to be patient and stop attacking Yemane.
      Your shallow mind can hold no great ideas, stop playing game with us.
      Sefonias was referring to you and I am convinced that Eritreanism is a BRAIN DISORDER, with symptoms of ” Aquired logic Deficiency Syndrome”/ (ALDS).”
      Seems something is pushing you to accuse others.

      Thank you Yemane for sharing your experience, your logical and factual reasoning is very impressive and please continue to do the good work for the people of Eritrea.

  • Hazhaz October 3, 2014

    ከምዚ ኣቶ የማነ ዝበሎ ብዛዕባ ናይ ህግሓኤ “ስዩሳይድ ስኳድ” ወይ ጉጅለ ነብሰ ቕትለት፣ ብጉብእ ዘይተጸንዔ ስርሒት ኣብ መዕረፎ ነፍርቲ ድሬዳዋን ፍሽለትን፣ ተመሳሳሊ ዝ ኾነ ብዙሕ ፍሹል ስርሒታት ብዘይ መጽናዕትን ብምትእትታው ፖለቲካዊ ቤትጽሕፈትን ከም ዝነበረን ብዙሓት ተጋዳልቲ ብከንቱ ከም ዝሞቱን ዝተማረኹን ፍሉጥ እዩ።

    ሓደ ኣብነት ናይዚ ከምዚ ድኹምን ሰንካፍን ኣሰራርሓ ድሕሪ ናጽነት፣ ኣብቲ ንመንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ኣብ ዚምባብወ ንምቕታል እተፈተነን እቶም ኤርትራውያን ብዘሕፍር ብፖሊስ ዚምባብወ እተታሕዙን ሓደ ካልእ ኣብነት እዩ።

    ዝኸበርካ ኣቶ የማነ፣
    ዛንታኻን ዕላልካን ቀጽሎ፣ እቲ ዘይፈልጥን ሓድሽ ወለዶን ብዙሕ ይመሃረሉ ኣሎ። ገና ብሂወት ዘልዉ ኣብ ኤርትራ ክጎድእ ዝኽእል እንተኾይኑ ግና ብጽሑፍ ጌርካ ሓደ መዓልቲ፣ ግዚኡ ምስ ኣኸለ ከም ዝቐርብ እንተገደፍካዮ ይሓይሽ። ወይ ኣስማቶም ዘይምርቋሕ ዝሓሸ ይመስለኒ። እስካብ እዛ ክፋል እዚኣ ጽቡቕ ት ስጉም ኣለኻ። ነታ እት ስዕብ ዕላልካ ድማ ተሃንጢና ንጽበያ ኣለና።

    ብዝኾነ ኣብ ዝመጽእ ዕላልካ ገለ ኣብቲ ኣብ ሶማል ከለኻ ብወገንካ ዝሓልፍ ዝነበረ ናይ ኮድ መልእኽቲ ዘገረመካ ወይ ዘደንጸወካ እንተሎ ኣዘንትወልና ኢኻ። እዚ ናይ ሶማል ተሞክሮታትካን ዛንታን ንፈለማ እዋን ካባኻ ንሰምዖ ስለዘለና፣ ታሪኽ ወትሩ ክዝክረካ እዩ።

    • ahmed saleh October 5, 2014

      Wey gud , bizaeba nay code wedi code kheman kitifeltu tidelyu zelekhum si intawot ikhum
      Yemane intekhone sheyat hagheru kemzeykone bkedamnet kitifeltuwo zelekum ghuday iyu .

  • Simon G. October 4, 2014

    First, thanks as usual, for the great real story. Mostly horrible, but true and thank you for telling us as they were.
    One comment that capture my imagination is that about isayas’s past (probably present) clandestine work.
    If Yemane doesn’t think isayas is not part of that network, who would be? That is very interesting. Is yemane suggesting there are/were other people on the network that isayas is not aware of and he tried to protect them.
    Trying to protect who ever is/are is a noble thing to do. The only thing I wish is that/those people are not criminals.
    Keep it up!

  • Montana October 4, 2014

    Yemane jigna . Ajoka haki dahdahayo tiray

  • Truly truly i say to you October 4, 2014

    Dear Tegadalay Yemane i have no enough word to thank you for you sharing us your Gedli experience wilingly. You are realy extraordinary very brilliant positive person i ever know from all others former Tegadelties. I really appreciate your contribution. Kibur Tegadalay Yemane because you bringing the hidden secret story in to the light, i am sure your soul as be free and full of sanity because nothing matter can regret you as far you fulfilled your citizenship obligation.
    I feel so pity to the poor Naizgi kiflu without sharing the secret he knows for lonely passed away. But you Tegadalay yemane like anybody of us one day when die, i no single doubt as your soul be rest in peace.
    Saying that, at final brother Amanuel for raised that important question, Dear Tegadaly Yemane i may have big respect and have full understanding for that you like to kept it as secret, you said for the safety of others; but in one point allow me to disagree with you. May the word CIA it has to do with secret matter, Isyas like you said may not CIA agent, but if all of you let alone rebel leaders like Isyas or like Namibia´s , Mozambic, South Sudan´s you you name all rebel leaders all over the world you know , let alone the African and other third world leaders even most developed nations leaders would be without acknowledgement and good will of the US politic influence if you tell me they coming easily to power, i simply pity for you and laugh at you. What to say is, Isyas first of all he is not that much worthy or intelligent person CIA that much should to west time how to use him. In his ignorant nature let alone the US even Woyanes like by remote control without any contact are using him like baby. His wickedness and stubbornness because allowing without his concious to their benefit by instrumentalize using him; for him and many dummies worshippers even to you of people in opposition side , may think he is free from under control or influence of mighty powers. So acknowledging this truth, the right question Amanuel should to formulate instead the word CIA was like this , Did Isyas sent by H/ Selassie regime to serve the Ethiopian agenda? Because since H/ Selassie self came to power by powerful nation influence and support, actually his dismissal was not happened differently, but only our political understanding IQ because too low is we may have difficulty to analyse about . Anyway like Gadafi, Sadam, Mubarek and alike, because H/ Selassie also had good relation with the US that time , there is no reason to doubt Isyas as selected to serve the H/ Selassie regime interest. I think you all understand me what i like to address the logic.

  • Truly Truly i say to you October 4, 2014

    If you allow me to add one important point, like it or not our political problem also could be solved, if we get favour from US is only, even the president we like to elect as far as not get fever from US by no means could come to power. May some of you tell me, Truly what is wrong with you do not you tell us you are believer in God, but your statement doesn´t seem. Well in deed i only believe in God, but i know God as gave supper power to certain nation individuals . For instance in bible history, Nebuchadnezzar was mighty leader in his time like today US.

  • Massawa October 4, 2014

    The terrible secret Yemane tried to hide for the sake of people who could be killed because of it, is most probably the one related to his relation with Ethiopia during Hailesellasie. Tefanchiel Giorgio, Tegadelti and civilians from Segheneiti who knew it were all killed, but most probably someone involved in this connection is still alive. Thanks a lot Yemane, you are a great son of Eritrea.

  • Massawa October 4, 2014

    Correction: “is most probably the one related to Iseyas’ relation with Ethiopia during Hailesellasie.”

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