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Voice of Assenna: Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish, former EPLF Intelligence Officer & Member of the Secret Party – Part 12, Thursday, Oct 09, 2014

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  • Haile October 11, 2014

    Hi! Amanuel assenna foundation halafi! Absirahka awetin asaliton yimneyelka . Hanti habereta kibeka agedasit zibla . Nay Menkae tebahilom zisimeyu gin kea “democraciyawiyan” hade kabiom “MICHAEL HABTE” zitebihale gedim tegadalay nay 1972 E.C harbegna muhur bi advance bi A degree bi pharmacy muruk bi gize hailesillasie Dihri natsinet ni sidra betu arekibomo

  • Fact-is-Fact October 11, 2014

    Responding to your comment, “gobo on October 11, 2014 at 7:30 am said:”

    I have been reading your comments eversince the very 1st interview Ato Yemane T. has given.
    The fact of the matter is this, with all due respect to you:
    a) You are articulate in the Tigrnga language, and you grasp & know what you are talking about.
    b) Reading between the lines, You were part of Gedli even worse either you were part of the blood-drenched EPLF leadership or you were and still are part of the EPLF/PFDJ executors.

    c) You have a personal vendetta against Ato Yemane T. Reason is simple. If you had been honest who cares about the suffering of the Eritrean people, then you could have criticised Ato Yemane for the way he presents his historical narration. If you have credible facts that negates his then, you could ask to present your historical facts that put Ato yemane’s “lies” to sword. Yet, your coming in here and deliberately trying to intimidate Ato Yemane from speaking out what he knows shows that YOU CARE LESS about the people that you call “my people”. Because, at this juncture of Eritrea’s condition, even if the Devil comes from HELL to unsit PFDJ, the Eritrean people will say -PLEASE DO!!

    ስሕው ኣይኮንካን ብኣንጻሩኳ ድኣ ከምቶም እቲ Narcissm ንሕልንኦም ብሒትዎ ህብረተሰብ : ህዝቢ : ፍጥረት : ትንፋስ : ትርጉም ህይወት ብፍጹም ብፍላጥ ጠፊእዎም ዘሎ ኢኻ!
    ንሕስያ ዘይብሉ ሕልና ከም ካምቻ ዝብለል ! ህይወት ፍጡር ምጥፋእ ብወትሃደራዊ ኣሠራርሓ:ገድልን ቅቡልዩ ዝብል ሕልና ብሉል Humanity ዘጥፈአ creature ጥራሕዩ !

    so ንፋሉላዊ ኣሰራርሕ ገድል are telling us that Gedli from the onset was a military front and it was justified to even kill its own for whatever trivial & big mistakes that each Gedli member did.

    Gedli in your eyes HAD NO group of people who wanted it to be democratic. the one killed in 1973 b/c they demanded democratic way of governing Gedli?

    In your knowledge & train-of-thought, Gedli HAD to be a killer of its own, its captives, willing collaborators (such as the Ethiopian man).

    In your eyes & conscience capacity, every killed Eritrean be it in Gedli or the towns & villages by EPLF/ELF or whoever, can be seen as a collateral-damage because Gedli from the get-go was a military front and was justified to kill? is that what you are telling us? Reading between the lines, you are exactly saying that. Collateral damage?
    if leaders/fronts who care about their people/fighters faced enemy bullets and maimed occurred and if these leaders HAD SAID that in military zones “collateral damage” by enemy bullets can happen. If they say this, then you can argue, and rightfully so. BUT killing your own in the name of “WHAT” ? c’mon gobo. you, as a creature, will go to your 6feet under tomorrow. And expect the UNKNOWN for your cruelty!

    To me You possess a mind & conscience that is wired, shaped, molded, nurtured by Gedli itself.

    You seem to totally
    wipe out your sense of what Humanity means. If a human being starts saying yea..
    a) In a revolution, the front is justified to kill its own, to use, misuse, abuse, and trash them when their necessity is done like a paper cup, then YOU ARE NO HuMAN to me! Just like the Gedli leadership and its executors, your sense of humanity is wiped out!

    what Ato Yemane is telling us is that how Isaias STOOD OUT and controlled Gedli and his right hand men the likes of Petros solomon, Semere Russom, Ali Said, Naizghi Kiflu, and many more served him and served him well. Because their CONVICTION WAS NO DIFFERENT than Isaias himself. It wasn’t! The Only difference was that Isaias, give credit to the devil, outsmarted, outfoxed, dominated them in every capacity. And they gave in to his being their leader of evilness.

    Where is the grey that you cannot see this !? DUH! but you are deliberately writing what you writing.

    Ato Yemane – keep doing what you doing b/c you have overcome a wiped-out conscience and re-synced to humanity.

    • Hazhaz October 11, 2014

      dear Fact-is-Fact,
      I like your response to the coconut-head ርእሲ ዓካት who calls himself “gobo”.

      “To me You [gobo] possess a mind & conscience that is wired, shaped, molded, nurtured by Gedli itself. “

  • ERITRAWIT October 11, 2014

    Only few people like you they have the carriage to come out and fill the hole. What we didn’t know we were asking for long time how did it gets to this mess now is getting clear thank you.

  • Humble October 11, 2014

    Thanks a lot brother Yemane for exposing the criminal leadership of EPLF who killed the Ethiopian radio operator.
    The PAKRATT PK-232 system (a small box that links a PC to a communication radio) is used by radio amateurs in many parts of Western world, and as such is not suitable for military communications.
    Instead of getting some one who can teach them how to use it, they took the service of a poor guy who escaped from military, and then killed him.
    As an Eritrean who fought for freedom of his people, and was force to take the gun on the face of Ethiopian army in my country, I feel ashamed by to hear that an innocent Ethiopian soldier was killed for no reason at all.

  • Haqi tezareb October 13, 2014

    Well done Yemane, the crimes of Ghedli is coming out to the main square. The Ghedli Romantics like “gobo” may try to coverup but most of the crimes of Ghedli in Jebha and Shaebia will never remain secrete.

  • Desale Weldemichael October 14, 2014

    Stop interviewing….!
    I wonder those who impressed and
    What they call secret.over all your tone
    Is under mines the sacrify of over 100,000
    Lives paid to our freedom,you said ‘it was
    Easy to kill Isayas if they willing to’.admires
    We need nationalist, hero who focuses
    On our solidarity and Eritrea interest only.
    we don’t need losers and regionalists.
    Asena should use the air for Eritrean people benefit only!!
    We proud of our struggle !!
    Zelalemawi Zikri nswaatna!!

  • Robi October 14, 2014

    Hi Asena and kubur hawuna Yemane, belom tray nezom serekti Mafia nay Eritrea,ajoka dahdihay kulu seab ab zelo halyu biaka eyu zeelilin zizarebin zelo hakegna eritrawi eyu ybluka alewu.buzuh hzbi Eritrea semiewo zeyfelit meskinay hzbi hji eyu kabaka zsemio zelo, meas eyu part 13 tmetsie hamus hamus nbil alena hakegna tarikna eka tnegrena zeleka, nay Tarik tsehaftin temeramertin kea tiketateluwo do alekum ezi mai zeytekmena hkya nay Yemane nab books keyrkum nab hadish weledo ketesegagirwo tihetetu alekum!!! Men eyu Wedi Medhin Berad ezi kumarji lomi tefelitu eyu mebekolu and kfue srhun nay Edaga mstir koinu alo. Ezi hager zetsnit zelo aremin Wedi Medhin Berad wedza tsomakit krshen alewo bzeytrtir.ezi feger medenageri gena gena kwetsie eyu gudu, ajokum tegadeltina kea hanti eya mot kilite mot yelen hansab n ktsiwu wetsiekum not bereka gn be dhrekum ezi kulu ashkaelal tetsawitilkum Wedi Medhin Berad Nsu hji Millioner koinu alo be demkum be rehatskum tekamirun telagitsun n sikum kea dekikum n miebae keman teshegirkum hzbi yriakum alo. Ezi bealege Wedi tsomakit suwa be edilkumin be niesinetkum ztelagetse seab futsum ktmhrwo yeblkumin be kisado regitskum afra kemziafir kemtigebrwo ayteraterin eye ajokum. 5,000, 000 million dollar b mafia abliewo genzeb adetatina gn beer ycherarim neru kem dlayu zehimim eyu? Gelia tegadalay kea bret kalashin atfieka tebahila trshen thti meret tsefir nera. Way Hagerna zrekebkyo tsegem bezi Wedi komarit.uyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  • Solomuna October 15, 2014

    Thank you brother Yemane.
    Keep up the good work bro we are all ears. I was an arogant shabiya through out
    The years & I hv been convinced that Shabiya was and is a mafia group & what we
    Got is not independence but slavery.
    Keep up the good work and walk tall.. Ermiayas papayo was my role model in the struggle
    & unfortunately we all know where he/his sister are can you shed some light about his life in
    Thank you..

  • Mengis Bariazgi November 9, 2014

    Yemane please keep the good job! you are one of kind. Your detailed memory of events and the way you present it is amazing.

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