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Video Assenna፣ ህይወትና – Our Lives – with Habtemariam Abraha – Part 4

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  • Haileyesus February 19, 2017

    It is nice story from Our legend Aboye Habtermariam Most E.L.F leader and rank file fighters knows about Isaise when he was dealing with the C.I.A and with mediator Tesfmichel Gorgo .The E.L.F called them the ALLA group because at that time the AllA group were not offically split from E.L.F (KYADEL AMMA ) .Remember Isaise was a Kyadel Ama (general secreatery ) members .I think Abrham twelde was also Kyadel Amma memberes I am not quite sure .After Abrham twelde killed .The KYdel amma called the Alla group it is dangerouse group because at that time Isaise came to Semenwe Bhre was preaching about religion in order to recrute a new fighters

  • Freedom February 19, 2017

    We need such kind of witness in front of the judge . Aboy habtemariam is not only a historian at the same time he’s eyewitness I hope and I wish you will be I legendary witness in our revolution God give you healthy 100 years .

  • Debri February 20, 2017

    ኣንቱም ኣሰና:
    ቀደምሲ እቲ ሽምኩም ክብረት ኔርዎ፣ ድሕሪ እዚ ቃለ መሕተት ናይ ኣይተ ሃብተማርያም ኣብራሃ ምስ ኩሉ ሓሶትን ጠቐነን ሓርበኛታት ክቡራት ስድራን ሊባን ምስ ሰማዕኩ ግና፤ ነውሪ ኣይግድን እብለኩም።
    ንኣይተ ሃብተማርያም ድማ ከም ኣመሉ ክሕሱን ታሪኽ ሓርበኛታ ናይ በዓል ኣቶ ስብሓት ክምንጥልን ክዝንጥልን እንተኾይኑ፣ ዓዲ ኣርሕቕ ኣቢሉ በዚ ሽራሮ ወልቃይት ዓዲ ዓጋመ፣ ከም ኣመሉ እንተዝሕሱን ዝኸትርን እምበር፣ ኣብ ከብዲ ዓዲ ኣብ ሎጎጭዋን ሓማሴን ኮይኑስ ኣየዋጽኦን እዩ።
    ከምቲ ምስላ ዝብሎ፥ ንዓሻ ሓሳዊ ማዕጾ ኣርሒኻ ተቐበሎ፤ ብድሕሪኡ ከም ክንቲት ክፈኩስ እዩ: ዝብልዎ፤ ኣይተ ሃብተማርያም በቲ ዝሃቦ ኣነዋሪ ናይ ፈጠራ ሓሶት ከም ክንቲት ሓሲሩን ተዋሪዱን እዩ።

    ኣሰና ድማ ሽማ ምእንቲ ክትሑሉ፣ ካብ ከምዚኦም ዝኣመሰሉ ወኻሩ ሓሰውቲ ናጻ ክትከውን ይግባእ።

  • Meretse Asmelash February 20, 2017

    ክቡር ሓው/ሓፍቲ ደብሪ ———መጀመርያ ሰላም
    ቀጺለ ብዛዕባ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ዝገበርዎ ናይ ቃል ሓተታ ምስ ድምጺ ኣሰና (ሓው ኣማኒኤል) ዝሃብካዮ ሪእቶ ፍጹም ካብ ሓቂ ዝረሓቀ ኢዩ። ኣቦታትና ክምስሉ “ዝወዓለን ይንገርካ ዝሰሓተን ይምከርካ” ይብሉ። ኣቦና ሃብተማርያም ክዛረቡ ከሎው ከምቶም ይመስለኒ እናበሉ ዝትርኵ ተረክቲ ኣይኮኑን። ምድሪ ብክልተ እግሮም ረጊጾምን ኣረጋጊጾምን ዝዛረቡ ክቡር ኣቦ ኢዮም። ታሪኮም ሌላን ጉሌላን ዘይብሉ ከም ተረክብኡ ገንጺሎም ዝዛረቡ ኣቦ ኢዮም።
    መንእሰይ እንተኮንካ ካብቲ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ዝሃብዎ ሓቀና ታሪክ ክትመሃር ይግባኣካ ኔሩ።
    ብዝተረፈ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ኣብ’ዚ ዕድመ’ዚ ከም’ዚ ዝኣመሰለ ታሪካዊ ተዝክሮ ዓቚሮም ጸኒሖም ሎሚ ንዓይን ንዓካን ነበረ ኢሎም ክሕብሩ ከሎዉ ክምስገኑን ፡ ዕድመ ይሃብኩሙን ክበሃሉ ኢዩ ዝግበኦም። ኣነ ኣብ ኩሉ እቲ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ዝወዓሉዎን ዝሓደርዎን ስለዝተረከብኩ ኣይኮንኩን ዝምስክር ዘሎኹ። እንተኮነ ነቲ ንሶም ከምዚ ኔሩ ኢሎም ዝገለጽዎ ንገለ ገሊኡ ስለ ዝወዓልኩሉ ኢዩ።
    ንኣብነት ህዝቢ ኣስመራ ንወኪ .. ወፊሩ ምስ ወዓለ ጀነራል ጎይትኦም ምስ…. ብምትሕብባር ንኣማን ዓንዶም ንሎሚ ኩን፡ ህዝንካ ጠፍኤ ፡ በጃካ ርዳእ ኢሎሞ። በዚ መልእክቲ’ዚ መሰረት ከኣ ጀነራል ዓንዶም መጺኡ ነታ ጸልም ምሸት ክትከ’ውን ተሓሲባ ዝነበረት ኣድሓና። ርግጽ፡ ኣነ እቲ ምክንያት ሕጂ ኣብዚ ኣይገልጾን ግን ኣብታ ምሸት እቲኣ ምስ ሓደ መቶ ኣለቃ ርክብ ኣብ ዝገበርናሉ ግዜ ሎሚ ሳላ ጀነራል ጎይትኦምን ከምኡ’ውን እቶም ኣቦና ዝገለጽዎም ሓለፍትን ሳላ ጀነራል ዓንዶምን ህዝብና ድሒኒ። ቃሉ፡ “ሓውካ ኣብ ዝኮነ ደኣ ይጽናሕካ”። ቀጺለ ንዝሓተትክዎ ሕቶ ክምልስ እንከሎ፡ ጦር-ሶራዊት ነዚ ክዕጠቑ ከሎዉ ኾማንዲስ ምተካፈልዎ’ዶ ኔሮም ይመስለካ። ገለ ገለ ኔሮም ህዝብና እንድሕሪ ብኣልባባ ተተዂስሉ ንሕና ብረትና ናብኦም ከነቕነዖ ኢና ዝበሉ። ግን እንቛዕ ኣይኮነ ክብል ይድምድም። ስለ’ዚ ብሩህ ሓቒ ኢዩ።
    ቀጺሎም ሕሩይ ካብ ዝባን ግመል ናብ ዝባን በቅሊ እናተሳገረ ኢዩ ዝንቀሳቀስ ዝነበረ ይብሉ። ኣነ ንሕሩይ ኣብ ካልኣይ ሃገራዊ ጉብኤ ኢየ ንመጀምርያ ብኣካል ዝረኣክዎ። ሕሩይ ይትረፍ ዝባን ግመልን በቅልን ሓሊፉ ዝባን ሰባት ተሰቂሉ ንመንበር ካብ ዘቛምቱ ዝነበሩ ሓደ ኣካል ኢዩ። ንሱ ጥራሕ ከኣ ኣይኮነን ኣብ ዝባን ኣግማል ተሰቂሎም ሽጉጥ ተሓንጊጦም መንበር ቤቶም ወጽኢ ዝኮነ፡ ዓበይቲ ኣኬባታትን ዘይሓልፎም መሊኦም ኔሮም። ሕሩይ በይኑ ከይከውን ስዉእ ሓሊብ – ሰተ 2 ሰዓት ቅድሚ መስውእቱ ( ኣብቲ ካልኣይ ጉብኤ ክግበረሉ ተሓሱቡ ዝነበረ ሩባ ብናይ ነፋሪት ደብዳብ ቅድሚ ምስውኡ ብግመል ጉዕዝኡ ዘካይድ ዝነበረ ኢዩ) ክሓልፈና እንከሎ ማይ ዘይጠዓመ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ ዝተስታረረ ዝመስል ክዳን ተከዲኑ፡ ሓንቲ ናብ ሓውሲ ብጫ ዝሰፈራ ሽጉጥ ተዓጢቑ ክሓልፈና ከሎ መስደመም ኔሩ ንዓና። እንተኮነ ግን ንምንታይ ከምኡ ለቢሱ ከምዝቃለስ ከይሓተትናዮ ፡ ኣብ መንጎ 2 ሰዓት ብነፋሪት ተሰዊኡ። ስለ’ዚ ግመልን በቅልን ምስራርስ ንቡር ኔሩ ኣብ መንኩብ ሰባት ተወጢሖም ስልጣን ዘምዕድዉ’ከ ምስ ምንታይ ይቁጸሩ።
    ብዛዕባ ወዲ ጆርጆ፡ ክንድቲ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ዝፈልጥዎ ኣይፈልጦን ግን ብከፊል ይፈልጦ ኔረ። ንምንታይ ኵሉ እቲ ዝተገብረ ዘይትወጽኦ ዝብል ሕቶ ክቀርበሉ ከሎ ፡ ሓንሳብ! ደሓን ግዚኡ ምስ ኣከለ ከውጽኦ ኢየ ይብል ኔሩ። ቅድምኡ ሓሊፍካ ሓቂ ድዩ እዚ ዝውረ እንተ ኢልካዮ፡ ብክምስታ ይምልስ ኔሩ። ስለ’ዚ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ካብቶም ውሑዳት ሰባት ምስኡ ክራከቡ ዝኣክል ግዜ ዝረከቡ ተጋደልቲ ስለ ዝኮኑ ካብ ነበሩን ካብኦም ክንመሃር ጥራሕ ይግበኣና። ዝጎደሎም እንተሃልዪ ከኣ መልእ። ብዝተረፈ ዓይኒ ታሪክ ክትደፍን ኣይትፈትን።
    ዎደሓንካ 1

      • Meretse February 21, 2017

        I hear assenna team

    • k.tewolde February 24, 2017

      Love your honesty Meretse. Folks if you have a valuable input speak up,it is our story,otherwise personal attacks at the commentator is the hallmark nature of HGDEF,it is called character assassination.It stifles freedom of speech.

      • meretse February 25, 2017

        You said, “Love your honesty Meretse”,
        I will take this as a compliment. Since this is enough for me I will forget the rest. You see– how a friend of my ego am I? When I make a mistake I take responsibility; I admit, and that makes me feel good. I always do this to reserve my valuable energy Thanks to real I. How about you? I mean, have you ever tried it?

  • Mike February 20, 2017

    Let Abo Habtermaiam Speak his side:

    With all do respect – to all those who are not willing to come to Assenna and rebuttal the story being told by Abo Habetmariam – when are you going to speak your side? When are you going to share your part? It is clear that from some of your comments here “opposing comments” that is – you do seem to have some knowledge on the time and experience Abo Habtermariam is sharing – Well, do come forward and put up your side of the story.

    If you are speaking on behalf of others – then that is like barking on the wrong tree. You need to have the people mentioned during Abo Habtemariam interview – come forward and have them defend or tell their story. If these people you are defending are not with us in this world then – perhaps – others could speak on their behalf. But as messy as Eritrean liberation was – from what we are told – this story we are listening is probably mild however the beginning of the many more gruesome stories to come.

    I expect Abo Habtemariam to also share his side of regret or short comings at the end of his interview.

    Assenna is a venue where everyone is welcome to share his/her story – I think that is about everyone that is. Don’t point your fingers at Assenna. Restricting and limiting people from speaking their side sounds more like the single source media back in Eritrea.

    My Eritrean people – this bickering and whining about who said what has gotten old. Some of you are stuck in the old system – well not sure if there was an old system. What I mean is – stuck in yesterday. I am sure some of you could not even dare to come forward and say your piece for reasons that – either you are clueless or have a part on something. All that with all do respect.

    “Get your facts first, and then you can distort ’em as much as you please”. ~Mark Twain
    Assenna – keep it up until the rest get their facts together and ready to share.


    • meretse February 25, 2017

      Dear Mike,
      I don’t know if you deserve a response to your comments, but for the heck of it I will offer you a couple sentences.. You seem to know Mark Twain very well. If you let me use the painting brush which is hanging on the wall for no use, I promise to train you how to gallop a jumping frog. You see how kind I am?

  • Meretse Asmelash February 20, 2017

    Dear commentator,
    First I never pointed my finger to the interviewer, or did I? Second where did you find the statement that blames the interviewer? You also asked me to come out of the woods. You got to be kidding? Brother all you need to do >> is to raise head and look upward for I am always on the top of the hill. If you keep your head down and you looking for me in the woods, you will not find me there. Think about it, why should I prefer to reside in the dark caves when I have the opportunity to live on the top of shinning hill. I hope that will answer your concern. Regarding raising issues about the couple individuals that I knew back then which of course some of them late some alive, I genuinely believe my comments were balanced. Unless you skipped some lines while you were reading: all I have said was we had some tegadelti who were doing their national service (qalsi) on a horse, a camel or mule backs. Don’t be surprised though later on these animals were subsidized by Land cruisers. I will be more than happy to answer if you have any a specific question, otherwise have a good time.

  • Meretse Asmelash February 20, 2017

    Correction: please read as substituted instead of subsidized

  • Tesf February 23, 2017

    To all:
    Slander is the statement of outright lies intended to hurt someone’s finances or reputation. So, i printed “so and so secretly took money from X company to vote for Y bill in the Senate”, without any proof or investigative journalism to back up my claim, all because I thought he was a corrupt asshole who should be shamed out of public life, that would be slander. As soon as I print it, the rest of the media will pick it up, there will be an investigation, and the person could possibly be put on trial. It actually damages him, and his reputation will be damaged because of lingering suspicions.

    So the difference of Slander and free speech is, really, in both magnitude and content. If what I say 1) can be disproven – or even if I say something that’s true, but I have no proof – and 2) results in concrete negative repercussions for the victim, then it’s Slander and can get your ass sued. So watch out all,
    With free wide mouth comes responsibility.

    Assena please don’t delete this post.

  • Kiki Tzeggai February 23, 2017

    Dear Veteran/Tegadalay Habtemariam Abraha:
    My name is Kiki Tzeggai and I am the spouse of the Eritrean hero and Veteran Berhane Tesfamariam you quote in this interview.
    I would like first to thank you for all the battles you won. For all the struggles you fought. And for the independence from occupation you brought to Eritrea and Eritreans. For all the times you served and for the freedom you gifted our people with.
    Tegadeltys like you gave the best and an entire country thank you for your sacrifice.
    To your family you are a provider, to our nation you are the protector among many.
    Berhane meant so much to so many. Today, Eritrean heroes like him are not forgotten thanks to the testimony you gave in this interview. It takes moral courage and you have plenty!
    Berhane and his comrades are kept alive and find their place in our history because of your honesty, humbleness and courage.
    The impact of Berhane’s deeds will be felt for generations. While I know that Berhane is gone to an eternal place filled with Eritrean heroes like him, mine and my kids’ hearts cannot accept this sad reality.
    But the impact of your humbleness – Tegadalay Habtemariam Abraha – and the details of our history you made sure to never be erased by some, give all of us honor. Veterans like you are the symbol of our struggle and the pride of our freedom.
    Our flags around our land shows the fight you led and the eternal independence you gifted Eritrea with.
    Veterans like you are the symbol of our country; Berhane fought the enemy side-by-side with all of you.
    As Berhane said “An Eritrean is never alone”. With this testimony of yours, the kids and I know we will never be alone.
    Thank you, Kiki Tzeggai

  • meretse February 25, 2017

    ክቡራት በጻሕትንን ወሃብቲ ሪእቶን ኣሰና ፡
    ምስ ሰሓትካ ምክሪ ይርከብ፡ ምስ ……እግሪ ይእከብ፡ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ክልተ መዓልታት ዝሃብክዎ ኣውንታዊ ሪእቶ ኣብ ትረካ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ዳግመ ሪእቶ ከግብረሉ ተገዲደ። 5ይን ናይ መጨረሻ ቃል -መጠይቅ ድሕሪ ምስ መዔይ ነብሰይ ምፍላጥ ስኢነ። እዚ ክብል እንከሎኹ– ብዛዕባ’ቲ ዘቅረብክዎ ምስክር ነበረ (ኔሩ) ኢለ ዘይኮነስ ፣ ብዛዕባ’ቲ ድሕሪ ዝበርሃለይ መርዛም መንጸፍ ዘይምርኣየይ ኢዩ። ንዖኦም ሪአዮም መንጸፎም ግን ኣይረኣክዎን። ኣነ ዓበይትን ወራዙን መጺኦም ናይ ቃልሲ ተሞክሮኦም ንከካፍሉና ንምትብባዕ ደኣ እምበር ኣብ መንጎ ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ ሓውን ሓሰርን ዘእቱ ኣይድግፍን። ኤረትራ ደኣ ሓለይቲ ኢያ ሲኢና እምበር ጎዛዘይትን ፈለይትን ደኣ መኣስ ዊሒዶማ? Well! Again, all I could say is sorry and I should have known better about father Hailemariam. But, at the same time, I will always stand firm for the comments that I wrote regarding Huruy, General Andom, …etc.

    • Abedom February 27, 2017

      The guy has Shifta tendencies. All who know Habtemariam can tell you that. I am glad he real image is coming out. Sadly, it took this many hours of interview to see the skeleton of this haunted fella.

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